Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Adjust Your Sails!


Dancing around my kitchen listening to my play list in my jammies, cooking dinner, drinking wine, and feeling at peace after a few days of being overwhelmed with life. Spare you the exact details but seemed like everything hit at once. I am here, life is good, I still have a purpose!  One thing after another hitting me like a brick (no pun intended as Paxton just ended up with a slight concussion after hitting his head unloading hay on a metal beam of our barn – he is okay, resuming baseball next Monday per doctors’ orders), some disappointing, some overwhelming, some overstimulating, and some more rewarding than others. Isn’t that life?  

To recognize that no matter what I am dealing with, whatever comes at me, or surrounds me, I love my life, I am blessed, and I enjoy it. Not only for what I have accomplished, what I have and who I share it with, but for accepting what I have been dealt and making the most of it. This is my story, as I have said many times, and I am embracing it! The good, the bad, and the ugly.

Being content and being happy are two different feelings. The things that make you content do not challenge you and often do not allow you to live up to your full potential. It is you against your potential and whether you are satisfied with that feeling and where you are at or if you are wanting, needing, or expecting more out of yourself. You are always one choice away from a totally different life, but you must be prepared for what lies ahead, sometimes it can be scary, but taking the risk can reap potential unlimited rewards!  

The last several weeks, as real estate has gotten busier, baseball has started again after a 2 year and 3-month hiatus, I am letting go of some of my past commitments, embarking on a new future, and consciously and purposefully engaging in a more present way of life. I may be experiencing a little more overwhelming moments but also some pretty fulfilling ones as well. Stay tuned, more to come in the upcoming months!

The recent additions to our lives have surely brought some of the calmest and most rewarding moments and a promising future. Don’t be afraid to pray for hard things. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want and believe you deserve it. Some recent obstacles, hiccups, and trials have made for a better appreciation when they are overcome.

I recently acknowledged, though realized much earlier on that everything we experience either teaches us a lesson or makes us stronger and more capable of handling future obstacles, setbacks and or challenges. Praying for the right words to say, the right actions to take, or believing we already accomplished it is definitely in our favor. You may not get what you prayed for, but believe it is because you will gain something better, or what you are supposed to have.

I recently sold a home to clients that they were in love with, their eyes lit up as they spoke to family about the property, the inspection had them second guessing and canceling that purchase, they were disappointed in a major way, as it was their first home buying experience.  I said maybe that was what you had to have happen so that the right thing would come along but wasn’t available yet. 2 weeks later- perfect home, same price range, with a pool popped up, we negotiated the price, the terms, and the conditions and guess what it was theirs! Yes, sometimes things are worth going through a disappointment first to get what you are meant to have. Sometimes we have to surrender the outcome and trust the process.

I also was reminded recently by another friend that we cannot please everyone all of the time, we are not supposed to be someone we are not to fit in, to be liked, or to try to accommodate those around us. I gave her the advice that your people are the ones that can accept your flaws, and you can accept theirs, you laugh together, show up for one another, pray for one another, and encourages them to live their best life, to their fullest potential and they return that extraordinary reciprocation for you as well. You don’t have to change how you act or who you are to be accepted by them, those people are not your people, you are not going to be everyone’s person either. Not everyone’s personality, life goals, or morals are going to mesh. Don’t waste your time fighting to make them. Embrace you, concentrate on you, your goals, your dreams, your family- be kind, helpful and respectful of others but stop bending over backwards to fit in or feel liked and loved by those that will never accept you no matter how good of a person or how hard you try and stop trying to make sense of why they don’t.

Concentrate on the things that bring you joy, fill your cup, and accentuate your purpose. Always be willing to learn, grow, and adjust. Seize your YOU. 

The Pessimist Complains About the Wind; the Optimist Expects It to Change; the Realist Adjusts the Sails - William Arthur Ward




  1. Dani, it’s been almost 7 months since my husband passed and I’m still struggling to find what I’m supposed to be doing with my life. It is very frustrating to not know. People tell me it’s to soon, God will let you know. Thank you for your stories.💕

    1. I think we all find what we're supposed to be doing in the right time that's meant for us not everybody's time is the same. Keep the faith that you will find out and he will reveal it to you at the right time Thank you for reading

  2. Oh my sweet Dani. Yes that is how it should be! I’m not sure how people get through their grief without relying on God❣️😇
