Always, always always I struggle with multi-tasking...not how to do it but how often I do it, not that I haven't somehow semi-mastered doing multiple things at one time... (cause I don't really believe anyone is a master at anything... there is always room to improve) but sometimes no matter how much you have to shove in a day, how many people are counting on you, or how many things you would not get accomplished if you did one thing at a time... it would be nice to just concentrate on one thing at a time, but that is impossible at times.
The summer months are here, real estate had been a little slow and then my son got out of school and my business has blown up! I am definitely not complaining as it isn't always so... and taking advantage of the times it is to set up my balancing and budgeting... takes multi tasking to a whole new level. I have had 2 sets of clients in from out of town looking on the opposite side of town, clients with only certain days off work to shop, a new agent to train who already is working with her first client, new listings, listings that have fallen out, needed extensions or issues with repair items that need attention... the list goes on and on of the needs of others that I take care of on a daily basis that most people don't really know what goes on behind the scenes of a real estate transaction. All this coupled with my life, my family, being a mom, a wife and a caretaker of animals and a household...can be quite time-consuming and overwhelming... yet I try at best to do it with a smile on my face... what is the saying?
Too blessed to be stressed, yet somehow stress comes with the territory. I stress over the disappointment of others, when I have to tell a client they didn't get an offer accepted, the counter offer on their home wasn't acceptable to the buyer, someone thought a client's house didn't show well, it isn't going to close on time, and in some cases at all. But every single time I pray I find the right words to encourage those people that I have to disappoint with some sort of news or another. I have to remind them and myself that something better, something more intended for them will come along. Sometimes it is exhausting... but it is what I feel called to do. I am somehow matched up with these people for a reason... even if I don't know what that is. I try to remain patient and have a positive attitude when I deliver news, as attitude can really effect the reaction of others based on your delivery.
Sometimes in all my multitasking I overlook things, I forgot to do something, I make silly mistakes, accidents happen and that list too can go on and on of negative outcomes. But I feel my personality since I was a little child has always been a hustle bustle sort of way! I thrive on being busy. My goal for this summer since I don't have to rush out of the house in most cases, especially to get Paxton to school for some weeks... is to be intentional and my intent is to eat breakfast almost every morning with my kid. Whether it be only for 10 minutes... that is what I will do. To sit down, phone free, computer free, task free and just eat, nourish my body whether I really am a breakfast eater or not. It is directing me to do something on purpose, concentrate on one simple task, without an overload of information and obstacles and opportunities flowing from my brain taking me in 20 directions at the same time. I need to focus, relax and reset my brain for the day. When I wake up and go to sleep I reflect and pray about things in my busy day and busy life, I do feel like I enjoy what I do, I love helping people and staying busy... it is in my nature... but sometimes I have to step out of my natural busy comfort zone and just BE! To all those busy moms out there... whether it be 10 mins three times a day to rest and reflect, or something as simple as grabbing a bowl of cereal and sitting down with your kid at the kitchen table... even for 10 minutes.. do whatever you do with intention.
Be filled with unconditional love, unfettered joy, and uncommon grace, do what you do with passion and authenticity.... be who God intended you to be but slow down and enjoy it don't miss it. There will always be future opportunities for success, but if you are only living for the money, the success or the accomplishments... you will miss living.
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