Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I think we are all somewhat intimidated by fear to an extent, even those who seem to hit it head on. This is their way to deal with fear. Some of us fear being alone, some of us fear dying, some of us fear those around us dying, some of us fear losing our job or fear failure, some of us fear bad health, or other obstacles. These are all real fears and no one can tell us that it is right or wrong to feel fear.
They can however turn into larger issues when we act out of pure anxiety and worry until we can't think of anything else and it can affect our day to day activities. Most often times the things we worry about, the things that consume us in fret, never ever happen. We paint pictures in our mind, we get worked up, we go over "what if" scenarios until we are exhausted, and the event, the occurrence, the situation never rears its ugly head. So we have just wasted moments, hours, days, weeks, years and lifetimes that we will never get back by allowing fear to overcome us. We should be living in the here and now, grateful for what is before us this day, enjoying what we do have and leaving the unknown out there, pushing that fear aside and not letting it get the best of us. We can chose to be a worrier who can only focus on what could happen or we can chose to place our fears in the hands of God our Creator, enjoy every moment of today and have faith that we enjoyed and made every moment count until if and when that fearful moment happens. And if and when that fearful moment happens, we can chose to be a victim, or we can chose to make the most of the unavoidable, unfavorable situation, but that is a topic for another day.

If you cannot help worrying, remember that worrying cannot help you either. Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday. If you worry you die, if you don't worry you die, so why worry? -taken from 100 quotes that make you think by Wolfgang Riebe

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