Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Not so bad.

Okay so day 3 of my class and apparently I like to freak out a little sometimes. But heck I haven't went to school in 11 years and online school is NOT easy. There is really a lot of work involved to show that you are participating and actually earning your degree. I successfully received my very first star as you would say and I really think I can do this. I have a new found confidence from a reliable source one that will forever be embedded in my mind. And although I am not willing to share this revelation with the world, I can say this; it truly gives me the push I need to take hold of my dreams, to not give up. Those people who have been extremely successful in their ambitions have failed more times than can be counted, the difference between them and others is that they weren't willing to give up or take no for an answer, they had the confidence in themselves and believed in their ideas with their whole heart. That is what took them places.
It is the difference between my students who complain that the can't go to class because the had a cold for a week, or they missed an assignment due to a sick child or they were working two jobs or a lot of overtime, and those students who call and are in the hospital or had 2 deaths in their family in one week that still are able to somehow post and get their assignments in on time. It isn't that their circumstances are all that different or that one student is better able to handle stress then another. I truly believe that it comes down to DESIRE. The person who desires the outcome or believes that they will let nothing stand in the way of their dream is able to reach it. The student who doubts themselves or lets others influence their decisions are the ones that feel they need to go to school or someone is telling them that they should, their hearts are not in it and they don't have the passion for it, those are the ones who will not succeed. They will be more easily influenced by circumstance and obstacles that surround them.

"Because you're human, it is your nature to journey, to discover that what you've been looking for is all around you. Very often the grassy spot you seek is right under your feet. You just need to awaken to that knowledge that's hidden from your conscious mind. Yes, you're wearing ruby slippers and can go home anytime you like. For now, embrace this grand adventure."

Colette Baron-Reid
Author of The MAP: Finding The Magic and Meaning in the Story of Your Life

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

what was I thinking

Well, decided that if I work for a college, maybe I should go back to college, heck I have been there 18 months and could have had my master's degree about now, but I waited for the right time... what is the right time? Is there a right time? I am constantly listening to students belly ache about all the obstacles in their life they encounter preventing them from attending class or doing well. Today was officially my 1st day of class and let me tell you many things played a major role in my obstacles. I will definitely spare you the kid/pet details, I then emailed out football pools( I will have to send some more tomorrow), looked up rentals for 2 people and houses for another- so now I am writing along on my blog and then I will go to class. Wow the convenience of online school. How great anytime/anywhere... but I was literally exhausted at the dinner table at 6 and ready to go to sleep, it is now 9:15 and I have to read a chapter, post a BIO and think of what to answer for a Discussion Question, life isn't as simple as it was when I was earning my Bachelor's degree almost 11 years ago, no husband, no house, no kids, no pets, no full time job with a 2 hour commute per day.
I am grateful for the opportunity to go to school. For the country I live in. For the rights that I have. For the support of friends and family no matter what my decision is and what I pursue. For crazy times and peaceful times. For examples of others of what to do and not to do, for knowing my limits, and pushing them when it counts, for my fear of failure but ability to charge against it, knowing I have tried.
Here is to the next 6 weeks, whatever it may involve, because as I tell my students, 18 months will go by quicker than you think and it is such a short period of time in your life for the end result.... yay Dani... good advice. (insert eye roll)

Monday, January 17, 2011

small things

"Often we allow ourselves to be upset by small things we should despise and forget. We lose many irreplaceable hours brooding over grievances that, in a year's time, will be forgotten by us and by everybody. No, let us devote our life to worthwhile actions and feelings, to great thoughts, real affections and enduring undertakings."

Andre Maurois
1885-1967, Writer

This quote really makes me think. I often allow little menial things really bother me or I read too much into something someone said or a gesture they used when speaking to me. I sometimes allow trivial nuisances bug me, that I really should just shake off and let go. By pointing these things out to other people I think may cause a far less desirable conclusion then biting my tongue and going about my business.
I take this quote to heart when I think of arguments that my mother and I or my husband and I get into, that days, sometimes hours later I really can't remember what it was about, and I surely can't remember the exact things said. So in all actuality they were only important in the heat of the moment, so were they really that important. Probably not. Did I gain something from bringing up past disappointments? Did it get me the results I desired or just more stress and headache? Probably the latter.
Sometimes I think I place too much stress on things that I think people are thinking about me, or through my own lack of self worth, confidence or what I think I may not deserve. I try to hard to make others happy, thinking it will in turn make me happy to see others prosper and then when I can't make them happy, I am not happy. So I have decided that I am going to stop trying so hard to make others happy, they truly can only make themselves happy and start accepting things as they are and just taking the journey, step by step and day by day to find my own true happiness.

Monday, January 10, 2011


I often wonder how much of our lives is spent trying to predict things? I just finished updating my real estate blog. It is about time, a friend of mine made me realize over the weekend that I should never give up something I am good at or truly love. I should have more confidence in myself and my abilities.
Back to the predictability, so many of us spend time trying to predict the future, what will the weather be like tomorrow, how will our day go, what will the real estate market be like, what will our friend say if we say this, what will the answer be to our question asked, what will so and so's reaction be, what will my job be like, what will our kids look like, will be have a boy or girl? I could go on and on. Not quite sure what I gain from this, does it make us feel like we have more insight into our future, is it just fun to pretend we could know or expect what will happen next? Does it become more likely to happen the way we picture, dream or think that it will be? Perhaps we will it that way? Not quite too sure if it is coincidence or fate.
I will continue to believe that we are what we think we are, we can do what we think we can go, we can dream big and make things happen if we are determined to it. We can also have the opposite affect, the more we think we can't we can't because we some how convince ourselves for it to be true. So even though not all situations have positive outcomes, it is sure worth my while to believe that they will, because if I believe that they won't maybe just maybe I caused it to be that way. Some may disagree saying that being positive with a negative outcome is a lot more disappointing then thinking the worst and it not turning out so bad,
I say heck with thinking that is the worst or could be the worst. I truly believe if you try your hardest to believe in the positive outcome, something positive will manifest from it, whether it is actually what you want out of the situation or whether it is in someone Else's plan, you may not even recognize what your positive outcome is until much later on, but I do believe that things happen for a reason and I would rather that reason be after I give it 100% of what I have, then to think I just threw in the towel, decided at the get go it would be negative and then receive nothing for the experience.
So today I am thankful for all my experiences whether good or bad, that I find that one positive thing, whether a life lesson, a learning experience or just realize it was something that I thought I wanted or needed that just wasn't meant to be so, because something else was lurking on the horizon just beyond my reach at this time. My journey (remember life is a journey not a destination) will reveal something new and better to me I just need to get to it. I am thankful for others to find their way along their journey and be able to learn from their positive and negative situations. Tonight I am also thankful for a special someone to find what it is that they have lost, for it to come back to them in a pleasant and perhaps unexpected way, for the light to shine upon the new day and show them that even though it was once lost it is now found and they shall rejoice.
I am grateful for my talents, my renewed confidence in my abilities and that 2011 will allow me to soar to new levels, experience new things and enjoy the memorable ride my journey has in store.
"why is light given to him that is in misery, and life to the bitter in soul, who long for death, but it comes not, and dig for it more than for hid treasures;who rejoice exceedingly, and are glad, when they find the grave? Why is light given to a man whose way is hid, whom God has hedged in? For my sighing comes as my bread, and my groanings are poured out like water. For the thing that I fear comes upon me, and what I dread befalls me. I am not at ease, nor am I quiet; I have no rest; but trouble comes- Job 3:20-26
FAITH is the evidence of things not seen. - Hebrews 11:1 KIV
Change your thoughts and change your life!

Monday, January 3, 2011

resolutions? beginnings?

So I was thinking a few weeks ago and was reminded today about a topic that I thought was pretty interesting. At my work meeting today we discussed New Years Resolutions, went around to say if you made them or not and what they were.
Often times I catch myself making promises, goals, new years resolutions and what have you at various times throughout the year, various milestones, etc. Why is it that we make them at the beginning of a week, a month a year? Why not on a Thursday start or the 13th of the month or in March.... What is it that dictates to us that it has to be at the beginning, what are we gaining from this? Do we think it will buy us more time, do we think we will be looked at as weird if we started a diet on a Friday rather than a Monday morning? I am really not sure.
I guess the beginning of anything signifies a new start, so the start of a new week, month or year just naturally falls into place for goals and resolutions.
What is it that you want to accomplish this year? What are your reasons? Is it attainable? Can you hold yourself accountable to getting the right results for you? Are you looking to lose weight, find a significant other, treat your family or friends better, get a better paying job, start or finish school, be more patient with your kids, your spouse?
I have decided one of my goals is to keep my seat belt on until I pull in the parking space, my driveway or where my end destination is, I have gotten in the bad habit of taking it off around the corner from home, when I pull into a parking lot instead of my space and so on, this may be small, but it sure is attainable, and safer.
I also want to be a more active listener both professionally and personally, I am not a rude person, and often peole ask my opinion on things or come to me for advice, but I so often want to fix the person's issue or problem right away, not giving them ample time to vent or finish their story, perhaps they don't want it fixed, they just want someone to listen. I want to pause more in conversation and ask more questions when engaged in a conversation. I want to stop and not be rushing anyone, to pay more attention to what they are saying and not just what I am hearing, to give them ample time to say what they are aiming at, to better respond to their needs. Not all people are created equal and not all needs are the same, just because someones situation is the same we need to listen to what each person needs from us, to make their experience is better.
Oh and loosing weight that is on there as well... but when isn't it. LOL!
“A good listener tries to understand what the other person is saying. In the end he may disagree sharply, but because he disagrees, he wants to know exactly what it is he is disagreeing with.” Kenneth A Wells.