How often do I catch myself reliving what someone else should have said or done. IE: what I would have said or done. I hope this is human nature and we all catch ourselves doing this from time to time, or on a daily basis to an extent. We often blame how someone else acts or speaks saying what we should have/would have done in that situation. Reasoning with our minds how another person should act/speak. But isn't that the beauty of being individual, of each one of us having different talents, thoughts and personalities.
We do not control what others say or do no matter how hard we think we can influence them. They are their own person just as we are. We cannot take responsibility for how another person speaks/acts or interacts with others. We cannot judge someone or make them speak or act in a way that suits us.
Not everyone has the same idea's, beliefs or thoughts as we do. Therefore it is unfair to group everyone into the same category, ethical or moral space, and we cannot push any sort of belief, change or lifestyle on those who are not accepting. One has to be willing and want to change in order to accept something new, be passionate about it and move toward a desired lifestyle.
I need to start with me. I need to be willing to accept others as they are. Be an example of what I wish to see in others, open up my beliefs to allow for all that life has to offer, pay attention to others visions and goals and help them develop themselves most effectively, praise the positive and change my attitude and mind. I cannot change others unless they are willing to change. I cannot accept responsibility for what others do or say especially adults. I can only be responsible for my actions, thoughts and words.
In order to raise my ability to most effectively treat others with respect, kindness and love. This week I am going to test myself by keeping a journal of all the things that those closest to me do positive. Reflected on the good in my life and not the things that I would do differently or change. I am hoping that by being grateful and praising the good that more good comes and that slowly the negative things or the things that I would change would not be an issue or as noticeable as when those are the things that are concentrated on. I especially need this with myself and therefore I am going to include myself in my journal. I know that I am my worst critic and my self talk can be very negative. Starting with myself this week and including those around me, I hope to see the changes unfold for a most positive and uplifting week ahead.
As the saying goes, you can't always change your circumstances but you can change how you look at them and your attitude.
Be the change you wish to see in the world. Mahatma Gandhi
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Monday, January 21, 2013
If you plant it and nourish it, it will grow.
Sharing my daily reminders list:
The present moment is my point of power
Somehow everything works out
If I take good care of people, life will take good care of me
People will pay me to feel the passion and energy I breathe into my
career and creations
I am worth having anything I love
Sometimes I can't change my circumstances but I can always change my
Happiness isn't something that happens to me it is something I create
Wanting more is healthy and natural as long as I don't forget to enjoy
what I already have
Enjoy the people I love as if it is the last time I will see them- it
might be
What I learned from Mr. Everit's Secret- Thanks Alan Cohen for writing such a great book.
If you plant it and nourish it, it will grow.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Doubly Blessed
Today is a great day in history! One that has brought me 2 blessings, 65 years ago God placed my mom on this earth to love and serve him. She has instilled in me the true meaning of love, God's promise to free us from our sins. She raised me the best she could and I think I turned out pretty good. :) I couldn't ask for a better mother to have loved me, been there for me, support me, raise me, give up things for me and show me how to be a great mother as well. My mom would do anything for me. Her love is so strong that the bond we share really keeps me going no matter what. I can be all sorts of shades of color with her and we always understand that love supersedes no matter our attitude, circumstances, or mood for a day. I love her with all my heart and am proud and thankful that she is such a huge part of my life.
I am grateful to God that he brought me to Arizona 16 years ago with a plan. A plan in which would not have been carried out if I stayed in my home state. I met an amazing, loving boy who turned into a respectable, loving husband and father, who continues to bless me with his presence and love no matter what shades of color I am. He continues to support me and gave me such an awesome blessing in our son. I will be forever falling in love with this man over and over again in new ways as long as I am alive. Trials and tribulations, sure, arguments, disasters-joys, strengths and blessings! Yet it all comes down to LOVE and how strong it is.
Without love there would be no forgiveness, without love there would be no joy, without love I would not be who I am today; so to both of you, thank you for coming into this world, thank you for loving me unconditionally, thank you for your forgiveness at times, your understanding and patience with me through everything. I would not be the person I am today without you in my life.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO an Amazing Mom and Husband!
I am grateful to God that he brought me to Arizona 16 years ago with a plan. A plan in which would not have been carried out if I stayed in my home state. I met an amazing, loving boy who turned into a respectable, loving husband and father, who continues to bless me with his presence and love no matter what shades of color I am. He continues to support me and gave me such an awesome blessing in our son. I will be forever falling in love with this man over and over again in new ways as long as I am alive. Trials and tribulations, sure, arguments, disasters-joys, strengths and blessings! Yet it all comes down to LOVE and how strong it is.
Without love there would be no forgiveness, without love there would be no joy, without love I would not be who I am today; so to both of you, thank you for coming into this world, thank you for loving me unconditionally, thank you for your forgiveness at times, your understanding and patience with me through everything. I would not be the person I am today without you in my life.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO an Amazing Mom and Husband!
Friday, January 11, 2013
Making Connections
Sometimes in busy day to day activities and lists of things to do you can get caught up in all the things you need to get done. You have lists of things to do, paperwork to complete, interruptions that you don't expect. You can hide behind your computer screen, technology and fuss with the paperwork, bills, tasks and such that you can get overwhelmed and forget about the outside world (sort of). You can get comfortable in your atmosphere, especially if you work from home.
It is really when you truly get out there and make it happen verses doing the things that in your list that you really begin to grow and blossom. I am not suggesting you ignore what is on your list, just prioritize it.
For anyone who is in sales or promotes a business or service, you have to remember that the business, although sometimes- mostly doesn't find you. Sure you can get referrals, you can make connections from a computer or a phone, but that face-to-face connection you make can sometimes be 10 times more powerful.
Getting out and about to promote yourself, connecting with people on a human level verses hiding behind today's technologies will help you stand out often times from your competitor. Do you have a business, service or trade? Are you spending your day maximizing what you can to, how you can become an expert in your field, how you can gain loyalty, trust and knowledge to help you go the extra step. What can you do to stand out, become the best you? These are the things you need to consider. Make a list and then get out there and do it.
Nothing says great service more than learning and knowing all you can about what your potential client or customer is looking for, connecting with them on a personal human level and giving them the best service/product that you can. Stand behind what you do, make adjustments for what you don't and see how far it will take you.
In the last two days I connected with 1 person a day who could use my service because I was in the right place at the right time and I asked the right questions. If you are confident it what service/product you provide they will feel confident in you.
I encourage you to get out today, meet a new face, call some old connections and just see what might come you way.
"Action is the foundational key to all success." - Pablo Picasso
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Making others happy
Volunteering to help out whether it be for an organization, a neighbor or friend. I recently went to visit a friend in a nursing home who isn't doing so well. I know that she is stuck there and there really isn't much she can do about it, it is dreary and boring and by no means a 5 star resort even though they got a 5 star rating. She is probably depressed and unhappy on top of her ailments. These types of situations where you not only have to go see someone that you may not want to remember that way, but you have to see them in pain and suffering and that can sometimes reflect on our own happiness. It can make us in turn feel depressed or sad.
In a way we have to look at it as an opportunity to feel blessed with our own situation no matter how unhappy, stressed, confused, or difficult our life may seem to be. Sometimes the littlest gestures that you can do for them, whether it is the reaction you would get from a healthy person, or just a little nod, chuckle or smile can make all the difference in how a person leaves this world. Sometimes we learn a lot from the most difficult times in our lives.
How do you want to leave this world? Have you made your mark? Have you spread love and joy to others. In light of some recent happenings in my life I have reflected on what type of person not only I think I am, but how I want to be remembered. Am I living every day with knowing that I will leave this world remembered that way? If your answer is no you may need to do a little soul searching, because no matter whether someone thinks they can predict that their time is up, we will never know how much time we have until it is gone. Live for the NOW, Take life one day at a time, focus on what truly matters.
You can be a workaholic trying to have and get the most you can to provide for your family and all their wants and needs, working your butt off so that you can spend more time with them in the future. But if you work too much now, and there is no tomorrow for you, did you really accomplish your goal. My kid is 3, does he want me to buy him things sure, does he want to do things and go places sure, but what is most important to him is the time I spend not the things he gets, spend more time with the ones you love and less money and I bet that makes all the difference.
"People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed and redeemed; never throw out anyone." Audrey Hepburn
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Suck it Up!
Do you ever feel like you have had a long hard day and it isn't even half over? Have you wanted to lock yourself in your room and just sleep until tomorrow and start over. Has a string of events started that is really beyond your control but somehow you blame yourself for all of it? You just want some sympathy, someone to come home, make you some dinner, take your kid and dogs to the park, and get you some space- or pull your hair out lock yourself in your closet and scream really loud! LOL! Man, has it been that kind of day. But then you remind yourself that you need to remain positive, because those negative situations and events that you are harping on are just in turn causing more negative situations because that is where your mind is focused. What you really need is not sympathy it is a swift kick in the butt from someone (probably yourself) that you just need to step back, take a few minutes to walk away, say a prayer, take a deep breath do something else and start again with full force, a positive attitude and some gusto! It's only 1:30, life isn't ending from my roller coaster ride and I think I will give it another try, I have plenty of hours left in the day. By the way, thanks mom for taking my buddy away for some picture taking so I could pep up and reorganize my thoughts. You are my blessing today.
May all of your day be filled with chances to escape, re-think and re-connect for the most positive outcome.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Blog Hop?
I was recently invited to do a Blog Hop. What is a Blog Hop? That is the same question that I asked. Sherry who asked me to do this with her, answered these same questions on her blog about her "next big thing" calling it "Roots" at this time while in the process of writing. You can read and then hop over to the next author from this email and read about them. So therefore it is blog hopping.
I am hoping that I will be able to sell enough copies of Paxton and Mali Find Their Boat this year in order to go ahead with my next publication. I was able to make my first one happen with help from family and friends pre-selling copies as well as a small loan from some friends! I hope to not have to do that again to make #2 in the series happen. I am looking forward to 2013 and hitting up as many schools as I can to sell the 5000 copies I will need to make this happen. Looking forward to any friends and family connections at the local schools to get me in to do presentations or local author reads to the kids. Talk about writing and kids goals and dreams. Grade levels Pre-K- 2nd make this a perfect opportunity to promote, sell and share my story. And by local meaning have car will travel. Anywhere in the state.
Here is my "Next Big Thing"
What is the working title of your book?
Paxton and Mali Go To The Lake
Where did the idea come from for the book?
Where did the idea come from for the book?
After having my son I was inspired to break into the author realm with Children's books and work my way up to a novel eventually.
Book #1 of the Series-
Paxton and Mali Find Their Boat
In book #2 they go to test their boat at the lake.
What genre does your book fall under?
Sports/Recreation - Children's
Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
This would be cute, I do believe that mine would definitely fall under the cartoon range, but my son and my friend's little girl who I modeled the character's after would probably be good choices to turn into the cartoon characters. I am thinking a cartoon series that would fit well on Disney.
What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
Paxton and Mali let their imaginations roll as they take there next adventure to the lake where they test out the new boat they "bought" in book #1.
Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
More than likely an agency I am not an illustrator and I loved what my current publishing company did with the ideas and photos I gave them for the illustrations. I think the characters and colors truly pop!
How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
probably 1/2 of a 3 hour car trip I dictated it to my mom and she wrote it down while I was driving.
What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
I want to say like Berenstain Bears! Think big right?
Who or What inspired you to write this book?
Who or What inspired you to write this book?
My son Paxton, my love of fishing growing up and my husband Steve who loves to fish and whose Bass boat the book's boat is modeled after.
What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?
The books explore a child's imagination, tell a simple story of girl teaching boy how to fish. Every book will have a watermark copy of my son's hand on the back!
I had the opportunity to meet up with a new author by meeting her sister in law at a local craft fair! I am glad that I was able to be introduced to her and her work. Meet Sherry Rossman and check out her books at
Her new book is available at Amazon for the Kindle- hard copy coming soon!
For children 4-10
Remember to let me know if you have an event at your child's school or I can set up a time to meet with your children's teacher or principal to discuss what I can do for the school.
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