Saturday, November 23, 2019

I saw this posted the other day and it made me think wow that is profound. As I climbed in my attic to get down all the Christmas stuff this morning I wrangled up my hubby to help. Normally I do this when he isn’t home and only ask help for a few big things I can’t handle like the tree box. But thought this could go a lot quicker with some help! 
As he stood below the stairs while I continuously handed down items, boxes, big containers, wreath bags, multiple trees, etc. He probably thought it was never ending.. WTF.. 
His patience was impeccable and never once did he complain or tell me I had accumulated too much stuff. He asked once how many more and I immediately flashed back to my mom and how many things she had and decorated for Christmas. When i was frowning up our house was always decked out! In and out and she loved to decorate, make wreaths and centerpieces and everything always seemed right with the world when she was decorating and we got to enjoy it! 
 Some people may think it is overload. I had my own stuff when she died, I inherited some of her stuff and gave a lot away because I just didn’t have places to put it and I was also rushed to get her home packed up and moved, I made a lot of quick choices when deciding what to keep, sell or give away. Some things I probably should have kept but they were just things. 
The best things I kept where not physical things at all but the gift and inheritance I see in myself is her LOVE of Christmas and what it represents. One may think some of us go overboard on the decorating bit! I think differently.
I feel this decorating “obsession” represents the JOY of the Season. The LOVE of Christmas and symbolizes Happiness, Thankfulness, Gratitude and puts us in a mood of Cheer! What better trait to inherit from someone I love who has left this world for a better place than the Love and Appreciation of Christmas and our Lord and Savior who gave his life with Mercy and Grace so that when we pass from this world we have Eternal Life in Heaven with him and all those who went before us! Merry Christmas! Choose Joy, Create Happiness and Spread Love. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Unfamiliar Territory Equals New Opportunity

Paxton chose to try out and switch baseball clubs this Fall after playing for the Paladin Knights for many seasons .. he left the kids he knew and the coaches he was comfortable with even his dad as coach- he asked us to try out and made a team where we have a lot further drive, the cost is more, and he basically knew no one except for a few kids he had seen at clinics and camps- but he was begging us to try out and we let him. If I have the means to give my kid an opportunity I will help him pursue his goals/dreams, even through some sacrifices. I have always been a team mom in a small town where I am comfortable and thrive on building relationships around what I know. I was nervous as a mom if I would fit in with all these new baseball moms in an area outside my comfort zone... I am sad to say I miss my baseball moms from our previous teams, which those relationships built will never go away, but I am pleased to say that these new moms welcomed me with amazing grace, acceptance and new friendships that have blossomed. Remember sometimes things can be scary, sometimes things may or may not work out according to plan but God has a plan for us that puts the right people at the right times in our lives for reasons we sometimes may never understand and being open to change and new adventures along our journey in life makes it a lot easier to accept what is put before us.
With Team Dinger, Paxton ended up with an organization who compliments what we were already used to with a bunch of great men teaching kids the tricks and trade of hard work and perseverance through baseball. His teammates are great kids and new friendships are forming for this chapter in his life as well. 
Paxton’s coach Ash won the Teeter award of Excellence from AZ Playball yesterday at the Pony baseball banquet! He is a great influence for these young men and deserved it to the fullest! I can’t even describe the effect he has on these players through his calm yet lighthearted and spirited composure. They seem to naturally play as a team with not a lot of push from any one source and many of them had never even played club ball before let alone with each other. They are currently 21-2 with one last tournament in December- they have won 2 Championship rings and they brought home the trophy for the Championship in their Mustang Division with Pony last weekend. 
It was a pleasure to share in this moment, as their coach was honored for his humble efforts. 
Fellow baseball mom April Nelson Moloney gave a speech and said all the things us parents feel about why this man is making a difference in our son’s lives through baseball with his passion for the game and his demonstration of life skills through his coaching style. 
Life is hard and sometimes change isn’t easy and sometimes it is downright scary, but I believe Paxton made the right decision for him for what he needs at this point in his life. And no matter where he plays and who he plays for I pray that each and every decision that is made leads to a chapter in his life where he is needed the most or where he can be best influenced during a specific time period, that will lead him to excel and do great things with the talents God has given him and the service he is meant to pursue. He may or may not make it to the MLB, which has been his goal since age 6 as the statistics aren't necessarily in his favor, but we would never know if he doesn't try and we don't support him! I can only hope that the lessons he learns and the friendships he makes last a lifetime beyond his career whatever that may be! 
We don’t meet people by accident, there is a reason they are in our lives- And someday we can say... thank you for your part in our journey... you made a connection that made the difference, no matter how small.