Thursday, February 11, 2021

Holding it all together with 1 bobby pin


Today I posted a meme I found online that said 

"Life Status: Currently holding it all together with one bobby pin."

I had a few people reach out to ask me if everything was ok. You guys, thanks for your concern, but I AM OK- today at least. lol. I think the worst thing that happened to me today was forgetting to wear deoderant after I got out of the shower... No judging, it happens. I am sure the phone rang, or Paxton called me into the other room, or the dog was barking at some imaginary noise outside to distract me or any of the other 27 distractions that occur before I am ready to walk out the door.  Somedays are worse than others, sometimes I have my shit together and sometimes I don't. This is life right? 

So often I am in situations where I catch myself or my friends comparing our lives to others that we see through social media or even in person living the perfect life. I will tell you that most of us as human beings, especially moms multitasking have the days when we are holding it together by that one bobby pin and we are just not sure how it isn't falling down over our shoulders and over our eyes. But you know what? That is ok! 

We need to be a good example for others and for our children, however we also need to be real, and know it is OK not to always have our shit together. No one is perfect no matter how they portray themselves some are just better at faking it than others. We are all contributors to the rat race of life and we are only in control of ourself. Our reactions, attitudes and our happy! Sometimes we just have to laugh at ourself to turn our attitude around and reach that happy!

What is important to me and what is important to someone else may vary and not be the same at all! So why compare?!!!

Comparing yourself to someone else either in how they live their life, what they have, what they can accomplish, how they use their God-given talents and the list goes on and on. This is something that is self-limiting. What are you good at, what are you contributing, how can you be the best you? 

Wake up every morning and thank God for a new day, evaluate your circumstances, and base what you do off of that, not what someone else is doing, or it looks like they are doing. Some days are going to be better than others. Some days may be smooth and breezy an some days you may struggle so much you don't know which way is up and can't catch a breath to save your life. 

Take a deep breath or 5 like my mom use to say, find your next level of relaxation, focus on what is important for you that day and pick up the pieces tomorrow, they will still be there mostly. 

Repeat after me: It is OK not to be OK everyday, and guess what? That's OK!!!

Take care of yourself, be a blessing to others and keep moving forward. 

The Lord is my strength- Psalm 118:14