Thursday, August 11, 2011


Sometimes when I'm in the midst of more than one project at a time... is that a girl thing? Anyhow, you can get so wrapped up in multiple projects and directions that your head seems to spin on its own. Sometimes you don't know if you are coming or going, if you are on time, in overtime or out of time. The pace at which we work, play, and interact can sometimes be overwhelming. What sort of commitments do we have that we can change, alter or eliminate. How can we work less and enjoy life more? Is the so called rat race worth the hassle, time and energy we spend chasing it? Sometimes yes, sometimes no, but how is it that we determine the good choices the bad choices, the time wasters verses the good investments?
I guess it just all depends on where we are, and where we want to be. Remember countless times I have said that life is a journey and not a destination. No one is holding you to certain dreams, goals and aspirations most of the time, except yourself. No one but our self controls our thoughts, attitudes and behaviors. We can chose what we do each day, what we say to others, the example that we live or the position that we take.
Our dreams and aspirations make us who we are, no one can ever steal these from us, we can definitely cower down, but no one can take them away. Every dream we have may require a different journey a different path to get closer to what we are striving for. If you believe in your talents and dreams push yourself and make them come true, don't stop at the first hurdle, because it wouldn't be called a hurdle if there wasn't a means to get over it. Leap with faith and rejoice on the other side.
"Just remember successful people pay more attention to their own visions and goals then to the history or opinions of others." - Mr. Everit's Secret

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