Tuesday, September 14, 2010

day 35 of 365

So what do you do when you are faced with a dilemma that you are not sure how to handle. When you feel stuck. There are so many things that I could tell you I am stuck on. I wish my magic wand would just get fixed already.... lol!
Wouldn't it make life easier if we could just all have that wand to waive when things went wrong or were hard to figure out what to do next.... you know what, I believe we still wouldn't be happy... isn't that the case, we usually want more, and the more we get we want more...don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with wanting more and better for yourself, you should, but I think we all can get carried away sometimes.
This wanting more really makes us less appreciative of what is already.
So every morning on my way to work I will concentrate on one thing from the previous day that I did right, one thing I am appreciative of and one thing that I will learn from. Heck I have an hour drive, I might as well make the most of it. You can only sing the same songs over and over so many times.
If I was going to start tomorrow, I would pick from today my ability to reach out to a student to understand what challenges they were faced with and talk them through some resolutions which made me feel that I did my job right.
I am appreciative of the opportunity to learn from others who have done things before me.
I will learn from any mistakes I make, ask questions and do better the next time. With these 3 things in mind I can reflect on what my strengths and weaknesses are and go from there, hopefully developing my skills and talents a little more each day. After all life is a journey not a destination and we constantly have the ability to learn and develop ourselves.
Most people give up just when they're about to achieve success. They quit on the one-yard line. They give up at the last minute of the game, one foot from a winning touchdown. - H Ross Perot
I don't want to be that person, I don't want to know that I may have been able to do it if I just went the extra mile, the extra step, if i would have only hung in a little longer. So I will be patient and know that it will not always (if ever) be as easy as waiving that magic wand, saying those magic words or twitching my nose. The universe will test my commitment to my goal and I will not give up what I am trying to pursue and give in to defeat and petty obstacles, no matter how big they may seem at the time.
Tonight I am grateful that I found a Cat in the Hat mylar balloon for 99 cents for Saturdays party, I am grateful for the gift my best friend sent my son for his birthday, I am grateful for my friend who is helping me be creative and save money but make the birthday party a success, I am grateful for a loving family and caring friends, I am grateful for the weather slowly starting to cool, I am grateful good fortune for others who build my self confidence and esteem and for the opportunity to have tomorrow as a new day to try try again.
"For every failure, there's an alternative course of action, you just have to find it. When you come to a roadblock take a detour" -Mary Kay Ash

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