I decided that today I am not "giving up" anything.... I have decided to call it simplifying. This will make it a lot easier to handle.
Dictionary.com states that to simplify means: to make less complex or complicated; make plainer or easier: This is what we are trying to do when we give something up right- I don't necessarily get that giving something up necessarily means it is less complex or easier... plainer... maybe....I can definitely see that.
The item in question is Sirius- so maybe it isn't an necessity.... but it sure is nice. I have had it for about 4 maybe 5 years, love it to say the least.... but it expired today (I thought it wouldn't expire until next year, bummer) and I decided that it wasn't a necessity to pay the money to renew right now. I can listen to the regular radio or a cd on my way to and from work, and be okay, right? I can get books on tape from the library(now that I have access to get library books, long story), and oh yes, like I mentioned on Tuesday about the 3 things I would contemplate every morning on my way to work(by the way I have done this the last two days and it sure doesn't take up an hour) but it definitely is a good reflection and I have walked in the door at work with a positive outlook on my day for sure.
At this stage in my life I am reminded of that book I read in school, I can't remember if I was in elementary or jr. high, the one called "Are you there God? It's me, Margaret. It has been a long time since I have read this book(that I still have by the way) but I remember how desperate the little girl was to talk to someone about her troubles and expectations, that she hoped was listening.
I have felt that at different periods of my life and I sure know that is where I need to go back to now. I don't want to burden others with my troubles, my hopes my fears, but I should know, like Margaret, that God is there for this purpose. It is so easy for us to scale back on our commitment to God or forget that he is on our side, when things are all peachy keen, and our worries are minimal.
I do consider myself one to pray every day, however, I know at times when things are busy I am less committed and perhaps more rushed in my thoughts and devotions.
I promise myself today that I will spend those extra minutes if not on the way to then on the way home from work 30 solid minutes (the least I can do with a 2 hour total commute for the day)talking to and listening to God, to feel his presence, his grace and his love and to focus on my spiritual growth. I think this will bring more balance to my job, my life and my marriage and other relationships.
I want to be a good example for my son, I want him to grow up to be proud to call me his mom.
Today I am grateful for my job, for recognizing what I need to do better at, for getting some of the things done today for the birthday party Saturday so that I am not so rushed tomorrow and Saturday, for my mom's dedication and help with my little "projects", for my husband making dinner so I could make cookie dough, for the lady at Fry's selling me a cake box, even though I didn't want to purchase a cake, for being able to work out at work and save the time before and after, for a healthy kid who hopefully falls asleep soon so that mommy can go to bed.....
"If I had to select one quality, one personal characteristic that I regard as being most highly correlated with success, whatever the field, I would pick the trait of persistence."
Richard DeVos
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