Thursday, October 14, 2021

Voice Texting to My Rescue

 Today didn't really start out as a very eventful day! Someone offered to come mow my lawn ( I forgot to turn the water off so the yard was drenched!), my orchard furniture was being delivered, I had to go get feed for the outside animals since we will be gone at a wedding and I wanted our house sitter not to run out of food. I called to follow up on a deferred comp from Steve's work that was suppose to take 5-7 business days to get in the mail and it has been 12, only to find out the 30 minutes I spent on the phone with Marcus on Sept 29th for a claim was never made, and no record found I ever talked to them per Shakira. UGH! Also the funeral expense money reimbursement through FEMA that several people recommended I apply for came back and said I needed proof that I didn't receive any burial insurance. I didn't but how do I prove that, how do you prove you don't have something you don't have! hahaha. I had to ask the funeral home to write me a letter stating I didn't have burial insurance. Hoops... yep hoops, it isn't enough that I am grieving I also have to deal with all the paperwork and people not doing their jobs! 

Today was an early release day at school, my loving child drove me nutty from the time I picked him and his friend up at school. Maybe it was him, maybe it was me, I felt anxious and irritable. He seemed a little mouthy and irritable. I had a long list of things to do to get ready for our trip. We have to leave our house at 3:30 AM to get to the airport on time! We had errands to run and things to accomplish before we left. Oh and did I mention the listing consultation at 7:30?  Crock pot taco soup for the win, thanks Tracy. 

As we were driving the boys asked our friend if they could ride in his arena tonight, he said yes and of course Paxton wanted Hope to be equip with the right gear to ride. We have more bits and bridles and all kinds of gear but obviously none of it was right for her! His father taught him this, always be equipped for the task at hand with the right equipment for the job, my motto was always make due with what you have. But hey if I learned anything at all from him it is much easier, less stressful and usually turns out better when it is the right tool for the job! We went to Tractor supply for food and a bit/headstall and of course they were out of everything... so Paxton sends the neighbor a text via voice. When Pax realizes what Siri heard him say and showed it to me I laughed hysterically that I snorted several times and couldn't stop laughing and it seriously knocked me out of my bad mood and into joy. He even text it to me so we could play it through my car radio, cause it WAS that funny! Why because oh my goodness things like this have to happen in order for you to realize that you can have fun with anything and why be irritable, it really isn't  making anything better. Sometimes laughing at the dumbest things as hard as you can is the best medicine. Voice texting to my rescue. 

Since I was more relaxed, less tense and off edge, instead of going home and using the 2 hours I had before going to my listing consultation to prepare for our trip in the morning. I decided to ride with the kids. I got my horse back now that Paxton has his own and love that we don't have to take turns with Gus.  There is definitely something therapeutic sitting on top with the view you receive rather than standing on the ground looking around. The motion, the freedom and the wind in your hair, the gorgeous sunset and the laughter and squeals of the kids enjoying their ride. It grounds me and refreshes my soul. 

Do the things you like. Even if it is in the middle of your day, take a break, escape from your monotony, do what you do or you think you can't fit it in. Because it might just be what you need to get through all the other things you need to deal with and accomplish and you may actually do them better or at least in a better mood.  It is ok not to be in love with your life every minute of every day, but you can't maintain sanity if you don't pick yourself up when you fall down. 

Thank you Lord by Chris Tomlin

Blessings, on blessings, on blessings, on blessings
If I still got breath in these lungs
And that's all I need to get down on my knees
And be thankful for all that He's done

Thank You Lord for the hard times
For lighting the way in the dark times
For pulling me in, forgiving again
The times that I took it too far, I

Gotta thank You for keeping me humble
For picking me up when I stumble
And although I change, You stay the same
And I don't say thank You enough
Praise up
Eyes closed
One thing I know
I just wanna thank You Lord, thank You Lord (thank You Lord)

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