Alright, here we go again with my research. When I compare something,
it makes more sense when I can see what the difference is, so it makes it worth
looking it up. I wanted to know the
differences between balance and harmony. I mean I know what I thought the difference
was but what does the dictionary say?
What’s the definition for balance?
noun. a state of equilibrium or equipoise; equal distribution of weight, amount, etc. something used to produce equilibrium; counterpoise. mental steadiness or emotional stability; habit of calm behavior, judgment, etc.
What is the best definition of harmony?
noun, plural
har·mo·nies. agreement; accord; harmonious relations. a consistent,
orderly, or pleasing arrangement of parts; congruity. Music. any simultaneous
combination of tones.
A Facebook friend of mine posted something last week and it
spoke to me as being very profound that I and others could incorporate in our
lives to maybe think outside of our box and the way that we are conditioned to
believe things are supposed to be, something more purposeful to strive for, harmony.
I don’t know how many of you are like me and have been told
all our lives to prepare for the future, plan ahead, and make sure to balance
our lives. Balance health, religion, home life, relationships, work,
exercise, hobbies and all the other things going on simultaneously.
This is one thing I have struggled with, especially over
the past year and a half, is trying to balance everything in our new life. Grieving,
living, health, sadness, happiness, work, school, accomplishments, activities, relationships
both maintaining and building new ones and all the other things that are still
going on in our daily lives even though we are grieving, everything around us
didn’t stop and we shouldn’t either. But balancing it all and not falling apart
or failing miserably at times, making mistakes, and learning new things at the
same time, finding what makes us happy, and still serving others, being kind
and loving to one another is a true juggling act. I have been stressing how I want
to be able to balance things out for our lives to run more smoothly and for us
to find an acceptance going forward to make our lives enjoyable and
particularly less exhausting emotionally with all the ups and downs.
I had the pleasure of hearing Sherry Williams speak at a
bruncheon last Spring thanks to Suzy Levenda who puts on the best Women of Strength
conferences you could possibly imagine, she has the biggest heart and loves to
see others grow and heal through their positive encounters. Sherry was an
amazing speaker and her story was inspiring. She stresses how the effects of
any life experience can be your excuse… or your power. She makes it her power.
If you are interested in finding out more you can visit her site at
Her post that resonated with me said this.
Balance is not the goal Harmony is. A scale in balance is
stagnant. A vibrant life flows and shifts. – Sherry
Read that again.
I had to read it several times. It hit me the first time,
but I needed to make sure what I thought I read would stick. My first thought
was my cabin, my mom, prior to her passing away, when she bought our cabin in Pinetop
that we Airbnb, she named it Harmony Cabin. I never really asked why. It
seemed appropriate. A place where we could escape and be in harmony, with
nature, with our loved ones, and with ourselves.
When I think of balance I think of an old fashioned scale,
a weight on each side that levels out each other. I never thought of it as
stagnant, but her quote made me look at the word from a different perspective. Stagnant
is boring. I don’t think we are called to live boring lives. I absolutely love
music and harmony makes me think of all the songs I listen to and love that make
me feel alive or words that vibrate with my mood or experiences. I have listened to
more music and songs and their meanings over the course of the past year than I
have ever particularly paid attention to how a song’s lyrics made me feel and
how beautiful their harmonies can be. Harmonies
do flow and shift and so do our lives. Our lives are not meant to stay the same
consistency all the time.
Her words made me reflect deeper on how I want to be able
to find a groove that works for Paxton and I over a balance, we don’t always
put the same weight on all the things in our life, nor do we put the same weight
on things that others do. That is the beauty of it we have the freedom to
choose the things we find the most important and how we prioritize what it is
we do. We all have different purposes and finding harmony in all the things we
do seems like it should be the ultimate goal. Just like the songs we like to
listen to, certain notes and lyrics, as well as songs with multiple artists
singing together have more weight over others and it is finding that perfect
harmony to make it all come together that we should be striving for our lives
to find the perfect flow that works for us.
If you have been striving to find balance in your life,
maybe take a step back and consider harmony instead and see where that takes