I didn’t sign up for this. I wasn’t prepared… really I wasn’t.
No little girl’s happily ever after ever prepares her for her spouses death.
Death is inevitable, death is expected, but it is also confusing, frustrating,
unnerving, and harder when the picture we have in our head of how our life is
supposed to be in interrupted by it at an non-expected time.
I remember how I always envisioned growing old with my
spouse doing grandma and grandpa things, enjoying the things that we loved and
worked hard for and dying at home or in a hospital in our 80’s or 90’s. When it
is in your 40’s it just doesn’t fit the plan. Steve’s parents have been married
55 years and I envisioned that… especially after my mom lost my dad at such a
young age… that wouldn’t also happen to me, right? Or so I thought.
I have been struggling lately with the plan… what is the
point of the plan? Why do we plan if it isn’t going to work out anyway? Why do
we worry, wait, hold back and carefully calculate the things we do? For the right time may never come if we put it
off until we are ready, until something else happens first, until we are in the
right moment, have more money, look better, or any other circumstances we think need to
happen first before we can truly be happy. We could run out of time at any
moment as we have no idea when it is our time.
This past week there have been major signs of Paxton harboring
anger that I have never seen thus far to the extent that came over the course
of the past couple weeks. I watched it build up, not quite sure how to respond
but not doing it in the way that was getting the reactions I wanted. Why doesn’t
he want to be helpful I thought in my head, I have been through so much that it
would be such a blessing for something to just be easy. But life isn’t easy and
for me to expect to have a kid who lost his dad just sail through this with no
hiccups, always listen to what he is told, never push my buttons, bounce back
quickly when he gets upset or to always do the right thing is very unhealthy.
He asked to go talk
to our pastor and I fully supported taking him without any question as to what
he was going to talk about. I don’t feel like I need to know everything that he
wants to discuss with someone other than me unless it somehow is a danger to himself
or someone else. He is very insistent on
not wanting to speak to anyone who hasn’t been through his experience or anyone
who doesn’t understand what he is going through, and I respect that. I am not sure
the psychologist my mom took me to when my dad died really helped, they stuck
me on some anti-depressants which made me weird, and I weaned myself off
anyway. Lots of schooling and statistics doesn’t necessarily make you relate to
someone and always know how to help them handle their situation. I am sure some
people would disagree but again, you do you and I will do me.
I think I have mentioned before that he has been having some
control issues about where I go and what I do and what he does, what he puts
off, what I must tell him to do 10 times before he actually does it. How much
of this is being a scared, anxious little kid who lost his dad and how much of
it is a moody pre-teen who just wants to push my buttons… a mix of both, but as
a mom who really wants to raise a child to be a great adult someday… I need to
change my approach. What I have been doing the last 9 months is not working.
This is a major life adjustment period, there is no rule
book, there are no set expectations, and everyone is different. How I wish Steve
was by my side to bounce things off of… yes, I have friends I can lean on but
it is NOT the same. No one else can even begin to understand my situation
because it is mine and Paxton’s alone. I love my support system and welcome
suggestions, but just know they may not fit us, and we may not take your advice
so don’t be hurt if we take a different more fitting approach for us.
The week had lots of ups and downs, lots of yelling, lots of
feelings of anger, guilt, disappointment and ended with lots of tears. I
started to actually follow through with my threats when he decided he didn’t
want to do something I had asked. He threatened me with his words and his anger
trying to upset me enough and guilt me into doing just what he thought was
expected as a mom and also to weasel his way out of doing things, trying to get
me to do stuff for him. Oh I have no doubt he has had headaches and back aches
from the tension and stress of what is going on in his head as well as the
wind, pollen and susceptibility to allergies this time of year. Do I think he exaggerated
a little? I think he exaggerated quite a bit and I had enough.
He needs to go back to school. I know it is going to be hard
and I must prepare myself to be a “bad” but “good” mom, by not rescuing him
this coming school year when he may not feel like being there. He needs the interaction,
the stimulation, and the peers to get back into the routine of life. Do I think
he needed the break to be able to processes everything, you bet I do, I do not
regret the decision I made to home school him. Everything that we have encountered
so far in this journey is preparing us for our future and we will be better
because of it. It will strengthen our relationship, our dedication to one
another and hopefully bring us heightened respect for one another even if I don’t
feel like he is displaying that respect for me at this time.
He needs to find a hobby that fits him now. He has pretty much
quit any consistent activity in his life at this point and it is time for me to
put my foot down and get him back into something so that he has something to be
hopeful for and enjoy, no matter what this looks like. He needs a consistent
Last night we had a huge fight, many things were said that
needed to be said, many things that needed to be cleared up, many tears were shed,
and I think we needed to actually experience this in order to better understand
where we are each coming from, why we are doing what we are doing, how we feel
about each other’s decisions and expectations so we can appropriately respond. When
you agree or push things “under the rug” when they are really bothering you or
don’t agree you are people pleasing while festering feelings that are not good
for your inner peace and can blow up later.
Communication is key in any relationship that you want to thrive,
even if you are newly trying to figure out how to communicate in the most effective
ways by feeling out what expectations are there, why we do the things we do,
what makes us respond both negatively and positively to one another and how to
better understand those we are communicating with. So many of us assume we know
what someone is thinking or how we want them to treat us, but many of us never
actually say what we want or explain why we do things to get the responses we
are expecting. None of us are mind readers and we don’t all have the same
I learned a lot last night of where his anger is coming from
not just that his dad died, he learned a lot about my sadness and why I have
made some of the decisions and choices I have over the past months. I felt he
better understood why it is important to live our lives while we are still here
and that his dad would want us to be happy. I felt closer to knowing how hard
this is for him even though I will never know exactly what is going on in his
head, he realized that I am doing my best to be strong for him and that I am
not “over” my grief, I just am older, more experienced, and better equipped to
handle mine than he is.
He learned what I need from him to help me support him and
keep our place running and my sanity. My expectations are not super high
because he is still a pre-teen boy, but my standards were set for him to
respond more responsibly and respectfully to me. He needs me to be a mom in the
present. My career can be a blessing and a curse. I make my own schedule but
sometimes the things I do on my computer and phone can be worse than actually
working an 9-5 job where I am gone. To me I am here for him, but then again I
am not really present if my mind isn’t. This has been a struggle for a long
time. I am that people pleaser, but I cannot be everything to everyone at the same
time and I need to add a little structure and set proper expectations for my
clients as well as Paxton to be more of an effectively present person for both.
Nothing is perfect and you cannot expect it to be. This trial-and-error
period doesn’t have an expiration date unfortunately it is a constant growth
opportunity, which can be looked at as both good and bad. You must accept the
bad with the good and plow forward, sometimes into the unknown. As I am constantly
learning this life is a journey, not a destination… the destination will come
eventually when our time here is up, but for now we must enjoy it while we can look
forward to the next chapter one day at a time.
Yesterday I was asked by a friend if my experience at any point made me
question my faith? I responded previously yes, this time no. I am very faith
grounded, that is what keeps me going, that is what keeps me from completely
falling apart, although sometimes I want to. I think it is normal to question,
normal to have doubts and normal to bare the thought of never-ending pain to
the extent nothing else seems to matter. I would never judge anyone for this. This
morning while getting ready a song came on the radio and I just had to send it
to her. The words rang true we will be tested, and it is up to us to put our
faith above our circumstances and know that every day may not be good but there
is something good in everyday and holding on to hope can make all the difference.
Mercy Me-
Bring the Rain
I can count a million times
People asking me how I
Can praise You with all that I've gone through
The question just amazes me
Can circumstances possibly
Change who I forever am in You
Maybe since my life was changed
Long before these rainy days
It's never really ever crossed my mind
To turn my back on you, oh Lord
My only shelter from the storm
But instead I draw closer through these times
So I pray
Bring me joy, bring me peace
Bring the chance to be free
Bring me anything that brings You glory
And I know there'll be days
When this life brings me pain
But if that's what it takes to praise You
Jesus, bring the rain
I am Yours regardless of
The dark clouds that may loom above
Because You are much greater than my pain
You who made a way for me
By suffering Your destiny
So tell me what's a little rain
So I pray
Holy, holy, holy
Is the Lord God Almighty
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Billy Montana / Helen Darling
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