Over the past few years my husband's grandmother, who is now 96 has been slowly losing her hearing. True for the past almost 15 years I have known her she has worn hearing aids however, they did help her be able to hear and carry on a conversation with us a lot more so than recently.
I had the pleasure of picking her up from my sister-in-laws last weekend and brought her out to see the lights in the neighborhood and our tree and decorations. We tried talking in the car a little but it was extremely hard.
Paxton got extremely frustrated from the back seat trying to "tell her something" He kept saying I want to tell Grammy something. I had to keep reminding him that she can't hear, and at 3 years old I don't think he gets it. He can hear, I am sure he wonders why everyone can't hear.
I had a babysitter growing up who had 2 other sisters and one of them was deaf, she occasionally watched me, she could talk with a muted tone and could hear to an extent but not really, and I always thought how hard that would be, but I guess that is what sign language is for, even when you see little kids that can't hear and it amazes me how awesome it is that they can communicate. But elderly and brittle hands is probably not the best time to pick up such forms of communication.
Paper and letters will have to be how we remain patient and calm trying to tell stories and explain things to her about what is going on in our lives. When I was working full time away from home for awhile there I would write her a letter and mail it to her of the things we had done over the past week. My sister-in-law suggested this to my husband and we thought it was a great idea. When my husband asked me the other night if I was still doing this and I have to admit I was not. We try to get over to see her with Paxton once a week, but true the communication when there is still tough, so the letters will now continue. I can't imagine how lonely it is to not share in the conversations around you, especially since you once could.
I left Paxton at home when I took her home that night and in the car she asked me questions but when I responded she couldn't really hear me and it was too dark to drive and look over at her so she could see my lips. She tries to answer based on what she thinks you have said to her. I nodded a lot.
On my way home by myself listening to Christmas Music I had time to really reflect on this. A simple thing like Christmas music that I take for granted I will be able to hear every year, became a blessing to me. A woman for over 90 years was able to communicate and understand without things having to be written down for her until recently. I decided that was my cue to be reminded that things can be taken from you in the blink of an eye or gradually and you will have to adapt, and may never have something that important to you again. Sometimes my kid whines, sometimes he talks a lot, sometimes he won't be quiet, and I get rather irritated wondering why he just can't be quiet, but truly if I had my hearing taken from me I would be wishing I could hear those sounds again.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Friday, December 21, 2012
As Guilty as I charge myself
Yesterday I allowed myself to feel at peace with something I forgot to do. I am one of those women who feels like they have to be superwomen at so many things. I want think and act like I can handle it all and sometimes it just kicks me in the butt. I get so upset and disappointed in myself when I don't or forget to do something that was important to someone else. For any of you who know me, I am into a lot of things. I do a lot for my family members I work hard and try to be everywhere for everyone. I think that I put more harsh and unrealistic expectations on myself more than others place reliance on me. Maybe sometimes I blame their reliance on me as a reason why I am so stressed. I need to keep reminding myself every day along with everything else I remind myself of, that I can only do so much. I need to stop putting extreme expectations on myself.
I recently had a bunch of blood work done wanting to blame my testiness, hormonal imbalance, moods, weight gain and such on something that was wrong with me. I am happy and glad to say that nothing came back wrong with my blood work, I am just a little crazy in the head! HA! I am sure some of you can relate.
This has brought me to the conclusion that I just need to take the time for me. To breath, to exercise, to stick to something consistent that will probably help the rest of my needs become met, to collect my thoughts before stepping out there and trying to tackle the world for others. This in turn may make me better at tackling the world for others. Will I continue to put the needs of others first, probably, but I also need to learn that if I am going to do that, I need to proceed with caution, I need to under promise and over deliver. I need not to place unrealistic expectations on myself and I need to laugh off the silly mistakes, that will not be remembered.
Yesterday I got Paxton ready for school, grabbed his gift for exchange and his backpack, drink and gift for teacher, got to the school and read on the board, pj day! Wow Dani, nice one. Paxton was the only kid without pj's on. I felt extremely terrible, like all the other mom's looked at me like I was a failure- did they, probably not, but I allowed myself to think that for a short while, because I felt like one. I felt like I was suppose to make sure I looked at the school calendar and remembered such an important thing, but allowed myself to get busy or wrapped up with other things that I did not. Lesson learned put Paxton's school calendar on my calendar!
I asked my little man, bless his heart, if he wanted me to go home and bring back his pj's? He replied, "no mom, that is okay" and went off to play with the other kids. I went to the car feeling guilty still but with the amount of errands I needed to run, glad I didn't have to make the 8 mile trek home and back again. I conversed with a friend over email who reminded me that tooth fairies sometimes even forget to leave money. Not only did it make me smile it made me remember that we are only human, as mom's we are going to try to make everything perfect for our kids and family, and it is only us that allows our self to feel that guilt whether someone else places the blame or not.
When I picked him up he didn't want to come home he was having so much fun at the Christmas party and breathed a sigh of relief knowing that this is only the beginning and probably not the first time I will forget something. I am glad I have such a loving little boy and I hope to raise him to be an amazing adult.
I recently had a bunch of blood work done wanting to blame my testiness, hormonal imbalance, moods, weight gain and such on something that was wrong with me. I am happy and glad to say that nothing came back wrong with my blood work, I am just a little crazy in the head! HA! I am sure some of you can relate.
This has brought me to the conclusion that I just need to take the time for me. To breath, to exercise, to stick to something consistent that will probably help the rest of my needs become met, to collect my thoughts before stepping out there and trying to tackle the world for others. This in turn may make me better at tackling the world for others. Will I continue to put the needs of others first, probably, but I also need to learn that if I am going to do that, I need to proceed with caution, I need to under promise and over deliver. I need not to place unrealistic expectations on myself and I need to laugh off the silly mistakes, that will not be remembered.
Yesterday I got Paxton ready for school, grabbed his gift for exchange and his backpack, drink and gift for teacher, got to the school and read on the board, pj day! Wow Dani, nice one. Paxton was the only kid without pj's on. I felt extremely terrible, like all the other mom's looked at me like I was a failure- did they, probably not, but I allowed myself to think that for a short while, because I felt like one. I felt like I was suppose to make sure I looked at the school calendar and remembered such an important thing, but allowed myself to get busy or wrapped up with other things that I did not. Lesson learned put Paxton's school calendar on my calendar!
I asked my little man, bless his heart, if he wanted me to go home and bring back his pj's? He replied, "no mom, that is okay" and went off to play with the other kids. I went to the car feeling guilty still but with the amount of errands I needed to run, glad I didn't have to make the 8 mile trek home and back again. I conversed with a friend over email who reminded me that tooth fairies sometimes even forget to leave money. Not only did it make me smile it made me remember that we are only human, as mom's we are going to try to make everything perfect for our kids and family, and it is only us that allows our self to feel that guilt whether someone else places the blame or not.
When I picked him up he didn't want to come home he was having so much fun at the Christmas party and breathed a sigh of relief knowing that this is only the beginning and probably not the first time I will forget something. I am glad I have such a loving little boy and I hope to raise him to be an amazing adult.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Christmas Crunch Time

The presents are bought and wrapped, the cookies are made for the neighbor's gifts. Preschool exchange gift is wrapped along with the teacher's gift. I am going to run a few errands today to take some things back, I have one last trip to the grocery for the items I need for cookie baking day, for Christmas Eve and Day dinners, I have perogie filling made, just need to make the perogies. I have my annual cookie baking day with my nieces planned for Saturday! I can't wait it is so much fun. This year we will throw Paxton in the mix and I will remember to remain calm that they are only kids having fun and a little wasted flour, sprinkles, sugar and mess are nothing compared to spending time with them enjoying making memories.
My hubby decided to try his hand at tamale making this year so Sunday we are having a tamale making party. (honestly I am not a tamale fan, but they should be fun to make). I wanted this Christmas to be meaningful, to teach my son the true meaning. Together we purchased a special Santa key that we fixed up and added a little saying for Santa and his reindeer to get into our door, (thanking him for coming to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ), since we don't have a fireplace for him to get down. We bought and have read our daily bible sayings (and of course my son ate the chocolates) from the advent calendar. We decorated together, talked about the manager story and Paxton has decided that Christmas morning Jesus' birthday cake will be white with mini red and green M&M's . We can celebrate Christmas morning and sing Happy Birthday to HIM. Paxton has had fun watching his elf hunt, fish, ride on dinosaurs, eat Nutella and get it on his nose, grow candy canes in the backyard and hang from the lights. This is the first year he wasn't afraid of Santa Claus, climbed right up on his lap and told him what he wanted, ( a truck/trailer and boat- from Bass Pro and a skateboard) It has really been a fun filled season full of new and interesting things now that he is the age where things make more sense to him. I really have enjoyed it and can't wait to make these memories traditions year after year.
This year we gave to the church food drive, donated a few of my books to the Cardon's Children's Hospital and thanks to a dear friend the Children's Hospital in Salt Lake City, UT, as well as donated to the United Way in lieu of Scentsy's original plan to donate a Scentsy Buddy for each child to the Sandy Hook School Children, due to gifts not being accepted. This is truly the season for giving and I want my son to learn that is is in giving that we receive.
“O Divine Master, grant that I may not seek to be consoled, as to console. To be understood, as to understand. To be loved, as to love. For it is in giving that we receive. It is in pardoning that we are pardoned. It is in dying that we are born to eternal life.” ~St. Francis of Assisi
Monday, December 17, 2012
How Do I Pray For The Families Of Sandy Hook?
I know that usually I am the writer on this lovely blog of mine, however I received this great and powerful blog post today from Lysa TerKeurst of Proverbs 31 ministries, and I wanted to share with every one. For more visit Lysa's page at http://www.proverbs31.org/
There are things mommies aren’t ever supposed to find.
They aren’t supposed to find themselves in a firehouse frantically looking for their child. They aren’t supposed to find their child’s name on a list of those who won’t be coming home. They aren’t supposed to find a dress to wear to their child’s funeral.
They aren’t supposed to turn their calendar and find a date circled for the birthday party they were supposed to be planning next month. The one that won’t be.
Or walk to the mailbox and find their child’s dentist appointment reminder card. The receptionist forgot to pull that one out.
Or find a book they know their child would love. Only half way to the check out counter they remember, they’re gone.
They aren’t supposed to find these things.
They aren’t supposed to find that grieving for a child is like navigating a path with chasms so wide their continued steps seem impossible. Terrifying. Hopeless.
I know these chasms. I watched my mom stare at them. I saw her wish she could fall in them and never have to take another painful step. I wept over everything she found reminding her my sister was gone.
That’s how I know what God would have me pray right now. For the families of the loved ones that lost so much last Friday. But especially for the mommies.
The mommies that even right now are finding things no mommy should have to find.
I want my prayers to slip into those chasms and somehow fill them. I am asking God to show me. Make me aware of the specific things those mommies might find in the months to come. When the black dresses are hanging in the closets. The media has packed up and gone home. The cards stop coming. The neighbors are back to normal.
And in the quietness of her own grief that mommy finds something. Something that breaks her heart all over again. And in that space of pure grief, she feels horrifically alone.
Please Lord, let my prayers go there. Prick my heart to fill that chasm with layers of prayers from my mommy heart. Let me take the deep grief of that moment so she doesn’t have to be so alone.
Though she won’t see me or hear my prayers, may she feel an unexplainable sense of Your presence. And know. You.
That’s what I pray she does find. You. With her. Comfort. Peace. Healing. Hope.
Oh God, show us how to pray.
“Know that wisdom is such to your soul; if you find it, there will be a future, and your hope will not be cut off,” Proverbs 24:14.
There are things mommies aren’t ever supposed to find.
They aren’t supposed to find themselves in a firehouse frantically looking for their child. They aren’t supposed to find their child’s name on a list of those who won’t be coming home. They aren’t supposed to find a dress to wear to their child’s funeral.
They aren’t supposed to turn their calendar and find a date circled for the birthday party they were supposed to be planning next month. The one that won’t be.
Or walk to the mailbox and find their child’s dentist appointment reminder card. The receptionist forgot to pull that one out.
Or find a book they know their child would love. Only half way to the check out counter they remember, they’re gone.
They aren’t supposed to find these things.
They aren’t supposed to find that grieving for a child is like navigating a path with chasms so wide their continued steps seem impossible. Terrifying. Hopeless.
I know these chasms. I watched my mom stare at them. I saw her wish she could fall in them and never have to take another painful step. I wept over everything she found reminding her my sister was gone.
That’s how I know what God would have me pray right now. For the families of the loved ones that lost so much last Friday. But especially for the mommies.
The mommies that even right now are finding things no mommy should have to find.
I want my prayers to slip into those chasms and somehow fill them. I am asking God to show me. Make me aware of the specific things those mommies might find in the months to come. When the black dresses are hanging in the closets. The media has packed up and gone home. The cards stop coming. The neighbors are back to normal.
And in the quietness of her own grief that mommy finds something. Something that breaks her heart all over again. And in that space of pure grief, she feels horrifically alone.
Please Lord, let my prayers go there. Prick my heart to fill that chasm with layers of prayers from my mommy heart. Let me take the deep grief of that moment so she doesn’t have to be so alone.
Though she won’t see me or hear my prayers, may she feel an unexplainable sense of Your presence. And know. You.
That’s what I pray she does find. You. With her. Comfort. Peace. Healing. Hope.
Oh God, show us how to pray.
“Know that wisdom is such to your soul; if you find it, there will be a future, and your hope will not be cut off,” Proverbs 24:14.
Monday, December 3, 2012
plan, purpose, passion
This week is a new week. I am going to work on my schedule that I made for myself during the week from my mastermind group at the office and concentrate on finishing each task as I am doing it. My biggest struggle while multi-tasking or having the ability to work from home, I tend to jump from one project to another without finishing the first, I allow interruptions, because somehow in my mind I feel like if I take care of it on the spot, it won't have to go on a list for later and people will appreciate me being on top of it. I think this is hurting rather than helping me fit as many things into a day that I can, because I never fully finish what I am doing to jump to the next thing and I have to go back to it anyway. So I am going to take each task and do it unless an emergency arises.
I often listen to other agents/lenders voicemails that return calls within 24 hours or certain times of the day and thought to myself, how do they get any business this way. Most of my clients want service the minute they call/text or email. I put myself in their shoes, I want what I want when I want it or I get anxious sometimes. But maybe this isn't the best way to give service if I am not fully committed to what is at hand because I have several projects going on in my head or on my desk.
So for those of you that are used to me answering on the first ring, texting back right away or emailing you the minute a question arises, my purpose this week is to help each person fully, finish each job/task/project at one time if possible and to see if I can't get just a little more done on my list that I intended and thought I could. I am going to work toward allowing myself more peace knowing that I cannot control every thing that comes my way, the issue/problem/question will probably still be there in 30 minutes when I am done with whatever I am working on. That I can do my best, but give my efforts to making the most of my time. With a plan, with a purpose and with passion.
I often listen to other agents/lenders voicemails that return calls within 24 hours or certain times of the day and thought to myself, how do they get any business this way. Most of my clients want service the minute they call/text or email. I put myself in their shoes, I want what I want when I want it or I get anxious sometimes. But maybe this isn't the best way to give service if I am not fully committed to what is at hand because I have several projects going on in my head or on my desk.
So for those of you that are used to me answering on the first ring, texting back right away or emailing you the minute a question arises, my purpose this week is to help each person fully, finish each job/task/project at one time if possible and to see if I can't get just a little more done on my list that I intended and thought I could. I am going to work toward allowing myself more peace knowing that I cannot control every thing that comes my way, the issue/problem/question will probably still be there in 30 minutes when I am done with whatever I am working on. That I can do my best, but give my efforts to making the most of my time. With a plan, with a purpose and with passion.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
what motivates you?
What motivates you? What drives you to wake up every day and go out there and do something with yourself, make something of yourself? For each of us I am sure it is different and it can be more than one factor. Is it for you? For someone else? Is it worth it? Does it allow balance in your life? These are all questions we have to ask our self when deciding what to do for our jobs/careers/life goals. Do you get comfortable with what you are doing and don't keep pushing yourself to do the things you want and lose time? I know that I do. Giving up is easy, being comfortable feels nice, yet for me sometimes some things are missing. When I work harder and get the results I want, I am happy, I am satisfied, I feel great and accomplished. I am not sure why it is so hard to get motivated to start with sometimes.
I think the biggest struggle example that I have is my intention to work out. I ALWAYS feel great after a good work out, but I seldom am really motivated to actually work out, even though I know the results will boost my self confidence and energy. Same goes for my work, my book, etc. Sometimes I put first the things I think I should be doing and save some of this stuff as selfish things that can be pushed back.
I know that with the Thanksgiving holiday I slacked off a little more than I probably should and now I am racing to catch up and try to keep up with my leads and not lose anyone because I am busy and may not be available at the exact time they are looking for me to help them. I had in the back of my mind that everything would be okay and then one of my closings fell through that I was banking on to take that extra "week" off, even though I was working I wasn't working like I should have been. Do we need to give ourselves a break every once in a while? Sure but we still have to be cautious of how it will affect the outcomes in the future. That is when balance and calmness, patience and flexibility have to be my constant daily reminder, as well as my motivating factor, my family.
My family is the most important tangible thing that I have, and keeping up with my goals and aspirations gives me the flexibility I need to make the time with my family happen. I need to just keep remembering to keep my eye on my goals, go over my motivations every day (even though I know what they are) and keep the faith and belief that God is there for me to see me through any obstacle I have and that I believe in myself enough to know that I can do anything which I set my mind to and really really want.
I think the biggest struggle example that I have is my intention to work out. I ALWAYS feel great after a good work out, but I seldom am really motivated to actually work out, even though I know the results will boost my self confidence and energy. Same goes for my work, my book, etc. Sometimes I put first the things I think I should be doing and save some of this stuff as selfish things that can be pushed back.
I know that with the Thanksgiving holiday I slacked off a little more than I probably should and now I am racing to catch up and try to keep up with my leads and not lose anyone because I am busy and may not be available at the exact time they are looking for me to help them. I had in the back of my mind that everything would be okay and then one of my closings fell through that I was banking on to take that extra "week" off, even though I was working I wasn't working like I should have been. Do we need to give ourselves a break every once in a while? Sure but we still have to be cautious of how it will affect the outcomes in the future. That is when balance and calmness, patience and flexibility have to be my constant daily reminder, as well as my motivating factor, my family.
My family is the most important tangible thing that I have, and keeping up with my goals and aspirations gives me the flexibility I need to make the time with my family happen. I need to just keep remembering to keep my eye on my goals, go over my motivations every day (even though I know what they are) and keep the faith and belief that God is there for me to see me through any obstacle I have and that I believe in myself enough to know that I can do anything which I set my mind to and really really want.
Monday, November 5, 2012
100% Control
I have talked about reactive situations and re-creating myself to be the best me that I can on several previous blogs. I was recently reminded of how my defensive nature can sometimes ruin an immediate situation because I don't have the time to stop and let something sink in, I just immediately lash out with sometimes negative comments that don't usually make the situation any better, and most of the time worse- even though that may not be my intention. I would never intentionally hurt some one's feelings, but sometimes that is just what happens. I am again glad that I can take constructive criticism (once I truly think about the situation- I wish it was more immediate so I didn't lash out).
What we say and what comes out of our mouth can easily be apologized for and often if not most of the times forgiven and maybe forgot about, but never taken back, as if it didn't happen.
I don't know if any of you are like me in the fact that you have really high expectations of yourself and how you should be to others, how the things that you touch and are a part of your life so easily get absorbed into something that you feel responsible for, even if you cannot control the person or thing, you somehow feel that you "the internal perfectionist" that you are should not allow it to happen, but honestly no matter how many times that I have felt like I should be able to control a person or situation simply because it affects me or would make me somehow look bad, I honestly can't take responsibility for anything that I don't have 100% control over- on the other hand; MY REACTION- 100% control.
So in other words, I don't have 100% control over my family members, what they do or say, how they feel or react, a real estate transaction that another person causes to not go as smoothly as "I" had planned, or some one's positive or negative reaction to something I say or do. So why is it that I feel responsible to justify or defend something that I cannot fully control. Sometimes I feel like the elephant trying to balance on the beach ball trying to juggle it all when I need to just stand on both feet and take in only what I know that I can handle- all the other things that I "think" I can handle often tend to be the "reactions" that I really could have avoided.
I can control my reactions, my weight, what I put into my mouth, how much I exercise, the words that come out of my mouth, my intentions, my effort, my talent God has given me, my attitude, how I treat others, the time I spend with those I love, my spending, etc. So therefore, today I will concentrate on the things that I know that I can control allowing my peace of mind, balance and stability to ensure that even though I cannot guarantee that I will not have the reactive/defensive moments in the future, I will have the ability to control having them less because I am focused on the things I can control and making myself better in the categories that I KNOW that I can.
What we say and what comes out of our mouth can easily be apologized for and often if not most of the times forgiven and maybe forgot about, but never taken back, as if it didn't happen.
I don't know if any of you are like me in the fact that you have really high expectations of yourself and how you should be to others, how the things that you touch and are a part of your life so easily get absorbed into something that you feel responsible for, even if you cannot control the person or thing, you somehow feel that you "the internal perfectionist" that you are should not allow it to happen, but honestly no matter how many times that I have felt like I should be able to control a person or situation simply because it affects me or would make me somehow look bad, I honestly can't take responsibility for anything that I don't have 100% control over- on the other hand; MY REACTION- 100% control.
So in other words, I don't have 100% control over my family members, what they do or say, how they feel or react, a real estate transaction that another person causes to not go as smoothly as "I" had planned, or some one's positive or negative reaction to something I say or do. So why is it that I feel responsible to justify or defend something that I cannot fully control. Sometimes I feel like the elephant trying to balance on the beach ball trying to juggle it all when I need to just stand on both feet and take in only what I know that I can handle- all the other things that I "think" I can handle often tend to be the "reactions" that I really could have avoided.
I can control my reactions, my weight, what I put into my mouth, how much I exercise, the words that come out of my mouth, my intentions, my effort, my talent God has given me, my attitude, how I treat others, the time I spend with those I love, my spending, etc. So therefore, today I will concentrate on the things that I know that I can control allowing my peace of mind, balance and stability to ensure that even though I cannot guarantee that I will not have the reactive/defensive moments in the future, I will have the ability to control having them less because I am focused on the things I can control and making myself better in the categories that I KNOW that I can.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
To those of you who help me
I have really had an up and down week this week. Sometimes you just aren't sure you can get all the demanding things done, let alone stay sane during them all. I was overloaded with many things to do, places to be, multiple projects and deadlines at once as well as information overload, expenses and not to mention my share of frustrations, sometimes to the point where I just wanted to come unglued. Amidst the chaos, there are many things to be grateful for. We just need to stop and really reflect on them.
Sometimes there are just those people that you come in contact with that make life easier to bare, that make you less frustrated, or help you forget what you were frustrated about. Sometimes we take those people for granted and sometimes they don't even expect a thank you. But I want to take this time to simply stress how important it is to thank these people before it is to late. You may truly make a difference to them.
I want to thank John at Nissan for his exceptional customer service, for getting to my vehicle asap, diagnosing the problem, fixing another person's mistake, replacing a missing part, him and his service people's time, washing and vacuuming my car and sending me home reassured with a $0 bill.
I want to thank the tow truck manager and state farm for picking up the difference of the mistake they quoted me in mileage on the tow bill.
I want to thank the Fletcher's manager for agreeing to pay my difference in tow bill when my car died in the intersection for the part that they accidentally knocked off while checking my air filter that caused my car to die and have it be towed.
I want to thank God or the Universe for the car troubles that may have put me in the right place at the right time to avoid something catastrophic that could have happened in my life.
I want to thank Jesse at Discount tire for matching prices on tires for me and finding the best deal for Steve's tires possible to help ease our already hefty bill to buy 6 new tires between us.
I want to thank my mom for coming to my rescue once again and helping with my son without a second thought.
I want to thank my friend Amy for the ride to pick up my car so I didn't waste extra time waiting for a courtesy vehicle or arranging another way to pick my car up. And for helping me with my computer issues. :)
To Melinda and Judy for helping me with Drew and his rental and easing both of our weeks!
I want to thank Ali for having me come present my book to her literature class and over the last few days becoming an advocate for my book sales and helping me to get some contacts at local schools that she has connections with.
Thank you Meisha for agreeing to take my new catalogs and scents to her work to collect orders for me! :)
I want to thank Ashley and Alexandria for always knowing when to text or call at the moment that I need the pick me up the most!
I thank my husband for remaining calm this week in the midst of my crazy schedule and late nights my frustrations and roller coaster moods! You were amazing!
I am sure there were a lot more people that I could and should be thanking right now, and to anyone who has helped me in the past a big thank you to you as well.
I will go out and put a little sunshine into some one's life today, because though they may seem like small gestures to the person who is doing them, they may make a total difference to those who are receiving them.
Sometimes there are just those people that you come in contact with that make life easier to bare, that make you less frustrated, or help you forget what you were frustrated about. Sometimes we take those people for granted and sometimes they don't even expect a thank you. But I want to take this time to simply stress how important it is to thank these people before it is to late. You may truly make a difference to them.
I want to thank John at Nissan for his exceptional customer service, for getting to my vehicle asap, diagnosing the problem, fixing another person's mistake, replacing a missing part, him and his service people's time, washing and vacuuming my car and sending me home reassured with a $0 bill.
I want to thank the tow truck manager and state farm for picking up the difference of the mistake they quoted me in mileage on the tow bill.
I want to thank the Fletcher's manager for agreeing to pay my difference in tow bill when my car died in the intersection for the part that they accidentally knocked off while checking my air filter that caused my car to die and have it be towed.
I want to thank God or the Universe for the car troubles that may have put me in the right place at the right time to avoid something catastrophic that could have happened in my life.
I want to thank Jesse at Discount tire for matching prices on tires for me and finding the best deal for Steve's tires possible to help ease our already hefty bill to buy 6 new tires between us.
I want to thank my mom for coming to my rescue once again and helping with my son without a second thought.
I want to thank my friend Amy for the ride to pick up my car so I didn't waste extra time waiting for a courtesy vehicle or arranging another way to pick my car up. And for helping me with my computer issues. :)
To Melinda and Judy for helping me with Drew and his rental and easing both of our weeks!
I want to thank Ali for having me come present my book to her literature class and over the last few days becoming an advocate for my book sales and helping me to get some contacts at local schools that she has connections with.
Thank you Meisha for agreeing to take my new catalogs and scents to her work to collect orders for me! :)
I want to thank Ashley and Alexandria for always knowing when to text or call at the moment that I need the pick me up the most!
I thank my husband for remaining calm this week in the midst of my crazy schedule and late nights my frustrations and roller coaster moods! You were amazing!
I am sure there were a lot more people that I could and should be thanking right now, and to anyone who has helped me in the past a big thank you to you as well.
I will go out and put a little sunshine into some one's life today, because though they may seem like small gestures to the person who is doing them, they may make a total difference to those who are receiving them.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Turn of events
Sometimes no matter how hard you try and plan for your day to go one little switch and your whole day can go another way. I set out this morning to do a little work helping my mom in her closet then my plan was to do paperwork, BPO's, look up houses for people and follow up with banks on short sales, while taking breaks to do laundry and put away stuff from our weekend trip.
1 text changed that all. I dropped what I had planned to show a couple houses for rent over an hour from my home. Neither were a winner in his mind, but a blessing in disguise in mine.
Life is about making money to live on to have what you need and want, but it is also about making the most of your time and energy and today I was grateful that mine including stopping to spend a little time and bringing a little sunshine to a friend in the hospital. And knowing that whether it was a big or little impact making it is important because we never truly know how much time we have left.
Today i count my blessings for my life, my health and my happiness that i am in control of creating every day, because we truly create our own happiness in the midst of tragedy, or disaster. We chose our reaction.
2 situations, one that involved a previous Broker's niece and fellow Realtor's son who were killed in a car crash this past weekend at the young age of 22 and another a friend of friend who himself, wife and 1 month old baby girl were struck by a car walking through an intersection this morning (all still alive but with multiple injuries.) -remind me that when I am gone no one will remember me for how clean my house was, whether I got all my laundry done, if I got everything done on my list but they will remember my attitude, my smile and how I impacted their life.
So i believe today I accomplished my goal, whether I crossed a single thing from my list or not. And if tomorrow never comes would i rather have know the last dish was clean or that I spent it with the family and friends that I love.
1 text changed that all. I dropped what I had planned to show a couple houses for rent over an hour from my home. Neither were a winner in his mind, but a blessing in disguise in mine.
Life is about making money to live on to have what you need and want, but it is also about making the most of your time and energy and today I was grateful that mine including stopping to spend a little time and bringing a little sunshine to a friend in the hospital. And knowing that whether it was a big or little impact making it is important because we never truly know how much time we have left.
Today i count my blessings for my life, my health and my happiness that i am in control of creating every day, because we truly create our own happiness in the midst of tragedy, or disaster. We chose our reaction.
2 situations, one that involved a previous Broker's niece and fellow Realtor's son who were killed in a car crash this past weekend at the young age of 22 and another a friend of friend who himself, wife and 1 month old baby girl were struck by a car walking through an intersection this morning (all still alive but with multiple injuries.) -remind me that when I am gone no one will remember me for how clean my house was, whether I got all my laundry done, if I got everything done on my list but they will remember my attitude, my smile and how I impacted their life.
So i believe today I accomplished my goal, whether I crossed a single thing from my list or not. And if tomorrow never comes would i rather have know the last dish was clean or that I spent it with the family and friends that I love.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Today I am grateful for more than I know
Today marks the start of my journey of faith, of trust and hope because I BELIEVE in what I knew that I could do all along. When you want something bad enough you will go for it you will push yourself and make it happen. I love life, I love my family, my greatest goal is to help people and I am accomplishing this, whether it is paid in money or other ways that are not as easily seen by the eye, but can be felt by the heart.
I cashed my first buyer transaction check since I quit my job almost 2 months ago( not including the rentals I have done) and it feels great, to be back into doing what I love, getting in the swing of things balancing my life, appreciating what I have, setting goals daily, weekly and looking forward to all my upcoming adventures.
Remembering that things will happen beyond my control so I need to control what I can and let the rest of the things fall into place how they will, try to find something to be grateful in every interaction, situation or obstacle that I face. One moment at a time, one step at a time, one day at a time. Appreciate what I see, what I touch and how good I can feel. Take notice of others and all that I can learn from them, absorb as much knowledge as I can and keep moving forward toward my goals. Being kind and considerate with everyone because I can think before I speak, but I cannot take something I said away.
Sometimes like I have said in numerous posts, it is the little things that we don't even know that we do or say that can make a huge difference sometimes in the lives of others. I was chatting with a person through face book yesterday who said this to me after we messaged back in forth a few times, for what I thought was a normal conversation...
"I meat to thank you again for all your help today! You never know who's life you touch through sharing your story and today you've helped so much."
I thought, how super sweet to acknowledge something that came so naturally for me to do as something that really helped her.
It makes me step back and think of all the times someone has touched me or gave me courage or strength to get through something and perhaps I never acknowledged them for it. What a great way to feel good about touching someone else's life. An old boss of mine once told me that her word of worth would be service. She truly feels that she is accomplishing what she should be in life by being of service to other people. You can truly take that word just as the word believe and make it whatever you feel is the definition for you.
Believe is my word and now I truly believe even more.
I believe God is good
I believe in miracles
I believe in myself
I believe that I am destined to do great things
I believe in those around me
I believe in my family
I believe in life
I believe in dreams................................etc.
I cashed my first buyer transaction check since I quit my job almost 2 months ago( not including the rentals I have done) and it feels great, to be back into doing what I love, getting in the swing of things balancing my life, appreciating what I have, setting goals daily, weekly and looking forward to all my upcoming adventures.
Remembering that things will happen beyond my control so I need to control what I can and let the rest of the things fall into place how they will, try to find something to be grateful in every interaction, situation or obstacle that I face. One moment at a time, one step at a time, one day at a time. Appreciate what I see, what I touch and how good I can feel. Take notice of others and all that I can learn from them, absorb as much knowledge as I can and keep moving forward toward my goals. Being kind and considerate with everyone because I can think before I speak, but I cannot take something I said away.
Sometimes like I have said in numerous posts, it is the little things that we don't even know that we do or say that can make a huge difference sometimes in the lives of others. I was chatting with a person through face book yesterday who said this to me after we messaged back in forth a few times, for what I thought was a normal conversation...
"I meat to thank you again for all your help today! You never know who's life you touch through sharing your story and today you've helped so much."
I thought, how super sweet to acknowledge something that came so naturally for me to do as something that really helped her.
It makes me step back and think of all the times someone has touched me or gave me courage or strength to get through something and perhaps I never acknowledged them for it. What a great way to feel good about touching someone else's life. An old boss of mine once told me that her word of worth would be service. She truly feels that she is accomplishing what she should be in life by being of service to other people. You can truly take that word just as the word believe and make it whatever you feel is the definition for you.
Believe is my word and now I truly believe even more.
I believe God is good
I believe in miracles
I believe in myself
I believe that I am destined to do great things
I believe in those around me
I believe in my family
I believe in life
I believe in dreams................................etc.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Live for NOW it is a PRESENT
Often times I think that we go about our day to day routine, struggles, projects, work, life and demanding things that NEED to get done that we often times don't stop to enjoy what we really have. The blessings that are in our life. We take our family, our life and our friendships, our health, freedom and possessions for granted. We take the little gifts we receive every day, such as sunshine and rain, even running late or that blasted train that we didn't anticipate,( things that happen for a reason that we don't know, but something that truly was a blessing in disguise) and we don't bother to be thankful, because it is expected, we are irritated or we just have too much on our plate to take the time to notice. Sometimes we are so wrapped up in the things that have happened to us, and the things that we are in fear of in the future that we don't truly see or appreciate what we have right now.
I have come across a few people in my life who do appreciate what they have right now, they live for the moment. This has made me reflect differently, they have made me truly find the good in every situation, even if it doesn't seem possible to view it in any other way than bad/tragic or terrible.
For 3 years growing up I watched my best girlfriend struggle with brain cancer, from the ages of 7-10 I never remember hearing a negative word come out of her mouth, I remember her smile, her soft voice, the way she made the Dr.'s and nurses at the hospital laugh- she inspired me to be grateful for everything that I have. She made me realize that life can be short, but not short lived if you are an inspiration to those around you, if you make your mark that will forever be remembered and well received by those you touched, something that will continue to be talked about, something that will forever inspire you to be the best that you can.
I know sometimes it is easy to forgot in a world where we are "trained" to want more, to never be satisfied with just what we have and to continue to strive for better. This is fine, and wanting more is not a bad thing, but stopping to slow down and be thankful for what we already have, and appreciate it sometimes gets put off until later, and then never happens, even if our intentions are in the right place. No one sees intentions only actions.
We have a dear friend right now fighting for her life, fighting to understand why something so sad and devastating could happen to such a kind, caring, uplifting person, someone who means so much to those around her that without her they may not fathom what they could possibly do without her. This is when people come together to be grateful, to say thank you for making an impact on my life.
For NOW is all we really have, all we can count at this moment in time. It is sad to say that sometimes our reflections, our thankfulness, or times of stopping to "smell the roses" come when we are faced with a challenge or we are fighting for a cause whether that be for ourselves or someone else. These tough times are great reminders for us that we need to slow down, make each moment count before it is gone and no longer the moment. We can so easily pass by opportunities to be thankful for what we have, to share a kind thought or word with someone else. To shine our light upon the world that so desperately needs our positive energy and support.
You will never reach a point where you are completely free of all your problems, only in being present can you truly be free NOW, no one can guarantee freedom of the future, and no one can change your past, but you can control now, your attitude, you light, the way that other's see you, the way you treat people, especially those that you love so much you often take for granted that they will always be there.
We can be in control of our thoughts, our actions and take the steps we need to take action and make our future's bright, however since we cannot predict what will happen to us, when our time is up here it is up and sometimes no matter how many "what if" or what could we have done differently games we could play in our minds, we will never have the answers we are looking for as to WHY.
So take steps every day to make your life count, to create moments of happiness for yourself and for others, and truly let your light shine upon the world, you will not only make a difference in your life, in the way you view things, but in the lives of every one you touch, whether it be with your words, your actions or a simple smile, you can make a difference.
Don't wait to fight for a cause, make your cause your every day purpose to live for NOW and make your mark on the world. Make it a good, positive memorable mark, because if you wait to long and your time is up many will have missed the opportunity to have been touched by you and carry your legacy with them in their future.
I have come across a few people in my life who do appreciate what they have right now, they live for the moment. This has made me reflect differently, they have made me truly find the good in every situation, even if it doesn't seem possible to view it in any other way than bad/tragic or terrible.
For 3 years growing up I watched my best girlfriend struggle with brain cancer, from the ages of 7-10 I never remember hearing a negative word come out of her mouth, I remember her smile, her soft voice, the way she made the Dr.'s and nurses at the hospital laugh- she inspired me to be grateful for everything that I have. She made me realize that life can be short, but not short lived if you are an inspiration to those around you, if you make your mark that will forever be remembered and well received by those you touched, something that will continue to be talked about, something that will forever inspire you to be the best that you can.
I know sometimes it is easy to forgot in a world where we are "trained" to want more, to never be satisfied with just what we have and to continue to strive for better. This is fine, and wanting more is not a bad thing, but stopping to slow down and be thankful for what we already have, and appreciate it sometimes gets put off until later, and then never happens, even if our intentions are in the right place. No one sees intentions only actions.
We have a dear friend right now fighting for her life, fighting to understand why something so sad and devastating could happen to such a kind, caring, uplifting person, someone who means so much to those around her that without her they may not fathom what they could possibly do without her. This is when people come together to be grateful, to say thank you for making an impact on my life.
For NOW is all we really have, all we can count at this moment in time. It is sad to say that sometimes our reflections, our thankfulness, or times of stopping to "smell the roses" come when we are faced with a challenge or we are fighting for a cause whether that be for ourselves or someone else. These tough times are great reminders for us that we need to slow down, make each moment count before it is gone and no longer the moment. We can so easily pass by opportunities to be thankful for what we have, to share a kind thought or word with someone else. To shine our light upon the world that so desperately needs our positive energy and support.
You will never reach a point where you are completely free of all your problems, only in being present can you truly be free NOW, no one can guarantee freedom of the future, and no one can change your past, but you can control now, your attitude, you light, the way that other's see you, the way you treat people, especially those that you love so much you often take for granted that they will always be there.
We can be in control of our thoughts, our actions and take the steps we need to take action and make our future's bright, however since we cannot predict what will happen to us, when our time is up here it is up and sometimes no matter how many "what if" or what could we have done differently games we could play in our minds, we will never have the answers we are looking for as to WHY.
So take steps every day to make your life count, to create moments of happiness for yourself and for others, and truly let your light shine upon the world, you will not only make a difference in your life, in the way you view things, but in the lives of every one you touch, whether it be with your words, your actions or a simple smile, you can make a difference.
Don't wait to fight for a cause, make your cause your every day purpose to live for NOW and make your mark on the world. Make it a good, positive memorable mark, because if you wait to long and your time is up many will have missed the opportunity to have been touched by you and carry your legacy with them in their future.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Unexpected but Expected
So Day #1 of my fully trimmed out schedule for the week, heck I know I am a few days behind but didn't figure out what I was wanting to do until Monday and then how to use the fancy hotmail calendar that emails you an hour before an event as a reminder until yesterday!
Ended up having a bit of a case of insomnia last night so fully expected to sleep a little later than my first planned event at 5:40 this morning to read and pray once Steve left for work.... ah... unexpectedly my son apparently had different plans and thought that 4:50 was the perfect time to wake up. Coaxing him back in bed didn't really buy me much time to snooze, since he was bouncy into my room at 5:30, just before Steve left.
So needless to say that although I am going to do my best to assure that I try my hardest to keep to a schedule so that I get into a semi-routine of what I expect of myself to do on a daily basis, I have to remain calm and know now once again things are going to happen and adjustments WILL be made.
Anytime you work for yourself in the type of field that I am in, it is definitely WAY different than going to a routine job every day where you know what time to what time, what to expect and what you are going to be doing while you are there. Right now you have to be ready to do anything at the drop of a hat with how the market is reflecting the low inventory and the clients that are needing to see homes as soon as possible before they go under contract. It is way more challenging and exciting and for those of you that know me the best, I perform way better when under pressure and with lots of things to accomplish! I LOVE it.
Ended up having a bit of a case of insomnia last night so fully expected to sleep a little later than my first planned event at 5:40 this morning to read and pray once Steve left for work.... ah... unexpectedly my son apparently had different plans and thought that 4:50 was the perfect time to wake up. Coaxing him back in bed didn't really buy me much time to snooze, since he was bouncy into my room at 5:30, just before Steve left.
So needless to say that although I am going to do my best to assure that I try my hardest to keep to a schedule so that I get into a semi-routine of what I expect of myself to do on a daily basis, I have to remain calm and know now once again things are going to happen and adjustments WILL be made.
Anytime you work for yourself in the type of field that I am in, it is definitely WAY different than going to a routine job every day where you know what time to what time, what to expect and what you are going to be doing while you are there. Right now you have to be ready to do anything at the drop of a hat with how the market is reflecting the low inventory and the clients that are needing to see homes as soon as possible before they go under contract. It is way more challenging and exciting and for those of you that know me the best, I perform way better when under pressure and with lots of things to accomplish! I LOVE it.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
OWN it- guilt FREE
I can recognize that I have flaws and I have strengths and one of my flaws is that I will often times have a plan in my head and do not write it down or carry it out because I get distracted by all the other little things that pop up. I am a people pleaser and I often times let others dictate what it is that I do, from my child to my husband, my mom, friends in need, or clients that I feel I may "lose" if I don't jump when they call. This type of behavior can cause a person to become overwhelmed and discouraged when you have too much to do on a daily basis and you don't know how to organize or dictate when you are available for them. This can also cause you not to be as attentive or do as good of a job because you are easily distracted and may forget what you were working on when you did "jump".
Don't get me wrong family and God come first, but sometimes the money that you are trying to pursue in order to spend more money with your family can cause you to work harder to get it and you will please people that you don't need to along the way to get it, sometimes getting disappointed when it doesn't come and you wasted precious time on something that didn't pan out. As a Realtor that is the chance we take sometimes for our clients, in hopes that they will stay loyal, work with us or find what they need/want. However, the trick is is to be busy enough that they don't expect you to jump at every phone call, but don't be too busy not to follow up in a manner that is professional, timely but doesn't allow them to run your life. I think in the past I have felt guilty if I was doing something for my self and didn't give it up to help a client. I truly love helping people but I need to remember everything has limits. Whether I am going to a Dr. appointment, eating dinner with my family, taking my son to the museum or taking a 1/2 an hour to read a book that inspires me; I need to attend to the task at hand and call the person back, or schedule them for a time that is open for me.
We are in control of what we do, when and the choices we make to reach and achieve our goals. With a plan in place and a target in mind, I am set to make some great choices this week that will lead me on a path to success, while standing by all of my commitments to God, my family and my clients, while still giving quality service to all.
People are happy if they can do what they think is right without feeling guilty. Romans 14:22
Don't get me wrong family and God come first, but sometimes the money that you are trying to pursue in order to spend more money with your family can cause you to work harder to get it and you will please people that you don't need to along the way to get it, sometimes getting disappointed when it doesn't come and you wasted precious time on something that didn't pan out. As a Realtor that is the chance we take sometimes for our clients, in hopes that they will stay loyal, work with us or find what they need/want. However, the trick is is to be busy enough that they don't expect you to jump at every phone call, but don't be too busy not to follow up in a manner that is professional, timely but doesn't allow them to run your life. I think in the past I have felt guilty if I was doing something for my self and didn't give it up to help a client. I truly love helping people but I need to remember everything has limits. Whether I am going to a Dr. appointment, eating dinner with my family, taking my son to the museum or taking a 1/2 an hour to read a book that inspires me; I need to attend to the task at hand and call the person back, or schedule them for a time that is open for me.
We are in control of what we do, when and the choices we make to reach and achieve our goals. With a plan in place and a target in mind, I am set to make some great choices this week that will lead me on a path to success, while standing by all of my commitments to God, my family and my clients, while still giving quality service to all.
People are happy if they can do what they think is right without feeling guilty. Romans 14:22
Monday, August 6, 2012
Daily Inspiration Coffee JOLT
Inspiration is something that can never grow old. In the daily grind of life we need a constant reminder not to give up, let go of our dreams or let others tell us what we can and cannot do. Hook up with accountability partners that will allow you to be you and hold you to what you want to do. Hold them to what they want to do/accomplish as well. Work with people who inspire you and who you can inspire. Hang out with people who are already living the dreams you want to accomplish. Whether you look up inspiring You tube videos, read quotes, read books, listen to motivating cd's; it is going to encourage you and give you the push you need to go forward.
This past week I had a few sales fizzle, a few renters find homes on their own because the inventory was so low that nothing I could provide them matched their criteria. I was very disappointed but decided that I needed a little rejuvenating. I took my son to the Science Center with friends on Friday, Saturday we went swimming and Sunday we went to the Natural History Museum in Mesa (free the first Sunday of the month) to see the dinosaurs. It was a lot of fun.
This Monday morning I am ready to go. I have a great week planned for all the things/steps I am going to take to get new and hold onto my current business. I am not going to let last week get me down, because I know what I want and I am ready to go for it.
You are the creator of your own HAPPINESS! Start today.
Thanks Dean for my morning JOLT, it was better than the coffee.
This past week I had a few sales fizzle, a few renters find homes on their own because the inventory was so low that nothing I could provide them matched their criteria. I was very disappointed but decided that I needed a little rejuvenating. I took my son to the Science Center with friends on Friday, Saturday we went swimming and Sunday we went to the Natural History Museum in Mesa (free the first Sunday of the month) to see the dinosaurs. It was a lot of fun.
This Monday morning I am ready to go. I have a great week planned for all the things/steps I am going to take to get new and hold onto my current business. I am not going to let last week get me down, because I know what I want and I am ready to go for it.
Thanks Dean for my morning JOLT, it was better than the coffee.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Keep Plugging Away
"One of the most common causes
of failure is the habit of quitting when one is overtaken by temporary
Napoleon Hill
1883-1970, Author of Think and Grow Rich
I love this.... we all want to quit at some point in what we are pursuing whether we just have an idea, we think may not work, we are just starting out and something negative happens to bring us down, or we are a long way into it and are not sure what the future holds. Guess what? We don't know what the future holds and if we give up now without truly seeing it through, we will never know what it could of held.
Keep your chin up, keep going, pursue your dreams, keep moving forward, love every minute, every struggle and every triumph because that is what is going to make it all worth the end results!
Remember, we can only be better than we were yesterday, don't compare yourself to others, praise yourself and your abilities every day and be proud of who you are and what you stand for, while spreading a little joy and happiness in the lives of others.
We all struggle and no one knows what the next person is truly going through, give them all the benefit of the doubt and take care of yourself.
Napoleon Hill
1883-1970, Author of Think and Grow Rich
I love this.... we all want to quit at some point in what we are pursuing whether we just have an idea, we think may not work, we are just starting out and something negative happens to bring us down, or we are a long way into it and are not sure what the future holds. Guess what? We don't know what the future holds and if we give up now without truly seeing it through, we will never know what it could of held.
Keep your chin up, keep going, pursue your dreams, keep moving forward, love every minute, every struggle and every triumph because that is what is going to make it all worth the end results!
Remember, we can only be better than we were yesterday, don't compare yourself to others, praise yourself and your abilities every day and be proud of who you are and what you stand for, while spreading a little joy and happiness in the lives of others.
We all struggle and no one knows what the next person is truly going through, give them all the benefit of the doubt and take care of yourself.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
So starting out on this new venture on a roll, working my butt off and selling homes, contracts written, the stars seem to align, things are progressing nicely, business is coming from all directions and boom, things start to crack, chip, break and fall apart before my eyes....REMEMBER, I say to myself, I am not only in it to make money, I am in it to help people, and instead of complaining what do I do- take the challenge- become the stronghold, look for the positive in the situation. Grab the bull by the horns as they say and "fix" it which I am known for. At my old job I had a tough time when I always wanted to fix a situation, which led my students to not be as accountable as they should be, but in this life, this field, that is my job. To hold a contract together, to weigh all sides, to go to bat for my client, to not give up, to not give in and to move forward like it is all I have to live for. It is my livelyhood..... and I missed it! :) Here is to a new day, here is to a new beginning, here is to finding that 1 positive in the situation, no matter how small. It is like when you can't your keys and you are running late and it seems like everything that can go wrong does. But if you look back and reflect that things happen for a reason and maybe just maybe you avoided that accident you would have gotten into on your way somewhere if you wouldn't have misplaced them... you just never know.
Monday, June 11, 2012
I did it!
Ah.. about time to go to bed only 5.5 hours til I need to be awake! The days of this are coming to a CLOSE. When one door closes - another one opens, or you shut it to make room for one to open! LOL! I had a great relaxing weekend, spent time with family and friends. Took in the beauty of everything. Back to the hectic work week and about 7 clients pulling me in different directions, did I mention Paxton still has 1 week left of swim lessons every night as well, oh my! Lots of relief today as I told my full time position for the last 3 years that I was leaving to pursue other things. Woo Hoo! I think I can, I know I can and I will make this happen. When you are driven, you have passion and truly believe in something and want it bad enough you can make it happen. I think that is one of the reasons that even though I tried school several times (since it was practically free to me for working there) that I just couldn't do it. I wasn't driven or passionate enough about that extra piece of paper. Could I do it yes, but do I need it no. It doesn't define who I am. Helping people find houses, getting challenged on a daily basis and writing are my passion for sure, along with my family! Truly the biggest blessing in my life that I need to support, love and enjoy life with. I know I can do this. I have given up my biggest road block and I am ready to dive in with zest! I will definitely still work hard, I want the best for my family but the ties that bind will be lifted and I can be set free. Here is to June 27th and a new and improved me!
Thursday, June 7, 2012
untagging myself
So I am still at that point where I struggle with my weight, I eat when I am happy, I eat when I am sad, I eat when I am stressed, geez, I guess I just love to eat. Time doesn't permit as much working out as I would like and I just can't tell myself no. Things taste so good as they are going in my mouth and the look and smell sometimes you just can't resist. I have never really been the person who doesn't have time to eat, I have been the person who doesn't have time to eat so she eats all the wrong things, or doesn't eat and then eats whatever looks good or is lying around. I always do better when I can take the time to make my food ahead of time or portion it out. I can stick to a specific diet like the HCG diet for 30 days knowing it is 30 days, but somehow haven't mastered the idea of eating healthy every day, counting calories and just plain being conscious of what I am doing. I love healthy foods but they are just not as convenient as the not so healthy counterparts.
I think that I am going to take it one day at a time, give my value to the who I am and where I am at this moment in time, love myself and make peace with where I am at at each moment in time, remind myself on a daily basis that nothing tastes as good as skinny feels and stop being so critical of the way I look and concentrate more on being grateful for the things I have, the things I like about myself. I think I mentioned in an early post that I bought a gratitude journal to keep in my purse, I am going to try and remember that every time I want to put something in my mouth, I get stressed or discourage and want to turn to food, to grab my little book and write instead. Then I can be less critical about the way I look in a picture, a snapshot or photo because I know that is how I look at the moment in time.
I think that I am going to take it one day at a time, give my value to the who I am and where I am at this moment in time, love myself and make peace with where I am at at each moment in time, remind myself on a daily basis that nothing tastes as good as skinny feels and stop being so critical of the way I look and concentrate more on being grateful for the things I have, the things I like about myself. I think I mentioned in an early post that I bought a gratitude journal to keep in my purse, I am going to try and remember that every time I want to put something in my mouth, I get stressed or discourage and want to turn to food, to grab my little book and write instead. Then I can be less critical about the way I look in a picture, a snapshot or photo because I know that is how I look at the moment in time.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Whoever said going after your dream would be easy! I don't anticipate it to be, would I like it to be? Yes, sometimes, but what would life be like if not for a challenge. I am ready and eager to make this happen, to work my butt off and be the product of my hard work, passion, dedication and faith. Believe, believe, believe that is my favorite saying if you know me well enough. I have numerous sayings, quotes, pictures, frames etc throughout my house with this saying.. just trying to figure out where I want to put the tattoo, my latest fav spot is the side of my foot, saw a cute tat on pinterest the other night. Anyway, yes I am making the leap and I can't wait to talk about it to everyone. Just about another week and I will be safe to say where my life is leading me and what lies before me. It took a little convincing, a lot of faith a great written down business plan and did I mention passion/motivation... Those are huge factors that contribute to ones success. My director at my current job told me today that if you truly believe in the mission and vision of whatever organization you are working for it will come natural, people will be receptive to what you are telling them, you will be believable, credible and it definitely will add value to all you come in contact with. I truly believe that she is right! You have to believe in yourself, never let anyone tell you you can't, especially you. Your confidence in your self and ability can make or break you.
No mountain is too tall if your first step is belief. ~Anonymous~
"If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much." ~Jim Rohn
If you don't build your dream, someone will hire you to help build theirs. - Tony Gaskins
No mountain is too tall if your first step is belief. ~Anonymous~
"If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much." ~Jim Rohn
If you don't build your dream, someone will hire you to help build theirs. - Tony Gaskins
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
simple pleasures
The little things, yes the little things really mean more to me than a lot of the big things combined. It is in the little things that I find peace, content, happiness, joy and pleasure. One big thing can sure make me happy but it doesn't seem to linger as long as the things that others do to make my day all that more amazing, my job easier, my encounters more pleasant. The other day I went grocery shopping and came home and the laundry had been started, I didn't even have to ask. To a man it may seem like no big deal, and sometimes it is far better to respond with a simple thank you than make it an embarrassing production how impressed you are by his grand gesture, (because to him it is not a grand gesture)!
I have started to keep a little gratitude journal in my purse where I will write down little things that I am grateful for every day, quotes that I hear and like, books I want to read and songs that I want to look up the words because they truly have great meanings! A little book for me to keep my thoughts and recollect all the beautiful blessings in my life. Gratitude and Attitude speak volumes. I think the more grateful you are for what you already have, the more likely you will be to come into more abundance. I want to be a patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle and self-controlled woman. One step at a time.
I have started to keep a little gratitude journal in my purse where I will write down little things that I am grateful for every day, quotes that I hear and like, books I want to read and songs that I want to look up the words because they truly have great meanings! A little book for me to keep my thoughts and recollect all the beautiful blessings in my life. Gratitude and Attitude speak volumes. I think the more grateful you are for what you already have, the more likely you will be to come into more abundance. I want to be a patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle and self-controlled woman. One step at a time.
Monday, May 14, 2012
May 15th 2004
I Danielle take you Steve (I Steve take you Danielle)
As you are now
And in whom you will become
loving what I know of
trusting what I do
not yet know
No matter what life brings our way
I will be your best friend,
Your confidant
And strongest supporter
I will grow with you
In life and love
for all the days of our lives.
Let these words
be remembered and placed in our hearts each time we have doubts, each time we
fail to believe in the other person. Let us live for each other, for our truly
amazing son that we created together and for fulfilling a lifelong commitment.
Not taking anything for granted, with a sense of gratitude for every blessing we have no matter how
small, for the unknown that is yet to come our way, planning as best we can but
living for each moment knowing that it could be taken from us in a blink of an
eye, grateful for every moment whether easy, hard, difficult or rich, stormy or
full of blessing. We don’t know what is around the corner no matter how hard we
plan. Loving and caring for each other in this very moment in time is all we
truly have, why miss it, why linger on past regrets or future things that may
never happen. Life is amazing and things happen for a reason, even if we somehow never figure out what the reason is.
bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things
(1 Corithians 13:7)
is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. (Hebrews
Friday, May 11, 2012
Missing the Challenge!
The stress of work, daycare issues, money and more... Oh how I am just looking for the answer that will solve all/most of my concerns. I want the peace and happiness back in my life, not the chaos and stress. Oh how I miss the challenge or working for myself. The motivation and excitement of getting that next sale, helping people find rental homes, buying homes, selling their homes and land. Writing when I want to, reading a good book, spending leisure time, I am not sure if I remember much what leisure time is. I know working for myself it is something I have a passion for and have continued to do over the years, but i am really getting to the point that I am craving it full time and would do just about whatever I can to make it happen. I love the people, the obstacles, the set backs, the challenge of helping that person find just the right property. At my full time job lately they have been stressing the push for recommendations (referrals) and how we need to ask on a regular basis, In my many years of sales, you receive a referral for your excellent customer service, your dedication to your client, the little things you do to go out of your way to make their transaction go as smoothly as possible, those are the services that render referrals, not because you asked, but because they gave it to you freely out of the utmost respect for your service and loyalty. Who wouldn't want that for a friend of family member. What a way to be truly blessed. Give 100% of yourself as much and often as you can and things will fall into place. You are going places and you are leaving behind a little of your warmth and care each time you come in contact with another person. Your words and deeds speak volumes. Be kind, be respectful, be considerate, think before you speak and share your sunshine with the world.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Peaks and Valleys
It is amazing to me how we can experience so many highs in lows in one given day. You can be up, down, sideways, happy, sad, angry, exhausted, energetic. No wonder most of us are tired by the end of the day and need that rest to get back up and do it all over again the next day. I know that my day started out with a bang, my car dying in the middle of the road, did I mention for the 2nd time in 2 weeks? Well, luckily they fixed it at no charge... but it did seem to set the course for my day, which I was able to quickly swing around and change my attitude toward the other instances in my day. I felt pretty productive at work despite being 3 hours late and seemed to pick up 2 new clients out of no where. Great! Did have a few other ups and downs not worth mentioning. I am extremely proud of myself that I can forgive and forget so easily and let things roll off my shoulder. I wish that everyone out there was like that. It is truly a conflict when you can be that way but someone else can not. Still working on my reactive self and slowing down the pace. I know I am doing all of this for a reason and I can't wait until it pays off and I can look back and say it was all worth it... not that I would do it again, but that it was all worth it! Today I am grateful for the pinal county sheriffs that stopped to help, my husband who handled my car repairs, my father-in-law for escorting me back to the car dealer and my mother for watching my sweet child, and all the friends I have out there that encourage me to be the best me I can be.... (well most of the time)
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
It is weird how motivated you can get by something that you really want to see happen. When you can actually visualize it coming true. When you think about it non-stop to the point that you lose focus on everything that you are wasting your time doing. For the past 2 weeks since I have clearer energy and stronger focus, forcing out all the negative energy strangling me, sometimes sweeping right back at the person sending it my way. I have written down my goals, I have shared them with others and I am doing everything that I can to make them possible. I feel like God and the Universe is pushing me to do a certain thing and I feel a strong calling. It is hard when you have others to think about and it is not just you. You are not the only one who has the risk and convincing others of what they cannot see is often very challenging and stressful on all parties involved. Faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see. Hebrews 11:1 But most of the time with convictions as strong as you feel it is worth the extra push and effort to get there, to truly be happy and believe in yourself, your dreams and your abilities, and KNOW in your heart, not just your head that everyone involved will prosper. Don't let go of what you know is right, pray that things fall into place and you are guided to speak the right words and share the right actions to get you to the place you ought to be. Remember in one of my past entries I spoke about the sticky note that I wish God would leave on my bathroom mirror. I think I found it.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Giving up something.
So I was thinking that sometimes we do too many things searching for the one thing that you will be good at or will take you to that place of success that you feel is out there and meant for you. I mean heck Instagram sold to Facebook for a ridiculous amount of money, why can't I have an idea like that. Is it genius or luck? I have no idea. I have decided that there are many blessings in my life and it is time to focus on what I do best so that I can get rid of the rest. Can I do it over night, NO. But I am sure going to set a goal, give myself the time, ignore those who think it can't be done and pursue like heck my dreams and desires so that I can get to where I want to be, to where I know I can. It isn't for lack of trying in the past, it isn't for failing, that I have given up, stopped working at something so hard or ignored it for awhile, it is because of those who said I couldn't that I started to believe that maybe that is true, but who better then our self to know what we are truly capable of and what better time than to prove myself right and someone else wrong, and really kick it up and feel good about it. Confidence is what we need to pursue what we want, stand up for what we believe in and go that extra mile, as a facebook friend mentioned today, why not go the extra mile, it isn't very crowded there. I challenge myself and others to look deep inside themselves, find their core that they feel good about, pursue it, don't look back, don't waiver and for goodness sake never ever let someone else who doesn't believe you can do it, convince you that you can't. Remember it has been said by Henry Ford, if you believe you can or you believe you can't you are right!
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Mommy Diary 3.27.12
Ah, Calgon take me away! Do they even still make Calgon? And who has time for a bath anyway????
So the potty training thing is going to be enough to drive me nuts I think, but I am the one who needs to be calm and know that you can't get frustrated, mad, upset, yell, laugh or get impatient... why? Because I don't want to discourage him from going on the potty or scare him out of it. The last week has really been pretty interesting. I will definitely spare you any details, but I will tell you this, I think that I definitely have way more patience for this then I do when my kid is crabby, whiny or clingy. I think my husband thinks I am nuts for keeping my cool, but literally my kid tells me he has to go to the bathroom every 10 minutes or so, does he go every time, absolutely not, but can I get mad at him? Absolutely not. I am thinking that even though I just got done with my special diet and lost 14 lbs and 30 inches, and am starting to count my calories every day to maintain or lose more if I can, I just may need to factor into to my caloric intake, that indulgent glass of wine! Which I can enjoy while multi-tasking, unlike the bath which just takes way too long.
You can learn many things from children. How much patience you have, for instance. ~Franklin P. Jones
So the potty training thing is going to be enough to drive me nuts I think, but I am the one who needs to be calm and know that you can't get frustrated, mad, upset, yell, laugh or get impatient... why? Because I don't want to discourage him from going on the potty or scare him out of it. The last week has really been pretty interesting. I will definitely spare you any details, but I will tell you this, I think that I definitely have way more patience for this then I do when my kid is crabby, whiny or clingy. I think my husband thinks I am nuts for keeping my cool, but literally my kid tells me he has to go to the bathroom every 10 minutes or so, does he go every time, absolutely not, but can I get mad at him? Absolutely not. I am thinking that even though I just got done with my special diet and lost 14 lbs and 30 inches, and am starting to count my calories every day to maintain or lose more if I can, I just may need to factor into to my caloric intake, that indulgent glass of wine! Which I can enjoy while multi-tasking, unlike the bath which just takes way too long.
You can learn many things from children. How much patience you have, for instance. ~Franklin P. Jones
Monday, March 26, 2012
How does it feel?
Some days you look forward to and some you do not. Some days are overwhelming with the amount on the "TO DO LIST" -- because not matter what or who you are you have a "TO DO LIST". You don't even have to have it written down, maybe you just have a check list in your head of wants and to dos. It can seem endless and unreachable sometimes, or once something is physically or mentally checked off, you are ready to add on the next thing that you "almost" forgot or need to accomplish.
Maybe you tried something and it didn't work out, you failed, you let someone down, you misplaced something, you worked really hard and it wasn't good enough, you disappointed someone, or you let them walk all over you, because you were tired, busy, frustrated, exhausted and lots of other words you can insert here.
With everything one has going on in their fast paced life these days, it is almost a wonder that we have time for ourselves, let alone thinking about other people. We are constantly managing change, trying to prepare for the unexpected, managing relationships, our body, our job, our home, what we should or think we should be doing, carting our children around to this and that activity, going to parties, events and gatherings. When do we have time to breath, sleep, just be YOU.
And yet when someone takes a minute out of that day to truly make another person feel loved, important or special it really makes us feel that we are important and helps us to reflect and take the time to reach out to someone else that could use that little acknowledgement in their otherwise crappy/hard/stressful/busy day. Maybe we just need that little boost of motivation, maybe we are usually the one to motivate others, but someone knew that we needed it for a change.
I am grateful for those people in my life who either recognize that I need a little praise, a little encouragement and a little boost now and again, or those who just do it to do it and it happens to fall into a time when I need it the most, even if the person didn't really know it.
Sometimes you only need that little hug of kindness from someone to make you feel better. Thank you to those of you in my life who have done this for me, who have inspired me, prayed for me, believed in me and made me feel loved, blessed, appreciated and cherished. The way you made me feel no matter how small an act, made a world of difference to me.
I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
Maya Angelou
Maybe you tried something and it didn't work out, you failed, you let someone down, you misplaced something, you worked really hard and it wasn't good enough, you disappointed someone, or you let them walk all over you, because you were tired, busy, frustrated, exhausted and lots of other words you can insert here.
With everything one has going on in their fast paced life these days, it is almost a wonder that we have time for ourselves, let alone thinking about other people. We are constantly managing change, trying to prepare for the unexpected, managing relationships, our body, our job, our home, what we should or think we should be doing, carting our children around to this and that activity, going to parties, events and gatherings. When do we have time to breath, sleep, just be YOU.
And yet when someone takes a minute out of that day to truly make another person feel loved, important or special it really makes us feel that we are important and helps us to reflect and take the time to reach out to someone else that could use that little acknowledgement in their otherwise crappy/hard/stressful/busy day. Maybe we just need that little boost of motivation, maybe we are usually the one to motivate others, but someone knew that we needed it for a change.
I am grateful for those people in my life who either recognize that I need a little praise, a little encouragement and a little boost now and again, or those who just do it to do it and it happens to fall into a time when I need it the most, even if the person didn't really know it.
Sometimes you only need that little hug of kindness from someone to make you feel better. Thank you to those of you in my life who have done this for me, who have inspired me, prayed for me, believed in me and made me feel loved, blessed, appreciated and cherished. The way you made me feel no matter how small an act, made a world of difference to me.
I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
Maya Angelou
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
You define your own success
"Often the difference between a successful person and a failure is not one has better abilities or ideas, but the courage that one has to bet on one's ideas, to take a calculated risk - and to act."
Maxwell Maltz
1899-1975, Author of Psyco-Cybernetics
Sometimes I think that even with the courage we need to take the action and where we often find the biggest hold up in taking the action is where to start? If not us, who can take or idea and make it reality? What resources can we use? who do we know? how can we network? these can all seem overwhelming steps to take if you are holding back on whether or not the outcome can truly work; can we be successful? Do we want to even try? What if I fail? What if I get so far and waste time, money and resources and nothing to show for it? What if I make promises that I cannot deliver and no one supports me?
I think no matter who you are at one time or another you have asked yourself similar questions, chucked your idea into the back of your mind and moved on with your every day tasks.
I know for a fact that stepping outside my comfort zone, going after one of my goals and continuing to strive to make it successful, has landed me a published book, now of course it is my effort and the willingness of others to buy it to make it popular and allow me to publish number two, move on to other writing goals and strive to touch other's in some way along the way. I cannot and will not sit back and wait for it to fall into my lap and become a popular author without some sort of effort on my part.
There are other ideas that I have that may or may not evolve into something quite as significant in my life, however I need to take the chance and try or I will never know my worth, so why do I still have reservations, why am I still questioning my other goals, ideas and desires?
Simply it is the human thing to do and we want to make sure we are using what skills and talents God has given us in the most constructive and useful way, and trying not to mess up, fail or waste our time, energy or the time and energy of others for something that will never turn out. Too bad none of us have that crystal ball where we can see into the future. Whether taking that chance will pan out or not, we just need to do a lot of praying, take the leap of faith if we are guided in that direction and deal with the consequences whether good or bad when they arise. We must find the positive in any negative situation. There is some reason beyond our understanding for those things that simply do not work out, no matter how hard we try, no matter how much effort we set forth, but something is gained from it in the long run if you look for it.
I was talking with a student today who was having a really hard time balancing her life, work and school obligations, she is in her last class and she needed to make a certain grade in order to graduate, she was ready to give up and throw in the towel. We have had several conversations over the past few months where she has promised herself and I that she was going to do what she needed to and once again had let herself down, the only way to get to her goal was to start the course all over again, which would waste time and money that she didn't have, but continuing on or quitting would not get her there either. I told her starting over may be just what she needs and maybe by doing this she will encounter some experience that she would never have had if she completed the first course successfully. We talked for awhile and she turned her way of thinking around to a more positive light. Before I left work today she sent a really nice email again thanking me for listening, letting her vent and giving her insight that she was just too upset with herself to recognize.
How often do I try to think the more positive thoughts from a difficult situation or frustration during the moment? How often d we are caught up in the heat or passion of a moment of intensity, sometimes it is hard for us to step outside ourselves and say what we know our friend/relative or someone from our support system would say to us. When I run late for something, I say it was my protection from a wreck or altercation on the way , if I just left a few minutes earlier, if I don't get a promotion, position that I think I am more than qualified for, there is something better out there suited just for me, If I work my tail off showing homes and a particular client doesn't end up buying, I think I learned something from that person or experience that will help me in the future that I wouldn't have had if I hadn't
Don't allow yourself to get caught up in all the things you don't want, can't have or negative things that stand in your way. Try, fail, try again, fail, try again, alter your pathway to your success. Success is defined as the accomplishment of your purpose, it is what you feel that success is, everyone may have a different definition associated with what they think makes someone successful, trust that your definition for you, is the right one.
Maxwell Maltz
1899-1975, Author of Psyco-Cybernetics
Sometimes I think that even with the courage we need to take the action and where we often find the biggest hold up in taking the action is where to start? If not us, who can take or idea and make it reality? What resources can we use? who do we know? how can we network? these can all seem overwhelming steps to take if you are holding back on whether or not the outcome can truly work; can we be successful? Do we want to even try? What if I fail? What if I get so far and waste time, money and resources and nothing to show for it? What if I make promises that I cannot deliver and no one supports me?
I think no matter who you are at one time or another you have asked yourself similar questions, chucked your idea into the back of your mind and moved on with your every day tasks.
I know for a fact that stepping outside my comfort zone, going after one of my goals and continuing to strive to make it successful, has landed me a published book, now of course it is my effort and the willingness of others to buy it to make it popular and allow me to publish number two, move on to other writing goals and strive to touch other's in some way along the way. I cannot and will not sit back and wait for it to fall into my lap and become a popular author without some sort of effort on my part.
There are other ideas that I have that may or may not evolve into something quite as significant in my life, however I need to take the chance and try or I will never know my worth, so why do I still have reservations, why am I still questioning my other goals, ideas and desires?
Simply it is the human thing to do and we want to make sure we are using what skills and talents God has given us in the most constructive and useful way, and trying not to mess up, fail or waste our time, energy or the time and energy of others for something that will never turn out. Too bad none of us have that crystal ball where we can see into the future. Whether taking that chance will pan out or not, we just need to do a lot of praying, take the leap of faith if we are guided in that direction and deal with the consequences whether good or bad when they arise. We must find the positive in any negative situation. There is some reason beyond our understanding for those things that simply do not work out, no matter how hard we try, no matter how much effort we set forth, but something is gained from it in the long run if you look for it.
I was talking with a student today who was having a really hard time balancing her life, work and school obligations, she is in her last class and she needed to make a certain grade in order to graduate, she was ready to give up and throw in the towel. We have had several conversations over the past few months where she has promised herself and I that she was going to do what she needed to and once again had let herself down, the only way to get to her goal was to start the course all over again, which would waste time and money that she didn't have, but continuing on or quitting would not get her there either. I told her starting over may be just what she needs and maybe by doing this she will encounter some experience that she would never have had if she completed the first course successfully. We talked for awhile and she turned her way of thinking around to a more positive light. Before I left work today she sent a really nice email again thanking me for listening, letting her vent and giving her insight that she was just too upset with herself to recognize.
How often do I try to think the more positive thoughts from a difficult situation or frustration during the moment? How often d we are caught up in the heat or passion of a moment of intensity, sometimes it is hard for us to step outside ourselves and say what we know our friend/relative or someone from our support system would say to us. When I run late for something, I say it was my protection from a wreck or altercation on the way , if I just left a few minutes earlier, if I don't get a promotion, position that I think I am more than qualified for, there is something better out there suited just for me, If I work my tail off showing homes and a particular client doesn't end up buying, I think I learned something from that person or experience that will help me in the future that I wouldn't have had if I hadn't
Don't allow yourself to get caught up in all the things you don't want, can't have or negative things that stand in your way. Try, fail, try again, fail, try again, alter your pathway to your success. Success is defined as the accomplishment of your purpose, it is what you feel that success is, everyone may have a different definition associated with what they think makes someone successful, trust that your definition for you, is the right one.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Goal Setting
"Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together."
~ Vincent Van Gogh
I have decided that I need to get out of my slump and stop writing huge lists of things in my head that I think I need to accomplish.
"Goals that are not written down are just wishes. "
~ Unknown I need to write down goals, ones for the next 6 months, 12 months, 3 years and 5 years. Revisit every 6 months and come up with a plan of action. Anyone can say what their goals are or even write them down, but if you don't have a plan to get there it is probably not going to just fall in your lap one day out of the sky and someone says, here you have reached your goal " celebrate."
What is your timeframe? When do you want to reach your goals? Make sure you write down a deadline.
"A goal is a dream with a deadline."
~ Napoleon Hill
Goals and dreams can take years of serious actions, perserverance, dedication, determination and strong will. Obstacles may come your way and try to crush your goals. How badly do you want your goal or dream to happen, not enough if you let something stand in your way of your true passion, or sabotage your dream.
"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal."
~ Henry Ford
Accountablility is also a key factor, find someone who can support your dreams and goals but also get you to stick to what you say you are going to do. Review your goals with your accountability partner, share your plan and ask that person to make sure that you follow through.
“Everyone needs a coach, whether it’s a top level executive, a graduate student, a homemaker, a homeless person or the President of the United States” - Anthony Robbins
Write down why and how important the goal is to you. Write down how it will make you feel once it is accomplished. These are all way in which to help you stick to your goal. Know exactly why you want it and what it's purpose is for you. A goal without a purpose is pretty insignificant.
People with clear, written goals, accomplish far more in a shorter period of time than people without them could ever imagine.
Brian Tracy
You may have big goals, you may have a bunch of small ones, it doesn't matter. If you write them down and review them often enough, and make that plan of how you will get there you can do it. Believe in yourself, think positive thoughts, imagine you already have what you want.
“Success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success.” Dr. Joyce Brothers
Happy Goal Setting!
~ Vincent Van Gogh
I have decided that I need to get out of my slump and stop writing huge lists of things in my head that I think I need to accomplish.
"Goals that are not written down are just wishes. "
~ Unknown I need to write down goals, ones for the next 6 months, 12 months, 3 years and 5 years. Revisit every 6 months and come up with a plan of action. Anyone can say what their goals are or even write them down, but if you don't have a plan to get there it is probably not going to just fall in your lap one day out of the sky and someone says, here you have reached your goal " celebrate."
What is your timeframe? When do you want to reach your goals? Make sure you write down a deadline.
"A goal is a dream with a deadline."
~ Napoleon Hill
Goals and dreams can take years of serious actions, perserverance, dedication, determination and strong will. Obstacles may come your way and try to crush your goals. How badly do you want your goal or dream to happen, not enough if you let something stand in your way of your true passion, or sabotage your dream.
"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal."
~ Henry Ford
Accountablility is also a key factor, find someone who can support your dreams and goals but also get you to stick to what you say you are going to do. Review your goals with your accountability partner, share your plan and ask that person to make sure that you follow through.
“Everyone needs a coach, whether it’s a top level executive, a graduate student, a homemaker, a homeless person or the President of the United States” - Anthony Robbins
Write down why and how important the goal is to you. Write down how it will make you feel once it is accomplished. These are all way in which to help you stick to your goal. Know exactly why you want it and what it's purpose is for you. A goal without a purpose is pretty insignificant.
People with clear, written goals, accomplish far more in a shorter period of time than people without them could ever imagine.
Brian Tracy
You may have big goals, you may have a bunch of small ones, it doesn't matter. If you write them down and review them often enough, and make that plan of how you will get there you can do it. Believe in yourself, think positive thoughts, imagine you already have what you want.
“Success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success.” Dr. Joyce Brothers
Happy Goal Setting!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
The baboon story

On the way to work this morning I heard a story of a baboon hunter who set traps to catch a baboon. He dug holes deep enough for the baboon to just reach in and touch the bottom and filled the holes with salt. The baboon loves the smell of salt and will reach into the hole and grab the salt and not let go; because the hole is narrow the baboon cannot remove his fist from the hole without letting go of the salt, he struggles. For days the baboon struggles and eventually dies from exhaustion, unwilling to let go of the salt.
Ask yourself this, what are you holding onto that is slowly wearing you down to the point of exhaustion? With this New Year, what can you let go of that you think you need but by letting go may make your energy and performance level that much stronger. Is what you are doing helping you get closer to your goals or keeping you from reaching them?
"What we think or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence. The only thing of consequence is what we do."
John Ruskin
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
happiness is contagious
Friday, January 6, 2012
Wash away the attitude
"Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it."
Julius Henry "Groucho" Marx
1890-1977, Comedian and Film Star
Wow, time and time again I talk about attitude and circumstances. We have our up and down days, we can chose how we act and how we react, and sometimes it is so easy to get upset, to allow our mood, our circumstances or other people get us down in a flash, I am telling you that it is just as easy to get yourself back in the positive, shake off the "frustration", "disappointment" or "annoyance" and move on. It takes way more energy, time and aggrivation to stay "pissed" off then it does to let it go, and wash it away. Let go and enjoy the moment, because each moment you spend mad, frustrated, upset, pissed off, bummed, is a minute you lost that you could have been happy, enjoyed or missed! Think about it, then LET IT GO! Life is too short and precious to waste time. And a negative attitude however "better" you think is makes you feel is a HUGE waste of your time, because a negative attitude or outlook, doesn't change your circumstances- Only your actions can do this. And you are more likely to act and be effective, if your attitude is positive.
Julius Henry "Groucho" Marx
1890-1977, Comedian and Film Star
Wow, time and time again I talk about attitude and circumstances. We have our up and down days, we can chose how we act and how we react, and sometimes it is so easy to get upset, to allow our mood, our circumstances or other people get us down in a flash, I am telling you that it is just as easy to get yourself back in the positive, shake off the "frustration", "disappointment" or "annoyance" and move on. It takes way more energy, time and aggrivation to stay "pissed" off then it does to let it go, and wash it away. Let go and enjoy the moment, because each moment you spend mad, frustrated, upset, pissed off, bummed, is a minute you lost that you could have been happy, enjoyed or missed! Think about it, then LET IT GO! Life is too short and precious to waste time. And a negative attitude however "better" you think is makes you feel is a HUGE waste of your time, because a negative attitude or outlook, doesn't change your circumstances- Only your actions can do this. And you are more likely to act and be effective, if your attitude is positive.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
little things can add up
At work I have been doing a daily quote or inspiration to my team members to keep myself in check and get them going for their day ahead, Yesterday I sent a quote about how you can chose your attitude despite your circumstances. I think however when the circumstances are going your way, (or the way you think they should) it is a lot easier to have that positive attitude. It is the little things that can sometimes add up and amount to more than even one significant good thing. The more we can show gratitude for the little blessings, the more I think we spread them.
Tuesday was not such a good day for me, I was feeling sick and I will spare you all the other little crazy occurrences, that I know should not have affected my attitude, but they did, it is that trickle effect sometimes. If I would have focused on the things that were positive more, I probably would have had a better day, but we are all human. However, I will share with you I had some small little things that started my day out well and I hope to continue to notice the good and let it overcome any obstacles or disappointments. I woke up and my husband knew that I was still not feeling well, he offered to get our son ready AND take him to his mom’s on his way to work, I somehow in my hurry made a really bad cup of coffee, so I decided to pop into the circle K to grab a good fresh cup, I emptied out my cup from home and filled it at the circle K, when I got to the counter the man looked at me and said with a smile, “ it is on the house, I hope you have a great day.” Wow, I was stunned, I even asked if he was sure, he told me no problem, there was hardly any traffic and I got to work on time. Ya for me, I had a pretty good day and at work and felt good about all that I had accomplished, I tried hard to compliment others in order to spread my since of cheer and happiness for the day. Sometimes it is easy to do this and other times it is not, but despite what we have going on at the present moment, there is always another chance, another day and another opportunity we have to get better at who we are. Whatever it is that you are passionate about commit to doing it. Whether it is as simple as making another person smile, or as large as dreaming you will be a successful author someday. Believe you are destined to do great things and make it happen.
"The moment you commit and quit holding back, all sorts of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance, will rise up to help you. The simple act of commitment is a powerful magnet for help."
Napoleon Hill
Tuesday was not such a good day for me, I was feeling sick and I will spare you all the other little crazy occurrences, that I know should not have affected my attitude, but they did, it is that trickle effect sometimes. If I would have focused on the things that were positive more, I probably would have had a better day, but we are all human. However, I will share with you I had some small little things that started my day out well and I hope to continue to notice the good and let it overcome any obstacles or disappointments. I woke up and my husband knew that I was still not feeling well, he offered to get our son ready AND take him to his mom’s on his way to work, I somehow in my hurry made a really bad cup of coffee, so I decided to pop into the circle K to grab a good fresh cup, I emptied out my cup from home and filled it at the circle K, when I got to the counter the man looked at me and said with a smile, “ it is on the house, I hope you have a great day.” Wow, I was stunned, I even asked if he was sure, he told me no problem, there was hardly any traffic and I got to work on time. Ya for me, I had a pretty good day and at work and felt good about all that I had accomplished, I tried hard to compliment others in order to spread my since of cheer and happiness for the day. Sometimes it is easy to do this and other times it is not, but despite what we have going on at the present moment, there is always another chance, another day and another opportunity we have to get better at who we are. Whatever it is that you are passionate about commit to doing it. Whether it is as simple as making another person smile, or as large as dreaming you will be a successful author someday. Believe you are destined to do great things and make it happen.
"The moment you commit and quit holding back, all sorts of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance, will rise up to help you. The simple act of commitment is a powerful magnet for help."
Napoleon Hill
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