Wednesday, December 23, 2020

#AKindElf Day 23, 24, 25


 23. Ask someone how their day went and be a good listener. 

 24. Pick up trash or litter and put it in the garbage. 

 25.Play something with a sibling that they like to do without complaining. 

Don't forget to tag #AKindElf and send a picture of your elf or kind deed! 

Missed my previous posts? Pre-planning? For a complete list click here

Tuesday, December 22, 2020


22. Tell a story or read a book to someone. 

Don't forget to tag #AKindElf and send a picture of your elf or kind deed! 

Missed my previous posts? Pre-planning? For a complete list click here

Monday, December 21, 2020

 21. Make something at home, take lunch, cookies or cupcakes ot yor local fire or police departments. 

Don't forget to tag #AKindElf and send a picture of your elf or kind deed! 

Missed my previous posts? Pre-planning? For a complete list click here

Sunday, December 20, 2020

20. Clean out your room and donate gently used stuffed animals to a police or fire station to use during emergencies to help calm scared kids. 

 Don't forget to tag #AKindElf and send a picture of your elf or kind deed! 

Missed my previous posts? Pre-planning? For a complete list click here

Picture Not Perfect

 My friend posted a few photos of her son with Santa this morning from years ago. It reminded me of a photo of Paxton with my nieces the very first time he sat on Santa's lap. He was definitely not having it and no matter how hard we tried, he cried harder. She made a comment that the lady who did the photos asked her if she wanted to try again, and she declined saying that "imperfect"photo was perfect.

We used to rely on film that had to be developed before we could see the results. Now many of us are consumed with these digital images that can be browsed, deleted and taken over and over until we end up with the results that we WANT, not the natural way that things turn out- whether good or bad. Some even elude to special filters to make them crystal clear and "perfect" before we post them. Media images, social media and all these tools have led us to a world of picture perfect images that don't necessarily paint an accurate picture of ourselves, our mood and even our personalities sometimes. 

Many desire the positive comments, the compliments and the uplifting satisfaction of the nice things people say about us. My family recently had our family photos taken. When we received them back, my first instinct was to pick myself apart! I am not in the best shape of my life, my hair was out of place in some, my smile has always been a little crooked, I only really like one side of my profile... as I was doing this internal self talk, I looked deeper at my smile, my family and my happiness and decided that many of these photos showed my love for my family, my blessings and my happiness in most categories of my life! I decided that this is what makes a photo a great photo, not our size, our shape or the position of our stance. 

These family photos portrayed myself where I am at in this point of my life, not 10+ lbs from now, hair that lays perfectly or a smile that would be chosen for a magazine ad. That is me being critical of myself! There were photos I posted that were just ok, and some of those had more comments than the ones I thought I looked a lot better in. It made me realize that others are not as critical of us as we are of ourselves. This means that we need to look deeper into who we are, what we stand for and love ourself a little more, giving ourself grace and acceptance, just as others do and most importantly God sees us. 

So yes, this photo isn't the picture perfect result that some of us parents would have liked to put in that Santa Christmas frame, but it is how things played out and it is the memory that we will cherish over the photo that will have us talking about for years to come. Watch out Paxton, this one might make your graduation photo board or slide show in the near future, but for now, stop growing up so fast. -Love Mom

"But the Grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me was not in vain. On the contrary, I worked harder than any of them, though it was not I , but the grace of God that is with me." Corinthians 15:10

Saturday, December 19, 2020

#AKindElf Day 19

19. Look through your pantry and donate items to a local food bank. 

 Don't forget to tag #AKindElf and send a picture of your elf or kind deed! 

Missed my previous posts? Pre-planning? For a complete list click here

Friday, December 18, 2020

#AKindElf Day 18

 18. Take coffee or hot chocolate to a Salvation Army bell ringer.

Don't forget to tag #AKindElf and send a picture of your elf or kind deed! 

Missed my previous posts? Pre-planning? For a complete list click here

Thursday, December 17, 2020

#AKindElf Day 17


17. Make someone laugh! 

Don't forget to tag #AKindElf and send a picture of your elf or kind deed! 

Missed my previous posts? Pre-planning? For a complete list click here

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

#AKindElf Day 16


16. Donate a toy to your local Toys for Tots drive, adopt a child from an Angel Tree, or buy a new pair of pajamas for a foster child. 

Don't forget to tag #AKindElf and send a picture of your elf or kind deed! 

Missed my previous posts? Pre-planning? For a complete list click here

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

#AKindElf Day 15


15. Write a Christmas card to a solider and thank them for their service and your freedom. 

Don't forget to tag #AKindElf and send a picture of your elf or kind deed! 

Missed my previous posts? Pre-planning? For a complete list click here

Monday, December 14, 2020

#AKindElf Day 14

14. Put sticky notes with positive messages in random place. 

 Don't forget to tag #AKindElf and send a picture of your elf or kind deed! 

Missed my previous posts? Pre-planning? For a complete list click here

Sunday, December 13, 2020

#AKindElf Day 13

 13. Give someone a hug and tell them you love and appreciate them. 

Don't forget to tag #AKindElf and send a picture of your elf or kind deed! 

Missed my previous posts? Pre-planning? For a complete list click here

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Day 11 and 12 # AKindElf

So oops! Yesterday kind of slipped by me! Here are two posts in one! 

11. Call a grandparent or family member you haven't talked to in awhile and see how they are doing.

12. Put a package of essentials together and give it to a homeless person. 

Don't forget to tag #AKindElf and send a picture of your elf or kind deed! 

Missed my previous posts? Pre-planning? For a complete list click here

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Flip your switch


When you are in the middle of trying to right a wrong and get struck with about 3-5 others things that just aren't quite going "right" in your mind of what should be happening, it is easy to get discouraged and go deeper down the everything is going wrong today, what could possibly go right you might be asking yourself... and ultimately you need to stop what you are doing,  flip your switchadjust your mindset and re-start your day, even if you are in the middle of it! 

It is doing no one any good especially you to spiral down that negative path it can be destructive to you, your family or anyone that meets your path that day. Think of all the positive things you can accomplish when you stop and take a few moments to reset your attitude, think of what you are truly grateful for, pray for patience, strength or comfort and focus on all the good things that could happen if you were not focused on the bad things that have happened, I guarantee there are more things good than bad in any given day if you took the time to recall them.

I had that morning! Up early, mind racing, figuring out how to "fix something" I didn't do, or make up for it... and my negativity spiraled into quite a few more negative things. Wallowing in a little bit of poor me self pity wasn't really the best thing to do... however, I am human definitely not perfect and it happens to the best of us! Before taking Paxton to school I read my woman's daily devotion at the exact time I needed to and on the way to school, we stopped, thanked God for our blessings and readjusted our mindsets to spring toward a positive day verses spiraling down a negative one. We can't always control other peoples reactions we are only responsible for our own. And I will tell you mid-morning, the day is definitely heading more in the right direction.

Pessimism is an investment in nothing. Optimism is an investment in hope. - Author Unknown 


10. Do an EXTRA chore around your house without being asked. 

Don't forget to tag #AKindElf and send a picture of your elf or kind deed! 

Missed my previous posts? Pre-planning? For a complete list click here

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

 9. Give someone a compliment- a friend, classmate, teacher, sibling... etc. 

Don't forget to tag #AKindElf and send a picture of your elf or kind deed! 

Pre-planning? For a complete list click here

Tuesday, December 8, 2020


8. Buy a box of candy canes at the dollar store and put them on random cars in a parking lot, if you want to add a note that just says "spread cheer" 

Don't forget to tag #AKindElf and send a picture of your elf or kind deed! 

Pre-planning? For a complete list click here

Monday, December 7, 2020

I can't be good at everything.

 I know in the last week or so I wrote about how I just have to come to terms with not being able to be everyone's cup of tea... not everyone has to like me and I am ok with that, took me awhile but I think I am warming up to the idea. 

Talking with a client last week she was honest but disappointed in her family's ability to help other family members out like they should. I remember she said it was like pulling teeth. My advice to her was that it is OK, it isn't everyone's strong point and that I was sure they excelled at other things in life. When I said that to her it reminded me that I am not meant to be good at everything, none of us are. We need to find what we are good at and give it 100%! Give yourself and others around you grace for the things that you and they are not good at. They may be good at what you are not and vice versa! 

The next time you are quick to judge yourself or someone else for your faults, point out the things that you or they are good at and concentrate on those, it could make all the difference. 

Choose, everyday to forgive yourself. You are human, flawed and most of all worthy of love.

 -Alison Malee

7. Help make dinner and take extra to an elderly neighbor or someone who lives alone. 

Don't forget to tag #AKindElf and send a picture of your elf or kind deed! 

Pre-planning? For a complete list click here

Sunday, December 6, 2020

#AKindElf Day 6

 6. Make a card or sign for your mail carrier, trash person or UPS driver, thanking them. 

Don't forget to tag #AKindElf and send a picture of your elf or kind deed! 

Pre-planning? For a complete list click here

Saturday, December 5, 2020

#AKindElf Day 5


5. Tape $5 cash or a gift card to gas pump or self check out a store with a note of kindness.

Don't forget to tag #AKindElf and send a picture of your elf or kind deed! 

 Missed yesterday click here

Pre-planning? For a complete list click here

Friday, December 4, 2020

#AKindElf Day 4


4. Clean out your closet/room and donate a game, some books in good condition or a toy to a hospital or homeless shelter! Make another kid smile. 

Don't forget to tag #AKindElf and send a picture of your elf or kind deed! 

Missed yesterday? Click here. 

Pre-planning? For a complete list click here

Thursday, December 3, 2020

#AKindElf Day 3

 3. Surprise your teacher with a donut/muffin/apple, small gift, handmade note or some classroom supplies. 

Don't forget to tag #AKindElf and send a picture of your elf or kind deed! 

If you missed day 1 click here

If you missed day 2 click here

If you are a planner and want access to the full list click here. 

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

#AKindElf Day 2


Day 2

Hold a door open for someone at school or anywhere, let someone cut in front of you in line, exercise your politeness skills. 

Don't forget to tag #AKindElf and send a picture of your elf or kind deed! 

If you missed day 1 click here

If you are a planner and want access to the full list click here. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

#AKindELF Day 1

DAY 1 

 Feel free to make this a family affair and please post and share your photos or acts of kindness and tag #AKindElf 

Feel free to use a few or all of them this Season. Maybe your Elf brings a note on the days he/she wants you to be kind, maybe you give the list at the beginning and your kids chose which things they want to do, maybe the elf says chose 5! Feel free to tweak them to fit your family and your kids! Remember that kindness can become a habit and doesn't need to just come out at this Wonderful Time of Year, but should be displayed throughout the year to bring smiles, love and happiness to others. 

1.Hold a door open for someone, or offer to return a grocery cart to the cart return or store for someone who is unloading their groceries in their car. 

If you are a planner here is the list to all 25 kindness suggestions.

Make this fun! 

Saturday, November 28, 2020

A Kind Elf 24 days of Kindness with Bonus deed.


So you may be used to the Elf on the Shelf, who shows up each morning in silly poses, doing mischievous things, hidden for the children to find... Our elf Tutti Fruit Loop showed up with a poem every morning for my son to find him, it always rhymed and it always had a clue for him. Sometimes he was doing something silly, once he planted seeds the night before given to him by the elf and woke up to a garden of candy canes in the back yard, sometimes he brought gifts, sometimes he reminded him of the true meaning of Christmas, reminded him Santa was watching and sometimes he brought suggestions for things my son could do to brighten someone else's day.. spread Christmas cheer and teach him the pure joy of kindness. 

This year being the first year that my son has discovered that Santa is a concept and not a real person who flies around and drops of gifts to kids every where in the world...that the Elf on the Shelf doesn't come to life every night and fly back to the North Pole to make gifts and he doesn't have a younger sibling to carry on the magic of Christmas, we have decided to share with you how you can encourage kindness in your kids through the magic of your elf! Pay it forward and ENJOY the JOY you bring to others.

The following are 25 suggestions on how to incorporate kindness through your kids and share it with others, feel free to make this a family affair and please post and share your photos or acts of kindness and tag #AKindElf. 

Feel free to use a few or all of them this Season. Maybe your Elf brings a note on the days he/she wants you to be kind, maybe you give the list at the beginning and your kids chose which things they want to do, maybe the elf says chose 5! Feel free to tweak them to fit your family and your kids! Remember that kindness can become a habit and doesn't need to just come out at this Wonderful Time of Year, but should be displayed throughout the year to bring smiles, love and happiness to others. 

1.Hold a door open for someone, or offer to return a grocery cart to the cart return or store for someone who is unloading their groceries in their car. 

2.Let someone cut in front of you in line at school or the store or anywhere that you are ahead of someone.

3. Surprise your teacher with a donut/muffin/apple, a small gift, a handmade note or some classroom supplies. Just because. 

4. Clean out your closet and donate a game, some books in good condition or a toy to a hospital, homeless shelter.

5. Tape $5 cash, or a gift card to a gas pump or self check out at a store with a note of kindness.

6. Make a card or sign for your mail carrier, trash person or UPS delivery driver tape a candy cane to it. 

7.Help make dinner and take extra to an elderly neighbor or someone who lives alone. 

8. Buy a box of candy canes at the dollar store and put them on cars in a parking lot. 

9. Give someone in class, a friend, a sibling or a teacher a compliment. 

10. Do an extra chore around your house without being asked. 

11.  Call a grandparent or family member you haven't talked to in a while and see how they are doing.  

12. Put a package of essentials together and give it to a homeless person. 

13. Give someone a hug and tell them you love and appreciate them.

14. Put sticky notes with positive messages in random places. 

15. Write a Christmas card to a solider and thank them for their service and your freedom. 

16. Donate a toy to your local Toys for Tots drive, adopt a child from an Angel Tree, or buy a new pair of pajamas for a foster child. 

17. Tell a joke, make someone laugh.

18. Take coffee or hot chocolate to a Salvation Army bell ringer. 

19. Look through your pantry and donate items to a local food bank.

20. Clean out your room and donate gently used stuffed animals to a police or fire station to use during emergencies to help calm scared kids. 

21. Make something at home, take lunch, cookies or cupcakes to your local fire or police departments .

22. Read a story/book to someone. 

23. Ask someone how their day went and be a good listener. 

24. Pick up trash or litter and put it in the garbage. 

25.Play something with a sibling that they like to do without complaining. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Not Everyone's Cup of Tea

Chamomile, Earl Gray, lemon, honey, raspberry, green, black, white, hot or iced? So many different choices and not everyone is going to like the same. So why oh why would I think that I would be everyone's cup of tea? 

 What a stressful week of work related things, a few personal things and some other pressing things popping at the seams.  I was irritated that in a particular situation someone thought I did less than a stellar job, that no matter all the good things that I had done, the one thing that was beyond my control somehow ended up my fault. I repeated it over and over in my mind. I know I juggle many things and we all have times where we could have done better or have room to improve. Believe me after all these years of real estate, I am still learning new things and from my experiences everyday. Every person, deal, situation, circumstance and outcome can be different! I think that is why I really like it so much and having been doing it so long. It is definitely not boring. 

I don't know if any of you are like me but I really don't handle it well when someone doesn't like me, or after all my hard work and effort are less than appreciative. This is hard for me. I strive to be perfect even though I know I am not. I am hard on myself when I mess up, when I try so hard and it just doesn't work out, or when I can't make something come together they way they expected it. I try hard, I often give up money and time that is often unecessary just to make something work for the other person's benefit and therefore when my efforts are jabbed with a solid "I really don't think you did your job" of course I get defensive. Who me? The one with the kind heart and only good intentions... "yes you" it screams and the negative self talk happens. I end up stressed out over something I cannot control trying to make it right so no one is mad at me! Then I replay the situation and circumstances over in my head trying to fix it once again. You know, it is mentally and emotionally exhausting sometimes! My cortisol levels skyrocket in my fight or flight struggle in my body, no wonder I cannot loose weight!

Anyway throught my inner tormoil and speaking with a dear friend, she reminded me that I am not always going to be someone's cup of tea- no matter how hard I want to please everyone, I am just not going to. That often times I will receive the blunt end of someone else's struggle, issue or insecurity. A lot of times it is not even my fault at all! I being the kind, caring person that I am I get wrapped up in their drama and take it in, adopt it and deal with it even if it is only for short term during a transaction. But I take it in nonetheless and it becomes an added stress for me. And sometimes no matter how hard I try, how much I try to fix it or how much I do... I am just not their favorite tea. 

This helped me let go of the day's drama and accept the fact that no matter how many times I played the circumstances over in my head or thought of what could have gone differently to get the outcome they wanted, I had to tell myself that it was beyond my control and trying to "fix" how someone feels about you is usually a dead end deal that is not worth my time or effort and what is in my best interest is to let it go, move on and regain my inner peace.  

When I got the mail yesterday I received a wonderful thank you card from another client thanking me for an anniversary gift card I sent, telling me how much they enjoyed their new home over the last year and how much they enjoyed working with me on the sale and buy of their home. I was refreshed and ready to let go of what I can't change and enjoy the things that make me a better me. 

I need to just remember that I cannot please everyone, I cannot control all circumstances and I cannot take ownership of someone else's insecurities. I need to protect my God given body and mind and preserve it to the best of my ablility so that I can stay healthy for my family and me. 

Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than defending or hanging on. _ Eckhart Tolle

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Santa may be fake Mom, but the magic of kindess and giving is definitely REAL.

 For over a year now my kid has questioned the idea of Santa... from kid's at school to T.V. shows he has watched and has brought it up several times and I feel like I have always had a great come back dodging the truth.... until yesterday. On the way to practice we were discussing how different our school's Cookies and Cocoa with Santa event will have to be and I mentioned having to commission a different Santa (he is usually Santa's helper at the event, passing out Santa gifts, getting Santa water, escorting Santa to the bathroom, etc! ) He already knew Santa has Santa helpers because he can't be lots of places at the same time, I mentioned the new Santa being someone we know! He didn't say anything at first but then when he did I was like, open mouth insert foot here!!! OH NO! He looked at me with tears in his eyes and said, "Mom, Santa is fake huh? You and dad are Santa Claus..." My heart broke for him but I just couldn't "lie" or avoid the subject yet again! I haven't even told Steve yet, because he thinks by telling him I will be ruining it... I am just honestly not a good liar! I told him first off that St. Nick was a real person in Europe who took gifts to the needy and became the basis for Santa Claus, that parents and others carried on the tradition of love and sharing and gift giving and it evolved over the years into what is the present day Santa Claus. I also shared my story of how I came to know that Santa wasn't real when I was only in 2nd grade! My friend's father was the local Baptist minsiter and they just never did the Santa Claus thing, I remember going home and saying "Christy Lawrence said there is no such thing as Santa Claus, is this true?!" My mom and dad sat me down and explained the concept!  I am actually surprised that my kid made it to the 6th grade, yes with his doubts and reservations but still with that hint of belief, that in times past I wasn't ready to extinguish!  I also had to make it part of our discussion that even though Santa isn't real, just the concept of him was that God is fully and completely real and surrounding all of us that Jesus was born and died for our sins and reiterate what the word Christmas really means, and that there are a lot of people who grow up knowing that Santa isn't real and I was able to use some examples. He wondered why these specific examples of kids he knows well never told him. I said because they are your friend and didn't want to ruin what you were taught and believe. Not everyone is taught the same but everyone should respect other people's beliefs and values nonetheless. We also discussed how he shouldn't run to school and profess to others his new findings on this subject as there will still be people who haven't had this discussion with their parents and he will not know who has and who has not!  I also suggested that we could "be Santa" for a family in need this Christmas, and he liked the idea.In his sort of he already knew what I would say, to his semi-shock that it really wasn't real, we did not have any conversations regarding the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy or Elf on the Shelf.. he is a smart kid, but until he asks I didn't feel the need to confess to anymore lies at that moment. But seriously, the real person playing Santa Claus isn't real, not sure how you could continue to believe there is a creature in a big fluffy ugly bunny suit that comes to your house and gives you a basket... LOL! We were close to practice and he was trying not to get there with red eyes! 

  I have been seriously considering his elf on the shelf doing something totally different this year, even prior to yesterdays conversations anyway!

Remember my kid is 11 and I think that we have had elf on the shelf visiting for at least 9 years now... Tutti Fruit Loop who visits everyday after Thanksgiving somewhere different in our home, with a note that rhymes! Yes I am a writer but oh my gosh what was I thinking.... I finally started recyling them or changing them a tad just to not be exactly the same! I also incorportated the true meaing of Christmas into these rhymes to instill why Jesus is the most important part of this celebration every year!  Fun to do fun to watch him read the note(especially after he learned to read) and find where the elf was "hiding" with his little gift or funny/cute scene or note about kindnes or gifting joy to others, but definitely exhausting! This year the elf was going to bring ways that Paxton could spread the joy, love and cheer of Christmas!  Today a very dear friend gave me the idea to share this elf kindness with others, so stay tuned for Tutti Fruit Loops 24 days of kindness that you can use to instill the idea of kindness and giving with your children this holiday season. Starting Nov 30th I will post one Elf on the Shelf idea per day that your elf can bring to encourage kindness and giving in your children. Feel free to use them all, pick and choose and share your photos or results of your kindess on my IG and or FB pages! 

'Tis the Season to remember that kindness matters every day of the year, not just in one Season. Here is to you spreading the magic of Christmas, starting this month and continuing it throughout the year! 

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Faith stronger than Fear

As the saying goes your faith is stronger than your fear. I still think you can experience both faith and fear at the same time. 

This past week has been a lot of ups and downs for me. A funeral of a friend, the anniversary of my father's death, 27 years ago, the air in my truck going out, brakes needing replaced on my husband's vehicle, my washing machine started leaking, our tubs, showers and toilets backed up one night and we had to have our septic pumped, I searched for 4 days for this really awful smell in my garage that made me gag every time I stepped out there from the house (dead toads do not belong in kids mud boots! YUCK), oh and did I mention that I lost my driver's license, 3 debit cards and a credit card at Safeway for almost 24 hours! The stress and pressure, the cost of the repairs, the internal dialogue of how stupid I had to be to lose all those cards, the thought of having to cancel everything, reschedule automatic payments, schedule an appointment at the DMV, the anxiety of wondering if someone was going to steal my identity or charge up my cards...was enough to get the best of me,  but falling back on my faith and praying every single time my fear would creep to cover over my faith. Just like my mom used to pray when  I was younger... she taught me anytime you couldn't find anything, you stopped and prayed. "God bless the item and thank you God for helping me find it!" over and over and over again! I want to say I remembered it worked nearly every time. I have practiced this with Paxton and it really helps put your trust in God that somehow everything is going to be ok, even if it doesn't turn out exactly as you expected. I checked my bank account, business account and credit card statement probably 17 times that day and felt relief seeing nothing had been charged and holding on to that good person who would turn my stuff in! Turns out they did! 

Honestly it all adds up and it is enough to make you want to just go in your room, shut the door and cry a good cry! I am sure I vented, I complained I asked for prayers from others, but I kept going back to my faith! Faith bigger than a mustard seed, faith that things for me through all this crap are somehow better than something someone else is feeling. I tried so hard to focus on what I was grateful for, the positive things, my health, my family, my blessings! And guess what guys those things won! The negative things can come and go, sometimes they pile up all at once, sometimes the seem like too much. Mind over matter! The power of positive thinking, what you think you bring about and all the other things I have been taught can really make a difference. Stop and add up the little things if you collected them in a jar, they would fill it up way farther than those negative things we tend to focus on or give more energy to. See the bigger picture. 

I used to say that God didn't give me anything more than I could handle, but don't know if I really believe that anymore, I don't know that they are from God, I think that life, circumstances, peoples actions, reaction and the choices I make give me those things... God, he is just there to help me through them. 

You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are and what you can rise above. - Maya Angelou

Thursday, July 23, 2020

School, the NEW Normal?

I decided this week that I am not going to let this school at home frustrate me, to the point I get stressed, loose my cool, scream, yell or forget to be kind and polite, especially to my child who is the one that has to do the work! I decided that I am not going to bash the system, the way the district chooses to partake in school, the model they set forth or any of the above. It is my duty as a parent, one who is in this same situation as everyone else, no our circumstances may not be the same, we may have a different number of kids, our job statuses may vary, we may be home or not, but that doesn't give us the right to hold others responsible for why we have to do school this way. Not everyone is going to have the same experiences good and or bad. But you have to be patient with yourself, with the school, with the teachers, and especially with your kid(s). No one really knows how this is affecting them internally, some kids don't even know how to explain how this is affecting them. 
Someone told me yesterday during the first day of school that they wished they had my patience! I kind of chuckled internally. Believe me it is an internal battle daily!!! I wake up and pray for patience and pray for it many, many times a day I can't even count! But not having it doesn't put me in any better position then deciding to exercise it! As mamas and daddies, honestly we set the tone for our household. When we are upset, when we are negative, when we show signs of hostility toward someone, something or a situation, we set the tone for the rest of our family to follow along that negative downward spiral to a place that is sometimes a lot harder to climb out of then just going with the flow or exercising positivism even when we aren't feeling it at the moment. I am not saying straight up lie, but that sometimes you just need to trick yourself into being positive! LOL! 
Put your efforts into being positive, setting that example, looking at the situation from a different perspective and I guarantee the results you get will be more positive and you will have less frustration in the long run. Pray often, many times a day. Ask for help getting you through, breath in and breath out or just walk away for a minute to gain your composure, reset your mind and recharge. 
Today was the first day Paxton had Spanish class because it is a daily alternating schedule with Design and he had Design yesterday, right about lunch time for him our power went out at our house for the whole length of his Spanish class and a little longer. I could have honestly flipped out got mad at the power company, (it was several subdivisions in our area that went out at the same time) but would getting upset really fix the situation? No, so I chose to just go with the flow, Paxton swam for an hour, the power came back on just in time for him to go to the rest of his last class of the day and that was that. Crap is going to  happen, there will always be an exception to most any rule. Instead of getting mad that he now has to watch the class or make up anything they did today I just chose to go about our business and take it as it comes. Getting upset doesn't fix it, doesn't rewind the situation or allow you to start over. Move on and forward. Be responsible and email the teacher or connect with the school when you have any issues.. Remember good communication as soon as you can will ensure better results. 
Just remember, in my opinion it is our responsibility as a parent to be a part of our child's education. Whether they are at home or at school, there are people who are there to help (you should never have to much pride to ask for help!) The school districts and teachers are doing their best to accommodate everyone the best they can given this situation, they probably will not be able to satisfy everyone's situation even if they try so we cannot expect them to. 
Remember also, 
kids are more resilient than you might think
there is pretty much an exception for everything, 
good communication can take you places and keep you connected and others informed. 
staying calm will set the tone for your family's attitudes and your whole day. 
you may not change the circumstances but your attitude and actions can make a difference. 
Nothing is worth getting THAT upset over,
you can find something good in every situation, 
we are all in the same storm but not necessarily the same boat, 
be kind to others first and foremost, you have no idea what their boat looks like
help others if you are able, accept help from others when you can.
You can Choose your Attitude, you can Choose to be Happy, you can Choose to be Patient!

Saturday, June 27, 2020

When Today Sucks

Anxiety and Fear are relentless! Do you ever just have an emotionally draining day that you think might never end? You start out with a struggle, end with a struggle and have quite a few hiccups in between? Without going into grave detail about my day yesterday to protect the innocent... it was one of those kind of days with things where you couldn't necessarily control the circumstances or predict them!
 The kind that even your 10 year old sons says several times "Today sucks!" Your gut instincts, survival skills, first aid knowledge, mom skills, adrenaline and more got you through even amidst any doubt that crossed your mind! Everyone had a purpose and was in the right place at the right time. Even in the very scary moments prayer was a the front most thought!  God is good. When we turn to Him first, when we make it a point to include others in our process, healing begins.
No one sets out at the beginning of their day anticipating all the obstacles and tragedies that could/may occur. Gosh that would definitely be a gloomy doomy day! If it didn't unfold in your negative manner at all why prepare for the worst, just be ready for the worst and take it as it comes, enjoy each moment not scared about the what ifs.
You have to set out with a good mind set, a positive outlook, a kind and compassionate heart ready to serve those around you in the best way that you can, to conquer whatever comes your way, and never alone, because God is right there with you if you will call upon him and allow him in your heart!
Often we try to tackle, handle and fix problems on our own and that is when things just seem to unfold un-properly... by that I mean in a way in which we are trying to force an outcome verses going with the plan that maybe God has intended, no matter how ridiculous some of the things seem to be in order for something else to occur! I often wonder if there could have been an easier way and then I remember as the bible says For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways.Isaiah 55:8-9 NIV

Sometimes I am just not sure what God has planned or why something has to unfold the way it does for a better good or for a future thing, and often maybe we will never know!! How much easier would it have been to make a connection with someone over a cup a coffee rather than a stressful, painful way, why do things unfold the way they do sometimes, couldn't we have taken the shortcut?  In the moment it often times seems unbearable and afterward it can seem unsettling trying to go back over in your head what you could have done or not done to prevent an occurrence but realistically we cannot go back and re-wind and start over so I am not sure why we put ourselves through that internal misery except we are human and allow we have faith we always want the WHY? You may not remember from when you were a kid but I bet you have had a kid ask you over and over again why when you tell them something, especially around the age of 4-5, no matter what you say they ask why? Sometimes even the things that they ask why about you asked at one time too, however you still don't know the answer, you just believe that they are that way and you go about your day not giving it a second thought, just believing even if you can't see it or see the reasoning behind it! Human curiosity as to why something is a certain way, done a certain way or turns out a certain way is instinct to question its authority! So many of us seek validation verses just accepting it as it is, how it unfolds or it's intended purpose. Most people don't want to believe in something they cannot see, haven't experienced or don't understand, again we are human.
Have faith and believe in the greater good, the higher power and the underlying purpose- Looking back, even though guilt, feeling bad and a sense of wanting to fix it or erase and re-do the day are automatic crutches in the end it was nothing a little ice cream and wine , some crying, some rest, time and prayerful healing couldn't fix! It could have been much worse but it wasn't, so be grateful and when your mind goes to that deep dark place, remove it and remember what positive thing came out of the situation and dwell in that. My mind body and spirit do not have enough energy to dwell in such an exhausting space.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4: 6-7 

Tuesday, April 28, 2020


I don't even know how long everyone has been telling me  how amazing ordering your groceries online and picking them up is! So many people saying if I try it I'll love it. So easy, so quick, less time... Painless.... I have always liked to go grocery shopping.. picking out the stuff I want, the brands I want, picking up the vegetables, checking out the firmness of my apple or the less firmness of my avocado- I was told they only pick out the best of the best, but I just couldn't let go of doing it myself, or going on my own so that I could pick up anything I may forgot, or ending up with something I don't want.
With this whole Covid situation, I finally after years decided that maybe I too should try it. I called a friend I consider an online pro shopper to ask how to begin. I need some things that I couldn't get at the local grocer, so I tried my hand at the Walmart app. I started my cart and added things throughout yesterday, picking the next morning as my pick up time so I wouldn't forget anything. It was relatively easy to add things to my cart and it updated my total each time. Of course they were out of things I wanted. I did feel like there were many things not even offered, that I can tell you I have seen in the Walmart the last few times I went to pick something up. And when I finalized my order it did say that the red onion showing available when I put it in my cart, showed no longer available, but until the morning that was it, then I got an email saying they didn't have 8 other things it allowed me to put in my cart the evening before... HMMM... ok.. 
With this whole situation, I really didn't want to spend more time in Walmart than necessary and I would say my average grocery shopping trip normally takes an hour of my day no matter when I go. I couldn't go to the local Safeway this time, where there seems to be a lot less people especially the earlier you go in the morning. I just needed some things this time I couldn't get there. Now was as good a time as any to find out what all the hype was about... 
Those items no longer available in my cart were given subsititutions, which I wasn't super happy about, especially the different scent of my husbands deoderant he has worn for years, or the coffee creamer random flavor they chose, veggies, no problem- to me a baby carrot is a baby carrot... and even some of the prices seemed higher then I remember them being when I was in the store physically the last few times, which okay they are doing it for me and providing me a service.. so acceptable. My app would not let me change or delete any items it substiuted, but it said I could refuse those items when I get there. 
I got the email this morning, click on the on my way button and followed the signs to the designated parking location... and pulled in a space, clicked on the app and it said no need to call we have your order ready... well awesome I thought, but how do they know who I am and what groceries are mine? I actually got anxiety sitting there, newbie, not knowing what I was doing or what to expect. So I sat there for awhile and then called my pro-shopper friend to ask what to do... she proceeded to have me refresh the app which then asked what space I was in and what color my vehicle was. 9, gray/charcoal. Within minutes the Walmart employee came out with my order, masked and ready to serve me. asked my name and was super friendly and pleasant! Great job at customer service, I said to him that I didn't want the deoderant, I had already made up my mind I would try a new creamer flavor... it wasn't carmel, which by the way I hate in my coffee- so I figured worth a shot. He ever so politely told me that they were not allowing any substition take-backs at this time and that he couldn't take any groceries back into the store he had brought out so I would have to just take them at this time. I ended up with $8 and two deoderants I didn't really want. Hmmm well that was wasteful. Once again reaching out to my friend who had me try to use the app to say that I didn't "like" the subsitution but a bold COVID disclaimer popped up that they are taking no returns at this time and they are sorry for the incovenience..It is what it is but not so happy over here to pay for something  I don't want because I have to. I already am hanging onto an extra bathing suit for Paxton because it was too small and they would not exchange or return it at Target so I had to purchase another one. I am so used to being able to return things I don't want and recoup money spent not necessary. 
SO to recap my online shopping experience... not so me. I don't really want to put my shopping in someone else's control if I don't have to.  I like to pick out my own things, touch the product, see what options I have in front of me, try new things on the shelves, pass over the products that are unavailable and put it on my list for another time or go somewhere else to get what I want. I am definitely happy that I had the experience to satisfy my curiosity, after all this time of friends, and family telling me how awesome it was,  but I think I will be doing my fair share of shopping on my own in the future. The anxiety of putting my shopping in someone else's hands is a lot more exhasting than the hour I spend in the store knowing I am walking away with only what I want. Control freak maybe... but definitely happier and more satisfying to my liking. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Do Over Day

So still on my “am I ruining my kid kick”! What does that look like to me… so many deals are made each day. I know I have said one day at a time over and over and I really truly think I mean it because honestly what else do you do? We may all mostly be stuck at home where you would think it would be easier to keep a schedule, but the fact of the matter is it is so freaking hard! You guys! The lack of structure and time that I am experiencing is super crazy, since I am NOT a super structured person to begin with! I have a kid with a short attention span, unless he is playing that video game; he has no siblings so no peer interaction, unless he is playing that video game and truly with a personality like mine being “by yourself” can suck sometimes. God help him, I think! LOL!  I love being at home honestly, but I am truly a social person. I love connecting in person with others and I love entertaining. So, does he. I think he spends way more time at home with his friends here than he does at his friends’ houses normally. Like me he is more comfortable at home, but just as social as I am.
Everyday we make a list of the things he needs to do and everyday due to me having something pop up for my work schedule, an email to attend to, a call received, a deal in the works, a current deal situation change, stopping to give advice to one of my peers in need, someone who wants to see that house at the last minute; even though it is mostly at home, he pushes my buttons to alter what it is he is supposed to be doing, since I am being interrupted- and honestly guys, 8/10 times I just go with it. I just let him have his way, change the schedule or alter what he should be doing… so I can attend to my thing. He is mostly getting what he needs to do, but the lack of discipline I am displaying is really weighing on my parenting skills. Yesterday we ended up fitting “live Fortnite”  pool addition with new squirt guns he got for Easter, tennis ball bombs and water cups filled with some special life juice game for over an hour (even though I was outside the pool) then his first welding lesson via dad’s instruction instead of the intended reading  (which was decreased from 30 mins to 10 with a promise that today he would read for 40 mins) and baseball practice, which yesterday only included working some arm band exercises instead of drills as well.
I have said that all of us are experiencing this unsettling, unnerving, scary/unexpected time in our lives differently… how am I to say that my child or my spouse is experiencing the same internal battle and feelings that I am… I can’t, so therefore I rely on just giving them as much space and grace and mercy as I can, altering the schedule to accommodate their needs at the time and hoping that it enriches them but doesn’t allow Paxton to lose or loosen any skills he already has.
Hopefully his “deals”  for what he does and is suppose to accomplish during the day either is short term and doesn’t really affect how he can potentially get away with things in the future just by arguing or bargaining with me or anyone else of authority for that matter, or he becomes a great lawyer because of it… LOL. But to continue working myself, keeping current deals together, attending to those future deals, maintaining client relationships and keeping up on the daily and sometimes hourly market changes, helping him navigate schoolwork, trying to maintain healthy meals, exercise for both of us and sanity, keeping my house clean, working on projects that I never have time to do and staying positive can really be exhausting… especially with high expectations of myself and what I think I need to have accomplished in a day!
Again I ask God for Grace and Mercy for myself and for my family as we all navigate through this mess hoping that it will make us stronger, we will be more grateful for what we have, take less things for granted, eliminate or alter the time spent on the things we realize are not necessary and get back to the things in our schedules that we do miss and make us happy. I miss watching Paxton play baseball the most and enjoying the intensity and love of the game! But for NOW… one situation at a time, decision at a time, one day at a time and one household at a time. No 2 situations can possibly be exactly alike. Do what you can, and if today sucks, give your family and yourself the Grace to start over tomorrow. I think I will concentrate for now on letting my kid be a kid, sooner than later,
God willing he will have plenty of time to still learn to be a responsible adult. 
You don’t arrive at a great performance by a magical process. You arrive at it by day-today slogging. -Glenda Jackson
I have always grown from my problems and challenges, from the things that don’t work out; that’s when I’ve really learned. – Carol Burnett

Friday, April 10, 2020

Mamas this is for you.

Alright Mamas with multiple children, I have absolutely no clue what you are going through, at home with all the little's. Honestly, having one at home, who hasn't seen a single friend in a month, hasn't practice baseball with his team, played any tournaments, gone to school, bored out of his mind and slightly unmotivated to do too much is weighing heavily on questioning myself "am I parenting correctly right now?" "Am I being too lenient on bedtimes, and screen time and eating habits? "As I have said before I am not really a routine person to begin with. "Do I suck as a mom?"
We tried the list this week that allows him to plug all the things he needs to do into a day in a time line chart as long as he gets it all done.. Have I made him stick to that everyday... Ummm! Guilty... NOPE. I self talk if I am ruining him or teaching him bad habits, by going swimming at 2:00 yesterday when he should have been reading, or letting him play PlayStation for an hour longer than I had originally told him he could so I could just make dinner and not argue over dog poop that needed to be picked up! Is this teaching him to be able to get out of things in the future? Hell, I don't know, I am just doing what works at the moment for the situation we are in. Day, hour, moment at a time philosophy!
Remember those instruction manuals for this Covid-19 thingy are still on back order I guess!
No matter what you are doing right now, how you are handling this situation, the things you are letting your kids do you normally would not if they were in a normal setting going to school everyday in person, etc... this is only one chapter of your life, one season and one period! No matter whether you are stuck at home all day long not working, or you are an essential worker and still trying to juggle the kids, being the teacher, the mom, the spouse, the cafeteria worker, PE instructor, recess monitor, sibling fight ring arbitrator, sports coach, confidant, religious educator...etc , Don't over think it. Don 't judge yourself, do the best that you know how to do, as a mom, wife, friend, daughter....etc. Be available to listen to your kids, talk to them about how this is affecting them, how do they feel? We have absolutely no idea what is going on in their little heads, and if you have more than one kid, look out, just as they are all individuals they probably all have a different story playing in their head!
 Give yourself the Grace that God has given you, to let Go and let God! I beg you no matter what, take a drive by yourself, lock yourself in the bathroom, closet, etc and take at LEAST 10 minutes a day to be still and focus on you! Tell everyone to go away for 30 mins and paint your nails, read a book, work-out, take a long shower- apply a face mask, journal, make a list of all the things you are grateful for, walk around the block by yourself, and ask God for patience, love and kindness toward your family, even if you are working all day and exhausted when you climb into bed at night! By your 10-30 mins a day focusing on just YOU, they may even be better for it! In order to take care of others, we have to properly take care of ourselves! I promise these little's will not be ruined! I had a good friend tell me once that your kids will always be the most forgiving of you while they are growing up, you are their ROCK... make sure that you take care of yourself to be able to fulfill that title. We may think it does but no amount of Wine, Alcohol, Food or other "outlet" can replace the amount of peace you can feel in your heart, when you can be still in the presence of God and rejuvenate, refocus and renew yourself.
I look at my parenting skills right now as giving Paxton the ability to pick when he does certain things during the day is empowering him to be a caretaker for himself, prepping him to make decisions on his own and giving him a little more leadership skills. Bending my own rules or changing things up from what was "scheduled" that morning, is teaching him to be flexible and perhaps not so routine that he has a hard time altering things or accepting that change happens! I don't know if I am doing this right, are any of us? But I have to have Faith that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and the lessons learned and the knowledge gained and the experience as a whole will be a notch on his timeline that will help shape him into the amazing adult that I know he will be one day in the future!
Everyday cannot be perfect but you will find something perfect in everyday!
Faith is the friend that comes along when things seem to go all wrong.
Be you, do you, and accept you.