Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 42 of 365

Have you ever wanted to put your foot in your mouth.... so to speak, I have done this a few times in the last couple days... causing more havoc then necessary but not intending to hurt anyone. It was a long process and more than one type of situation. I guess it is called jumping the gun. I tend to get defensive when feeling attacked or picked on and then apparently say and do the wrong things to react.
My solution: to STOP, breath, assess the situation, think before I speak and then if I still feel the need to vent or release my tension, do so quietly or wait to address the situation at a time that is better suited to a more positive outcome...
This is a hard task I think, because as humans we react to something that hurts us or makes us feel lesser than we are, it is natural, we are defensive human beings and don't like to be thought of as doing something lesser than we are. And when a situation that is either perceived in a way that was not intended or makes us feel that we didn't somehow do a good job, we react. Maybe with good intentions but not in the most suitable way for a particular situation.
So my goal is to begin to STOP when I thinking someone is acting in a compromising situation, or if I perceive something to be one way, when it fact it may not, it may have just been said or written in a way that I would not have said or written it and therefore I feel like the person is intending to hurt or throw me or someone else under the bus. I need to STOP, assess the situation, and then speak with the person after not before assessing the situation.
I am thankful for the understanding people in each of my "situations" , though every situation was different, every outcome was different and nothing was related to one another, if I would have STOPPED, assessed and thought first, maybe even walked away, the outcomes would have been more positive.
I feel that I have definitely learned from each and that I will be able to use these experiences to my advantage in the future regarding how to handle different types of situations.
Today I am grateful for my family, my job, my friends, my co-workers and all of the people who contribute to helping me become a better me.

Our lives are not determined by what happens to us but by how we react to what happens, not by what life brings to us, but by the attitude we bring to life. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. It is a catalyst, a spark that creates extraordinary results.

You cannot raise a man up by calling him down.
-William Boetcker

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