Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Kind words, small deeds

Sometimes we do things that we really don't think are all that big of a deal, until someone who we touched expresses their happiness, and gratefulness honestly and sincerely but in a big way. That is when what we do or take for granted that we do every day really touched someone and made a difference. I hope that in everything I do for someone it somehow makes a difference every day. One little thing at a time, sure we may not be changing the world, but oh how good it feels to change a small part of someone. That is why it feels so good to give my 100% every day, when you are thanked for something you would do anyway, that is when you truly feel special. Someone said today in my office meeting that they live by the philosophy of "service" what that means to each person may be a little different, but in actuality it is do what you do to help and serve others and you will be rewarded ten fold someday. We can't afford to do anything with less than a whole heart!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I'll do my best

Paxton woke up in the middle of the night so I was up for a little while and had crazy dreams that startled me awake several times, I didn’t sleep very well and I woke up this morning to roll over and realize I forgot to turn on my alarm, so not in enough time to work out, I went back to sleep for a little bit (about 10 mins) and then got out of bed, I stubbed my toe on my way in the closet (my little toe on the hamper), had nothing to pack for lunch ready because I didn’t prepare the night before, grabbed a can of tuna and some mayo, jammed a paper in my scanner trying to get the last of the required paperwork in for our land judgment, and didn’t have time to resend it, got in the car and heard that silly noise again that I took my car in to get fixed just last week and spent $986 dollars already, got on the freeway to a back up determined not to be late for work, called my mom on the way and prayed for the day ahead together, I got to work to an empty desk of a co-worker who was let go the day before, and another 10 voice mails on top of the 21 I had yesterday.

I said to myself, I have two choices today, I can be in a good mood or a bad mood, I can chose to whine about my circumstances or adapt to them, I can be grateful that I have a house to live in, food to eat, a job to go to, and a car to drive.

I can go about my day with a positive attitude, bring cheer to others and make a difference. I cannot control the way others think, act or perform, but I can control me and I can control how I model my behavior, actions and performance. I may not be able to always control my circumstances, but I CAN control how I choose to deal with them.

Go out today and do your best, be your best and give it 100% no one can ask more of you if you are genuine, sincere and honest and you put your best foot forward, and at the end of the day if it is not somehow good enough in another’s eyes, at least you can be rest assured in knowing you gave it your all. And be satisfied with yourself that you had a plan and a purpose and you carried it through to the best of your ability for that day, and that tomorrow is a new day to try again.

Friday, August 19, 2011

do it now

I am off today and figured I would get up early, work out and get a bunch of stuff done, including Scentsy, Children's book stuff pay some bills, order my text book for my first class, (yes, I have again decided to get my Master's degree- my motivating factor *remember I said I needed one of those* the fact that only 8% of the population in the U.S. has one- eh why not join that population, as well as I picked something that I am actually interested in doing) helping my mom clean her office, figuring out my budget for the month, grocery shopping, planning next week, and some odds and ends paperwork things. I had no idea that my son would help me accomplish this by thinking that 4:15 am was a suitable time to wake. Well, that is okay, he is helping me to accomplish my goal, so far I am not sure how much that I have accomplished, it always seems like busy work, but I am checking things off my list. I just opened my email to this amazing Story of the Day, thought I would share it. Make it a great day, and make it count!

Do It Now Syndrome

I posted the following words into facebook the other day.

I caught something overnight! Woke up this morning with a case of "Do It Now Syndrome". Not sure where I caught it - or how - but it's truly amazing! Didn't realise just how many things I put off because they can wait - or how often I did that: until this morning that is! I'm loving this feeling - hope it lasts!

I can phrase what I'm talking about as any of these:

Procrastination Vs Do It Now!
Laziness Vs Do It Now!
I'll get round to it Vs Do It Now!
I've got to write a plan first Vs Do It Now!

Planning for anything might be necessary as part of an everyday process; but the joy is in the actual doing; in taking the action and doing whatever it is that needs to be done!

It is just so darned easy to put things off!

And every time we do put something off we feel disappointed in ourselves; just a little bit each time;and those little bits add up over time. They add up quite rapidly actually; without us noticing it at a conscious level. But that adding up of lots of little incidences leads to massive guilt; even depression if allowed to linger longer.

It doesn't matter if we've got what seems like the right intention to do something later that day; later that week; or later that month! They're usually poor excuses for finding distractions to what we really should be doing; and from doing it now! Distractions are usually self sabotage; or the fear of doing something; so we have to learn to challenge ourselves and Just Do It! and Do It Now!

Note for facebook this evening:

I've still got this Do It Now Syndrome! ... and hoping that it's incurable.

I am truly getting a buzz from doing things that I could normally have put off until a 'better time'; and doing them as I see them; or as I walk past them. I am not kidding - within just 24 hours I have embraced this new behaviour - and am loving it! Yes - the joy is in the doing!

(c) Phil Evans - People Stuff TM - 2011

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Sometimes when I'm in the midst of more than one project at a time... is that a girl thing? Anyhow, you can get so wrapped up in multiple projects and directions that your head seems to spin on its own. Sometimes you don't know if you are coming or going, if you are on time, in overtime or out of time. The pace at which we work, play, and interact can sometimes be overwhelming. What sort of commitments do we have that we can change, alter or eliminate. How can we work less and enjoy life more? Is the so called rat race worth the hassle, time and energy we spend chasing it? Sometimes yes, sometimes no, but how is it that we determine the good choices the bad choices, the time wasters verses the good investments?
I guess it just all depends on where we are, and where we want to be. Remember countless times I have said that life is a journey and not a destination. No one is holding you to certain dreams, goals and aspirations most of the time, except yourself. No one but our self controls our thoughts, attitudes and behaviors. We can chose what we do each day, what we say to others, the example that we live or the position that we take.
Our dreams and aspirations make us who we are, no one can ever steal these from us, we can definitely cower down, but no one can take them away. Every dream we have may require a different journey a different path to get closer to what we are striving for. If you believe in your talents and dreams push yourself and make them come true, don't stop at the first hurdle, because it wouldn't be called a hurdle if there wasn't a means to get over it. Leap with faith and rejoice on the other side.
"Just remember successful people pay more attention to their own visions and goals then to the history or opinions of others." - Mr. Everit's Secret

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Other's Examples

Many of the things we face in this life, the obstacles, the hardships the ups and downs seem less harsh when we are touched by other people's stories. Many things are brought into perspective from the things we hear from day to day. From the positive attitude of others, to the courage, strength and wisdom that someone displays.
It could be the person that you think has the best attitude, a positive outlook on life and is dealing with a terminal illness, you would never know it unless they told their story, because they go through each day choosing not to be a victim. They don't let their circumstances bring them down. They take what they have and they make themselves who they are, an example.
No matter whether it is a person you know, a story you have heard, or even a book that you have read there are constant examples of people who deal with their unfortunate circumstances, health issues, or overcome something like an addiction and use it to be an example and witness to others to help them through their struggles.
My best friend growing up died when I was 11, she had terminal brain cancer for over 3 years. I watched her grow sicker every day but it didn't stop her from being full of light and sunshine. I remember her making me laugh, the smile she put on the doctors, nurses and other patients faces. I remember her running up and down the halls at the hospital with an IV-stand attached to her. She was dying but she didn't show it. She inspired me at such a young age, that no matter what circumstances you are faced with, no matter what can bring you down, you can chose how you react to it, you can look for an alternative to your situation, you chose how you let it affect your day to day activities or cause you to have limitations. Anyone can tell you it is easy. It is not. I am not sure it is suppose to be.
No matter how positive you are, no matter how much you show others the attitude you want to portray, from time to time, you will get knocked down, you are entitled to a pity party, have it, then get back up again.
Hope in the future, have faith in the unknown, use your personal struggle to help others. No one said you had to be strong enough, when we are weak, ask God to be strong enough for the both of us. (Matthew West)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Closing Doors

Over the past three weeks I have been confronted with a few different situations that have made me question some of the things in my life.I have had the chance to reflect on what is good and let go of the unnecessary. To appreciate the blessings and forgive and forget any hurt.
My life can sometimes be an emotional roller coaster ride. The saying goes, "when one door closes another one opens." Sometimes I think I stare at that closed door so much trying to figure out where I went wrong, what made me lose that opportunity, what did I do to push it away or no longer deserve it? Was it really me, was it something I did or was it just no longer the journey I needed to take? Sometimes these things if they do make since at some later point in life aren't revealed to us immediately, if ever. Is the lost opportunity a lesson or an opportunity for something better?
I don't want to miss the new door that opens, but when opportunities come along you have the choice to take them or to say no. How do you know what the right choice is? Are you afraid of making too many wrong choices trying to get to the right choice, sometimes I am. This can be a very scary thing. The fear can take over and push you right back down.
I need to listen to my heart and go with the choices that make me feel the best, and except that they may not always be the right ones, but if I don't jump out there and put myself on the line, I may never know. If I fail, I can pick myself up, dust myself off, seek the comfort of my family and friends who believe in me no matter whether I fail or not. I need to have the confidence in my self and my abilities and try again.