Monday, July 22, 2019

The complain train is stopping... Get Off!

It is so easy to get caught up in complaining depending on the day or what is going on in your life this can dictate the length of the train. 
Picture sitting at a train track waiting.. the longer the train usually indicates the amount of time you are stuck and wasting your time. 
Complaining can be a huge time waster. Most of the time complaining doesn’t get me anywhere it just temporarily makes me feel better I guess, but does it? Or is it wasting my energy on something negative affecting my otherwise positive mood!? 
The other day I made a post complaining, had plenty of people comment on my right to bitch about something unfair but it didn’t change my situation or make it right. It just caused a negative atmosphere that probably would have continued if I let people continue to comment. But I decided it was enough negativity to spread so I deleted it. 
Sometimes it is hard to get off the train once you are on it thus creating it to become longer as you gather validation by others who join you. 
Our weather here is beautiful eight months of the year and the other four months I catch myself complaining A LOT about how hot it is, then when the monsoons come and it gets humid I complain how hot and sticky it is! Not wanting to go outside and enjoy our otherwise beautiful weather! 
I have to remember that I don’t shovel snow and we are very blessed to have air-conditioning both in buildings, our home and our cars which a lot of other people here and in other countries do not have the opportunity to have. We also have plenty of access to pools whether it’s a community pool a friends pool our own pool where we can dip in and cool off and still enjoy going outside. Yet I still catch myself complaining a lot about how hot it is. 
I was reminded today listening to the radio that there are people in other countries in the 120° weather who are there fighting to protect our country in full uniform with 70+ pounds of gear on their back’s. This was a HUGE reminder to put an effort into complaining less and instead stopping to take a minute to pray for their health and safety- those individuals enduring heat and stress and the unknown protecting me.  
With access to just about anything in this country it’s a wonder why we even complain at all. We are so accustomed to having things at our fingertips that when we don’t or it’s not working out that way we want it to the best next thing to do is complain. If you’re having a bad day take a moment to reflect on those who don’t have the opportunities that you have and just say a short prayer for them to get your mind back on track get off that complain train NOW and be thankful for what you are blessed with even when it looks like others have more, there are others who have less, much less. 
Ephesians 4:29
“Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.”

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Back to school Anxiety for Moms

I think the only thing routine in my life is my morning coffee- and I have even shaken that up a time or 2 giving it up for Lent. I don't feed my animals at the same time everyday, I don't do laundry or clean my house on the same day every week...The point I am making is that I love when things change, I can do anything that I need to do if required, I am adaptable, but I am not a huge fan of routine, I like spontaneity, I like accommodating last minute changes, I crave new things, new experiences and meeting new people!
When the market was horrible and I took a 3 year job that required my same day punch in and out… I got stir crazy, I was unhappy sitting in the same desk and I did everything I could think of to go back to my unpredictable, every changing world of Real Estate and I haven’t looked back. In a nutshell I probably would have been diagnosed with ADHD as a child- but as an adult I can use it to my benefit. I can move from one project to the next and back and I always seem to get things done on time no matter if I procrastinate.  I love to be busy, I love challenges and I am not a routine person. I don't sit still for very long very well, I am honestly shocked that I can enjoy a whole movie at one time. I don't have any particular tv series I follow, I change my hair color often, and when I try something new and get bored I move on without hesitation. Probably why I don’t stick to any work out or eating plans… I get bored, EASILY! That is why real estate is definitely right for me… not predicable, always changing, every situation is different, even situations that are similar have different outcomes- I love balancing different deals, different people and different circumstances. I am constantly working with different personalities! I LOVE it, it keeps me on my toes and I am still helping people, which I truly believe is what I am called to do, Serve Others!
So this year, when I didn’t have a role as a PTA board member anymore, I didn’t have any deadlines to meet, I didn’t have the commitment to get things ready for the beginning of school, or be there to sell things at Meet the Teacher or the first day of school meet and greet… I was not prepared or motivated to get started and honestly didn't even go to meet the teacher, School gives me anxiety! Contrary to popular belief, even though I did well in school somewhat because I was smart and somewhat because the stuff I didn’t get I made a point to do well so I didn’t disappoint myself. School gives me anxiety for my kid as well.
Every year I hear the moms and parents talk about how they can’t wait until their kids go back to school, some are pulling their hair out even before our already short summer is over. I am over here praying that the summer isn’t over, I hate the routine. I love having my kid home! The anxiety of getting Paxton up on time, having to get him to school on time, stressing over getting him to brush his teeth, what is for breakfast, what is for lunch and to get his shoes on and making it out the door without forgetting something- and if I have an appointment early getting myself ready, the animals fed and doing things around the house if need be. Knowing I only have so many hours before he has to be picked back up and trying to fit everything in between. Finding somewhere for him to go if I won't make it home  It totally stresses me out! Some of you are probably thinking I am a crazy person, but I would rather have him home and take him with me wherever I need to go, which most of the time I can.
75% of my life is mostly made up of me making my own schedule, being flexible for clients, having to change things to accommodate others and not really sticking to a set schedule…Believe me, I work hard and most people don’t even see what goes into real estate behind the scenes- but a lot of it I can do when I want, where I want which doesn’t work for everyone but it works for me. So yes, I am that mom that gets anxiety when I must go back to a routine like my kid going back to school…
I know he already hates school and trying to shelter him from my anxiety really doesn’t work. I am not good at hiding my emotions and sometimes my lack of excitement for routine and his resistance to wanting to go to school clash and cause unwarranted arguments, and maybe even yelling before school! This sucks and just causes more anxiety! 
This school year my goal will be to take my mom’s advise of taking 3 deep breaths before reacting, trying to remain calm that I am not going to get my kid to like school no matter how hard I try to get him to see the value, so I may as well just stress less, go with the morning flow and find the positive in my struggles and my anxiety of being late or running behind, because in 5 years  we have never been late even once. 

Monday, July 1, 2019

Who writes your story?

I passed a marquee at a church yesterday and it said "God is the author of your story, stop trying to steal his pen." I am not really a controversal person, but I really don't agree with this statement to an extent. I think God gave us free will, best example, Adam and Eve. I think we write our own story, we make our own choices; however we can do so with God's guidance and help, but we have to ask, we have to trust and we have to believe that he will guide us in the right direction, even if that means failing at times.
To an extent I believe in fate and to an extent I feel our choices create the series of events that happen in our life. If I never chose to go to college in Arizona I wouldn't have met Steve, I wouldn't have had Paxton - I would have a different series of events that have happened to me in the last 22 years.  Sometimes good, sometimes bad, and most definitely learning experiences, but not the ones that I had. I got scholarships and I had choices as to where I wanted to go and what I wanted to do, but if I would have made different ones, I would be in a different place with different circumstances.  We could sit back and do nothing and hope for the best or we can pray, we can ask for guidance and we can believe in our path and create our future- by taking actions that align with our goals, our purpose and our passions.
You can go through life or you can grow through life (- Chuck Fazio) you get out what you put in.
Don't sit back and let someone else write your story, but don't do it blindly. Have a why, a purpose and a misson/goal, ask for God's guidance and input, and have a plan!
We all have a purpose here on earth, find yours. Associate with people who build you up, have like interests, have succeeded in areas that you want to excel in- Be coachable, be flexible, stop comparing yourself to others, BE YOU and do it well. Make your story count and be confident in your choices. Seek Guidance -
"The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps."- Proverbs 16:9