At work I have been doing a daily quote or inspiration to my team members to keep myself in check and get them going for their day ahead, Yesterday I sent a quote about how you can chose your attitude despite your circumstances. I think however when the circumstances are going your way, (or the way you think they should) it is a lot easier to have that positive attitude. It is the little things that can sometimes add up and amount to more than even one significant good thing. The more we can show gratitude for the little blessings, the more I think we spread them.
Tuesday was not such a good day for me, I was feeling sick and I will spare you all the other little crazy occurrences, that I know should not have affected my attitude, but they did, it is that trickle effect sometimes. If I would have focused on the things that were positive more, I probably would have had a better day, but we are all human. However, I will share with you I had some small little things that started my day out well and I hope to continue to notice the good and let it overcome any obstacles or disappointments. I woke up and my husband knew that I was still not feeling well, he offered to get our son ready AND take him to his mom’s on his way to work, I somehow in my hurry made a really bad cup of coffee, so I decided to pop into the circle K to grab a good fresh cup, I emptied out my cup from home and filled it at the circle K, when I got to the counter the man looked at me and said with a smile, “ it is on the house, I hope you have a great day.” Wow, I was stunned, I even asked if he was sure, he told me no problem, there was hardly any traffic and I got to work on time. Ya for me, I had a pretty good day and at work and felt good about all that I had accomplished, I tried hard to compliment others in order to spread my since of cheer and happiness for the day. Sometimes it is easy to do this and other times it is not, but despite what we have going on at the present moment, there is always another chance, another day and another opportunity we have to get better at who we are. Whatever it is that you are passionate about commit to doing it. Whether it is as simple as making another person smile, or as large as dreaming you will be a successful author someday. Believe you are destined to do great things and make it happen.
"The moment you commit and quit holding back, all sorts of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance, will rise up to help you. The simple act of commitment is a powerful magnet for help."
Napoleon Hill