So okay... .I guess I skipped yesterday... REALLY? I think sometimes my days run into each other! Well, I will write what I thought I would write about yesterday and then eh, I'll go on for today!
Sunday I realized... actually I knew this. That I am not sure if it is better to be good at one or two things or to try and do all the things you like. If you are involved in too many things, can you truly not be really good at one?
Do you put your time and energy into many things and it exhausts you? I think this can happen... but what do you give up? How do you decide what to let go. Maybe you enjoy each thing, whether it be a hobby, another form of money making or just something you like to dabble in and you don't want to say goodbye.
But are you truly happy spread so thin. Sometimes I think it is the thrill of being involved in many things, the fact that you can say you can multi-task. People look at you and compliment you for all the things that you have accomplished and continue to pursue.
Wow it really is a tough question to ask myself, or for anyone to ask for that matter. I do enjoy most everything I do, and the one thing that I would truly give up in a heart beat, I need as the constant and I can't let go.
So for now I have decided to pursue other things, as well as maintain the things I have going for me, something will eventually work itself out, and I can slowly give up those things one by one that are not so beneficial to the soul.
Now if this makes sense to you then good for you, and if it doesn't remember this is my reflection of my day, and it may not always make any sense to you, but keep reading- you may benefit from something I have to say in the future.
If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, then you are an excellent leader. - Dolly Parton
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