Wednesday, May 9, 2012

It is weird how motivated you can get by something that you really want to see happen. When you can actually visualize it coming true. When you think about it non-stop to the point that you lose focus on everything that you are wasting your time doing. For the past 2 weeks since I have clearer energy and stronger focus, forcing out all the negative energy strangling me, sometimes sweeping right back at the person sending it my way.   I have written down my goals, I have shared them with others and I am doing everything that I can to make them possible. I feel like God and the Universe is pushing me to do a certain thing and I feel a strong calling. It is hard when you have others to think about and it is not just you. You are not the only one who has the risk and convincing others of what they cannot see is often very challenging and stressful on all parties involved. Faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see. Hebrews 11:1 But most of the time with convictions as strong as you feel it is worth the extra push and effort to get there, to truly be happy and believe in yourself, your dreams and your abilities, and KNOW in your heart, not just your head that everyone involved will prosper. Don't let go of what you know is right, pray that things fall into place and you are guided to speak the right words and share the right actions to get you to the place you ought to be. Remember in one of my past entries I spoke about the sticky note that I wish God would leave on my bathroom mirror. I think I found it.

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