Do you ever feel less than confident? Does it seem like no matter what you have going on and no matter how hard you try, you are spinning your wheels and not feeling like you are really doing what you should, or is it that you don't feel like you are doing what you are expected? Do you ever feel underappreciated, or taken advantage of your good nature?
I have learned that what you do and what others expect of you is in direct proportion sometimes of what you have done in the past. If you repeatedly do something for someone and go above and beyond their expectations their expectations change for you to perform at that higher level, you then feel the pressure to always have to live up to those expectations as in order to not disappoint. Sometimes when we get busy it is really hard to always perform at that higher level. We feel spread thin and we don't know how to prepare that person for less than what we have offered in the past. Do I think it is a bad thing, not at all, it is definitely a balancing thing. I have always been told that if you under promise and over deliver it is great, but repeatedly over delivering can pose a problem as well. Sometimes we start to doubt our self that we can keep up with our own demands and other's expectations.
Do you ever feel like you are constantly being that good Christian or that good person who does over and over for someone but doesn't really get the favor in return? I am not talking about a favor as in favor for favor, I am just talking about the appreciation that comes along with what you do. I am not talking a favor returned, or even a "thank you". More just the friendship and involvement that comes along with being a good friend. An interested party in what is going on in your life. Sometimes being that person that we are, always giving and caring putting other people first because God says that is the right thing to do. But that there are sometimes those that don't view it that way. They just expect that you will be there always for them when things go "south". And in actuality you want them to be part of your life, even when things are good. You want to be able to do things together without there having to be a tragedy or occasion! This is really hard to explain without giving a real example. However, this blog is not about pointing any fingers or divulging any hardship of other people, it is about talking through my emotions, frustrations, good days and bad and hopefully in someway touching the lives of others.
If I am always doing right, I shouldn't worry about other's expectations.
I am reminded that It is not WHO is right but what is right that is important. - Thomas Huxley
I am not in control of changing other people. Of having other people treat me how I would like to be treated, I can only control my thoughts, my actions and my attitude. I do not need to surrender to treat others poorly or be a bad friend just because someone treated me that way. I will not succumb to holding grudges, retaliating or changing the way that I treat a person due to their attitude, lack of support or actions. I do not have to be their best friend, I do not have to initiate contact or go out of my way to give 110% but I will be who I am naturally and without regret. When it is difficult to be kind, remember God said in 1 Thessalonians 5:15 NKJV-
See that no one renders evil for evil to anyone, but always pursue what is GOOD both for yourselves and for all.