On the radio on the way to work this morning, I heard a very enlightening story that made me feel that much closer to my little one. It is a true blessing that we receive the gift of another life that is a branch of our own. I am truly grateful for his presence in my life and cannot imagine how my life was so great before. Yes, I did have less sacrificing and more time on my hands and could get a lot more accomplished in half the time that it takes me now, but would I go back? Would I give it up or trade him for what I once had? For any amount of money or time? Are you kidding me... not in a heartbeat.
So they told the story of a little boy who was sick in the hospital in what they thought was diabetic coma, the Dr.'s and nurses were saying that they didn't think the little boy had much of a chance, the parents were disheartened by the thought of losing their child. The mother decided to leave the room for a little while to get a drink, and the next thing you know the nurse was chasing her down asking what 5683ya was, the mom had chills run down her spine and looked at the nurse in disbelief and the nurse asked again what 5683ya was? The mom proceeded to tell the nurse that her two boys as they were getting older and into many sports and extra curricular activities that they were sort of embarrassed when the mom left them and called out Love ya, so they came up with the code of 5683ya instead, it sounded way cooler than the traditional. 5683 spells love on the phone, and as the little boy was coming out of his coma he was repeating this over and over, his mom rejoiced in fresh tears and ran in to hug her son.
Isn't it amazing what love can do, what God's love can do for us. Show us the way, guide us, and remind us that our lives are truly blessed with many good things. He is constantly trying to tell us 5683ya in little ways every day! May you be refreshed in knowing that love is a very powerful thing that can truly bless us in every way every day. So spread some 5683 to others Everyday... you will be grateful you did.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
SO this is a long time coming, I guess I went on writers strike or block. Things have been unsteady, I have been unsteady. It has been a whirlwind of weeks. Many things to do and busy times to have been had. Yet one thing remains unchanged, my gratefulness for what I do have in my life. Things can be handed to you, uncertainties all around, yet I know that I can only do my best and let the rest fall gracefully (or not so much) into place at the time that is right, not necessarily when I think it is right, but when it is right. There is a time for everything and everyone, and there is a time for me too.
The usual ups and downs, my crazy life and circumstances, the high standards that I some how think I must accomplish or live up to and then expect that everyone else holds me to the same standards, and then get disappointed when I don't meet them, but I really think that can cause A LOT more stress than I really need.
This morning after a small altercation and a little bit of attitude, I decided, you know what, not really worth my energy or time wasted... move on I say, forgive and forget... life would be so much simpler if we just followed this simple rule. God sent his son to forgive our sins and yet sometimes we can't seem to forgot those of mere human beings, the ones who make mistakes on a daily basis. If God so loved the world that he gave his only son to save us, the least we can do is forgive one another of the little things.
It is too priceless to be bought, too great to be contained, too awesome to be described, it cannot be given from one person to another, it can only be shared by those who have received the gift of Jesus, from the hand of the Father, for God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son.
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the father of heavenly lights -James 1:17
Wishing everyone a very MERRY CHRISTMAS... may His LOVE guide you this Christmas Season and into the New Year, with many blessings that you will recognize and be grateful.
The usual ups and downs, my crazy life and circumstances, the high standards that I some how think I must accomplish or live up to and then expect that everyone else holds me to the same standards, and then get disappointed when I don't meet them, but I really think that can cause A LOT more stress than I really need.
This morning after a small altercation and a little bit of attitude, I decided, you know what, not really worth my energy or time wasted... move on I say, forgive and forget... life would be so much simpler if we just followed this simple rule. God sent his son to forgive our sins and yet sometimes we can't seem to forgot those of mere human beings, the ones who make mistakes on a daily basis. If God so loved the world that he gave his only son to save us, the least we can do is forgive one another of the little things.
It is too priceless to be bought, too great to be contained, too awesome to be described, it cannot be given from one person to another, it can only be shared by those who have received the gift of Jesus, from the hand of the Father, for God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son.
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the father of heavenly lights -James 1:17
Wishing everyone a very MERRY CHRISTMAS... may His LOVE guide you this Christmas Season and into the New Year, with many blessings that you will recognize and be grateful.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Day 122
Patience..... where did you go? I could really use to find you.... Please come back, soon.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference...
Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful worldas it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things rightif I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him Forever in the next. Amen.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference...
Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful worldas it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things rightif I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him Forever in the next. Amen.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
DAY 121
Today was quite a day, a lot of things happened in a short amount of time at work. A deeper connection was made with another who sought out my advise for something. I hope I was able to give a little insight and more clearly direct them to find their answer. Today I am grateful for the friendship of others, for unexpected gifts no matter how small, for the smile on my son's face as he learns something new and the smile of satisfaction on my husbands face as he enjoys what his son is learning.
"It is good to have a friend, but it is better to be a friend. The benefit of being unselfishly loved and sympathized with and cheered and helped, is nothing compared wit the joy of unselfishly loving and sympathizing with and helping and cheering another. No amount of love from anothers heart can uplift and enlarge like the expansive force of generous and self-forgetting love, working outward from within." -Anonymous
"It is good to have a friend, but it is better to be a friend. The benefit of being unselfishly loved and sympathized with and cheered and helped, is nothing compared wit the joy of unselfishly loving and sympathizing with and helping and cheering another. No amount of love from anothers heart can uplift and enlarge like the expansive force of generous and self-forgetting love, working outward from within." -Anonymous
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Today is short and sweet, I am ready for bed.
Today I am thankful for many things, my home, my car, my job, a great day, the ability to work out on my lunch hour, all that my mom and in-laws do for me, my family, my husband and his great skills, my loving son, that his teeth pain will soon go away, for my friends, that my prayers will be answered, that God will watch over us and protect us from harm, for the ability to love life, enjoy the awesome Arizona weather and for the ability to laugh and sing and share with others in the joy of my day!
Today I am thankful for many things, my home, my car, my job, a great day, the ability to work out on my lunch hour, all that my mom and in-laws do for me, my family, my husband and his great skills, my loving son, that his teeth pain will soon go away, for my friends, that my prayers will be answered, that God will watch over us and protect us from harm, for the ability to love life, enjoy the awesome Arizona weather and for the ability to laugh and sing and share with others in the joy of my day!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Day 118
Today was such a long and busy day, yet it went by rather quickly. It is hard to think it is only Monday. I decided today to make a smart choice plan and be conscious regarding everything that I put in my mouth. I was teasing with a student that as mom's for as much running around as we do you would think we would be 30 lbs lighter. After being gone from home for 11 hours, and then I get home, I don't think I sit down until around 8 or 8:30 at night and by then I am ready to fall into bed exhausted at the thought of getting back up in 6 hours to start all over again. Last night I actually got 8 hours of sleep (not uninterrupted but 8 hours) I woke at about 2:15 ready for my day, I probably should have gotten up and got some things done, but it was 2:15AM! So of course I went back to sleep and awoke at 4:30 tired and very groggy, which seemed to be the pace of my day, I even went to the gym at lunch and still never felt that I gained an ounce of energy in my whole day. It is now 8:15 and I am not sure how much I will be able to do before I go to bed. Hopefully this week is full of accomplishment and success. I guess I started out right, I watched everything and wrote down what I consumed, I did 40 minutes of cardio and I reflected on my way to and from work.
I am going to continue to work towards my goals and allow every day to unfold in a positive note and continue to be the best that I can.
Over the weekend a friend of mine lost a close family friend to a hit and run accident, this women was like an aunt to her and in her 40's. It is amazing to me that in a blink of an eye how the world can change.
I will leave you with one of my recent favorite song lyrics: Revive sings BLINK
Teach me to number my days
And count every moment before it slips away
Taking all the colors before they fade to gray
I don't want to miss even just a second more of this
It happens in a blink
It happens in a flash
It happens in the time it takes to look back
I try to hold on tight, but there's no stopping time
What is it I've done with my life
It happens in a blink (x2)
Teach me to number my days
And count every moment before it slips away
Taking all the colors before they fade to gray
I don't want to miss even just a second more of this
It happens in a blink
It happens in a flash
It happens in the time it takes to look back
I try to hold on tight, but there's no stopping time
What is it I've done with my life
It happens in a blink (x4)
Slow down, slow down
Before today becomes our yesterday
Slow down, slow down
Before you turn around and it's too late
It happens in a blink
it happens in a flash
it happens in the time it takes to look back
I try to hold on tight but there's no stopping time
What is it I've done with my life
It happens in a blink
It happens in a blink
it happens in a flash
it happens in the time it takes to look back
I try to hold on tight but there's no stopping time
What is it I've done with my life
It happens in a blink (x4)
I am going to continue to work towards my goals and allow every day to unfold in a positive note and continue to be the best that I can.
Over the weekend a friend of mine lost a close family friend to a hit and run accident, this women was like an aunt to her and in her 40's. It is amazing to me that in a blink of an eye how the world can change.
I will leave you with one of my recent favorite song lyrics: Revive sings BLINK
Teach me to number my days
And count every moment before it slips away
Taking all the colors before they fade to gray
I don't want to miss even just a second more of this
It happens in a blink
It happens in a flash
It happens in the time it takes to look back
I try to hold on tight, but there's no stopping time
What is it I've done with my life
It happens in a blink (x2)
Teach me to number my days
And count every moment before it slips away
Taking all the colors before they fade to gray
I don't want to miss even just a second more of this
It happens in a blink
It happens in a flash
It happens in the time it takes to look back
I try to hold on tight, but there's no stopping time
What is it I've done with my life
It happens in a blink (x4)
Slow down, slow down
Before today becomes our yesterday
Slow down, slow down
Before you turn around and it's too late
It happens in a blink
it happens in a flash
it happens in the time it takes to look back
I try to hold on tight but there's no stopping time
What is it I've done with my life
It happens in a blink
It happens in a blink
it happens in a flash
it happens in the time it takes to look back
I try to hold on tight but there's no stopping time
What is it I've done with my life
It happens in a blink (x4)
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Day 114

SO my friend sent me this picture at work of the fortune she received today after she ate her nice Pei Wei meal which made my Ramen noodle lunch seem all the more pitiful... what a true thought this particular fortune had.
Anyone can apply this to their life. This goes along with my blog from last night, why should we sit around and wait for happiness to drop in our lap, for the right job, the right weight, a better relationship, the baby we have always wanted, more money, a better car, for that matter a car, more wealth, better health, lost weight, more friends, that special someone, you catch my drift. You have to start by liking you as you are and being grateful for whatever you have, but not too comfortable to fight for what you want, get out there and make it happen, show the world you aren't going to to let the crap it sometimes hands you get the best of you. You can overcome that negativity but only if you do something about it, take action today, make a plan, change your life and you will be happier for it.
Today I am grateful for this particular email for the drive and motivation it gave me to help someone else create their happiness and give the boost of energy needed to push forward and let the past fall behind, for tomorrow is a new day, like they say- make it count.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Day 113
I am glad that the day is winding down to an end with a fresh start for tomorrow. I am grateful that this week has gone by relatively fast, but I have learned much and gotten a lot accomplished. I am grateful for my amazing family, friends and support system. I am thankful for each day that I have to do something worthwhile. Today is the first day of a brand new month. A new day is a new chance to do something, learn something, make something, seek something, believe in something, hope for something and partake in something. Today and every day, you must make choices about what you will do, who you will do it with, what you will worship and how you will think.
Make wise choices, choices that will renew your spirit, touch someones life or make a difference for the better in your own. Only you know what is right or wrong for you, don't let others tempt you into what they want for you or think you should do. Be happy with yourself in this moment where you are, you can always grow and change, but love yourself how you are today, not how you will be tomorrow or when you lose 10 or even 50 lbs, not when you have more money, a better house a better car, when you get a better job or when you have a better body, or when you find someone to love you; love you for you, make peace with yourself, and be the best you YOU can be right now. - Dani Miller
Make wise choices, choices that will renew your spirit, touch someones life or make a difference for the better in your own. Only you know what is right or wrong for you, don't let others tempt you into what they want for you or think you should do. Be happy with yourself in this moment where you are, you can always grow and change, but love yourself how you are today, not how you will be tomorrow or when you lose 10 or even 50 lbs, not when you have more money, a better house a better car, when you get a better job or when you have a better body, or when you find someone to love you; love you for you, make peace with yourself, and be the best you YOU can be right now. - Dani Miller
Monday, November 29, 2010
Day 111
Today I am especially grateful for my job and sorry for all of those who lost theirs. I know that things are not fair sometimes and life is hard to understand.
I am glad that I was able to stay busy at work, and give good customer service to those I was able to contact today. I am glad that I got some Christmas shopping done online, got my Christmas decorations up over the weekend and was able to spend so much time with family. I am grateful for my mom and all the time she spends teaching my son new things during the week. I am grateful for everyone who has a vested interest in helping me with him. I am grateful for fun presents... that I can enjoy... for a few hours of adult time that was allotted to me over the weekend, and for the perfect start to my new book venture! I am grateful for new clients that I will do a good job and find them the right houses to fit their needs whether they are looking to buy or rent. I am grateful for the trials and tribulations that allow me to grow stronger as a person and my family to grow stronger. However, I am also thankful for the peaceful times that have minimal to no worry.I am thankful to God for the little things as well as the big and for keeping me grounded and believing what I know is true and allowing my faith to grow stronger with each day.
Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. -Hebrews 11.1.
I am glad that I was able to stay busy at work, and give good customer service to those I was able to contact today. I am glad that I got some Christmas shopping done online, got my Christmas decorations up over the weekend and was able to spend so much time with family. I am grateful for my mom and all the time she spends teaching my son new things during the week. I am grateful for everyone who has a vested interest in helping me with him. I am grateful for fun presents... that I can enjoy... for a few hours of adult time that was allotted to me over the weekend, and for the perfect start to my new book venture! I am grateful for new clients that I will do a good job and find them the right houses to fit their needs whether they are looking to buy or rent. I am grateful for the trials and tribulations that allow me to grow stronger as a person and my family to grow stronger. However, I am also thankful for the peaceful times that have minimal to no worry.I am thankful to God for the little things as well as the big and for keeping me grounded and believing what I know is true and allowing my faith to grow stronger with each day.
Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. -Hebrews 11.1.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Day 107
Well today of all days is the day to be thankful... THANKSGIVING!
It is ironic that this day comes once a year. In reality Thanksgiving should be everyday. There are many things that we can be thankful for on a daily basis and we should reflect every year, not just on this day.
So what is Thanksgiving all about... is it the Pilgrims and Indians sitting around wooden tables in big hats and shoes with buckles eating with Indians in headdresses?
Not so much.
One source (By Joseph Farah World Net Daily) states that it is the Thanksgiving that the Pilgrims had once they separated from England and could prosper on their own, they were able to set up trading posts and trade with the Indians the corn they grew to pay off debts to London. "But it wasn't just an economic system that allowed the Pilgrims to prosper. It was their devotion to God and His laws. And that's what Thanksgiving is really all about. The Pilgrims recognized that everything we have is a gift from God – even our sorrows. Their Thanksgiving tradition was established to honor God and thank Him for His blessings and His grace."
This is pretty interesting since most people aren't aware that it is a Thanksgiving to God. But I like this concept for sure, and that is why we must be thankful everyday, especially for the little things we take for granted, and interestingly enough for the trials and tribulations that make us stronger and better individuals.
My Thanksgiving List:
My husband, son, mom and brother... my two dogs, my aunts my uncles my extended family, my mother and father in law, sister and brother in law and two nieces, and their extended family, for my closest friends that are like family, my friends, my co-workers, my neighbors, those who fight to keep my freedom and those who strive to keep our country nourished in beauty. For ALL the food that we take for granted that others in starving countries do not have access to 1/100th of what we have and sometimes even less than that. I pray for those that are able to give freely and bless the less fortunate with their time and resources to make the world a better place, and when I can I will. I am grateful for the beautiful Arizona weather in which I live, for the green grass in my yard and beautiful flowers to enjoy. I am thankful for my awesome house to live in, for all the toys we have accumulated over the years, for a cozy bed to sleep in when some may have none, cars to drive me places, computers to even put my thoughts out there, do work, surf the net and so on, for my cell phone that I can stay dialed in to loved ones or check on my baby when I am at work, for the peace in my heart, for feeling the presence of God in my life and for the strength to be the best me that I can, for patience, for wisdom, for talents that God's given me, may I use them wisely and with confidence and recognize what they are, I am thankful for all of this and more this day and always.
“It isn't what you have in your pocket that makes you thankful, but what you have in your heart.”
It is ironic that this day comes once a year. In reality Thanksgiving should be everyday. There are many things that we can be thankful for on a daily basis and we should reflect every year, not just on this day.
So what is Thanksgiving all about... is it the Pilgrims and Indians sitting around wooden tables in big hats and shoes with buckles eating with Indians in headdresses?
Not so much.
One source (By Joseph Farah World Net Daily) states that it is the Thanksgiving that the Pilgrims had once they separated from England and could prosper on their own, they were able to set up trading posts and trade with the Indians the corn they grew to pay off debts to London. "But it wasn't just an economic system that allowed the Pilgrims to prosper. It was their devotion to God and His laws. And that's what Thanksgiving is really all about. The Pilgrims recognized that everything we have is a gift from God – even our sorrows. Their Thanksgiving tradition was established to honor God and thank Him for His blessings and His grace."
This is pretty interesting since most people aren't aware that it is a Thanksgiving to God. But I like this concept for sure, and that is why we must be thankful everyday, especially for the little things we take for granted, and interestingly enough for the trials and tribulations that make us stronger and better individuals.
My Thanksgiving List:
My husband, son, mom and brother... my two dogs, my aunts my uncles my extended family, my mother and father in law, sister and brother in law and two nieces, and their extended family, for my closest friends that are like family, my friends, my co-workers, my neighbors, those who fight to keep my freedom and those who strive to keep our country nourished in beauty. For ALL the food that we take for granted that others in starving countries do not have access to 1/100th of what we have and sometimes even less than that. I pray for those that are able to give freely and bless the less fortunate with their time and resources to make the world a better place, and when I can I will. I am grateful for the beautiful Arizona weather in which I live, for the green grass in my yard and beautiful flowers to enjoy. I am thankful for my awesome house to live in, for all the toys we have accumulated over the years, for a cozy bed to sleep in when some may have none, cars to drive me places, computers to even put my thoughts out there, do work, surf the net and so on, for my cell phone that I can stay dialed in to loved ones or check on my baby when I am at work, for the peace in my heart, for feeling the presence of God in my life and for the strength to be the best me that I can, for patience, for wisdom, for talents that God's given me, may I use them wisely and with confidence and recognize what they are, I am thankful for all of this and more this day and always.
“It isn't what you have in your pocket that makes you thankful, but what you have in your heart.”
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Day 106
Thanksgiving Eve... am I where I need to be, pretty much no! Two days off from my full time job, you would think I would have accomplished 10 times more, however with 2 part time gigs, a 14 month old, vet appointment, and a book venture, oh and did I mention I put my tree up... baked 8 pies, pumpkin cookies, sweet potatoes, went to the store twice, showed houses, cleaned ceiling fans, blinds, cleaned my carpets.... and the list goes on. I still think I need to be superwomen.... I really should be a lot skinner for as much running around as I do. I have been up since 5 and haven't stopped once.
Well, today I am grateful for what I did get accomplished, for the things I will have time to do tomorrow and for the forgiveness of my guests for the things I just didn't get around to cleaning this time....
Well, today I am grateful for what I did get accomplished, for the things I will have time to do tomorrow and for the forgiveness of my guests for the things I just didn't get around to cleaning this time....
Sunday, November 21, 2010
day 103
I am so grateful for my amazing weekend... for my friends and family. For my husband's hard work, for his help with cleaning to prepare for Thanksgiving guests, while I was out showing houses, for him practically making dinner all weekend long. For my adorable little son and his funny laugh. My the chance to have some hopefully (keep your fingers crossed) nice family photo shots taken, even though the weather decided to be a little nasty. For new opportunities. For a friend who chose me to confide in amongst many other people out there. For the wisdom or lack there of I was able to give. For the clouds and the rain. For my brother-in-law and husband getting down all the Christmas decor out of the attic for me so that I can decorate next weekend!
Today I am grateful for all the little things, all the small blessings and most of all my choice to recognize what lays before me, forget what lies behind, and live for what is happening now, because it can all change with one blink.
Today I am grateful for all the little things, all the small blessings and most of all my choice to recognize what lays before me, forget what lies behind, and live for what is happening now, because it can all change with one blink.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
day 99
Today I am thankful for friends who believe in me enough to refer others. I am thankful that even though I may complain at times that I realize that I am thankful for what I do have because there are many people worse off than me. I am thankful that I have a son who is healthy and even though he is whiny sometimes, he is just a kid and it could be worse, I am grateful for his health and his happiness, for his smile and laugh, that he can see and hear and feel and touch. I am thankful that my husband loves me and that I have two great dogs to give me comfort, for my mother and my in-laws, and all of my family.
I am grateful for the friends that keep me in check to work out at work, to lift me up and compliment me when I do a good job, for those who seek my knowledge and opinion and for the confidence of others. I am thankful that God will point me in the right direction to use my talents He has given me wisely.
As simple as it sounds, we all must try to be the best person we can; by making the best choices by making the most of the talents we've been given. -Mary Lou Retton
I am grateful for the friends that keep me in check to work out at work, to lift me up and compliment me when I do a good job, for those who seek my knowledge and opinion and for the confidence of others. I am thankful that God will point me in the right direction to use my talents He has given me wisely.
As simple as it sounds, we all must try to be the best person we can; by making the best choices by making the most of the talents we've been given. -Mary Lou Retton
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Day 98
So this is the longest I have went without blogging in the last 3 months... jeez... i guess when you start your week out with 4 hours of sleep and you stare at a computer screen for 9 hours a day and talk on the phone, the last 2 things you want to do when you get home and do everything needed and put your child to bed, is get on the computer or the phone. I use to love to be on this thing... but lately I love my time away from it even more, it makes me want to go back to the pencil and paper days and jot down my thoughts.
Had a few great surprises this past week and still loving all the supportive people in my life. I have a list of things to do over the weekend to catch up, maybe if I do one thing a night it will help me in the end. Each day I can scratch something new off my list and feel accomplished and then I won't have to stay up too late one night or cram everything into my weekend.
Today I am grateful for nice co-workers, for good conversations with students, for friends who support me and unexpected mail, for my husband stopping to get dog food and for compliments at work on a job well done. For the ability to scratch one thing off my list of things to do tonight and hopefully 2 tomorrow, for going to the gym and getting a good work out and eating right. For getting a good laugh and for my son's unconditional love, even when we scold him, for the constant confidence to raise him the best I know how and for the dreams for my future, for the ability to embrace life and for my health.
You're blessed when you're content with just who you are- no more, no less. That's the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can't be bought.- Matthew 5:5
Had a few great surprises this past week and still loving all the supportive people in my life. I have a list of things to do over the weekend to catch up, maybe if I do one thing a night it will help me in the end. Each day I can scratch something new off my list and feel accomplished and then I won't have to stay up too late one night or cram everything into my weekend.
Today I am grateful for nice co-workers, for good conversations with students, for friends who support me and unexpected mail, for my husband stopping to get dog food and for compliments at work on a job well done. For the ability to scratch one thing off my list of things to do tonight and hopefully 2 tomorrow, for going to the gym and getting a good work out and eating right. For getting a good laugh and for my son's unconditional love, even when we scold him, for the constant confidence to raise him the best I know how and for the dreams for my future, for the ability to embrace life and for my health.
You're blessed when you're content with just who you are- no more, no less. That's the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can't be bought.- Matthew 5:5
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Day 92
So today had its ups and downs... wow I feel like I say that often, but you know what it is true. I had some good news and some not so great news. I like to have my pity party for a few minutes sometimes just to get my frustrations out, and then I concentrate on the positive in my situation, to reflect on the opportunity.
I enjoyed spending time with my friend today who I don't see very often with the busyness of life, and I am grateful to those who support me, believe in me and are confident that I am going places. It amazes me how truly good supportive people can make you feel, how quickly you can go from down to up and how much what you have to be thankful for can override the crappy stuff. And how much your attitude and support for others can come full circle and support you in times of need.
My success is really not measured on the amount of money I make or the status of my job, it is about the lives I touch, the people who appreciate what I do and the feeling I get from the kind gestures and the support of those that surround me. They say to surround yourself with those who support the decisions you make and the lifestyle you live.
Thank you to my true love and my new love... for their inspiration to accomplish such an amazing dream.
If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, then you are an excellent leader. - Dolly Parton
I enjoyed spending time with my friend today who I don't see very often with the busyness of life, and I am grateful to those who support me, believe in me and are confident that I am going places. It amazes me how truly good supportive people can make you feel, how quickly you can go from down to up and how much what you have to be thankful for can override the crappy stuff. And how much your attitude and support for others can come full circle and support you in times of need.
My success is really not measured on the amount of money I make or the status of my job, it is about the lives I touch, the people who appreciate what I do and the feeling I get from the kind gestures and the support of those that surround me. They say to surround yourself with those who support the decisions you make and the lifestyle you live.
Thank you to my true love and my new love... for their inspiration to accomplish such an amazing dream.
If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, then you are an excellent leader. - Dolly Parton
Monday, November 8, 2010
DAY 90.
So when the things you are looking forward to don't happen to go your way, sometimes it is hard to figure out the why can't I have... but I guess feeling sorry for oneself or getting upset doesn't really make you feel better or get what it is that we wanted, so why do we do it? Who knows. It seems logical at the time to throw a fit, to cry, to get upset perhaps even yell at someone, but in reality it is a show that tricks us into thinking that we will be satisfied by our tantrum, no matter how big or small. Life doesn't always agree with our wants, sometimes God has other things planned for us, and the hardest thing is to accept that, move on and be happy with what we have and get. Take for instance the land that we have dreamed of building a house on for 5 years now, the fantastic home with 5 acres, horses, and room for our toys, that of which is no longer feasible, or the Nook that I wanted for Christmas this year- $250 for the color... amazing little contraption.... that no, I don't NEED, but as far as Christmas Lists go, I don't usually have such a big thing that I am desiring... throw the fact that our printer/fax/copy/scanner went out about a month ago and we have tried everything to trouble shoot it with no luck- so what is it that I NEED for Christmas.... LOL! Then I thought wouldn't it be nice to get my nails done for the Holidays... it has been a couple years and I thought wouldn't it make me feel great and pretty to have something professional and attractive to sport, but then we are faced with some car repairs and dental expenses and I think to myself- put that idea behind for now. I will chalk it up as perhaps I would just get spoiled and want to keep them so I will just look at it as best not to get them at all, too much of a teaser. Well, I think I have had enough of a pity party for one day. Maybe it is out of my system now that I can put this in writing. Perhaps the wants are just not meant to be at this time.
So I have to sit back and be thankful for what I do have, to cherish what means the most, to let the trivial luxuries pass me by and delve into the hopes of my family and friends. The health and happiness of those I love, the little boy who inspires me to give and get the most out of my life, for my family and friends who support my dreams, the husband who puts up with and loves me, even when I have the "crazies" and continues to come home to me every night and blesses me with his humor and support, for a mom that can never say know and is proud of me and all of my accomplishments even when I fail.
For days like today when I can wake up, hurt back, female issues and a stuffed up nose and still be able to say that I am grateful for this day, for the extra rest that I deserve, for one extra day to be home with my beautiful baby, to enjoy his smile, his laugh and even his little stubborn streak.
God does truly bless me every day of my life and for that I am grateful to be alive.
Rejoice evermore...In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God. - 1 Thessalonians 5:16,18 KJV
So I have to sit back and be thankful for what I do have, to cherish what means the most, to let the trivial luxuries pass me by and delve into the hopes of my family and friends. The health and happiness of those I love, the little boy who inspires me to give and get the most out of my life, for my family and friends who support my dreams, the husband who puts up with and loves me, even when I have the "crazies" and continues to come home to me every night and blesses me with his humor and support, for a mom that can never say know and is proud of me and all of my accomplishments even when I fail.
For days like today when I can wake up, hurt back, female issues and a stuffed up nose and still be able to say that I am grateful for this day, for the extra rest that I deserve, for one extra day to be home with my beautiful baby, to enjoy his smile, his laugh and even his little stubborn streak.
God does truly bless me every day of my life and for that I am grateful to be alive.
Rejoice evermore...In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God. - 1 Thessalonians 5:16,18 KJV
Friday, November 5, 2010
Day 87
It is really amazing to me how much you feel valued and appreciated when others thank you for a good job or recognize something you have accomplished... truly whether that is something big or small doesn't matter, it matters that you can make a difference and others will make a difference for you.
This morning I shared a story I read with some fellow co-workers about how we may just never know how we can touch the life of someone else and often not even know it because it is something we just do, and often times we may not even remember the person who we touched. That is power....
My email went a little something like this:
I read this story below this morning and realized it is true, often times we make an impact in another person’s life without even knowing it. Every day we should strive to do our job the best we can and give it 100% because we never know when it may literally change someone’s life in ways we can never imagine, for someone we may not remember.
Every one of us is probably looking forward to the weekend a few short hours away, but I encourage you before you leave to MAKE YOUR FRIDAY COUNT!
Here is your Friday story,
A Touch of Lemon
When I met Mr. Jim Lemon, I was a sixteen-year-old freshman at Houston's Jackson Junior High and the chances of my finishing high school were slim. I was a troubled teenager with an attitude, living in a neighborhood that fostered troubled teenagers.
Mr. Lemon taught American history and it was clear from the first day that his classroom was not going to be disrupted. It was apparent very quickly that Mr. Lemon was quite different from the other teachers I had known. Not only was he a disciplinarian, but also he was a great teacher. He would never settle for my usual standard of classroom work. Mr. Lemon pushed and prodded and never tolerated the mediocrity that had become my standard.
On the occasion of our first semester report cards, Mr. Lemon called me aside and asked how it was possible that I was a B student in his class and a D and F student in the rest of my classes.
I was ready for that question. I passionately told him about my divorced parents, the local gangs, the drugs, the fights, and the police - all the evils that I had been subjected to. Mr. Lemon listened patiently and when I was through he responded, "There's a problem with your list Mr. Phillips, you are not on it."
Then Mr. Lemon explained that the only person responsible for my situation was me. And the only person with the potential to change my situation was me, and that when I personally accepted that responsibility I could make a significant change in my life.
He convinced me that I was failing not because I was a failure, but because I was not accepting the responsibility for my results in those other classes. Mr. Lemon was the first teacher I had who made me believe in myself. He inspired me to become a better student and he changed my life.
Ten years later, I spoke to him again. I was preparing to graduate from Chaminade University in Honolulu.
It had taken weeks of telephone calls to find him but I knew what I had to say. When I finally did get Mr. Lemon on the telephone, I explained what his brutal honesty had meant to me, how I finally graduated from high school, and how I was a proud staff sergeant in the Army. I explained how I had married the most beautiful and wonderful woman of my dreams and how we had a beautiful a daughter.
Most of all I wanted him to know that I was about to graduate magna cum laude after going to school for four hours a night, four nights a week for three years. I wanted him to know that I could never have done any of these things if he had not been a part of my life.
Finally, I told him that I had been saving money for two years so that I could invite he and his wife to come to Hawaii at my expense to be part of my graduation. I'll never forget his response. Mr. Lemon said, "Who is this again?"
I was just one of hundreds of students whose life he changed and he seemed genuinely surprised of his impact.
Perhaps none of us realize the impact that we have on other people nor do other people have any idea how much of an impact they have on us. How much, then, should we be aware of our influence on others to make sure that it is for the best? And how much more should we tell those who have had a positive impact on our lives?
Rick Phillips
Rick Phillips is a motivational speaker and trainer. You can visit his website at: www.rickphillips.com or feel free to email your comments to pssd@earthlink.net
This morning I shared a story I read with some fellow co-workers about how we may just never know how we can touch the life of someone else and often not even know it because it is something we just do, and often times we may not even remember the person who we touched. That is power....
My email went a little something like this:
I read this story below this morning and realized it is true, often times we make an impact in another person’s life without even knowing it. Every day we should strive to do our job the best we can and give it 100% because we never know when it may literally change someone’s life in ways we can never imagine, for someone we may not remember.
Every one of us is probably looking forward to the weekend a few short hours away, but I encourage you before you leave to MAKE YOUR FRIDAY COUNT!
Here is your Friday story,
A Touch of Lemon
When I met Mr. Jim Lemon, I was a sixteen-year-old freshman at Houston's Jackson Junior High and the chances of my finishing high school were slim. I was a troubled teenager with an attitude, living in a neighborhood that fostered troubled teenagers.
Mr. Lemon taught American history and it was clear from the first day that his classroom was not going to be disrupted. It was apparent very quickly that Mr. Lemon was quite different from the other teachers I had known. Not only was he a disciplinarian, but also he was a great teacher. He would never settle for my usual standard of classroom work. Mr. Lemon pushed and prodded and never tolerated the mediocrity that had become my standard.
On the occasion of our first semester report cards, Mr. Lemon called me aside and asked how it was possible that I was a B student in his class and a D and F student in the rest of my classes.
I was ready for that question. I passionately told him about my divorced parents, the local gangs, the drugs, the fights, and the police - all the evils that I had been subjected to. Mr. Lemon listened patiently and when I was through he responded, "There's a problem with your list Mr. Phillips, you are not on it."
Then Mr. Lemon explained that the only person responsible for my situation was me. And the only person with the potential to change my situation was me, and that when I personally accepted that responsibility I could make a significant change in my life.
He convinced me that I was failing not because I was a failure, but because I was not accepting the responsibility for my results in those other classes. Mr. Lemon was the first teacher I had who made me believe in myself. He inspired me to become a better student and he changed my life.
Ten years later, I spoke to him again. I was preparing to graduate from Chaminade University in Honolulu.
It had taken weeks of telephone calls to find him but I knew what I had to say. When I finally did get Mr. Lemon on the telephone, I explained what his brutal honesty had meant to me, how I finally graduated from high school, and how I was a proud staff sergeant in the Army. I explained how I had married the most beautiful and wonderful woman of my dreams and how we had a beautiful a daughter.
Most of all I wanted him to know that I was about to graduate magna cum laude after going to school for four hours a night, four nights a week for three years. I wanted him to know that I could never have done any of these things if he had not been a part of my life.
Finally, I told him that I had been saving money for two years so that I could invite he and his wife to come to Hawaii at my expense to be part of my graduation. I'll never forget his response. Mr. Lemon said, "Who is this again?"
I was just one of hundreds of students whose life he changed and he seemed genuinely surprised of his impact.
Perhaps none of us realize the impact that we have on other people nor do other people have any idea how much of an impact they have on us. How much, then, should we be aware of our influence on others to make sure that it is for the best? And how much more should we tell those who have had a positive impact on our lives?
Rick Phillips
Rick Phillips is a motivational speaker and trainer. You can visit his website at: www.rickphillips.com or feel free to email your comments to pssd@earthlink.net
Thursday, November 4, 2010
day 86
Wow it is amazing how well your day can turn out when you set your mind to making it that way. No matter what comes your way, your positive outlook and sparkling personality can see you through, I was able to encourage others, give kudos when due and smile when I spoke, sometimes I think this can make a huge difference between the whiny, complaining day you could have and the happy go lucky day you should have. I was able to take some one's "case of the I don't want to's" attitude... and give them as much insight as I could and not let their negative attitude affect my positive one... I really am getting better at this sort of thing.
I am grateful today for the many blessings I have received, for my smooth day at work, my harmonious relationships, my growing little boy, for the family and friends that support me, for a reliable car, for the possibilities that face me in my future and the ability to live in the NOW and enjoy each minute to the fullest.
"Whenever you have the opportunity you should do good to everyone." Galatians 6:10 NLT
I am grateful today for the many blessings I have received, for my smooth day at work, my harmonious relationships, my growing little boy, for the family and friends that support me, for a reliable car, for the possibilities that face me in my future and the ability to live in the NOW and enjoy each minute to the fullest.
"Whenever you have the opportunity you should do good to everyone." Galatians 6:10 NLT
Monday, November 1, 2010
day 83 of 365
Wow, what a weekend... fabulous and filled with fun... so grateful for my cute little kid and my loving supportive family. I ran into someone at the grocery store yesterday that made me realize just how lucky I am to have a family, a husband who loves me and sticks with me, even through the ups and downs.... it is nice to have that support and love in my sometimes unstable life. I am extremely blessed to have found such a great guy, even if sometimes I get disappointed in some things.... I love that he is a part of my life.
I am trying to find the right words to go for my goal and wish for my dreams, I need a little help and I need to ask for that help, sometimes it is hard and I am not certain how to word asking for help of others, but I know that is can be done and a lot of people will support me, so my goal for myself in the next couple of days is to find the right words to express what I need and put it out there....
Thank you today for a successful day at work, for accomplishing the things I needed to get done and for cherishing the life that I have and living it to the fullest, because as I was reminded to day at a memorial service for a fellow co-worker... life could be short, and we need to do all that we can to make it count while we are here to do so, because once we are gone, others may have only have our memory, we can chose if we want to create good or bad things for them to remember....
I think that slowly and surly I am creating a life for myself and my family that is worth value and counts for us and hopefully those around me...celebrate life everyday....cherish all your blessings...count all the good things twice, it will make all the bad things seem less worth our attention, and chose to do good things that you will be remembered for, because once we are gone, that will be what counts...
I am trying to find the right words to go for my goal and wish for my dreams, I need a little help and I need to ask for that help, sometimes it is hard and I am not certain how to word asking for help of others, but I know that is can be done and a lot of people will support me, so my goal for myself in the next couple of days is to find the right words to express what I need and put it out there....
Thank you today for a successful day at work, for accomplishing the things I needed to get done and for cherishing the life that I have and living it to the fullest, because as I was reminded to day at a memorial service for a fellow co-worker... life could be short, and we need to do all that we can to make it count while we are here to do so, because once we are gone, others may have only have our memory, we can chose if we want to create good or bad things for them to remember....
I think that slowly and surly I am creating a life for myself and my family that is worth value and counts for us and hopefully those around me...celebrate life everyday....cherish all your blessings...count all the good things twice, it will make all the bad things seem less worth our attention, and chose to do good things that you will be remembered for, because once we are gone, that will be what counts...
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Day 79
Okay, wow, it is 10:35 and I am still up because... not quite sure... lots to do, lots to think about... tried my friends tip... it worked so far. Thanks again.
Helped my mom out tonight the least I could do for all she does for me. I wish her much good fortune at her boutique this weekend. She has a lot of nice stuff. I just hope people have the money to spend on it.
I am grateful today for everything that I have accomplished. For good friends and family and the opportunity to enjoy my time at work tomorrow and spend time with my family, a great combo and a great employer who knows how to appreciate their employees truly goes a long way.
I think I could go on, however, it is late and I need to get up in the AM to start it all over again.
Do it big, do it right do it with style... Fred Astaire
Helped my mom out tonight the least I could do for all she does for me. I wish her much good fortune at her boutique this weekend. She has a lot of nice stuff. I just hope people have the money to spend on it.
I am grateful today for everything that I have accomplished. For good friends and family and the opportunity to enjoy my time at work tomorrow and spend time with my family, a great combo and a great employer who knows how to appreciate their employees truly goes a long way.
I think I could go on, however, it is late and I need to get up in the AM to start it all over again.
Do it big, do it right do it with style... Fred Astaire
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Day 77
Thank you my friend for holding me accountable today, for being my new accountability partner and I yours. I really need to stay in check, to rejoice in the day and all its many blessings.
Today did start out a little rough from the minute I walked in the door at work to someone else's bad mood... it kind of set the tone and little things tumbled from there, I really tried to pull myself from the gloom and not allow my attitude to be set by someone else, as you know we can chose our attitude, but it happened and sometimes it is hard to chose the right attitude... I slowly but surely grew out of my slump and was pretty much okay by 1 pm, however, wanted to get out of the office as fast as I could and leave the negative attitude at the door, of which I did.
I had a great evening with my family and friends, a 1st haircut for the little boy and dinner with some great people.
Thanks also to another friend who put something in perspective for me, that I may not have otherwise acknowledged... for that little pointer, I am truly grateful and I really hope it works.
So today I would say... here is to my friends who love me dear... know that I am here for you as well and hope that I too from time to time can lift your spirits and give you the strength to push forward blessed by the day.
Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. -Mother Teresa
Today did start out a little rough from the minute I walked in the door at work to someone else's bad mood... it kind of set the tone and little things tumbled from there, I really tried to pull myself from the gloom and not allow my attitude to be set by someone else, as you know we can chose our attitude, but it happened and sometimes it is hard to chose the right attitude... I slowly but surely grew out of my slump and was pretty much okay by 1 pm, however, wanted to get out of the office as fast as I could and leave the negative attitude at the door, of which I did.
I had a great evening with my family and friends, a 1st haircut for the little boy and dinner with some great people.
Thanks also to another friend who put something in perspective for me, that I may not have otherwise acknowledged... for that little pointer, I am truly grateful and I really hope it works.
So today I would say... here is to my friends who love me dear... know that I am here for you as well and hope that I too from time to time can lift your spirits and give you the strength to push forward blessed by the day.
Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. -Mother Teresa
Monday, October 25, 2010
day 76
So I think I am slacking on this gratefulness in writing and it is starting to show. I think just like anything when things start to get better you sometimes neglect what you did to get there, and then all goes chaotic again. It isn't that I am not thankful, it isn't that I am not thanking God every morning and night and sometimes during the day for the blessings he bestows upon me, I just think that when I actually put it in writing I am truly acknowledging the presence of God and my gratefulness for the blessings before me.
So here I go again on this feat to try and jot down my thoughts during the day and to put it into words at night to make me accountable for my actions, for my reflection of the day.
Today was sort of a hard day, it had many ups and downs and I think my mood was really established by what went on throughout the day and the interrupted sleep I experienced again last night. I think that instead of shaking off something I held on to the bitterness of many things from the last couple days, even though I promised myself I wouldn't do this. I really can blame female hormones or pills or my cycle..... sometimes I think it is this evil thing that plots against you just enough to make others(especially boys) think you are just nuts enough to be committed. (to an institution, lol)
It really shows that I am human and need to remind myself from time to time of my promises to improve my quality of life and my outlook on situations, my ability to let go, my ability to not let things weigh on me and to do my best to display and feel a positive outlook on life, to show my family a good example and to not let things upset me so much. It really is hard sometimes and my feelings are hurt and I am sure I hurt others from time to time and for that I am truly sorry. Like I have said before I don't really think it is anyones intention to hurt someone else, most people are not vindictive that way.
And I need to remind myself that as much as I don't intend on hurting others, they probably don't intentionally hurt me either.
Most people do the things they do and make the decisions they make out of love and genuine caring. Not everyone agrees to the same things or ways that things should be done, should we respect others thoughts feelings and ways? You betcha, but that doesn't mean we always have to agree with them. No matter what the relationship, mother/daughter; son/mother; father/son; daughter/mother-in-law; parent/child; husband/wife; teacher/student; boss/employee... but it is important that we share with that other person how we feel, what we want and where to go from the point of disagreement. If we are all on the same page, if we can make a compromise or listen to what the other person feels the reason for their decision or choice is, I think it would make us a lot more open in communication and less scared of sharing our true feelings. We need to put it out there, to express our feelings and to understand that feelings are not right or wrong, they are just feelings, we may not agree with the way someone feels, but we can't change that they feel that way. We can only be more responsible for our own self and know that the only person we can truly change is our self and we need to respect the feelings of others, even if we don't agree that they should feel that way.
I need to recognize that I cannot be all things to all people and no one should expect me to be, God doesn't and I shouldn't. I shouldn't get so mad at myself or feel guilty because I can't always be the one to help out, the one to say yes, the one to say and do the right thing at the right time for everyone, no matter how badly I want to accomplish this, it isn't truly realistic. I can only do my best and know that my best should be good enough, because if I continue to get wrapped up in doing it all and doing it all right, it will just turn out to be more of a mess than I ever truly intended and for that I need to recognize when to slow down, when to say no, how to be respectful of others and how to teach others that I am a loving and gentle person who only wants what is best for those around her and loves everyone and should love them unconditionally, all of the time, and teach them to be the same way with me... now that is the hard part, because like I said I can only really change me, I can lead by example or let others know how I want to be treated, but that doesn't mean they will respect me or go along with my request, but it is worth a shot.
It is our calling to treat every human being with grace and dignity, to treat every person, whether encountered in a palace or a gas station, as a life made in the image of God. -Sheila Walsh
So here I go again on this feat to try and jot down my thoughts during the day and to put it into words at night to make me accountable for my actions, for my reflection of the day.
Today was sort of a hard day, it had many ups and downs and I think my mood was really established by what went on throughout the day and the interrupted sleep I experienced again last night. I think that instead of shaking off something I held on to the bitterness of many things from the last couple days, even though I promised myself I wouldn't do this. I really can blame female hormones or pills or my cycle..... sometimes I think it is this evil thing that plots against you just enough to make others(especially boys) think you are just nuts enough to be committed. (to an institution, lol)
It really shows that I am human and need to remind myself from time to time of my promises to improve my quality of life and my outlook on situations, my ability to let go, my ability to not let things weigh on me and to do my best to display and feel a positive outlook on life, to show my family a good example and to not let things upset me so much. It really is hard sometimes and my feelings are hurt and I am sure I hurt others from time to time and for that I am truly sorry. Like I have said before I don't really think it is anyones intention to hurt someone else, most people are not vindictive that way.
And I need to remind myself that as much as I don't intend on hurting others, they probably don't intentionally hurt me either.
Most people do the things they do and make the decisions they make out of love and genuine caring. Not everyone agrees to the same things or ways that things should be done, should we respect others thoughts feelings and ways? You betcha, but that doesn't mean we always have to agree with them. No matter what the relationship, mother/daughter; son/mother; father/son; daughter/mother-in-law; parent/child; husband/wife; teacher/student; boss/employee... but it is important that we share with that other person how we feel, what we want and where to go from the point of disagreement. If we are all on the same page, if we can make a compromise or listen to what the other person feels the reason for their decision or choice is, I think it would make us a lot more open in communication and less scared of sharing our true feelings. We need to put it out there, to express our feelings and to understand that feelings are not right or wrong, they are just feelings, we may not agree with the way someone feels, but we can't change that they feel that way. We can only be more responsible for our own self and know that the only person we can truly change is our self and we need to respect the feelings of others, even if we don't agree that they should feel that way.
I need to recognize that I cannot be all things to all people and no one should expect me to be, God doesn't and I shouldn't. I shouldn't get so mad at myself or feel guilty because I can't always be the one to help out, the one to say yes, the one to say and do the right thing at the right time for everyone, no matter how badly I want to accomplish this, it isn't truly realistic. I can only do my best and know that my best should be good enough, because if I continue to get wrapped up in doing it all and doing it all right, it will just turn out to be more of a mess than I ever truly intended and for that I need to recognize when to slow down, when to say no, how to be respectful of others and how to teach others that I am a loving and gentle person who only wants what is best for those around her and loves everyone and should love them unconditionally, all of the time, and teach them to be the same way with me... now that is the hard part, because like I said I can only really change me, I can lead by example or let others know how I want to be treated, but that doesn't mean they will respect me or go along with my request, but it is worth a shot.
It is our calling to treat every human being with grace and dignity, to treat every person, whether encountered in a palace or a gas station, as a life made in the image of God. -Sheila Walsh
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
lost count
So I am grateful tonight for many things. For opportunities to think outside the box, for friends who care enough and believe you can do something great, that I am able to do great things and they are eager to help me accomplish them, I am grateful for the difference I make in others lives and for the kind words that were spoken to me at work, not only by a co-worker but a student today, I am grateful that a dear friend was able to share her thoughts with me and that I was receptive to her feelings, I am grateful that my husband loves and supports me the best way he knows how, I am grateful for family and their giving nature, for the job that I have and the ability to constantly learn new things, for a son who gives me strength and courage, and definitely inspiration. I recently got the idea on how to make something a success, to truly reach out there and see a dream come true, I will follow through with my hope and be persistent to avoid failure, I will live as though it were already mine and be thankful for each new day in which to present my idea to others.....
If you doubt you can accomplish something, you can't accomplish it. Instead, you have to be confident in yourself and you need to be tough enough to follow through. - Rosalynn Carter
If you doubt you can accomplish something, you can't accomplish it. Instead, you have to be confident in yourself and you need to be tough enough to follow through. - Rosalynn Carter
Thursday, October 14, 2010
day 64 of 365
Today I am grateful for many things as I am every day. I am grateful that my Thursday ran smoothly, that I was productive at work, that I helped another student realize their dreams and potential, that my mother took care of my son yet another day, that my husband made me breakfast for dinner(my favorite) and that my son made me laugh, that my brother got his new phone, a friend enjoyed her birthday, my car drove me too and from work, I was able to get new contacts, the sun shined down upon this earth, for my co-workers who smiled and those I was able to help make their day better, for the promise of tomorrow as a new day in which to realize my dreams, take charge of my life and do something that I will remember, because I will make a difference.
When you look for the good in others you discover the best in yourself. -martin walsh
So I challenge myself that whenever I want to find someone else at fault I must stop and say the thing as to why I like or admire the person, one thing that that person excels at or believes in that makes them good, if I concentrate on that rather than the fault, the person will become more a product of their asset than their fault.
When you look for the good in others you discover the best in yourself. -martin walsh
So I challenge myself that whenever I want to find someone else at fault I must stop and say the thing as to why I like or admire the person, one thing that that person excels at or believes in that makes them good, if I concentrate on that rather than the fault, the person will become more a product of their asset than their fault.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Day 62 of 365
What a Fantastic weekend! I had nothing pressing and was able to do a lot of little things that made a difference, to me at least. I love it when there are no commitments(which doesn't happen very often) and you can really decide what to do and enjoy it.
Today really started out a a pretty slow day, the usual things at work and then this afternoon I was gratefully busy and the day seemed to go faster despite the yawning every 5 minutes,, (I swear a co-worker and I were having a yawning contest, not certain why I am so tired, maybe that crazy dream that seemed to last all night.... one of those that really didn't make sense but you felt exhausted when you woke up.)and the day seemed to go faster and next thing I know it was time to go home, to my cute little boy and loving family.
Tonight I am grateful for the good nights sleep I am looking forward to. Heck, if I put it out there, in the universe.... it is bound to come true!
Talking to a close friend of mine on the way home from work who is experiencing some personal struggles It was reiterated to me that often times life is short, if it is lived at all, and things often happen beyond our control. We will not always be able explain the why but we can make the most of the experience, we can choose what we will learn and we can chose what we take away as the opportunity for the future. The outlook that she shared on her situation was a positive and encouraging one and I know that God has special things planned for their future, I can't tell you what they are just like I cannot predict my future, I can only hope and wish and dream and have faith in those things I hope for but do not see.
We are so used to living in an instant world that is difficult to wait for anything. - Kay Arthur
But as the saying goes, good things come to those who wait. and I might add BELIEVE!
I think if I ever got another tattoo that is what it would say BELIEVE! Believe that good things will come, believe that you are destined to do great things, believe that God is watching over you and will provide for you, Believe in the good, Believe in the opportunities hidden in bad things, Believe in Yourself... and so on... it really is a powerful word.
Today really started out a a pretty slow day, the usual things at work and then this afternoon I was gratefully busy and the day seemed to go faster despite the yawning every 5 minutes,, (I swear a co-worker and I were having a yawning contest, not certain why I am so tired, maybe that crazy dream that seemed to last all night.... one of those that really didn't make sense but you felt exhausted when you woke up.)and the day seemed to go faster and next thing I know it was time to go home, to my cute little boy and loving family.
Tonight I am grateful for the good nights sleep I am looking forward to. Heck, if I put it out there, in the universe.... it is bound to come true!
Talking to a close friend of mine on the way home from work who is experiencing some personal struggles It was reiterated to me that often times life is short, if it is lived at all, and things often happen beyond our control. We will not always be able explain the why but we can make the most of the experience, we can choose what we will learn and we can chose what we take away as the opportunity for the future. The outlook that she shared on her situation was a positive and encouraging one and I know that God has special things planned for their future, I can't tell you what they are just like I cannot predict my future, I can only hope and wish and dream and have faith in those things I hope for but do not see.
We are so used to living in an instant world that is difficult to wait for anything. - Kay Arthur
But as the saying goes, good things come to those who wait. and I might add BELIEVE!
I think if I ever got another tattoo that is what it would say BELIEVE! Believe that good things will come, believe that you are destined to do great things, believe that God is watching over you and will provide for you, Believe in the good, Believe in the opportunities hidden in bad things, Believe in Yourself... and so on... it really is a powerful word.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
day 56 of 365
Today I am grateful for patience, I am grateful for not flipping out (well too much) when I couldn't find the receipt I needed to make a return (found it). I am grateful for my family and friends, my co-workers and the encouragement and support that I receive. I am grateful for the opportunities I took to encourage others and make the most of my day. I am grateful that someone who stated they would take my advice, does and it works out best for her. I am grateful that God will lovingly wrap his gentle arms around a friend who received some bad news. I am grateful that I will continue to embrace life and what it has to offer me, to turn my struggles into triumphs, to find the positive amidst the negative things. I want to inspire others to be the best they can and to give the most they can. Let me shed myself of all that is burdening me and I will live and love life to the fullest.
There is no joy in life like the joy of sharing. - Billy Graham
There is no joy in life like the joy of sharing. - Billy Graham
Monday, October 4, 2010
Day 54 of 365
"When you find yourself stressed, ask yourself one question: Will this matter five years from now? If yes, then do something about the situation. If no, then let it go."
Catherine Pulsifer
So this was my thought of the day... and after I reflected on some news I heard today... I thought wow how ironic it is sometimes that I can relate a thought of the day to a particular situation for that day.
and then my bible verse of the day was this.
We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance.
~ Romans 5:3, NLT
And it all brings me back to being grateful for what I have. Life is a precious commodity and it can be with us one day and gone the next, in expected and unexpected ways. We need to really treasure those that we have in our lives in the moment in which we are and we cannot take it for granted that they will be here in the next moment, the next day, the next year.
It is important to be kind to all those we encounter, because we never know when it may make a difference to that person. For we never truly know what another person is feeling or thinking. And taking the time may just mean something to that person we could have never imagined.
Just as I think and feel things that I would never disclose to anyone, so do most if not all people out there. So I will take the advice of Author Max Lucado who says we must make a difference, if we don't make a difference in the lives of others.... who will?
I will challenge myself to hold my tongue when I want to speak badly of another person,(you just never know what they may be going through- that makes them that way), to take the time to have a conversation with someone new in the break room, to smile at the person walking toward me down the hall that I don't even know, to wave to the stranger outside in their yard as I drive by in my car, to be pleasant to all the clerks who help me in a store, to compliment my co-workers for a job well done, to thank my husband and mother for the simple things that they do to make my job as a mother and wife and daughter easier that I may already take for granted or expect them to do, to kiss my son and thank him for being such an intricate part of my life.
I will make a difference to that one person who may need me in the moment, because the moment is what truly matters, and how we relate to the moment we have makes all the difference, because once that moment has passed we will never have that same chance again.
Catherine Pulsifer
So this was my thought of the day... and after I reflected on some news I heard today... I thought wow how ironic it is sometimes that I can relate a thought of the day to a particular situation for that day.
and then my bible verse of the day was this.
We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance.
~ Romans 5:3, NLT
And it all brings me back to being grateful for what I have. Life is a precious commodity and it can be with us one day and gone the next, in expected and unexpected ways. We need to really treasure those that we have in our lives in the moment in which we are and we cannot take it for granted that they will be here in the next moment, the next day, the next year.
It is important to be kind to all those we encounter, because we never know when it may make a difference to that person. For we never truly know what another person is feeling or thinking. And taking the time may just mean something to that person we could have never imagined.
Just as I think and feel things that I would never disclose to anyone, so do most if not all people out there. So I will take the advice of Author Max Lucado who says we must make a difference, if we don't make a difference in the lives of others.... who will?
I will challenge myself to hold my tongue when I want to speak badly of another person,(you just never know what they may be going through- that makes them that way), to take the time to have a conversation with someone new in the break room, to smile at the person walking toward me down the hall that I don't even know, to wave to the stranger outside in their yard as I drive by in my car, to be pleasant to all the clerks who help me in a store, to compliment my co-workers for a job well done, to thank my husband and mother for the simple things that they do to make my job as a mother and wife and daughter easier that I may already take for granted or expect them to do, to kiss my son and thank him for being such an intricate part of my life.
I will make a difference to that one person who may need me in the moment, because the moment is what truly matters, and how we relate to the moment we have makes all the difference, because once that moment has passed we will never have that same chance again.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Day 53 of 365
So I am so super excited... One of my ultimate dreams is going to come true.....the goal I set for myself(although my original goal was by the time I was 30)...hey, I'm only 31 so I am on the right track.... patience, persistence, dedication, hard work, timing, confidence, it all plays a role in our dreams and goals. Seldom does something profound happen to the person who sits and waits for it to fall into their lap... rare cases yes, lottery winners, perhaps, people born into riches, maybe, but I think that there is something to say about success from hard work verses born into success or money.
How often do we see or have we heard or know those who have had it easy, those who can buy whatever they want when they want? I don't think that money necessarily produces happy people. Take some celebrities for example, they can buy what they want, have what they want but you can see all over the news that that doesn't necessarily make them happy, jumping from mate to mate, drugs, illegal activity and so on. Then there are others that have the money and are happy and do with it great things.
I see myself that if I truly make a success of my talents and work hard for what I earn, I will be satisfied with my abilities and know that my talents will show me my true self-worth.
I look forward to the next step in my journey, because as I have said before and I will continue to say, life is a journey, not a destination. It has its ups and downs, life's trials are not all based on successes or failures- they are based on growth and experience... a journey... not a destination.
A good thought... Rule number 7 according to Author:Og Mandino
Each day is a special gift from God, and while life may not always be FAIR, you must never allow the pains, hurdles, and handicaps of the moment to poison your attitude and plans for yourself or your future. You can never win when you wear the ugly cloak of self-pity, and the sour sound of whining will certainly frighten away any opportunity for success. Never again. There is a better way.
Remember that life isn't fair and it probably never will be. We must learn to live with the ups and downs and give it the best that we got and make the most of each of our individual circumstances to find true happiness.
How often do we see or have we heard or know those who have had it easy, those who can buy whatever they want when they want? I don't think that money necessarily produces happy people. Take some celebrities for example, they can buy what they want, have what they want but you can see all over the news that that doesn't necessarily make them happy, jumping from mate to mate, drugs, illegal activity and so on. Then there are others that have the money and are happy and do with it great things.
I see myself that if I truly make a success of my talents and work hard for what I earn, I will be satisfied with my abilities and know that my talents will show me my true self-worth.
I look forward to the next step in my journey, because as I have said before and I will continue to say, life is a journey, not a destination. It has its ups and downs, life's trials are not all based on successes or failures- they are based on growth and experience... a journey... not a destination.
A good thought... Rule number 7 according to Author:Og Mandino
Each day is a special gift from God, and while life may not always be FAIR, you must never allow the pains, hurdles, and handicaps of the moment to poison your attitude and plans for yourself or your future. You can never win when you wear the ugly cloak of self-pity, and the sour sound of whining will certainly frighten away any opportunity for success. Never again. There is a better way.
Remember that life isn't fair and it probably never will be. We must learn to live with the ups and downs and give it the best that we got and make the most of each of our individual circumstances to find true happiness.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Day 49 of 365
Today is short and sweet...
I am grateful... for many things..... for my job... for my house... for my car that gets me to my job and back to my house.... I am grateful for my son... even though he was very crabby tonight, but at least I have a son to be crabby, and all that. I a grateful for the sunshine, despite the heat. I am grateful for my husband who made dinner and helped clean up after dinner, for my mom who dedicates so much time to my family, for her health and happiness, for the friends I have and the people who I love and cherish... I am grateful for those who fight for my freedom and those who make sacrifices for me.... I am grateful for my nice comfy bed that I am about to fall into and for the ability to be grateful!
I am grateful... for many things..... for my job... for my house... for my car that gets me to my job and back to my house.... I am grateful for my son... even though he was very crabby tonight, but at least I have a son to be crabby, and all that. I a grateful for the sunshine, despite the heat. I am grateful for my husband who made dinner and helped clean up after dinner, for my mom who dedicates so much time to my family, for her health and happiness, for the friends I have and the people who I love and cherish... I am grateful for those who fight for my freedom and those who make sacrifices for me.... I am grateful for my nice comfy bed that I am about to fall into and for the ability to be grateful!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Day 48 of 365
I came across a quote this morning while I was researching some stuff about change for my office meeting.. it is a rendition of a famous quote I am sure we have all heard in some form or another...
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
the courage to change the things I can;
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
So today quote surfing I read this rendetion by an unknown author
-God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it is me.
I never heard that before, but I realy like it. The only person we can really change is ourself. We can surely be a good example to others and pray for them, but we cannot truly change others, they change because they want to change, not because we change them.
It is truly amazing to me how many of us get into a relationship accepting of the person going in but the minute they won't change, or they change in a way that isn't aligned with our thoughts and ideas, we are looking for some sort of out.
Celebrate diversity, learn to embrace it, make change a part of you, accept the change of others. I am not suggesting that if someone changes for the worst that you shouldn't remove yourself from harm or negativity, I am just saying don't go in thinking that everything will be fine when you "change" that person, because that person may not want to change in the way that you need or expect them to to align with your wants and needs.
It is the same in a business, people have to want to change and align themselves with the ever changing day and age and industry, embrace the changes. Are changes always good, no, but those who refuse to change will be left in the dust when those others embrace it and bigger and often better things begin to unfold.
I read this article posted regarding 100 years ago....
check it out... some thing from 100 years ago, you can't imagine still "being" unless there was change... With change brought good and bad, mistakes were made, things were discovered, however.... without change, whether a failure or success, we would not be the world we are today.
Is it a better world? or just more advanced? Healthier? Or more troubled?
It just depends on how you look at it.
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
the courage to change the things I can;
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
So today quote surfing I read this rendetion by an unknown author
-God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it is me.
I never heard that before, but I realy like it. The only person we can really change is ourself. We can surely be a good example to others and pray for them, but we cannot truly change others, they change because they want to change, not because we change them.
It is truly amazing to me how many of us get into a relationship accepting of the person going in but the minute they won't change, or they change in a way that isn't aligned with our thoughts and ideas, we are looking for some sort of out.
Celebrate diversity, learn to embrace it, make change a part of you, accept the change of others. I am not suggesting that if someone changes for the worst that you shouldn't remove yourself from harm or negativity, I am just saying don't go in thinking that everything will be fine when you "change" that person, because that person may not want to change in the way that you need or expect them to to align with your wants and needs.
It is the same in a business, people have to want to change and align themselves with the ever changing day and age and industry, embrace the changes. Are changes always good, no, but those who refuse to change will be left in the dust when those others embrace it and bigger and often better things begin to unfold.
I read this article posted regarding 100 years ago....
check it out... some thing from 100 years ago, you can't imagine still "being" unless there was change... With change brought good and bad, mistakes were made, things were discovered, however.... without change, whether a failure or success, we would not be the world we are today.
Is it a better world? or just more advanced? Healthier? Or more troubled?
It just depends on how you look at it.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Day 42 of 365
Have you ever wanted to put your foot in your mouth.... so to speak, I have done this a few times in the last couple days... causing more havoc then necessary but not intending to hurt anyone. It was a long process and more than one type of situation. I guess it is called jumping the gun. I tend to get defensive when feeling attacked or picked on and then apparently say and do the wrong things to react.
My solution: to STOP, breath, assess the situation, think before I speak and then if I still feel the need to vent or release my tension, do so quietly or wait to address the situation at a time that is better suited to a more positive outcome...
This is a hard task I think, because as humans we react to something that hurts us or makes us feel lesser than we are, it is natural, we are defensive human beings and don't like to be thought of as doing something lesser than we are. And when a situation that is either perceived in a way that was not intended or makes us feel that we didn't somehow do a good job, we react. Maybe with good intentions but not in the most suitable way for a particular situation.
So my goal is to begin to STOP when I thinking someone is acting in a compromising situation, or if I perceive something to be one way, when it fact it may not, it may have just been said or written in a way that I would not have said or written it and therefore I feel like the person is intending to hurt or throw me or someone else under the bus. I need to STOP, assess the situation, and then speak with the person after not before assessing the situation.
I am thankful for the understanding people in each of my "situations" , though every situation was different, every outcome was different and nothing was related to one another, if I would have STOPPED, assessed and thought first, maybe even walked away, the outcomes would have been more positive.
I feel that I have definitely learned from each and that I will be able to use these experiences to my advantage in the future regarding how to handle different types of situations.
Today I am grateful for my family, my job, my friends, my co-workers and all of the people who contribute to helping me become a better me.
Our lives are not determined by what happens to us but by how we react to what happens, not by what life brings to us, but by the attitude we bring to life. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. It is a catalyst, a spark that creates extraordinary results.
You cannot raise a man up by calling him down.
-William Boetcker
My solution: to STOP, breath, assess the situation, think before I speak and then if I still feel the need to vent or release my tension, do so quietly or wait to address the situation at a time that is better suited to a more positive outcome...
This is a hard task I think, because as humans we react to something that hurts us or makes us feel lesser than we are, it is natural, we are defensive human beings and don't like to be thought of as doing something lesser than we are. And when a situation that is either perceived in a way that was not intended or makes us feel that we didn't somehow do a good job, we react. Maybe with good intentions but not in the most suitable way for a particular situation.
So my goal is to begin to STOP when I thinking someone is acting in a compromising situation, or if I perceive something to be one way, when it fact it may not, it may have just been said or written in a way that I would not have said or written it and therefore I feel like the person is intending to hurt or throw me or someone else under the bus. I need to STOP, assess the situation, and then speak with the person after not before assessing the situation.
I am thankful for the understanding people in each of my "situations" , though every situation was different, every outcome was different and nothing was related to one another, if I would have STOPPED, assessed and thought first, maybe even walked away, the outcomes would have been more positive.
I feel that I have definitely learned from each and that I will be able to use these experiences to my advantage in the future regarding how to handle different types of situations.
Today I am grateful for my family, my job, my friends, my co-workers and all of the people who contribute to helping me become a better me.
Our lives are not determined by what happens to us but by how we react to what happens, not by what life brings to us, but by the attitude we bring to life. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. It is a catalyst, a spark that creates extraordinary results.
You cannot raise a man up by calling him down.
-William Boetcker
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
day 41 of 365
I missed being grateful yesterday! I had so many amazing things to tell and reflect on, but after 2 days of getting ready for a party, having a party, recouping from a party and then being hit with the baby having a stomach flu (on his birthday nonetheless)..... it has been quite hectic. Well the party was definitely worth it and we had a great time, my son received many nice things, had a great time and enjoyed his company and I did too.
Yesterday I would have said how grateful I was for so many blessings. For having my baby a year ago, for his health, his happiness and our health and happiness. My precious little one has brought joy to my life. Selfishly even though he was sick and not feeling well, I enjoyed his clingy cuddly personality yesterday. He lay with his head on my chest moaning for his aching belly and I was brought back to day one where his naked skin lay against mine and I felt the warmth of his being against me. Motherhood is an amazing thing. As much pain and aching I went through 1 year ago to bring the little one into the world, I can't help(like they say) forget what it was like. I guess that is God's way of wanting you to have experienced the birth but not dwelling on all the negative aspects of it. That baby that you bring into the world is 100 times more important then what you went through to get it here.
I am amazed at how 1 year ago my little 6lb 5oz bundle was laying against my chest and my 20lb 10 oz little man lay against my chest yesterday still needing his mama. I know that he will not always need me as much as he did then or does now. But I will be there to protect him the best I can and raise him to be the best adult he can be. That is really what we are raising kids to be, not to be the best kids that they can be but to be the best adults that they can be with the knowledge we have, the love we show and the commitment to showing them how to be the best they can be. I am proud of my son and all of his accomplishments thus far in life. I will continue to set a good example for him. To love and respect his decisions and teach him to respect and love others.
I am grateful for this challenge, this opportunity and I hope that I will make myself proud to be a mother, and my son proud to call me his mother.
Yesterday I would have said how grateful I was for so many blessings. For having my baby a year ago, for his health, his happiness and our health and happiness. My precious little one has brought joy to my life. Selfishly even though he was sick and not feeling well, I enjoyed his clingy cuddly personality yesterday. He lay with his head on my chest moaning for his aching belly and I was brought back to day one where his naked skin lay against mine and I felt the warmth of his being against me. Motherhood is an amazing thing. As much pain and aching I went through 1 year ago to bring the little one into the world, I can't help(like they say) forget what it was like. I guess that is God's way of wanting you to have experienced the birth but not dwelling on all the negative aspects of it. That baby that you bring into the world is 100 times more important then what you went through to get it here.
I am amazed at how 1 year ago my little 6lb 5oz bundle was laying against my chest and my 20lb 10 oz little man lay against my chest yesterday still needing his mama. I know that he will not always need me as much as he did then or does now. But I will be there to protect him the best I can and raise him to be the best adult he can be. That is really what we are raising kids to be, not to be the best kids that they can be but to be the best adults that they can be with the knowledge we have, the love we show and the commitment to showing them how to be the best they can be. I am proud of my son and all of his accomplishments thus far in life. I will continue to set a good example for him. To love and respect his decisions and teach him to respect and love others.
I am grateful for this challenge, this opportunity and I hope that I will make myself proud to be a mother, and my son proud to call me his mother.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
day 38 of 365
Wow! I am so super excited. Even though it is midnight, I will probably fall in bed and crash and I really could use some Tylenol, my feet and back ache from standing cooking and baking since about 3 pm and I have been up since 4 am... I feel great! Why? Because I did something I wanted to do. I had the best day today and I am so happy that I accomplished what I set my mind to. I had a great day at work, finished everything I set out to do. I left early got all my errands done come home to a wonderful surprise. I have a fantastic sister-in-law and I am really grateful for her suggestion and efforts to allow me to get all the things done I had set my heart to do. I was able to have the house to myself for awhile and cook and bake and prepare for the birthday party with only a few minor distraction(phone, dogs). It was a good day! I hope the birthday party is great tomorrow as well. As for now I will cut it short and just state how grateful I am for the whole day and the many blessings that I received today(yesterday, lol)
Thursday, September 16, 2010
day 37 of 365
I decided that today I am not "giving up" anything.... I have decided to call it simplifying. This will make it a lot easier to handle.
Dictionary.com states that to simplify means: to make less complex or complicated; make plainer or easier: This is what we are trying to do when we give something up right- I don't necessarily get that giving something up necessarily means it is less complex or easier... plainer... maybe....I can definitely see that.
The item in question is Sirius- so maybe it isn't an necessity.... but it sure is nice. I have had it for about 4 maybe 5 years, love it to say the least.... but it expired today (I thought it wouldn't expire until next year, bummer) and I decided that it wasn't a necessity to pay the money to renew right now. I can listen to the regular radio or a cd on my way to and from work, and be okay, right? I can get books on tape from the library(now that I have access to get library books, long story), and oh yes, like I mentioned on Tuesday about the 3 things I would contemplate every morning on my way to work(by the way I have done this the last two days and it sure doesn't take up an hour) but it definitely is a good reflection and I have walked in the door at work with a positive outlook on my day for sure.
At this stage in my life I am reminded of that book I read in school, I can't remember if I was in elementary or jr. high, the one called "Are you there God? It's me, Margaret. It has been a long time since I have read this book(that I still have by the way) but I remember how desperate the little girl was to talk to someone about her troubles and expectations, that she hoped was listening.
I have felt that at different periods of my life and I sure know that is where I need to go back to now. I don't want to burden others with my troubles, my hopes my fears, but I should know, like Margaret, that God is there for this purpose. It is so easy for us to scale back on our commitment to God or forget that he is on our side, when things are all peachy keen, and our worries are minimal.
I do consider myself one to pray every day, however, I know at times when things are busy I am less committed and perhaps more rushed in my thoughts and devotions.
I promise myself today that I will spend those extra minutes if not on the way to then on the way home from work 30 solid minutes (the least I can do with a 2 hour total commute for the day)talking to and listening to God, to feel his presence, his grace and his love and to focus on my spiritual growth. I think this will bring more balance to my job, my life and my marriage and other relationships.
I want to be a good example for my son, I want him to grow up to be proud to call me his mom.
Today I am grateful for my job, for recognizing what I need to do better at, for getting some of the things done today for the birthday party Saturday so that I am not so rushed tomorrow and Saturday, for my mom's dedication and help with my little "projects", for my husband making dinner so I could make cookie dough, for the lady at Fry's selling me a cake box, even though I didn't want to purchase a cake, for being able to work out at work and save the time before and after, for a healthy kid who hopefully falls asleep soon so that mommy can go to bed.....
"If I had to select one quality, one personal characteristic that I regard as being most highly correlated with success, whatever the field, I would pick the trait of persistence."
Richard DeVos
Dictionary.com states that to simplify means: to make less complex or complicated; make plainer or easier: This is what we are trying to do when we give something up right- I don't necessarily get that giving something up necessarily means it is less complex or easier... plainer... maybe....I can definitely see that.
The item in question is Sirius- so maybe it isn't an necessity.... but it sure is nice. I have had it for about 4 maybe 5 years, love it to say the least.... but it expired today (I thought it wouldn't expire until next year, bummer) and I decided that it wasn't a necessity to pay the money to renew right now. I can listen to the regular radio or a cd on my way to and from work, and be okay, right? I can get books on tape from the library(now that I have access to get library books, long story), and oh yes, like I mentioned on Tuesday about the 3 things I would contemplate every morning on my way to work(by the way I have done this the last two days and it sure doesn't take up an hour) but it definitely is a good reflection and I have walked in the door at work with a positive outlook on my day for sure.
At this stage in my life I am reminded of that book I read in school, I can't remember if I was in elementary or jr. high, the one called "Are you there God? It's me, Margaret. It has been a long time since I have read this book(that I still have by the way) but I remember how desperate the little girl was to talk to someone about her troubles and expectations, that she hoped was listening.
I have felt that at different periods of my life and I sure know that is where I need to go back to now. I don't want to burden others with my troubles, my hopes my fears, but I should know, like Margaret, that God is there for this purpose. It is so easy for us to scale back on our commitment to God or forget that he is on our side, when things are all peachy keen, and our worries are minimal.
I do consider myself one to pray every day, however, I know at times when things are busy I am less committed and perhaps more rushed in my thoughts and devotions.
I promise myself today that I will spend those extra minutes if not on the way to then on the way home from work 30 solid minutes (the least I can do with a 2 hour total commute for the day)talking to and listening to God, to feel his presence, his grace and his love and to focus on my spiritual growth. I think this will bring more balance to my job, my life and my marriage and other relationships.
I want to be a good example for my son, I want him to grow up to be proud to call me his mom.
Today I am grateful for my job, for recognizing what I need to do better at, for getting some of the things done today for the birthday party Saturday so that I am not so rushed tomorrow and Saturday, for my mom's dedication and help with my little "projects", for my husband making dinner so I could make cookie dough, for the lady at Fry's selling me a cake box, even though I didn't want to purchase a cake, for being able to work out at work and save the time before and after, for a healthy kid who hopefully falls asleep soon so that mommy can go to bed.....
"If I had to select one quality, one personal characteristic that I regard as being most highly correlated with success, whatever the field, I would pick the trait of persistence."
Richard DeVos
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
day 35 of 365
So what do you do when you are faced with a dilemma that you are not sure how to handle. When you feel stuck. There are so many things that I could tell you I am stuck on. I wish my magic wand would just get fixed already.... lol!
Wouldn't it make life easier if we could just all have that wand to waive when things went wrong or were hard to figure out what to do next.... you know what, I believe we still wouldn't be happy... isn't that the case, we usually want more, and the more we get we want more...don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with wanting more and better for yourself, you should, but I think we all can get carried away sometimes.
This wanting more really makes us less appreciative of what is already.
So every morning on my way to work I will concentrate on one thing from the previous day that I did right, one thing I am appreciative of and one thing that I will learn from. Heck I have an hour drive, I might as well make the most of it. You can only sing the same songs over and over so many times.
If I was going to start tomorrow, I would pick from today my ability to reach out to a student to understand what challenges they were faced with and talk them through some resolutions which made me feel that I did my job right.
I am appreciative of the opportunity to learn from others who have done things before me.
I will learn from any mistakes I make, ask questions and do better the next time. With these 3 things in mind I can reflect on what my strengths and weaknesses are and go from there, hopefully developing my skills and talents a little more each day. After all life is a journey not a destination and we constantly have the ability to learn and develop ourselves.
Most people give up just when they're about to achieve success. They quit on the one-yard line. They give up at the last minute of the game, one foot from a winning touchdown. - H Ross Perot
I don't want to be that person, I don't want to know that I may have been able to do it if I just went the extra mile, the extra step, if i would have only hung in a little longer. So I will be patient and know that it will not always (if ever) be as easy as waiving that magic wand, saying those magic words or twitching my nose. The universe will test my commitment to my goal and I will not give up what I am trying to pursue and give in to defeat and petty obstacles, no matter how big they may seem at the time.
Tonight I am grateful that I found a Cat in the Hat mylar balloon for 99 cents for Saturdays party, I am grateful for the gift my best friend sent my son for his birthday, I am grateful for my friend who is helping me be creative and save money but make the birthday party a success, I am grateful for a loving family and caring friends, I am grateful for the weather slowly starting to cool, I am grateful good fortune for others who build my self confidence and esteem and for the opportunity to have tomorrow as a new day to try try again.
"For every failure, there's an alternative course of action, you just have to find it. When you come to a roadblock take a detour" -Mary Kay Ash
Wouldn't it make life easier if we could just all have that wand to waive when things went wrong or were hard to figure out what to do next.... you know what, I believe we still wouldn't be happy... isn't that the case, we usually want more, and the more we get we want more...don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with wanting more and better for yourself, you should, but I think we all can get carried away sometimes.
This wanting more really makes us less appreciative of what is already.
So every morning on my way to work I will concentrate on one thing from the previous day that I did right, one thing I am appreciative of and one thing that I will learn from. Heck I have an hour drive, I might as well make the most of it. You can only sing the same songs over and over so many times.
If I was going to start tomorrow, I would pick from today my ability to reach out to a student to understand what challenges they were faced with and talk them through some resolutions which made me feel that I did my job right.
I am appreciative of the opportunity to learn from others who have done things before me.
I will learn from any mistakes I make, ask questions and do better the next time. With these 3 things in mind I can reflect on what my strengths and weaknesses are and go from there, hopefully developing my skills and talents a little more each day. After all life is a journey not a destination and we constantly have the ability to learn and develop ourselves.
Most people give up just when they're about to achieve success. They quit on the one-yard line. They give up at the last minute of the game, one foot from a winning touchdown. - H Ross Perot
I don't want to be that person, I don't want to know that I may have been able to do it if I just went the extra mile, the extra step, if i would have only hung in a little longer. So I will be patient and know that it will not always (if ever) be as easy as waiving that magic wand, saying those magic words or twitching my nose. The universe will test my commitment to my goal and I will not give up what I am trying to pursue and give in to defeat and petty obstacles, no matter how big they may seem at the time.
Tonight I am grateful that I found a Cat in the Hat mylar balloon for 99 cents for Saturdays party, I am grateful for the gift my best friend sent my son for his birthday, I am grateful for my friend who is helping me be creative and save money but make the birthday party a success, I am grateful for a loving family and caring friends, I am grateful for the weather slowly starting to cool, I am grateful good fortune for others who build my self confidence and esteem and for the opportunity to have tomorrow as a new day to try try again.
"For every failure, there's an alternative course of action, you just have to find it. When you come to a roadblock take a detour" -Mary Kay Ash
Monday, September 13, 2010
day 34 of 365
Well today was sort of a weird day... again some not so bloggable info. I was able to work out my schedule to fit in work, some house showing, a trip to party city and still be home by 8:18 pm. Also I squeezed Friday off by 12:30 to work on the 1st birthday party festivities. A great start to my week.
Today I am grateful that my mom cooked dinner for us, that my husband attended to my son when he got home and put him to bed so I could work later. I am sad that I wasn't able to see him all day since he was asleep in my husbands arms and laid in bed before I got home, but I am grateful for the bond they are forming that I am able to relax and know he is being well cared for in my absence by both my mom and husband. I am grateful for the 2 awesome calls I had at work that I was being listened in on and that I was able to shine and receive high compliments. I am grateful that the mornings and evenings are starting to cool off. I am grateful for my sometimes creativity that comes out when I need it the most and for those around me who support my decisions.
"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity. It turns problems into gifts, failures into success, the unexpected into perfect timing, and mistakes into important events. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow."
Melodie Beattie
Today I am grateful that my mom cooked dinner for us, that my husband attended to my son when he got home and put him to bed so I could work later. I am sad that I wasn't able to see him all day since he was asleep in my husbands arms and laid in bed before I got home, but I am grateful for the bond they are forming that I am able to relax and know he is being well cared for in my absence by both my mom and husband. I am grateful for the 2 awesome calls I had at work that I was being listened in on and that I was able to shine and receive high compliments. I am grateful that the mornings and evenings are starting to cool off. I am grateful for my sometimes creativity that comes out when I need it the most and for those around me who support my decisions.
"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity. It turns problems into gifts, failures into success, the unexpected into perfect timing, and mistakes into important events. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow."
Melodie Beattie
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Day 29 of 365
I received a great quote today in a email at work and it seems to go along with the reoccurring theme of my blog.
“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to
me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the
education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than
what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance,
giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home. The
remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will
embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact
that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only
thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am
convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And
so it is with you... we are in charge of our Attitudes.”- Charles R. Swindoll
I think that if every day we strive to improve our attitude just a smudge we can be a better person for it. We can not change other people, but we can surely improve ourselves and set good examples for others. I strive to maintain a positive attitude to be pleasant and uplifting to those around me and to not let things bother me that are beyond my control. I chose to show my son this amazing person that I am and will become and to help him grow up to be a amazing adult. I may not be able to make him the best 2 year old or 10 year old, but I can coach him and love him and set an example so that he grows into a caring and wholesome adult.
“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to
me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the
education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than
what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance,
giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home. The
remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will
embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact
that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only
thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am
convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And
so it is with you... we are in charge of our Attitudes.”- Charles R. Swindoll
I think that if every day we strive to improve our attitude just a smudge we can be a better person for it. We can not change other people, but we can surely improve ourselves and set good examples for others. I strive to maintain a positive attitude to be pleasant and uplifting to those around me and to not let things bother me that are beyond my control. I chose to show my son this amazing person that I am and will become and to help him grow up to be a amazing adult. I may not be able to make him the best 2 year old or 10 year old, but I can coach him and love him and set an example so that he grows into a caring and wholesome adult.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
day 28 of 365
Today was a great day! I went to work with a great attitude. Last night after listening to Robin McGraw on the way home talk about the empowerment of women, I was psyched to begin a new day. I really enjoyed her book on cd whatever it was called. We can enable ourselves to create our own destiny. We can chose what legacy we will take from our parents and what we will filter out. We can be proud of who we are and where we came from.
As a woman I know that men and women are different. I have read many books on this subject and sometimes I need to be reminded that men are men and women are women and we are different creatures for a reason. We should not expect or even hope our mate would think, talk, act or understand the way that we do. We should value their differences and celebrate them. How boring would it be if we were so alike, or they always knew what we were thinking or said and did the right thing constantly... they may as well be us. We can respect one another and compromise, but we should never give up our true feelings, ideas or beliefs for them, we should recognize and respect their wants and needs and they should respect ours.
I think that I decided this morning that I am not going to let things pull me down..
What is the chumbawamba song, "I get knocked down, and I get up again, your never gonna bring me down.... "
I took an awesome class called Financial Fitness at work today, it was 3.5 hours and very worth my time. I think that I will start putting some of the ideas I have learned into practice and see if it makes any difference in my life.
Challenge #1- keep every receipt for every purchase for 1 month and categorize purchases to acknowledge where your money is spent and how many incidentals that you are not accounting for. Starbucks fans? Red Bull or other energy drinks? Dining Out? Eating Out lunch? Entertainment? Vending Machines? Convenience store snacks? If any of you purchase any of these things, I challenge you to figure out how much per month and then how much per year and see what bill you could have paid off if you cut your impulse buys out totally or even in half.
I know that I use to spend over $900 a year to get my nails done. I haven't done this in over a year and I am sure it has helped us pay for something else we need more than want. Do I miss having nails, sure... is it a necessity.. NO....
It is okay to like the finer things but it is better to live within your means and save for a rainy day fund. It is so easy to go over the top with all the things we want verses what we need. If you get a raise and make more money and can afford these things great, but always live within your means. If you pay goes up, your expenses tend to as well.
I have always been a good manager of money, I feel that I know how to live within my means, even when I was making over 2/3 more than I am currently making, I tried to invest or save and never squander my money away. As I have learned over the years, if your expenses go up when your pay increases and then your pay goes away or is significantly lowered, even if you were living within your means at the time, it is hard to reduce expenses for things you cannot easily cut out (like cars you already have or other bills that are fixed) and it is harder to live without the things you got used to having or doing on a regular basis.
My challenge for myself- even though I have already cut out a lot of what we used to purchase is to find another way to save a little money every month to put away for my rainy day fund. I am going to save my receipts for a month. If we are spending $200 a month dining out we will scale back to $150 and put that $50 away. In a month I will write a reflection of where I determined the savings could be had and post my first step to savings success.
Take the first step in faith, you don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. - Martin Luther King Jr.
As a woman I know that men and women are different. I have read many books on this subject and sometimes I need to be reminded that men are men and women are women and we are different creatures for a reason. We should not expect or even hope our mate would think, talk, act or understand the way that we do. We should value their differences and celebrate them. How boring would it be if we were so alike, or they always knew what we were thinking or said and did the right thing constantly... they may as well be us. We can respect one another and compromise, but we should never give up our true feelings, ideas or beliefs for them, we should recognize and respect their wants and needs and they should respect ours.
I think that I decided this morning that I am not going to let things pull me down..
What is the chumbawamba song, "I get knocked down, and I get up again, your never gonna bring me down.... "
I took an awesome class called Financial Fitness at work today, it was 3.5 hours and very worth my time. I think that I will start putting some of the ideas I have learned into practice and see if it makes any difference in my life.
Challenge #1- keep every receipt for every purchase for 1 month and categorize purchases to acknowledge where your money is spent and how many incidentals that you are not accounting for. Starbucks fans? Red Bull or other energy drinks? Dining Out? Eating Out lunch? Entertainment? Vending Machines? Convenience store snacks? If any of you purchase any of these things, I challenge you to figure out how much per month and then how much per year and see what bill you could have paid off if you cut your impulse buys out totally or even in half.
I know that I use to spend over $900 a year to get my nails done. I haven't done this in over a year and I am sure it has helped us pay for something else we need more than want. Do I miss having nails, sure... is it a necessity.. NO....
It is okay to like the finer things but it is better to live within your means and save for a rainy day fund. It is so easy to go over the top with all the things we want verses what we need. If you get a raise and make more money and can afford these things great, but always live within your means. If you pay goes up, your expenses tend to as well.
I have always been a good manager of money, I feel that I know how to live within my means, even when I was making over 2/3 more than I am currently making, I tried to invest or save and never squander my money away. As I have learned over the years, if your expenses go up when your pay increases and then your pay goes away or is significantly lowered, even if you were living within your means at the time, it is hard to reduce expenses for things you cannot easily cut out (like cars you already have or other bills that are fixed) and it is harder to live without the things you got used to having or doing on a regular basis.
My challenge for myself- even though I have already cut out a lot of what we used to purchase is to find another way to save a little money every month to put away for my rainy day fund. I am going to save my receipts for a month. If we are spending $200 a month dining out we will scale back to $150 and put that $50 away. In a month I will write a reflection of where I determined the savings could be had and post my first step to savings success.
Take the first step in faith, you don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. - Martin Luther King Jr.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Day 25 of 365
On vacation.... what a trip.... I have been trying to use the computer as little as possible. Who wants to use the computer on vacation, I use the computer every day of my life. But today I decided that my mood needed a blogging... to get back on track to my thoughts and actions, again my purpose was to hold myself accountable.
No one should be stressed on vacation. It should be a time to relax and reflect, to enjoy your family and be happy.
But the thought of losing our land and then owing the bank the difference is scary enough, the first night no electricity we unloaded in the dark, a son who seems to be having a cranky spurt on top of his stubborn streak of refusing to sit content in a car seat for even 5 minutes who screamed about the whole 3 our trip, going on a trip to the river with the dogs and being unable to even get out of the car due to the nonstop rain, not so yummy fry bread experience, a dog who we finally got his daily throwing up to stop by switching food, that now he seems to not want to eat it, a frustrated impatient husband who tries to help out but gets this way when he isn't sure what to do, a frying pan that everything sticks to... wow... everything I just mentioned seems rather silly after it is really typed out.
The fact that I can even enjoy a vacation, the beauty of the rain, the gorgeous weather compared to the heat of the valley, the nice breeze, the cabin to come to, my son's health, the fact that my son has a voice to even scream, the fact that I am not a single mom doing it all by myself and I have a husband to help, food on the table whether it sticks to my pan or not, the joy the dogs bring, the ability to spend time with family...... when you start to type or think of the things that are AWESOME... you tend to believe the bad things are not so harsh.
BELIEVE... in what you have... BELIEVE in yourself, BELIEVE in others abilities, With patience and commitment we come closer to obtaining what we strive for.
No one should be stressed on vacation. It should be a time to relax and reflect, to enjoy your family and be happy.
But the thought of losing our land and then owing the bank the difference is scary enough, the first night no electricity we unloaded in the dark, a son who seems to be having a cranky spurt on top of his stubborn streak of refusing to sit content in a car seat for even 5 minutes who screamed about the whole 3 our trip, going on a trip to the river with the dogs and being unable to even get out of the car due to the nonstop rain, not so yummy fry bread experience, a dog who we finally got his daily throwing up to stop by switching food, that now he seems to not want to eat it, a frustrated impatient husband who tries to help out but gets this way when he isn't sure what to do, a frying pan that everything sticks to... wow... everything I just mentioned seems rather silly after it is really typed out.
The fact that I can even enjoy a vacation, the beauty of the rain, the gorgeous weather compared to the heat of the valley, the nice breeze, the cabin to come to, my son's health, the fact that my son has a voice to even scream, the fact that I am not a single mom doing it all by myself and I have a husband to help, food on the table whether it sticks to my pan or not, the joy the dogs bring, the ability to spend time with family...... when you start to type or think of the things that are AWESOME... you tend to believe the bad things are not so harsh.
BELIEVE... in what you have... BELIEVE in yourself, BELIEVE in others abilities, With patience and commitment we come closer to obtaining what we strive for.
Monday, August 30, 2010
day 20 of 365
So in talking over some things with a co-worker today I came to the realization that I need to really identify my strengths, what has worked for me in past positions and what I can use as an opportunity to excel in my current business. This really rang true. I believe there are things that I do do well. I know for certain that I am great at a few things and never really thought if I could organize what I am really good at a create a position that I would love working I could actually pitch the concept to an audience willing to listen. What a thought or way to not only emphasize my strengths but to feel good about and enjoy what I do on a day to day basis. Really live my week and make it count for me and those who I serve. So tomorrow I will start writing down my strenghts to outline my first step in my project to success. I will then define each one and how it relates to what I intend to accomplish.
Success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success. - Joyce Brothers
Today I am grateful that my son walked when no one was looking, but we saw him.
I am grateful for 1 more day of work so that I can provide for my family.
I am grateful an Awesome God that continues to bless me despite things
Every morning is a fresh opportunity to find God's Extraordinary joy in the most ordinary places -Janet Weaver
Success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success. - Joyce Brothers
Today I am grateful that my son walked when no one was looking, but we saw him.
I am grateful for 1 more day of work so that I can provide for my family.
I am grateful an Awesome God that continues to bless me despite things
Every morning is a fresh opportunity to find God's Extraordinary joy in the most ordinary places -Janet Weaver
Sunday, August 29, 2010
day 19 of 365
So I guess I took a blog hiatis, did I say I would post everyday or did say I would post for 365 days! Well, whatever, I did not post for a few days.
I guess I just really didn't feel I had words to put together that didn't sound like I was aimed at rambling on about nothing important.
Today it was again reiterated to me of how precious life is and how fortunate I am to be at this place in my life. No matter how unfair I feel things are going or the negative things that are happening in my life at this time. I know that we all struggle. I know that I need to put my faith and hope in the right place. I know that " with God nothing is impossible" - Luke 1:37
We have a few friends who we know are struggling WAY more than we are, with circumstances that are unimaginable compared to our own.
We have a friend with 3 kids who has cancer with a 50/50 chance of recovery within the next 5 years. I just recently learned that a friend of mine from high school was in a rollover accident in the mountains of CO this past weekend that left him severly injured and fighting for recovery. Please take a moment if you are reading this to pray for these families.
This is one of my favorite song lyrics: I listened to this everyday when my mother was in the hospital in 2006 and it helped sustain me.
Praise You in This Storm
words by Mark Hall/music by Mark Hall and Bernie Herms
I was sure by now,God, that You would have reached down
and wiped our tears away,
stepped in and saved the day.
But once again, I say amen
and it's still raining
as the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain,
"I'm with you"
and as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise
the God who gives and takes away.
And I'll praise you in this storm
and I will lift my hands
for You are who You are
no matter where I am
and every tear I've cried
You hold in your hand
You never left my side
and though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm
I remember when I stumbled in the wind
You heard my cry to You
and raised me up again
my strength is almost gone how can I carry on
if I can't find You
and as the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
and as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise
the God who gives and takes away
I lift my eyes onto the hills
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth
I lift my eyes onto the hills
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth
This song is truly beautiful and comforting. We know that not all things are in our control, not all things are going to be our will- we must acknowledge every breath we take as a miracle of living, we must savor every moment we have with those we love. We must cherish the good and work through the bad because one day could be our last and one second could change the course of our path forever. Our attitude and choice for how we live our lives can really make a difference if we can accept our circumstances and value or blessings or if we give up and allow the tragedies to get the best of us.
I am going to live my life to the fullest I can and be the best person I can. Although I am human and may need to vent or get a little pity every once in awhile I will pick myself up, dust myself off and truly feel blessed for my good fortunes.
I guess I just really didn't feel I had words to put together that didn't sound like I was aimed at rambling on about nothing important.
Today it was again reiterated to me of how precious life is and how fortunate I am to be at this place in my life. No matter how unfair I feel things are going or the negative things that are happening in my life at this time. I know that we all struggle. I know that I need to put my faith and hope in the right place. I know that " with God nothing is impossible" - Luke 1:37
We have a few friends who we know are struggling WAY more than we are, with circumstances that are unimaginable compared to our own.
We have a friend with 3 kids who has cancer with a 50/50 chance of recovery within the next 5 years. I just recently learned that a friend of mine from high school was in a rollover accident in the mountains of CO this past weekend that left him severly injured and fighting for recovery. Please take a moment if you are reading this to pray for these families.
This is one of my favorite song lyrics: I listened to this everyday when my mother was in the hospital in 2006 and it helped sustain me.
Praise You in This Storm
words by Mark Hall/music by Mark Hall and Bernie Herms
I was sure by now,God, that You would have reached down
and wiped our tears away,
stepped in and saved the day.
But once again, I say amen
and it's still raining
as the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain,
"I'm with you"
and as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise
the God who gives and takes away.
And I'll praise you in this storm
and I will lift my hands
for You are who You are
no matter where I am
and every tear I've cried
You hold in your hand
You never left my side
and though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm
I remember when I stumbled in the wind
You heard my cry to You
and raised me up again
my strength is almost gone how can I carry on
if I can't find You
and as the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
and as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise
the God who gives and takes away
I lift my eyes onto the hills
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth
I lift my eyes onto the hills
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth
This song is truly beautiful and comforting. We know that not all things are in our control, not all things are going to be our will- we must acknowledge every breath we take as a miracle of living, we must savor every moment we have with those we love. We must cherish the good and work through the bad because one day could be our last and one second could change the course of our path forever. Our attitude and choice for how we live our lives can really make a difference if we can accept our circumstances and value or blessings or if we give up and allow the tragedies to get the best of us.
I am going to live my life to the fullest I can and be the best person I can. Although I am human and may need to vent or get a little pity every once in awhile I will pick myself up, dust myself off and truly feel blessed for my good fortunes.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Day 15 of 365
Today I am especially grateful for my mother, who would really do anything for me! She has helped me get to the place where I am today and has helped shape me into the loving, caring person that I am.
It has been almost 17 years this weekend that my dad passed away after having lived with "known" cancer for a short few months. It was the first week of my freshman year in high school. My mom at the age of 45 turned her world upside down to become a new person, one who had the sole responsibility and goal of raising me in the home I grew up in and taking whatever means possible to make sure I was raised with the vision my dad and her shared for me. She wanted to keep things as normal for me as she could. I sure knew what was going on, but I don't think I quite grasped all the sacrifices that she made for me, or really appreciated what she did then as much as I do now at 30+ years old.
I was able to have the things I may not have if she would have remained doing what she did when my dad was alive, or if she crumbled and fell apart in front of me. I am proud to be her daughter, proud of what she accomplished and proud of how I turned out despite my obstacles, disappointments, and fears.
I had a choice, we all have a choice, we can chose to be a victim or we can chose to be a success. I could have easily wallowed in my grief, became part of the wrong crowd, made unhealthy choices and made myself into that victim that everyone feels sorry for.
How many times have we heard- oh she is that way because she had a hard life, or she did that because she was depressed or you can't blame her didn't you know what she has been through?
We are all in control of our own selves, we make our own choices, and we create our own future. We can choose to be self-destructive or a self-motivator. We can chose that right or wrong path.
Don't get me wrong depression, grief, chemical imbalances, I get all that, they do exist- but we are the one who gets to choose to recognize and get help for our problems and get better or blame our attitude and our behaviors on our circumstances and set down the self-destructive path.
I think sometimes we simply play victim because self-pity is much easier than dealing with our issues. I believe that self-pity, depression and victimization take a lot more energy and time out of a person than facing the problem head on.
The saying goes "there is nothing that will happen to me today that God and I cannot handle together."
My mother was there to comfort me in times of need, to stand up for what she believed was right for me, to encourage me to do my best and not hold me back from my aspirations, my mother continues to be there for me every day even now and for that I am especially grateful.
It has been almost 17 years this weekend that my dad passed away after having lived with "known" cancer for a short few months. It was the first week of my freshman year in high school. My mom at the age of 45 turned her world upside down to become a new person, one who had the sole responsibility and goal of raising me in the home I grew up in and taking whatever means possible to make sure I was raised with the vision my dad and her shared for me. She wanted to keep things as normal for me as she could. I sure knew what was going on, but I don't think I quite grasped all the sacrifices that she made for me, or really appreciated what she did then as much as I do now at 30+ years old.
I was able to have the things I may not have if she would have remained doing what she did when my dad was alive, or if she crumbled and fell apart in front of me. I am proud to be her daughter, proud of what she accomplished and proud of how I turned out despite my obstacles, disappointments, and fears.
I had a choice, we all have a choice, we can chose to be a victim or we can chose to be a success. I could have easily wallowed in my grief, became part of the wrong crowd, made unhealthy choices and made myself into that victim that everyone feels sorry for.
How many times have we heard- oh she is that way because she had a hard life, or she did that because she was depressed or you can't blame her didn't you know what she has been through?
We are all in control of our own selves, we make our own choices, and we create our own future. We can choose to be self-destructive or a self-motivator. We can chose that right or wrong path.
Don't get me wrong depression, grief, chemical imbalances, I get all that, they do exist- but we are the one who gets to choose to recognize and get help for our problems and get better or blame our attitude and our behaviors on our circumstances and set down the self-destructive path.
I think sometimes we simply play victim because self-pity is much easier than dealing with our issues. I believe that self-pity, depression and victimization take a lot more energy and time out of a person than facing the problem head on.
The saying goes "there is nothing that will happen to me today that God and I cannot handle together."
My mother was there to comfort me in times of need, to stand up for what she believed was right for me, to encourage me to do my best and not hold me back from my aspirations, my mother continues to be there for me every day even now and for that I am especially grateful.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Day 14 of 365
I did go to bed about 11:15, laid there for what seemed like forever before falling asleep. I guess that afternoon cup of coffee kept me a little wired, in my mind at least.
Paxton woke up about 12:50 but only in my ear for about 10 mins, I didn't even get out of bed to check on him, and then I was wide awake at 4:00, 15 minutes before my alarm went off, go figure.
So I guess I was really tired this morning, I kind of went along, not my usual bubbly self, until after 10:00, when someone on my team at work reminded me by saying how bubbly that I usually am, and pointed out that enthusiasm is contagious. I decided that I would probably have a better day if I was that person.I did try to turn all my negative comments around into positive ones. I felt like I motivated a few people today. I actually did get a little more energy, especially after I worked out at lunch. That work out gives me a little more stamina to finish out my day strong and on a positive note.
I wasn't too tired until now.
I am going to try working 6-4 with an hour extra a day. A little extra cash never hurt anyone, but I do think my bedtime will be a little sooner.
I have a few things that I would like to accomplish before I retire, this being one of them.
Today I am grateful that I was reminded that my bubbly attitude makes a difference, that I have the opportunity to work a little overtime, that I made it to work and home safely. The rain was awesome tonight and the lightening and thunder were amazing. We were standing outside at one point and I thought the thunder was going to bust our eardrums, I have never been that close before to hear it that loud, I can't even describe how loud it was. But it made me realize the beauty of nature, the awesome and amazing wonders that God presents to us on a day to day basis that we often take for granted.
It is truly a wonder the gifts he gives us that do not cost a dime and yet are so priceless, but worth more than one can ever fathom. Never neglect the little things.
Tomorrow I will spread contagious enthusiasm to all that I encounter. I will spread a little joy, offer that word of praise or encouragement, and show that my life is worth living, it is much happier than sad, I have many more blessings than tribulations and I can show others how to be satisfied with what they have by my example. You can't have what you want, until you want what you have.
Paxton woke up about 12:50 but only in my ear for about 10 mins, I didn't even get out of bed to check on him, and then I was wide awake at 4:00, 15 minutes before my alarm went off, go figure.
So I guess I was really tired this morning, I kind of went along, not my usual bubbly self, until after 10:00, when someone on my team at work reminded me by saying how bubbly that I usually am, and pointed out that enthusiasm is contagious. I decided that I would probably have a better day if I was that person.I did try to turn all my negative comments around into positive ones. I felt like I motivated a few people today. I actually did get a little more energy, especially after I worked out at lunch. That work out gives me a little more stamina to finish out my day strong and on a positive note.
I wasn't too tired until now.
I am going to try working 6-4 with an hour extra a day. A little extra cash never hurt anyone, but I do think my bedtime will be a little sooner.
I have a few things that I would like to accomplish before I retire, this being one of them.
Today I am grateful that I was reminded that my bubbly attitude makes a difference, that I have the opportunity to work a little overtime, that I made it to work and home safely. The rain was awesome tonight and the lightening and thunder were amazing. We were standing outside at one point and I thought the thunder was going to bust our eardrums, I have never been that close before to hear it that loud, I can't even describe how loud it was. But it made me realize the beauty of nature, the awesome and amazing wonders that God presents to us on a day to day basis that we often take for granted.
It is truly a wonder the gifts he gives us that do not cost a dime and yet are so priceless, but worth more than one can ever fathom. Never neglect the little things.
Tomorrow I will spread contagious enthusiasm to all that I encounter. I will spread a little joy, offer that word of praise or encouragement, and show that my life is worth living, it is much happier than sad, I have many more blessings than tribulations and I can show others how to be satisfied with what they have by my example. You can't have what you want, until you want what you have.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Day 13 of 365
So today is really today. Good Job Dani!
I can't believe it is 10 pm and I am still up. I am not even tired. I am not sure where my extra bout of energy has come from but I will probably be crashing tomorrow. Nonetheless I wanted to share some reflections of my day.
So often times I hear and speak the phrase " I can't afford it"
I have read and watched many books and videos that tell you that you should never say such a thing. By saying this you are putting this thought out into the universe and you will continue to not be able to afford it. When we constantly say we "can't" do something we are limiting our success. This really is a downer, however we all do it. You would think it would be a simple fix to replace those damaging negative words with positive and hopeful sayings, and heck sometimes I do, but often times we revert back to our old ways if our results are not quick enough.
Take the gym for instance. I went today at lunch, I worked my upper body, I did a little spin on the bike. I felt great afterwards. It is Monday, I started off the week on the right foot. ( I have done this many times) I counted my calories and ate healthy... but how many of us try this for a period of time and either don't get the immediate results we are looking for, or we feel like we will never get to where our weight needs to be that the crucial minute that we have the opportunity to binge on that one delicacy we don't give it a second thought? We follow with the excuse that our "diet" or "healthy eating plan" isn't working or we will NEVER reach our goal so we might as well stop trying, and then we find ourselves falling back into our old habit or pattern.
I think we can truly overcome any negative belief that limits us. As the author Jack Canfield of the Chicken Soup for the Soul Series has said.
You can start by writing those beliefs you want to change in a list as step 1
Example: Nobody is interested in my opinion: What I think is not important
Then when you are finished with your list pick one and go from there.
Step 2 determine how it is limiting you.
Step 3 Decide how you want to be, act or feel
4. create a turn around statement to affirm or give you permission to be, act of feel that way.
For example: Negative: I can't do anything right, so why even try?
Turnaround: I can do many things right, and each time I try something new, I learn and get better.
(from his book Success Principles) How to get from where you are to where you want to be. None of us can change our yesterdays, but all of us can change our tomorrows. -Colin Powell
Today I am thankful for my beautiful house, my loving husband, my amazing child, my dedicated mother, my well behave dogs, my rewarding job, my multi talents, and God's unconditional love.
Tomorrow, I will again try to make only positive statements, and when I catch myself saying something negative I will replace it with positive thoughts, I will go to the gym, count my calories... and yes.... love myself for who I am because Dr. Suess says Today you are you, that is truer than true, there is no one alive that is Youer than YOU!-
I can't believe it is 10 pm and I am still up. I am not even tired. I am not sure where my extra bout of energy has come from but I will probably be crashing tomorrow. Nonetheless I wanted to share some reflections of my day.
So often times I hear and speak the phrase " I can't afford it"
I have read and watched many books and videos that tell you that you should never say such a thing. By saying this you are putting this thought out into the universe and you will continue to not be able to afford it. When we constantly say we "can't" do something we are limiting our success. This really is a downer, however we all do it. You would think it would be a simple fix to replace those damaging negative words with positive and hopeful sayings, and heck sometimes I do, but often times we revert back to our old ways if our results are not quick enough.
Take the gym for instance. I went today at lunch, I worked my upper body, I did a little spin on the bike. I felt great afterwards. It is Monday, I started off the week on the right foot. ( I have done this many times) I counted my calories and ate healthy... but how many of us try this for a period of time and either don't get the immediate results we are looking for, or we feel like we will never get to where our weight needs to be that the crucial minute that we have the opportunity to binge on that one delicacy we don't give it a second thought? We follow with the excuse that our "diet" or "healthy eating plan" isn't working or we will NEVER reach our goal so we might as well stop trying, and then we find ourselves falling back into our old habit or pattern.
I think we can truly overcome any negative belief that limits us. As the author Jack Canfield of the Chicken Soup for the Soul Series has said.
You can start by writing those beliefs you want to change in a list as step 1
Example: Nobody is interested in my opinion: What I think is not important
Then when you are finished with your list pick one and go from there.
Step 2 determine how it is limiting you.
Step 3 Decide how you want to be, act or feel
4. create a turn around statement to affirm or give you permission to be, act of feel that way.
For example: Negative: I can't do anything right, so why even try?
Turnaround: I can do many things right, and each time I try something new, I learn and get better.
(from his book Success Principles) How to get from where you are to where you want to be. None of us can change our yesterdays, but all of us can change our tomorrows. -Colin Powell
Today I am thankful for my beautiful house, my loving husband, my amazing child, my dedicated mother, my well behave dogs, my rewarding job, my multi talents, and God's unconditional love.
Tomorrow, I will again try to make only positive statements, and when I catch myself saying something negative I will replace it with positive thoughts, I will go to the gym, count my calories... and yes.... love myself for who I am because Dr. Suess says Today you are you, that is truer than true, there is no one alive that is Youer than YOU!-
day 12 of 365
So okay... .I guess I skipped yesterday... REALLY? I think sometimes my days run into each other! Well, I will write what I thought I would write about yesterday and then eh, I'll go on for today!
Sunday I realized... actually I knew this. That I am not sure if it is better to be good at one or two things or to try and do all the things you like. If you are involved in too many things, can you truly not be really good at one?
Do you put your time and energy into many things and it exhausts you? I think this can happen... but what do you give up? How do you decide what to let go. Maybe you enjoy each thing, whether it be a hobby, another form of money making or just something you like to dabble in and you don't want to say goodbye.
But are you truly happy spread so thin. Sometimes I think it is the thrill of being involved in many things, the fact that you can say you can multi-task. People look at you and compliment you for all the things that you have accomplished and continue to pursue.
Wow it really is a tough question to ask myself, or for anyone to ask for that matter. I do enjoy most everything I do, and the one thing that I would truly give up in a heart beat, I need as the constant and I can't let go.
So for now I have decided to pursue other things, as well as maintain the things I have going for me, something will eventually work itself out, and I can slowly give up those things one by one that are not so beneficial to the soul.
Now if this makes sense to you then good for you, and if it doesn't remember this is my reflection of my day, and it may not always make any sense to you, but keep reading- you may benefit from something I have to say in the future.
If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, then you are an excellent leader. - Dolly Parton
Sunday I realized... actually I knew this. That I am not sure if it is better to be good at one or two things or to try and do all the things you like. If you are involved in too many things, can you truly not be really good at one?
Do you put your time and energy into many things and it exhausts you? I think this can happen... but what do you give up? How do you decide what to let go. Maybe you enjoy each thing, whether it be a hobby, another form of money making or just something you like to dabble in and you don't want to say goodbye.
But are you truly happy spread so thin. Sometimes I think it is the thrill of being involved in many things, the fact that you can say you can multi-task. People look at you and compliment you for all the things that you have accomplished and continue to pursue.
Wow it really is a tough question to ask myself, or for anyone to ask for that matter. I do enjoy most everything I do, and the one thing that I would truly give up in a heart beat, I need as the constant and I can't let go.
So for now I have decided to pursue other things, as well as maintain the things I have going for me, something will eventually work itself out, and I can slowly give up those things one by one that are not so beneficial to the soul.
Now if this makes sense to you then good for you, and if it doesn't remember this is my reflection of my day, and it may not always make any sense to you, but keep reading- you may benefit from something I have to say in the future.
If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, then you are an excellent leader. - Dolly Parton
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Day 11 of 365
Yesterday was filled with busy! As we wrapped up the evening laying on the couch-no t.v. listening to and watching the storm I went over in my mind all the things I was grateful for that day. Simple things can go along way.
Paxton took a 3 hour nap, which allowed him to play more at his cousins party.
My cookies turned out good for Taryn's party.
I was able to get ready, work on some computer stuff and clean my kitchen from the cookies.
The burning smell in the dishwasher was just a spatula that got stuck to the coil and luckily we did not either experience a fire or have to dish out money for a new dishwasher at this time! Praises to God!!!!!
Steve got his Ford truck tires rotated (before we escape to the Mountains for Labor Day) and he was able to go to home depot to get stuff to fix or sprinklers in the backyard.
Paxton was in a pretty good mood, although I have come to the conclusion that he is evidently shy when it comes to big crowds of people until he warms up to everyone, even people he knows... his 1st birthday party should be interesting!
Even though it was hot and sticky, Taryn had a great birthday and we really enjoyed hanging out with everyone.
And that brings me back to the simplicity of enjoying the sound of the rain. Rain is a calming breath for me. I have always LOVED the rain, the sound, the smell and the blessings it brings to all the plants and crops to grow more hearty and full.
A small miracle from the sky.
My simple blessings of the day are many no matter how small they seem.
"Earth with her thousand voices, praises God" - Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Paxton took a 3 hour nap, which allowed him to play more at his cousins party.
My cookies turned out good for Taryn's party.
I was able to get ready, work on some computer stuff and clean my kitchen from the cookies.
The burning smell in the dishwasher was just a spatula that got stuck to the coil and luckily we did not either experience a fire or have to dish out money for a new dishwasher at this time! Praises to God!!!!!
Steve got his Ford truck tires rotated (before we escape to the Mountains for Labor Day) and he was able to go to home depot to get stuff to fix or sprinklers in the backyard.
Paxton was in a pretty good mood, although I have come to the conclusion that he is evidently shy when it comes to big crowds of people until he warms up to everyone, even people he knows... his 1st birthday party should be interesting!
Even though it was hot and sticky, Taryn had a great birthday and we really enjoyed hanging out with everyone.
And that brings me back to the simplicity of enjoying the sound of the rain. Rain is a calming breath for me. I have always LOVED the rain, the sound, the smell and the blessings it brings to all the plants and crops to grow more hearty and full.
A small miracle from the sky.
My simple blessings of the day are many no matter how small they seem.
"Earth with her thousand voices, praises God" - Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Friday, August 20, 2010
Day 10 of 365
Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success ~ Henry Ford
I think this quote holds true for business and that was how it was sent to me regarding teamwork this morning, but I would look at the quote more as a reflection of marriage, marriage like teamwork is not often as easy as some people make it seem, and believe me you all know or have heard of the couple who just seems to be happy all the time and never ever agrues.
But in most cases.... that isn't the case- 24/7.
You may not always have the same agenda, and even if you do you may have two completely different ideas on how to get to the goal, even if it is the same. You have to be willing to work together and have a common goal to be a success.
It is a big challenge to learn to understand someone who is so different then you. Like I said in previous posts, we are all unique individuals and we should be allowed to have our own thoughts and ideas and not feel we have to conform to the ideas of others if we don't feel or believe the same way they do.
It won't always be easy, you may not always agree, you may not always want to compromise, but somehow the love and respect you have for one another will pull you through during the toughest times as long as you are willing to be patient, to love unconditionally and to allow that person to love you.
I have found that communication is key and that you need not be afraid to share your fears with that person, you should be willing to let your guard done, to not bestow judgement and to not feel the need to be defensive in all that you are doing or afraid to express how you truly feel, and that other person should be allowed to do that to you.
I say Thank God that we are different. How boring would it be if as a married couple we always agreed and always felt the same way as the other person. I definitely celebrate indviduality 100%.
Take it from Author Dr. Kevin Leman- in 7 Things He'll Never Tell You- who said it best that you did not marry a clean slate, and neither did your spouse, we were all shaped and formed by our mothers and fathers, our relatives, school and friends. From the very beginning of time, God created men to be men and women to be women... and so we see life from completely different angles. Being that we are completely different no wonder we don't think or act like one another.
In general to a man, life is about winning, to a woman, it's about the journey along the way.
Thank you Dr. Leman for your words of wisdom, for a glimpse into a man's thoughts so we may understand what we are dealing with better and know what and how to say things.
I have read this book a few years ago, do I need to read it again, you bettcha. Am I willing to give a little to get better results, I sure am. I don't want to live my life in constant chaos, I chose to look for the harmony.
As some anoymous source puts it "the goal in marriage is not to think alike, but to think together."
I think this quote holds true for business and that was how it was sent to me regarding teamwork this morning, but I would look at the quote more as a reflection of marriage, marriage like teamwork is not often as easy as some people make it seem, and believe me you all know or have heard of the couple who just seems to be happy all the time and never ever agrues.
But in most cases.... that isn't the case- 24/7.
You may not always have the same agenda, and even if you do you may have two completely different ideas on how to get to the goal, even if it is the same. You have to be willing to work together and have a common goal to be a success.
It is a big challenge to learn to understand someone who is so different then you. Like I said in previous posts, we are all unique individuals and we should be allowed to have our own thoughts and ideas and not feel we have to conform to the ideas of others if we don't feel or believe the same way they do.
It won't always be easy, you may not always agree, you may not always want to compromise, but somehow the love and respect you have for one another will pull you through during the toughest times as long as you are willing to be patient, to love unconditionally and to allow that person to love you.
I have found that communication is key and that you need not be afraid to share your fears with that person, you should be willing to let your guard done, to not bestow judgement and to not feel the need to be defensive in all that you are doing or afraid to express how you truly feel, and that other person should be allowed to do that to you.
I say Thank God that we are different. How boring would it be if as a married couple we always agreed and always felt the same way as the other person. I definitely celebrate indviduality 100%.
Take it from Author Dr. Kevin Leman- in 7 Things He'll Never Tell You- who said it best that you did not marry a clean slate, and neither did your spouse, we were all shaped and formed by our mothers and fathers, our relatives, school and friends. From the very beginning of time, God created men to be men and women to be women... and so we see life from completely different angles. Being that we are completely different no wonder we don't think or act like one another.
In general to a man, life is about winning, to a woman, it's about the journey along the way.
Thank you Dr. Leman for your words of wisdom, for a glimpse into a man's thoughts so we may understand what we are dealing with better and know what and how to say things.
I have read this book a few years ago, do I need to read it again, you bettcha. Am I willing to give a little to get better results, I sure am. I don't want to live my life in constant chaos, I chose to look for the harmony.
As some anoymous source puts it "the goal in marriage is not to think alike, but to think together."
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Day 9 of 365
So just about everything I have today is confidential and can't be put into print, fantastic... so what can I possibly write about, my whole day seems to be unbloggable(lol) is that even a word?
Well, lets go to my day in a round about way. Do you ever feel the need to vent to someone about something that you have "heard" is not right, not sure what you are trying to gain in the meantime? I spent most of my day combating other person's fears of the unknown, of what they were told was something that was not real or altered in such a way that it seemed every bit unfair and unreal to them. In calming them down and getting them to view a situation in a different light was truly exhausting for me.
As I would say my job today was one of a mediator. I could say in both my personal and professional life today I tried to comfort those that fear the unknown. To be the bridge between their fear and the truth. Am I fearless, heck no, but I chose to believe that things will work themselves out, that we cannot progress in life if we don't take a few risks and have a little fear. But I have to believe (as I will say time and time again) you have to TRUST your HOPES not your FEARS.
I think that I spend a great deal of my time worrying about what might happen and you know what? It might not happen, so I am wasting time that I could be doing other things or being happy with what I have and where I am in the current moment.
All of this because I am afraid of what may happen at a future date, that may NOT happen. I know this sounds a little silly, but it is true.
How many of us spend parts of our day contemplating the unknown, fearing what it is that might happen to us inhibiting something in our future plan or schedule so much that we are missing NOW. The power of now is really powerful and could just effect what will happen in the future, meaning we may have more control over what happens than you might think, make good decisions now, and if you aren't sure if they are good or bad, go with your gut, pray about it, listen to your inner self or whatever it is that you do, be confident in your decision. Don't turn back and know that you made the best decision for you at the time that you made it. If a few years down the road you find out it hasn't turned out to be the best decision you could have made, go with the fact that at the time you made the decision, with the circumstances that surrounded you and the feeling it gave you, you did the best you could.
- Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly. -Robert F Kennedy
Do you want to be safe and good, or do you want to take a chance and be great? -Jimmy Johnson
Progress always involves risk; you can't steal second base and keep your foot on first. -frederick wilcox
I have lived a long life and had many troubles, most of which never happened. -mark twain
Today I am grateful for the words I needed to speak to those who needed me.
Well, lets go to my day in a round about way. Do you ever feel the need to vent to someone about something that you have "heard" is not right, not sure what you are trying to gain in the meantime? I spent most of my day combating other person's fears of the unknown, of what they were told was something that was not real or altered in such a way that it seemed every bit unfair and unreal to them. In calming them down and getting them to view a situation in a different light was truly exhausting for me.
As I would say my job today was one of a mediator. I could say in both my personal and professional life today I tried to comfort those that fear the unknown. To be the bridge between their fear and the truth. Am I fearless, heck no, but I chose to believe that things will work themselves out, that we cannot progress in life if we don't take a few risks and have a little fear. But I have to believe (as I will say time and time again) you have to TRUST your HOPES not your FEARS.
I think that I spend a great deal of my time worrying about what might happen and you know what? It might not happen, so I am wasting time that I could be doing other things or being happy with what I have and where I am in the current moment.
All of this because I am afraid of what may happen at a future date, that may NOT happen. I know this sounds a little silly, but it is true.
How many of us spend parts of our day contemplating the unknown, fearing what it is that might happen to us inhibiting something in our future plan or schedule so much that we are missing NOW. The power of now is really powerful and could just effect what will happen in the future, meaning we may have more control over what happens than you might think, make good decisions now, and if you aren't sure if they are good or bad, go with your gut, pray about it, listen to your inner self or whatever it is that you do, be confident in your decision. Don't turn back and know that you made the best decision for you at the time that you made it. If a few years down the road you find out it hasn't turned out to be the best decision you could have made, go with the fact that at the time you made the decision, with the circumstances that surrounded you and the feeling it gave you, you did the best you could.
- Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly. -Robert F Kennedy
Do you want to be safe and good, or do you want to take a chance and be great? -Jimmy Johnson
Progress always involves risk; you can't steal second base and keep your foot on first. -frederick wilcox
I have lived a long life and had many troubles, most of which never happened. -mark twain
Today I am grateful for the words I needed to speak to those who needed me.
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