On the way to work this morning I heard a story of a baboon hunter who set traps to catch a baboon. He dug holes deep enough for the baboon to just reach in and touch the bottom and filled the holes with salt. The baboon loves the smell of salt and will reach into the hole and grab the salt and not let go; because the hole is narrow the baboon cannot remove his fist from the hole without letting go of the salt, he struggles. For days the baboon struggles and eventually dies from exhaustion, unwilling to let go of the salt.
Ask yourself this, what are you holding onto that is slowly wearing you down to the point of exhaustion? With this New Year, what can you let go of that you think you need but by letting go may make your energy and performance level that much stronger. Is what you are doing helping you get closer to your goals or keeping you from reaching them?
"What we think or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence. The only thing of consequence is what we do."
John Ruskin
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