Monday, May 20, 2019

Chaos Coordinator for a Cause Well Served!

As this school year is coming to a close, I am wrapping up 4 years as President of my son's school's PTA, 4.5 years total as a PTA board member, 5 years serving as a member.
 I am a mixture of emotions as I really did enjoy my service, working with great people, learning from others, developing new programs and implementing new things with the help of other members over those years. It was fun, adventurous, challenging, stressful at times.... but I am so glad that I was able to stick it out, even after trying to give up my position twice to allow someone new to have the opportunity to serve.
 I was honored to be asked to extend my 2-year term, twice... which I accepted and kept going forward being that go-to person. However, this year after much consideration I stood my ground and said that I was unable to go another year. Not because I didn't think I could, or that I wasn't wanted, but because I need to move onto other things. Not only for me to grow in other areas but for my family as well. Being this involved with one task that is a volunteer position took away from time spent. I did it for my son as being involved I feel he has a good experience with his school, and to meet new people and build relationships ( I have always been a server and volunteer it is my personality to help) but all the planning, preparing and meetings as well as being in charge of events does take a toll on focusing on other things of interest.
This last 4 years has been a huge commitment, one that I didn't take lightly but couldn't just pick and choose when I wanted to help or do things. I was in charge, I was there when others couldn't be, I had to organize and make sure others followed through.  Things in life change and you must change with them and the commitment that I was giving proved to be less than 100% and that is definitely not my style. When I commit to something I want to give it my best and when I can no longer give something my best because I have other things to focus on that is when it is time to hand over the baton to someone who has the ability to focus on the task at hand.
I am grateful for all the awesome people who helped with all the things we did, the acceptance of parents and teachers of my abilities to serve their students – All the support I received and all the well wishes. I am grateful for all that was accomplished, and we were able to buy, start or get donated for the well-being of the school and the kids! 
I am grateful for the experience; I am grateful for the school admin and staff that supported our ideas and efforts and made it that much easier to give back. Which is one thing that always makes me happy, making others happy! 
 I am saddened to give up the opportunity to be so available and known around the school as the go-to person as I have gained the trust of a lot of people. And I am relieved that I can just be the mom who helps when she wants to and is now able to put other interests first instead of on the back burner because of the amount of commitment the PTA has required. This step forward is coming at a great time and I am exciting for my new adventures. 
I wish the incoming board and all those in the future the best of luck, the opportunity to start new things and incorporate into the school and I am certain that they will continue on the things of importance that I helped incorporate that are beneficial to the school, but also the ability to see when things need to be changed or let go because they are no longer working! I am also here for any advice if I am solicited for some. 
I encourage everyone involved at the Anthem School to take a part in the 2019-2020 school year whether that is small or large, a $10 PTA membership donation, helping at an event, coming to meetings, giving ideas, planning events, getting donations, encouraging your friends to help or any combination thereof! It does make a difference no matter how small and your kids receive the ultimate benefit. They grow up fast and those little things to build their experience always add to the experience they have preparing them to be adults.
I am proud of my accomplishments, my dedication, my learning experiences and my relationships made during this period of service, coordinating the chaos, the multiple smiles, happy faces, grateful people, fun moments, laughs, stressful times, last minute changes and all the other things that came with the job and that makes my service, well served.

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