At 31 years old I pictured myself in a little different place than I am right now.
How many times have you repeatedly heard that "life is a journey not a destination" yet we are constantly struggling to see our future, to grasp that end result but there never really is an end if life is a journey meant for us to keep learning and expanding our knowledge, our interests and our desires.
Society allows us to create this facid that we haven't yet reached where it is we think we need to be unless we have met some certain status quo created by others, society, peers, and our inner critic think we should be.
Truly, I think we are who we think we are, we are each in charge of our own destiny. We have the freedom of choice and we can be whatever we set our mind to. We can put as little or as much effort into creating our own self.
We however need not see the end picture but the journey we take, the mistakes we make, the triumphs and failures, accomplishments and adjustments and truly live our lives.
Definitely it is less stressful to think that we can continue our journey every day and keep learning, we are not destined to have to be something at any certain time period, unless we ourselves chose to do so.
Today I am grateful that I am where I am in my life, whether it is where I expected to be or not.
-"happiness is permanent, it is always there, what comes and goes is unhappiness. If you identify with what comes and goes, you will be unhappy-If you identify with what is permanent and always there, you are happiness itself." -Poonjaji
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