Saturday, June 27, 2020

When Today Sucks

Anxiety and Fear are relentless! Do you ever just have an emotionally draining day that you think might never end? You start out with a struggle, end with a struggle and have quite a few hiccups in between? Without going into grave detail about my day yesterday to protect the innocent... it was one of those kind of days with things where you couldn't necessarily control the circumstances or predict them!
 The kind that even your 10 year old sons says several times "Today sucks!" Your gut instincts, survival skills, first aid knowledge, mom skills, adrenaline and more got you through even amidst any doubt that crossed your mind! Everyone had a purpose and was in the right place at the right time. Even in the very scary moments prayer was a the front most thought!  God is good. When we turn to Him first, when we make it a point to include others in our process, healing begins.
No one sets out at the beginning of their day anticipating all the obstacles and tragedies that could/may occur. Gosh that would definitely be a gloomy doomy day! If it didn't unfold in your negative manner at all why prepare for the worst, just be ready for the worst and take it as it comes, enjoy each moment not scared about the what ifs.
You have to set out with a good mind set, a positive outlook, a kind and compassionate heart ready to serve those around you in the best way that you can, to conquer whatever comes your way, and never alone, because God is right there with you if you will call upon him and allow him in your heart!
Often we try to tackle, handle and fix problems on our own and that is when things just seem to unfold un-properly... by that I mean in a way in which we are trying to force an outcome verses going with the plan that maybe God has intended, no matter how ridiculous some of the things seem to be in order for something else to occur! I often wonder if there could have been an easier way and then I remember as the bible says For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways.Isaiah 55:8-9 NIV

Sometimes I am just not sure what God has planned or why something has to unfold the way it does for a better good or for a future thing, and often maybe we will never know!! How much easier would it have been to make a connection with someone over a cup a coffee rather than a stressful, painful way, why do things unfold the way they do sometimes, couldn't we have taken the shortcut?  In the moment it often times seems unbearable and afterward it can seem unsettling trying to go back over in your head what you could have done or not done to prevent an occurrence but realistically we cannot go back and re-wind and start over so I am not sure why we put ourselves through that internal misery except we are human and allow we have faith we always want the WHY? You may not remember from when you were a kid but I bet you have had a kid ask you over and over again why when you tell them something, especially around the age of 4-5, no matter what you say they ask why? Sometimes even the things that they ask why about you asked at one time too, however you still don't know the answer, you just believe that they are that way and you go about your day not giving it a second thought, just believing even if you can't see it or see the reasoning behind it! Human curiosity as to why something is a certain way, done a certain way or turns out a certain way is instinct to question its authority! So many of us seek validation verses just accepting it as it is, how it unfolds or it's intended purpose. Most people don't want to believe in something they cannot see, haven't experienced or don't understand, again we are human.
Have faith and believe in the greater good, the higher power and the underlying purpose- Looking back, even though guilt, feeling bad and a sense of wanting to fix it or erase and re-do the day are automatic crutches in the end it was nothing a little ice cream and wine , some crying, some rest, time and prayerful healing couldn't fix! It could have been much worse but it wasn't, so be grateful and when your mind goes to that deep dark place, remove it and remember what positive thing came out of the situation and dwell in that. My mind body and spirit do not have enough energy to dwell in such an exhausting space.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4: 6-7 

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