Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas angel

Every once in a while there is a person that comes along in your life that makes a light bulb go on inside your head. Someone who helps you realize you do make a difference. Someone who says something that really clicks in your mind and changes you forever. It isn't that you don't really know what they are saying, it isn't some new discovery that shapes you, it is just a reminder of who you are and what you stand for; a recognition of what is standing in the way of that person you truly are. They just reiterate to you and believe in you enough to make that difference or drive that you have simply bounce back, it is almost instantaneous. That little gesture or conversation can change your life for the better and those around you will be grateful. Those who are affected may not know exactly why the difference or the "old" you has returned, but believe me they will be grateful. I thank my Christmas angel for reminding me that life is about choices, that I can't fix every situation no matter how hard I want to or try, that I can't always be disappointed in myself if I can't fix it, I can't allow myself such a heavy burden of thinking others expect so much of me, then being so hard on myself when I can't deliver. Sometimes I can only add value, I can only be sincere, humble, genuine and I have to let go of the things that are beyond my control. May 2012 bring peace in my heart, kindness in my actions, compassion in my voice, patience in my teachings and much much more beautiful things.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


So what did our parents do when we were kids. How in the world did we get by in the car for a trip or long drive let alone 30 minutes. I thought I had the routine lengthy drives (since we live out so far) down pat. Pop in a movie and I am good to go. Maybe an occasional "mom" or needing attention for a drink or to look at something but pretty much engrossed in his movie enough not to whine or bother me. Oh, but what happens when he is so used to this routine and the movie player stops working. The myriad of questions and talking doesn't stop, the whiny voice the persistent talking and then screaming if he doesn't get down or that he wants to "drive" mommy's car. I created a monster! UGH. So I magically slip on the CD player with a Disney CD, of which there are 27 songs and he only wants to listen to the ones where he hears Mickey's voice- which amounts to listening to the same 4 songs over and over again. Well then what happens when mommy's CD player becomes frozen on CD 4 out of 6 and you can not skip, move or eject the silly thing and it just won't play a song for anything. I think I decided that was about the time I really really needed a vacation away, from EVERYTHING! LOL! No seriously, how did we as kids go from practically no car seats and be able to entertain ourselves with toys in the back seat or looking out the window. I am so disappointed in myself for making the movie watching such a routine that when it isn't there the child doesn't understand why it isn't working and why mommy can't just fix it or go grab a new one at the store on the way home. There is no pleasing or reasoning with a 2 year old, who I have trained to watch a video when he is in my car. So I have decided that there must be some other way or avenue to break this habit but keep my sanity in the meantime while I re-train him to play with toys, look out the window or some other form of entertainment. I think that it is definitely doable it just make a few trips to re-train him and allow him to see that those things are not necessities, they obviously weren't for me and guess what I survived and so did my mom. 2 may be young for a person to truly understand the concept, but it sure is worth teaching that we can not and will not always get our way, and throwing a fit about it exhausts energy and really isn't worth the fight.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Continuing Calm

So the other night I received something in the mail that was pretty disturbing after I had already thought it was taken care of, and of course it was 5:07 pm and too late to call and question or straighten it out. Of course. How often does stuff like this happen and put us into a tizzy where we get upset and our brains get the best of us and we think the worst. I decided after getting a little upset of course that I would just wait until the next day because getting upset really wasn't going to fix or erase or give me the answers that night that I was looking for. I actually let it go, I fell asleep at a decent time and I didn't wake up bothered by it in the middle of the night. The next morning I did think of it again and had a little bit of anxiety, however on my way to work I told myself that I needed to just wait and then deal with the issue, if it was even an issue or a mistake. Getting worked up about it prematurely only depletes my energy and strength. The next day I was given the happy news that indeed it was a mistake and that I didn't have anything to further worry about. What a huge relief off my shoulders and a lot less energy that was depleted from me getting worked up over nothing. Don't get me wrong, I did get a little upset, but a lot less than I normally would. Sometimes there are many things in our life that are definitely beyond our control and depleted our energy whether it is premature or is really valid, still doesn't fix whatever the issue is that arises. So the next time you are faced with an issue and you can chose to worry yourself into anxiety or be patient and see if it is truly and issue and if not feel relieved and if it is then take the necessary steps to do what is needed.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Actively Listening

So I order a peppermint coffee with cream from the coffee cart at work yesterday, the guy proceeds to repeat my order and then I start talking with the person next to me no longer paying attention. The lady goes to ring me up and I hand her my debit card, before I realize she says $3.88 she has already swiped my card. I say to her, $3.88 your large coffee price on the menu says $1.95( which by the way is still way more expensive then circle K! lol) but nonetheless I am dumbfounded. I ask them why so much and the coffee cart guy says that I ordered a latte. A latte? Really? I nicely say, I ordered a peppermint coffee with cream and you repeated it back to me and even asked me if I wanted skim or whole milk... well actually I wanted cream, but I said 2% meaning for him to mix he skim and whole... Anyway, I said well I really just wanted coffee, how much is that, he said $1.95. I asked how I should have ordered it to get coffee and he seemed confused. I again mentioned that I didn't order a latte, and instead of saying oh I am sorry about that he proceeded to tell me the difference in price between espresso and plain coffee... um okay... anyhow, I nicely mentioned again that all I wanted was peppermint coffee, so the man (notice how I am not calling him the barista; far from it) says he will remake my coffee with a very agitated look on his face, like I should have just taken the latte and been happy with it, and the lady proceeds to dig through the tip jar to give me the difference between what she charged my card and a cup of coffee.
So not to be rude here, but I think if there was a little active listening involved in what I wanted maybe it wouldn't have leaded to frustration on any one's part. This is why I say, BE interested in what others have to say, Don't just ACT interested, it may make all the difference. Oh and did I mention this was the 2nd mistake the guy made in the very few times I have purchased coffee at this particular stand... I am thinking trend here.
But in all actuality I guess the blessing here is that I should be grateful that I have a job and a coffee cart in the first place.