Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Just Breath You are Blessed
I set my alarm for 4:00 AM with every intent to get a bunch of odds and ends tasks done before my household appeared from their rooms. Waking up around 2:30 and not being able to go back to sleep right away ( I should have just gotten up right then!) of course when I did drift back off and the alarm went off at 4:00 I didn't jump out of bed with enthusiasm for my day... no, I snoozed until I drug myself from bed at 5:00 AM. Losing a whole hour of intended work... As the coffee was making I entered a new listing in the MLS and while the pictures were uploading I clicked on FB to see what was up. Immediately staring at me was a picture of my mom and Paxton from 2014 that I posted with a quote talking about being focused on today. I had no idea at that time that our battle with her cancer would be so short lived, my thoughts of 3-5 years turned into 6 months and she was gone. Being a little teary-eyed I chose to share my memory, I think we do this to cope in a way, if we put it out there, we are not necessarily trying to get sympathy we are just trying to grieve, or deal or cope with what we have had to go through... In a way I wanted to hate facebook for the memory, but in a way I am glad that it was intended to show up for today.
When the house awoke and Paxton seemed a little on the whiny side my patience wasn't so great. I can almost say that is the first thing that can turn my mood around negatively is whining and complaining. When I got dressed to take Paxton to school I purposely chose my "breath" tee-shirt to remind myself to stay calm and slow down, to be intentional and to take it all in. Live for today, cause truly that is all we are promised. When I dropped him off at school, another mother met me in the hall wearing exactly the same shirt, which totally made us smile! Thanks Bethany! When I got home to pick up from the morning, work out and get ready to go out and about for the day before having to pick Paxton up from early release at 1:00 and shoving it all in... I flipped from Sponge Bob to the Message music station which is what I listen to when I work from home. One of my favorite songs, Just Breath by Johnny Diaz was playing at that exact moment. Really? How ironic? Or how purposeful? The message is what I make of it. This is a true reminder of my faith that I am blessed, that today is a day to embrace life and the moment. For all of you that need to be reminded, rest and relax in the Lord, go to HIM all you who are weak and weary and live in the moment, enjoy your blessings and just breath.
"Breathe" Johnny Diaz
Alarm clock screaming bare feet hit the floor
It’s off to the races everybody out the door
I’m feeling like I’m falling behind, it’s a crazy life
Ninety miles an hour going fast as I can
Trying to push a little harder trying to get the upper hand
So much to do in so little time, it’s a crazy life
It’s ready, set, go it’s another wild day
When the stress is on the rise in my heart I feel you say just
Breathe, just breathe
Come and rest at my feet
And be, just be
Chaos calls but all you really need
Is to just breathe
Third cup of joe just to get me through the day
Want to make the most of time but I feel it slip away
I wonder if there’s something more to this crazy life
I’m busy, busy, busy, and it’s no surprise to see
That I only have time for me, me, me
There’s gotta be something more to this crazy life
I’m hanging on tight to another wild day
When it starts to fall apart in my heart I hear you say just
Breathe, just breathe
Come and rest at my feet
And be, just be
Chaos calls but all you really need
Is to take it in fill your lungs
The peace of God that overcomes
Just breathe
So let your weary spirit rest
Lay down what’s good and find what’s best
Just breathe
Just breathe, just breathe
Come and rest at my feet
And be, just be
Chaos calls but all you really need
Is to just breathe
Just breathe
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Keep Calm and Mom On!
Over the past week or so, being busy in real estate 2 weeks straight of out-of-state buyers, long days, closings that don't quite close when expected, fires to be put out or upset clients to calm down, my son starting school, back full blast with the PTA presidential duties... I have come to have some moments where everything doesn't run so smoothly or fall into place as I would expect or hope that it would. It is so easy to get upset or fall apart. I can be dramatic at times, I can lose my cool, I can yell... heck I am not perfect I am a MOM... a Multitask-er of Moments! When I remind myself that a lot of things are beyond my control, and are going to happen no matter how hard we wish them not to or try to prevent them, getting upset, isn't going to change a thing besides waste my own energy! A lot of times in those multitask of moments we as moms are often hit with many things that need our attention at the same time, no one can wait, patience is thin, kids seem extra whiny, the dogs are barking, the phone is ringing, that unexpected bill, something needs to be repaired, an email comes through with not so good news.... we are overwhelmed and our anxiety pushes forth and causes that explosion... I know you know what I am talking about, that build up of stress and overwhelming tasks that we just CAN'T take it anymore. You blow up you also tend to do it to those you care about the most and that is when it sometimes can be the most hurtful. We want to remain in control... and sometimes we just can't! A mom is usually the glue to the family.. the one who holds it together... how does the saying go? When mom isn't happy, no one is happy... When mom is grouchy, everyone is grouchy, when mom is uneasy, everyone is uneasy... It may be an everyday process, but I will need to remind myself every day that my attitude and my demeanor is reflecting and portrayed to my family and can make or break our day. Is that 5 minutes of losing control worth ruining our whole day? You bring back what you put out... your happy thoughts and positive attitude goes out and comes back to you... and when your family is in sync with their pleasant attitudes it makes for a lot more pleasurable experience for all. I have to say that when one of my family members gets upset and I remain calm the whole situation runs more smoothly and dissipates a lot faster than when I also get upset, yell or get frustrated too... which can and has on many occasions ruined a whole day. When everyone else is happy, Mom is happiest. Remind yourself of this the next time you need to remain calm in a situation you would most normally lose your cool.
2 Timothy 1:7 ESV
For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Live intentionally
Always, always always I struggle with multi-tasking...not how to do it but how often I do it, not that I haven't somehow semi-mastered doing multiple things at one time... (cause I don't really believe anyone is a master at anything... there is always room to improve) but sometimes no matter how much you have to shove in a day, how many people are counting on you, or how many things you would not get accomplished if you did one thing at a time... it would be nice to just concentrate on one thing at a time, but that is impossible at times.
The summer months are here, real estate had been a little slow and then my son got out of school and my business has blown up! I am definitely not complaining as it isn't always so... and taking advantage of the times it is to set up my balancing and budgeting... takes multi tasking to a whole new level. I have had 2 sets of clients in from out of town looking on the opposite side of town, clients with only certain days off work to shop, a new agent to train who already is working with her first client, new listings, listings that have fallen out, needed extensions or issues with repair items that need attention... the list goes on and on of the needs of others that I take care of on a daily basis that most people don't really know what goes on behind the scenes of a real estate transaction. All this coupled with my life, my family, being a mom, a wife and a caretaker of animals and a household...can be quite time-consuming and overwhelming... yet I try at best to do it with a smile on my face... what is the saying? Too blessed to be stressed, yet somehow stress comes with the territory. I stress over the disappointment of others, when I have to tell a client they didn't get an offer accepted, the counter offer on their home wasn't acceptable to the buyer, someone thought a client's house didn't show well, it isn't going to close on time, and in some cases at all. But every single time I pray I find the right words to encourage those people that I have to disappoint with some sort of news or another. I have to remind them and myself that something better, something more intended for them will come along. Sometimes it is exhausting... but it is what I feel called to do. I am somehow matched up with these people for a reason... even if I don't know what that is. I try to remain patient and have a positive attitude when I deliver news, as attitude can really effect the reaction of others based on your delivery.
Sometimes in all my multitasking I overlook things, I forgot to do something, I make silly mistakes, accidents happen and that list too can go on and on of negative outcomes. But I feel my personality since I was a little child has always been a hustle bustle sort of way! I thrive on being busy. My goal for this summer since I don't have to rush out of the house in most cases, especially to get Paxton to school for some weeks... is to be intentional and my intent is to eat breakfast almost every morning with my kid. Whether it be only for 10 minutes... that is what I will do. To sit down, phone free, computer free, task free and just eat, nourish my body whether I really am a breakfast eater or not. It is directing me to do something on purpose, concentrate on one simple task, without an overload of information and obstacles and opportunities flowing from my brain taking me in 20 directions at the same time. I need to focus, relax and reset my brain for the day. When I wake up and go to sleep I reflect and pray about things in my busy day and busy life, I do feel like I enjoy what I do, I love helping people and staying busy... it is in my nature... but sometimes I have to step out of my natural busy comfort zone and just BE! To all those busy moms out there... whether it be 10 mins three times a day to rest and reflect, or something as simple as grabbing a bowl of cereal and sitting down with your kid at the kitchen table... even for 10 minutes.. do whatever you do with intention.
Be filled with unconditional love, unfettered joy, and uncommon grace, do what you do with passion and authenticity.... be who God intended you to be but slow down and enjoy it don't miss it. There will always be future opportunities for success, but if you are only living for the money, the success or the accomplishments... you will miss living.
Monday, May 30, 2016
What does Memorial Day mean to you? All these posts I have been seeing recently about remembering fallen soldiers and focusing on the true meaning of the holiday to reflect on the sacrifices they have made for the rest of our freedom, focus less on the BBQ's and parties and really show gratitude. Many people have lost their lives for our countries freedom. Yesterday my friend posted about how her and her hubby were eating breakfast and a young couple bought breakfast for a gentlemen wearing a military veteran baseball cap. They wanted him to know that they were grateful for his service. She said it was so sweet it almost brought her to tears. We take for granted the freedom we experience and the multitude of things to be grateful for because it is something we are accustomed to.
A countless number of people have fought like my grandfather and father-in-law and lived to tell about it, others sacrificed their lives for us, people who we don't even know, have no vested interest in us or personal relationship with us, yet decided that their country and the future of their loved ones, was important enough to make a difference and lose their lives over. On a day-to-day basis as we are far removed from what is going on outside or around our country it is easy to push aside reflecting about these heroic people. Memorial Day is a time for our country to unite and honor these fallen heroes for without their sacrifice we would not have the freedom to have the things we do. The United States has to be one of the most free countries, most opportunities with the most assets you can imagine. We take for granted all of the things we have, even when we don't think we have very much. We have freedom to have the job we want, make the relationships we do, work hard or not work at all, buy and sell the things we want, no one is dictating to us what we can and cannot do, if they do we have the freedom to choose a different path. Not all people in all countries have this opportunity. We do because people have and continue to fight to reserve this freedom.
Not just on this day but always, when you see a military person, or a Veteran, thank them for their service to our country, don't take these people for granted, don't assume they know you are thankful, truly appreciate what they have done and show it. You may not be able to buy them a meal or some sort of monetary contribution to honor them, but a simple 'thank you for your service" may go further than you know. Have your kids write cards to send oversees to military people that are missing their families to keep our freedom. When you see someone out and about and know they are or have been in the military, just go up and say "thank you".
Write a list of all the things that you have that would not be possible without their sacrifice for our freedom. Don't forget their is a price that was paid for it... Our right to vote, homes, land, jobs, cars, right to choose our mates, the amount of children we can have, our pets, hobbies, and the list goes on and on... stop today reflect and evaluate your life, what you have, pause and be grateful in between BBQ's and swim parties, sporting events and t.v. shows, and take the time throughout the year to teach your kids to be grateful for what they have and to be thankful not only to these fallen heroes, but their families and those military whether active, retired or veterans and thank them for what they are doing or have done that has given you the opportunity to live your life the way you do.
Saturday, May 7, 2016
Mom- Mother of Might
So with Mother's Day just a day away, and no mother to spoil, I must reflect on what is means to be a mother and why we honor them. I try to tap into what makes a mom great, and we probably all have our own ideas of what a mother does, should do, shouldn't do, who has been a mother figure to us and what we have been accustomed to. My mother was my best friend. Our relationship was like nothing else I experienced in my life. Losing my dad in high school and being her only child, we naturally gravitated toward one another, fed off one another (sometimes good, sometimes bad), built a bond that could never be erased. She was my rock, my sounding board, my protector, my biggest cheerleader and sometimes my worst enemy... lol, depending on the day. But she always accepted me, loved me unconditionally and chose me above everything else in her life. She was a fantastic Bushie (grandma) and loved my child with her whole heart... this my friends is my true definition of a mother. I hope that I can be half a mother to my child as she was to me... I am so honored to have learned her unconditional love. Everyday as I pray that I make the right decisions concerning my child, I reflect on what my mom would do in a given situation, how would she handle me and how would she react. Not every parent/child relationship is the same, but mine was just right for me. I want to extend that just right relationship in my parenting skills and be able to one day say that my son is who he is because I helped shape him into a great adult. Mom, you may not be here to answer me when I need you, especially when I am frustrated, stuck or unable to make decisions about the "right" kind of parenting, what would you have done in a certain situation, no, I cannot ask you anymore, but I know you gave me the tools and intuition deep down inside my soul, if I pause, reflect and search for my own answers. This parenting thing isn't easy... heck it is tough some days but with God and your voice inside me guiding me in the right direction... I know I will do okay.
Mother- She is the inspiration who comforts me in times of need, a permanent figure of loyalty, a listener of troubles, an encourager of doubts. The time we spend together, is fun within itself, we do things for each other not thinking of ourselves. It's nice to know the times we share, aren't wasted by empty thoughts. She knows my faults and sorrows, but she loves me just the same. I 'm glad to know I have a friend that's there until the end. - Dani Rae (1998)
The Pocket- Little pieces of paper, tiny grains of sand; a melted red crayon sticking to my hand. Two-Three-Four-Five, watch her grow, she'll be married next thing you know. Love her tender, guide her on her way, then she can teach her children someday. the bond shared will never go away, what has been built is here to stay. Gather up the memories tie them with a bow, so we will have our love to show. - Dani Rae (2000)
Who Am I? I am who I am. I was born to be me. One of God's children, who He died to set free. awaiting her future, her purpose foretold before walking those streets of gold. Many trials and errors, heartache and pain. Pathways before me seem like nothings to gain. Promised I am that this temporary strife, will lead me to a better life. I walk the line waiting for His glorious sign. How do I know what He wants me to be if I don't believe what I already see? I have a purpose, for this I know, I must take it to others to show. I am who I am, I was born to be me, one of God's children he died to set free. - Dani Rae (2002)
Thank you mom for believing me me, for shaping me into who I am and for continuing to touch my life, even from HEAVEN! Happy Mother's Day to my MOM!
Monday, March 21, 2016
Jewelry gals
So I will have to say both my mom and I were huge fans of jewelry any kind of costume jewelry. All jewelry really but you could own way more if you bought the cheaper stuff. ADDICT may be a very strong word! But we shared the love very much! I would say in most cases we had different taste! But accumulated a lot of stuff over the years. And quite often able to share each other's. Especially when we lived together and then we lived just down the street from one another! We even bought matching bracelets that said HOPE when she was ill. She always looked good in jewelry and always had some sort of piece that stood out. I kept a lot of her jewelry when she died some with special meanings, some we shared often, some I couldn't remember if it was mine or hers to start with... Nonetheless- I still look at and buy jewelry when I see something I really like.
I couldn't decide if I wanted to get a tattoo of my mom's handwriting since I have one of my dad's.. I thought maybe I would turn her handwriting into a picture and put it on a pillow on my bed.. I couldn't figure out how to format the jpeg to fit in the pillow.. I sent my friend the picture to see if she could format it for me.. And kind of forgot about it... Today as an early birthday present... As she knows I am heading back "home" with my mom's ashes this weekend- she gave me this beautiful bracelet - my mom's handwriting turned into jewelry.. Not only was my mom a huge fan of jewelry I can now wear her writing on my wrist whenever I want to remind me of how much she was and still is my biggest fan... Even from Heaven.. I try not to get too mushy but I am so grateful for the people I have in my life to remind me just how much I am loved every day by many. That my mom will continue to impact my everyday life in many ways... And that she above all taught me how to love...
Friday, February 19, 2016
WAIT! A Hidden Blessing.
So it seems I've noticed the last few weeks that my son's new favorite word is wait! No matter what I say no matter what I ask him to do the response I get 99% of the time get is "wait". Whether he's watching TV eating breakfast, playing with the dog, or outside with his dad... The response is "wait"!
This seems to be a bit of an annoyance to me when I'm in a hurry or we have limited time for what needs to get done, or I need him to help me with what I think is immediately important. Sometimes it becomes a struggle and sometimes it brings out the mean mom in me! I'll admit I can get agitated and yell to hope for a better response. Often times I just make the situation worse! But hey I react to situations sometimes not in the way I want.
In similar circumstances I often have clients who aren't quite ready to buy house due to finances or some sort of approval that still needs to happen! They grow impatient or restless and either want to give up or try to somehow fix the situation on their own. I try to remind them that timing is everything and what we think now we might be losing out on is really a blessing in those situations -I remind them to wait. Focus on what needs to be done to get to where you need to be- timing could be everything and when they miss out on something it may be a blessing in disguise.
sometimes I give examples of my own personal situations and circumstances in the past that I found there was a reason why it didn't work out the way I wanted it to at that time.
Just as my son is asking me to wait when I think I know what is best for him, I am asking my clients to wait when I think I know what is best for them-
The Lord is often asking me to wait, for the right moment, the right situation the right timing for me. We often lose sight that God is in control no matter how much we think we want to control our circumstances or situations we want to hurry or rush something when we want immediate results. We may look back years from now and realize it could've been a disaster if it worked out the way WE wanted it to!
They who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength they will soar with wings like eagles they shall run and not grow weary they shall walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31.
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
When you learn a lesson too.
A few weeks ago we went out to eat after one of Paxton's golf clinic lessons with my sister-in-law and family. We went to one of those restaurants where you order at the counter and sit down. Paxton decided to bring in my old phone that he likes to play games on. While we waited for the food he played and then set the phone down on the table. As we were leaving he skipped out ahead and I grabbed the phone and put it in my purse. As we were all standing outside chatting before we all got in separate vehicles and drove away... he realized he forgot the phone inside. He asked me if I had grabbed it I looked right at him and said "no". He ran back inside to look on the table and came back outside totally upset that his phone was missing and he would need to buy a new one. I said "buy a new one?" He said yes his was gone he needed to go buy a new one. I said " you lost your phone because you left it inside, that doesn't automatically grant you the right to buy a new one." He didn't even know what to say. As we got in the car and Steve and I lectured him about being responsible, he cried and said that he didn't mean to leave it and that no one even came out of the restaurant while we were standing there so he doesn't know who would have stole it. We swung over to the Home Depot parking lot for Steve to run inside for something we needed. Paxton continued to rant about needing a new phone. I said "Paxton, I took your phone off the table as you didn't remember to grab it, you are grounded from it for the rest of the day, you need to learn to be responsible and that things are not disposable, as they cost money and mom and dad work really hard to buy you nice things." His response and a slap in my face he says "Mom, you should be grounded from something, you lied to me." Wow! I didn't even know how to think, act or respond after that. I am sitting there trying to teach the kid a lesson and reason with him about being responsible and doing the right thing, owning up to his mistake... and he was dead right! When outside the restaurant he asked me if I grabbed his phone, I looked right at him and told him no... an obvious lie as the phone was tucked inside my purse. So... bad parenting moment? Or lesson I taught myself? If we want to teach our kids to be responsible, trustworthy and honest... our approach to "teaching" them a lesson needs some improvement. Sometimes in the heat of the moment of a situation we react in a way that may not give us the outcome we anticipate, but it sure teaches our kids that we are human and make mistakes and helps us to be a little more careful with our words and a little more forgiving the next time.
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