Monday, May 30, 2016
What does Memorial Day mean to you? All these posts I have been seeing recently about remembering fallen soldiers and focusing on the true meaning of the holiday to reflect on the sacrifices they have made for the rest of our freedom, focus less on the BBQ's and parties and really show gratitude. Many people have lost their lives for our countries freedom. Yesterday my friend posted about how her and her hubby were eating breakfast and a young couple bought breakfast for a gentlemen wearing a military veteran baseball cap. They wanted him to know that they were grateful for his service. She said it was so sweet it almost brought her to tears. We take for granted the freedom we experience and the multitude of things to be grateful for because it is something we are accustomed to.
A countless number of people have fought like my grandfather and father-in-law and lived to tell about it, others sacrificed their lives for us, people who we don't even know, have no vested interest in us or personal relationship with us, yet decided that their country and the future of their loved ones, was important enough to make a difference and lose their lives over. On a day-to-day basis as we are far removed from what is going on outside or around our country it is easy to push aside reflecting about these heroic people. Memorial Day is a time for our country to unite and honor these fallen heroes for without their sacrifice we would not have the freedom to have the things we do. The United States has to be one of the most free countries, most opportunities with the most assets you can imagine. We take for granted all of the things we have, even when we don't think we have very much. We have freedom to have the job we want, make the relationships we do, work hard or not work at all, buy and sell the things we want, no one is dictating to us what we can and cannot do, if they do we have the freedom to choose a different path. Not all people in all countries have this opportunity. We do because people have and continue to fight to reserve this freedom.
Not just on this day but always, when you see a military person, or a Veteran, thank them for their service to our country, don't take these people for granted, don't assume they know you are thankful, truly appreciate what they have done and show it. You may not be able to buy them a meal or some sort of monetary contribution to honor them, but a simple 'thank you for your service" may go further than you know. Have your kids write cards to send oversees to military people that are missing their families to keep our freedom. When you see someone out and about and know they are or have been in the military, just go up and say "thank you".
Write a list of all the things that you have that would not be possible without their sacrifice for our freedom. Don't forget their is a price that was paid for it... Our right to vote, homes, land, jobs, cars, right to choose our mates, the amount of children we can have, our pets, hobbies, and the list goes on and on... stop today reflect and evaluate your life, what you have, pause and be grateful in between BBQ's and swim parties, sporting events and t.v. shows, and take the time throughout the year to teach your kids to be grateful for what they have and to be thankful not only to these fallen heroes, but their families and those military whether active, retired or veterans and thank them for what they are doing or have done that has given you the opportunity to live your life the way you do.
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