Thursday, August 1, 2024

I Am Moving Forever Forward


If you ever wonder or second guess being in love with your life and if it is okay, the answer is YES! 100% Yes! That doesn’t mean that you haven’t had bad things happen, it doesn’t mean you forget your past, it doesn’t mean you still can’t have anxieties about the future, and it doesn’t mean you are not currently experiencing struggles. You can be going through some tough things, but you can still be happy. It just means you are living your life in the moment and enjoying it! You should you deserve it. Tell yourself you do, feel it!  People around you may be experiencing crappy things, awful situations, struggling, being negative. You may feel bad for someone else who is having a hard time or struggling with something in their life, and not wanting to express your happiness! STOP!  You don’t have to hide your happiness to match their situation, you don’t have to flaunt it, but you shouldn’t avoid sharing it or spreading your positivity! It is contagious you know!

A colleague of mine said that every condition or situation has a physical, mental and emotional cause. To ignore any of these is a recipe for staying stuck at your current level of well-being and impact. I am not sure that I am prepared to do that, nor have I ever been. It is perfectly okay to get knocked down, just don’t stay there.  If it isn’t working do something else, if you are currently in a situation that brings you down, focus your energy on something else, put away your fears, expectations and over-thinking when they are not improving your situation. Try to concentrate on having fun with your life.

Start small. Keep a journal. It doesn't have to be fancy, a notebook will do. But there is something pretty and satisfying to me when I buy a brand new pretty one! LOL. I keep track of only the things I am grateful for in it. I write prayers from a future place of gratitude. I remember when Paxton was younger, he asked me why I pray prayers for things as if they already have happened and they haven’t. First off, my Mama did and second off if you believe in manifestation at all believing that you already have it changes your mindset and thought patterns which can lead to you more likely getting whatever it is!

 Do I write about the bad, sometimes I do, but I take time out of my day to only focus on all the good going on around me. Paxton and I practice daily saying what we are grateful for. As your typical teen he sometimes says some things that make me think “with all the good in a day, that is what you are thankful for?” But I don’t judge as this is his opinion or how he feels and feelings are neither right nor wrong, they are real. And sometimes he surprises me and is thankful for things I would never have thought he would admit! Expressing gratitude allows you to be in a frame of mind that focuses on the positive energy of your day rather than elevating the negative. This can help you live life at a whole new level.

I have a deal right now that I am not making very much money on, and I learned yesterday of an issue with the property that may make this transaction a lot more work than it is worth. If I dwell on the negativity wrapped around the transaction, I lose sight of all the good.  I am grateful that I am making money from it at all, someone chose to refer it to me as they felt I was more of an expert at land sales than they were and trusted me to take care of their client. That is huge!  I also choose to look it as a learning experience where I can be challenged to find a solution for my client as well as the buyer buying the property. This gives me even further knowledge and expertise in my field and redefines my approach that may be helpful in another situation down the road. I could complain that the amount of money I am making isn’t enough for the challenge or I could redirect my energy to focus on how to fix it. It is worth it to me to choose the latter.

Stop trying to be perfect to find happiness. Be happy now, not 10 or 50lbs from now, not after the next sale, a new job or a promotion you are working toward, not after you find your right partner or you buy your dream home or car, not after all your debt is paid or you accomplish the next goal. Be happy now, celebrate then! Enjoy your journey along the way to those goals! Don't hurry! Not all goals need to be rushed. Rushing creates stress, stress creates conflict and poor decisions and sometimes sloppy work! Your experience getting there will be so much more worth the struggle if you take your time and make it count. 

Trust that God has a plan for your life, if you aren’t getting what you want His might not be the same as yours or it may just not be the right time. Maybe the struggles you face today will be worth the promises of your future and maybe your attitude and gratitude could change your perspective and change the outcome. I choose to take my chances on the maybe. I believe that nothing that happens to me is random. Focus on what could go right instead of what could go wrong.

Do your best without it being tied to your outcome, focus on what matters most. If you are not sure what that is, figure it out. Concentrate on the why, you will probably get there faster. Focusing on a goal without a purpose is like putting a hamster on a wheel and expecting it to get to the other side of the room. Maybe it isn’t the end result that you are ultimately looking for, maybe it is everything that makes up the journey getting there that is more important. Make the journey count. Happiness should not be tied to an outcome; happiness is a choice you choose despite it. Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle. 

I watched a movie the other day and this song came on I had never heard before called Forever Forward by Granger Smith. It had so much truth to it for me. Look it up to hear the whole thing. 

Here is an excerpt. 

Our stories are like tattoos

Like a scar on our heart it's still a part of you

For so long I was ashamed of mine 

but I don't have to move on 

Like silver or gold heated by a fire

Yeah, I'm better with time...

Don't listen to regret

My story is not finished and I am not done yet

I gotta keep moving forever forward. 

 The journey down life's road

So many curves and swerves and broken potholds

But there is beauty in taking the long way

Yeah, I have seen it enough to say


  1. I love reading your blogs! I have had a huge goal for over 18 years and that goal has been to make $25,000 in a month with my Direct sales business. A few times I have gotten half way there. I am committing myself again for the same goal but after reading your blog - I will commit to this goal but with a purpose. What is my purpose for this goal- to help someone in need! Thanks Dani!

    1. I love this and I fully believe if you focus on your purpose, you will make your goal!!!
