Monday, November 29, 2010

Day 111

Today I am especially grateful for my job and sorry for all of those who lost theirs. I know that things are not fair sometimes and life is hard to understand.
I am glad that I was able to stay busy at work, and give good customer service to those I was able to contact today. I am glad that I got some Christmas shopping done online, got my Christmas decorations up over the weekend and was able to spend so much time with family. I am grateful for my mom and all the time she spends teaching my son new things during the week. I am grateful for everyone who has a vested interest in helping me with him. I am grateful for fun presents... that I can enjoy... for a few hours of adult time that was allotted to me over the weekend, and for the perfect start to my new book venture! I am grateful for new clients that I will do a good job and find them the right houses to fit their needs whether they are looking to buy or rent. I am grateful for the trials and tribulations that allow me to grow stronger as a person and my family to grow stronger. However, I am also thankful for the peaceful times that have minimal to no worry.I am thankful to God for the little things as well as the big and for keeping me grounded and believing what I know is true and allowing my faith to grow stronger with each day.

Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. -Hebrews 11.1.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Day 107

Well today of all days is the day to be thankful... THANKSGIVING!
It is ironic that this day comes once a year. In reality Thanksgiving should be everyday. There are many things that we can be thankful for on a daily basis and we should reflect every year, not just on this day.
So what is Thanksgiving all about... is it the Pilgrims and Indians sitting around wooden tables in big hats and shoes with buckles eating with Indians in headdresses?
Not so much.
One source (By Joseph Farah World Net Daily) states that it is the Thanksgiving that the Pilgrims had once they separated from England and could prosper on their own, they were able to set up trading posts and trade with the Indians the corn they grew to pay off debts to London. "But it wasn't just an economic system that allowed the Pilgrims to prosper. It was their devotion to God and His laws. And that's what Thanksgiving is really all about. The Pilgrims recognized that everything we have is a gift from God – even our sorrows. Their Thanksgiving tradition was established to honor God and thank Him for His blessings and His grace."
This is pretty interesting since most people aren't aware that it is a Thanksgiving to God. But I like this concept for sure, and that is why we must be thankful everyday, especially for the little things we take for granted, and interestingly enough for the trials and tribulations that make us stronger and better individuals.
My Thanksgiving List:
My husband, son, mom and brother... my two dogs, my aunts my uncles my extended family, my mother and father in law, sister and brother in law and two nieces, and their extended family, for my closest friends that are like family, my friends, my co-workers, my neighbors, those who fight to keep my freedom and those who strive to keep our country nourished in beauty. For ALL the food that we take for granted that others in starving countries do not have access to 1/100th of what we have and sometimes even less than that. I pray for those that are able to give freely and bless the less fortunate with their time and resources to make the world a better place, and when I can I will. I am grateful for the beautiful Arizona weather in which I live, for the green grass in my yard and beautiful flowers to enjoy. I am thankful for my awesome house to live in, for all the toys we have accumulated over the years, for a cozy bed to sleep in when some may have none, cars to drive me places, computers to even put my thoughts out there, do work, surf the net and so on, for my cell phone that I can stay dialed in to loved ones or check on my baby when I am at work, for the peace in my heart, for feeling the presence of God in my life and for the strength to be the best me that I can, for patience, for wisdom, for talents that God's given me, may I use them wisely and with confidence and recognize what they are, I am thankful for all of this and more this day and always.

“It isn't what you have in your pocket that makes you thankful, but what you have in your heart.”

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day 106

Thanksgiving Eve... am I where I need to be, pretty much no! Two days off from my full time job, you would think I would have accomplished 10 times more, however with 2 part time gigs, a 14 month old, vet appointment, and a book venture, oh and did I mention I put my tree up... baked 8 pies, pumpkin cookies, sweet potatoes, went to the store twice, showed houses, cleaned ceiling fans, blinds, cleaned my carpets.... and the list goes on. I still think I need to be superwomen.... I really should be a lot skinner for as much running around as I do. I have been up since 5 and haven't stopped once.
Well, today I am grateful for what I did get accomplished, for the things I will have time to do tomorrow and for the forgiveness of my guests for the things I just didn't get around to cleaning this time....

Sunday, November 21, 2010

day 103

I am so grateful for my amazing weekend... for my friends and family. For my husband's hard work, for his help with cleaning to prepare for Thanksgiving guests, while I was out showing houses, for him practically making dinner all weekend long. For my adorable little son and his funny laugh. My the chance to have some hopefully (keep your fingers crossed) nice family photo shots taken, even though the weather decided to be a little nasty. For new opportunities. For a friend who chose me to confide in amongst many other people out there. For the wisdom or lack there of I was able to give. For the clouds and the rain. For my brother-in-law and husband getting down all the Christmas decor out of the attic for me so that I can decorate next weekend!
Today I am grateful for all the little things, all the small blessings and most of all my choice to recognize what lays before me, forget what lies behind, and live for what is happening now, because it can all change with one blink.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

day 99

Today I am thankful for friends who believe in me enough to refer others. I am thankful that even though I may complain at times that I realize that I am thankful for what I do have because there are many people worse off than me. I am thankful that I have a son who is healthy and even though he is whiny sometimes, he is just a kid and it could be worse, I am grateful for his health and his happiness, for his smile and laugh, that he can see and hear and feel and touch. I am thankful that my husband loves me and that I have two great dogs to give me comfort, for my mother and my in-laws, and all of my family.
I am grateful for the friends that keep me in check to work out at work, to lift me up and compliment me when I do a good job, for those who seek my knowledge and opinion and for the confidence of others. I am thankful that God will point me in the right direction to use my talents He has given me wisely.

As simple as it sounds, we all must try to be the best person we can; by making the best choices by making the most of the talents we've been given. -Mary Lou Retton

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 98

So this is the longest I have went without blogging in the last 3 months... jeez... i guess when you start your week out with 4 hours of sleep and you stare at a computer screen for 9 hours a day and talk on the phone, the last 2 things you want to do when you get home and do everything needed and put your child to bed, is get on the computer or the phone. I use to love to be on this thing... but lately I love my time away from it even more, it makes me want to go back to the pencil and paper days and jot down my thoughts.
Had a few great surprises this past week and still loving all the supportive people in my life. I have a list of things to do over the weekend to catch up, maybe if I do one thing a night it will help me in the end. Each day I can scratch something new off my list and feel accomplished and then I won't have to stay up too late one night or cram everything into my weekend.
Today I am grateful for nice co-workers, for good conversations with students, for friends who support me and unexpected mail, for my husband stopping to get dog food and for compliments at work on a job well done. For the ability to scratch one thing off my list of things to do tonight and hopefully 2 tomorrow, for going to the gym and getting a good work out and eating right. For getting a good laugh and for my son's unconditional love, even when we scold him, for the constant confidence to raise him the best I know how and for the dreams for my future, for the ability to embrace life and for my health.
You're blessed when you're content with just who you are- no more, no less. That's the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can't be bought.- Matthew 5:5

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 92

So today had its ups and downs... wow I feel like I say that often, but you know what it is true. I had some good news and some not so great news. I like to have my pity party for a few minutes sometimes just to get my frustrations out, and then I concentrate on the positive in my situation, to reflect on the opportunity.
I enjoyed spending time with my friend today who I don't see very often with the busyness of life, and I am grateful to those who support me, believe in me and are confident that I am going places. It amazes me how truly good supportive people can make you feel, how quickly you can go from down to up and how much what you have to be thankful for can override the crappy stuff. And how much your attitude and support for others can come full circle and support you in times of need.
My success is really not measured on the amount of money I make or the status of my job, it is about the lives I touch, the people who appreciate what I do and the feeling I get from the kind gestures and the support of those that surround me. They say to surround yourself with those who support the decisions you make and the lifestyle you live.
Thank you to my true love and my new love... for their inspiration to accomplish such an amazing dream.

If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, then you are an excellent leader. - Dolly Parton

Monday, November 8, 2010

DAY 90.

So when the things you are looking forward to don't happen to go your way, sometimes it is hard to figure out the why can't I have... but I guess feeling sorry for oneself or getting upset doesn't really make you feel better or get what it is that we wanted, so why do we do it? Who knows. It seems logical at the time to throw a fit, to cry, to get upset perhaps even yell at someone, but in reality it is a show that tricks us into thinking that we will be satisfied by our tantrum, no matter how big or small. Life doesn't always agree with our wants, sometimes God has other things planned for us, and the hardest thing is to accept that, move on and be happy with what we have and get. Take for instance the land that we have dreamed of building a house on for 5 years now, the fantastic home with 5 acres, horses, and room for our toys, that of which is no longer feasible, or the Nook that I wanted for Christmas this year- $250 for the color... amazing little contraption.... that no, I don't NEED, but as far as Christmas Lists go, I don't usually have such a big thing that I am desiring... throw the fact that our printer/fax/copy/scanner went out about a month ago and we have tried everything to trouble shoot it with no luck- so what is it that I NEED for Christmas.... LOL! Then I thought wouldn't it be nice to get my nails done for the Holidays... it has been a couple years and I thought wouldn't it make me feel great and pretty to have something professional and attractive to sport, but then we are faced with some car repairs and dental expenses and I think to myself- put that idea behind for now. I will chalk it up as perhaps I would just get spoiled and want to keep them so I will just look at it as best not to get them at all, too much of a teaser. Well, I think I have had enough of a pity party for one day. Maybe it is out of my system now that I can put this in writing. Perhaps the wants are just not meant to be at this time.
So I have to sit back and be thankful for what I do have, to cherish what means the most, to let the trivial luxuries pass me by and delve into the hopes of my family and friends. The health and happiness of those I love, the little boy who inspires me to give and get the most out of my life, for my family and friends who support my dreams, the husband who puts up with and loves me, even when I have the "crazies" and continues to come home to me every night and blesses me with his humor and support, for a mom that can never say know and is proud of me and all of my accomplishments even when I fail.
For days like today when I can wake up, hurt back, female issues and a stuffed up nose and still be able to say that I am grateful for this day, for the extra rest that I deserve, for one extra day to be home with my beautiful baby, to enjoy his smile, his laugh and even his little stubborn streak.
God does truly bless me every day of my life and for that I am grateful to be alive.

Rejoice evermore...In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God. - 1 Thessalonians 5:16,18 KJV

Friday, November 5, 2010

Day 87

It is really amazing to me how much you feel valued and appreciated when others thank you for a good job or recognize something you have accomplished... truly whether that is something big or small doesn't matter, it matters that you can make a difference and others will make a difference for you.
This morning I shared a story I read with some fellow co-workers about how we may just never know how we can touch the life of someone else and often not even know it because it is something we just do, and often times we may not even remember the person who we touched. That is power....

My email went a little something like this:

I read this story below this morning and realized it is true, often times we make an impact in another person’s life without even knowing it. Every day we should strive to do our job the best we can and give it 100% because we never know when it may literally change someone’s life in ways we can never imagine, for someone we may not remember.

Every one of us is probably looking forward to the weekend a few short hours away, but I encourage you before you leave to

Here is your Friday story,
A Touch of Lemon

When I met Mr. Jim Lemon, I was a sixteen-year-old freshman at Houston's Jackson Junior High and the chances of my finishing high school were slim. I was a troubled teenager with an attitude, living in a neighborhood that fostered troubled teenagers.

Mr. Lemon taught American history and it was clear from the first day that his classroom was not going to be disrupted. It was apparent very quickly that Mr. Lemon was quite different from the other teachers I had known. Not only was he a disciplinarian, but also he was a great teacher. He would never settle for my usual standard of classroom work. Mr. Lemon pushed and prodded and never tolerated the mediocrity that had become my standard.

On the occasion of our first semester report cards, Mr. Lemon called me aside and asked how it was possible that I was a B student in his class and a D and F student in the rest of my classes.

I was ready for that question. I passionately told him about my divorced parents, the local gangs, the drugs, the fights, and the police - all the evils that I had been subjected to. Mr. Lemon listened patiently and when I was through he responded, "There's a problem with your list Mr. Phillips, you are not on it."

Then Mr. Lemon explained that the only person responsible for my situation was me. And the only person with the potential to change my situation was me, and that when I personally accepted that responsibility I could make a significant change in my life.

He convinced me that I was failing not because I was a failure, but because I was not accepting the responsibility for my results in those other classes. Mr. Lemon was the first teacher I had who made me believe in myself. He inspired me to become a better student and he changed my life.

Ten years later, I spoke to him again. I was preparing to graduate from Chaminade University in Honolulu.

It had taken weeks of telephone calls to find him but I knew what I had to say. When I finally did get Mr. Lemon on the telephone, I explained what his brutal honesty had meant to me, how I finally graduated from high school, and how I was a proud staff sergeant in the Army. I explained how I had married the most beautiful and wonderful woman of my dreams and how we had a beautiful a daughter.

Most of all I wanted him to know that I was about to graduate magna cum laude after going to school for four hours a night, four nights a week for three years. I wanted him to know that I could never have done any of these things if he had not been a part of my life.

Finally, I told him that I had been saving money for two years so that I could invite he and his wife to come to Hawaii at my expense to be part of my graduation. I'll never forget his response. Mr. Lemon said, "Who is this again?"

I was just one of hundreds of students whose life he changed and he seemed genuinely surprised of his impact.

Perhaps none of us realize the impact that we have on other people nor do other people have any idea how much of an impact they have on us. How much, then, should we be aware of our influence on others to make sure that it is for the best? And how much more should we tell those who have had a positive impact on our lives?

Rick Phillips

Rick Phillips is a motivational speaker and trainer. You can visit his website at: or feel free to email your comments to

Thursday, November 4, 2010

day 86

Wow it is amazing how well your day can turn out when you set your mind to making it that way. No matter what comes your way, your positive outlook and sparkling personality can see you through, I was able to encourage others, give kudos when due and smile when I spoke, sometimes I think this can make a huge difference between the whiny, complaining day you could have and the happy go lucky day you should have. I was able to take some one's "case of the I don't want to's" attitude... and give them as much insight as I could and not let their negative attitude affect my positive one... I really am getting better at this sort of thing.

I am grateful today for the many blessings I have received, for my smooth day at work, my harmonious relationships, my growing little boy, for the family and friends that support me, for a reliable car, for the possibilities that face me in my future and the ability to live in the NOW and enjoy each minute to the fullest.

"Whenever you have the opportunity you should do good to everyone." Galatians 6:10 NLT

Monday, November 1, 2010

day 83 of 365

Wow, what a weekend... fabulous and filled with fun... so grateful for my cute little kid and my loving supportive family. I ran into someone at the grocery store yesterday that made me realize just how lucky I am to have a family, a husband who loves me and sticks with me, even through the ups and downs.... it is nice to have that support and love in my sometimes unstable life. I am extremely blessed to have found such a great guy, even if sometimes I get disappointed in some things.... I love that he is a part of my life.
I am trying to find the right words to go for my goal and wish for my dreams, I need a little help and I need to ask for that help, sometimes it is hard and I am not certain how to word asking for help of others, but I know that is can be done and a lot of people will support me, so my goal for myself in the next couple of days is to find the right words to express what I need and put it out there....
Thank you today for a successful day at work, for accomplishing the things I needed to get done and for cherishing the life that I have and living it to the fullest, because as I was reminded to day at a memorial service for a fellow co-worker... life could be short, and we need to do all that we can to make it count while we are here to do so, because once we are gone, others may have only have our memory, we can chose if we want to create good or bad things for them to remember....
I think that slowly and surly I am creating a life for myself and my family that is worth value and counts for us and hopefully those around me...celebrate life everyday....cherish all your blessings...count all the good things twice, it will make all the bad things seem less worth our attention, and chose to do good things that you will be remembered for, because once we are gone, that will be what counts...