Thursday, July 23, 2020

School, the NEW Normal?

I decided this week that I am not going to let this school at home frustrate me, to the point I get stressed, loose my cool, scream, yell or forget to be kind and polite, especially to my child who is the one that has to do the work! I decided that I am not going to bash the system, the way the district chooses to partake in school, the model they set forth or any of the above. It is my duty as a parent, one who is in this same situation as everyone else, no our circumstances may not be the same, we may have a different number of kids, our job statuses may vary, we may be home or not, but that doesn't give us the right to hold others responsible for why we have to do school this way. Not everyone is going to have the same experiences good and or bad. But you have to be patient with yourself, with the school, with the teachers, and especially with your kid(s). No one really knows how this is affecting them internally, some kids don't even know how to explain how this is affecting them. 
Someone told me yesterday during the first day of school that they wished they had my patience! I kind of chuckled internally. Believe me it is an internal battle daily!!! I wake up and pray for patience and pray for it many, many times a day I can't even count! But not having it doesn't put me in any better position then deciding to exercise it! As mamas and daddies, honestly we set the tone for our household. When we are upset, when we are negative, when we show signs of hostility toward someone, something or a situation, we set the tone for the rest of our family to follow along that negative downward spiral to a place that is sometimes a lot harder to climb out of then just going with the flow or exercising positivism even when we aren't feeling it at the moment. I am not saying straight up lie, but that sometimes you just need to trick yourself into being positive! LOL! 
Put your efforts into being positive, setting that example, looking at the situation from a different perspective and I guarantee the results you get will be more positive and you will have less frustration in the long run. Pray often, many times a day. Ask for help getting you through, breath in and breath out or just walk away for a minute to gain your composure, reset your mind and recharge. 
Today was the first day Paxton had Spanish class because it is a daily alternating schedule with Design and he had Design yesterday, right about lunch time for him our power went out at our house for the whole length of his Spanish class and a little longer. I could have honestly flipped out got mad at the power company, (it was several subdivisions in our area that went out at the same time) but would getting upset really fix the situation? No, so I chose to just go with the flow, Paxton swam for an hour, the power came back on just in time for him to go to the rest of his last class of the day and that was that. Crap is going to  happen, there will always be an exception to most any rule. Instead of getting mad that he now has to watch the class or make up anything they did today I just chose to go about our business and take it as it comes. Getting upset doesn't fix it, doesn't rewind the situation or allow you to start over. Move on and forward. Be responsible and email the teacher or connect with the school when you have any issues.. Remember good communication as soon as you can will ensure better results. 
Just remember, in my opinion it is our responsibility as a parent to be a part of our child's education. Whether they are at home or at school, there are people who are there to help (you should never have to much pride to ask for help!) The school districts and teachers are doing their best to accommodate everyone the best they can given this situation, they probably will not be able to satisfy everyone's situation even if they try so we cannot expect them to. 
Remember also, 
kids are more resilient than you might think
there is pretty much an exception for everything, 
good communication can take you places and keep you connected and others informed. 
staying calm will set the tone for your family's attitudes and your whole day. 
you may not change the circumstances but your attitude and actions can make a difference. 
Nothing is worth getting THAT upset over,
you can find something good in every situation, 
we are all in the same storm but not necessarily the same boat, 
be kind to others first and foremost, you have no idea what their boat looks like
help others if you are able, accept help from others when you can.
You can Choose your Attitude, you can Choose to be Happy, you can Choose to be Patient!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE THIS! In the "grand scheme of things", many things are simply small matters. One of the only things that you can count on, especially now, is CHANGE. Flexibility, adaptability, keeping the lines of communication open, prayer, and taking some deep breaths when you feel as if you are about to tip over the edge are key to remaining calm and keeping your sanity during these challenging times.
