I am grateful to God that he brought me to Arizona 16 years ago with a plan. A plan in which would not have been carried out if I stayed in my home state. I met an amazing, loving boy who turned into a respectable, loving husband and father, who continues to bless me with his presence and love no matter what shades of color I am. He continues to support me and gave me such an awesome blessing in our son. I will be forever falling in love with this man over and over again in new ways as long as I am alive. Trials and tribulations, sure, arguments, disasters-joys, strengths and blessings! Yet it all comes down to LOVE and how strong it is.
Without love there would be no forgiveness, without love there would be no joy, without love I would not be who I am today; so to both of you, thank you for coming into this world, thank you for loving me unconditionally, thank you for your forgiveness at times, your understanding and patience with me through everything. I would not be the person I am today without you in my life.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO an Amazing Mom and Husband!
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