Friday, October 29, 2021

8 weeks ago today I lost a man who was a huge part of my life for over 23 years. As I sat reading my bible and drinking my coffee this morning, my mind started to wander over to the things that I have been committing to in the past verses lately. Tears in my eyes I thought of the things I want to do, be a part of, follow-thru with be "normal." I want to BE the person I was in July. As hard as I want to stay that person ; the yes person, the person who is the first to volunteer and the last to ever back out or cancel on someone or something, the go-getter, do-all, remember everything, follow-up, card sender, positive light....

 But try as I might I am not the person I was in July and I don't think I will ever find her again. Maybe parts of her and I hope the best ones will remain, but you see when Steve died a part of me died as well. I have been forever changed and no matter how hard I try I will never get her back.  I was having a conversation with a friend of a friend who lost her husband 6 months ago. She was saying how her 2 kids had changed so much over the past 6 months and how much she realized she herself had changed. It almost scared me into trying to hold on to the old me. I have to realize I am NOT the old me. My world has been shaken and nothing will be "normal" again. 

Normal is such a weird word. I had to look up the actual definition. the usual, average, or typical state or condition.

When you really consider it, who wants to be normal? I definitely don't consider myself average, and with the kind of job I have where things change constantly and every client is a new experience my life is far from usual.  I love the challenge of new things, new people and new experiences. But you do settle into routines for a lot of the things that you do. You get comfortable. You get used to that person by your side who had their own passions, routines, and a role in your life. I had 23 years of having  a normal together, changing together and experiencing life together. When those things all of a sudden have to be your responsibility or lost it breaks your heart. You want to carry on everything they loved in their honor, but realistically you can't!

My heart wants to continue carrying on all the hobbies and beautiful things that Steve did for our family and for our home, but my body, my mind and my soul has to let go of the things that will set us up for  stress, anxiety and arguments in my household going forward. One being his beloved Tiff grass that he diligently and lovingly took care of. It will never look the same again. We don't have the skills, the time, the energy or the know how to make it what he did. For those of  you who don't know it is a golf course green. The people who take care of golf courses have a set of skills that most typical landscapers do not possess. So finding someone who knows as much about our yard like Steve learned would be few and far between.  Once Paxton's activities got to be more and Steve didn't want to miss a single memory to be made with him, over the years he got a little more lax in how he took care of it. Sometimes he would go a week without mowing and this type of grass is typically mowed every 2-3 days at our house. We put artificial turf in our backyard for a reason. After weeks of struggling with Paxton to mow and take care of it if he truly wanted to keep up the grass in honor of his dad... I think I finally won. We went 4 weeks! It looked awful and I was embarrassed but I had to just come to terms with the fact that we are NOT Steve and it will never be the same. Have I shed tears over it, you bet I have. It is something that I didn't want to change either, however I have come to terms with the fact that Steve would never want us or expect us to take care of things quite like he did. He had wonderful hobbies that contribute to our lifestyle but we cannot make them ALL our own or we would run ourselves into the ground with frustration, stress, and anxiety. We have our own passions and hobbies and interests we want to pursue as well. So hopefully in the next few weeks I can post a picture of our new grass that we will be able to enjoy for years to come, stress-free. We may tear up when we look at it, but the overall goal for what is right for Paxton and I will prevail.

My heart isn't in everything I do right now and that is ok. It is hard for me to admit that, but I am sure that I will get back my passion for the things I love and the passion to help people. Right now some days I don't even know if I can help myself so my confidence in being there for others has slowly decreased. Committing to doing things is super hard, because I just don't know how I am going to feel on any given day. Grief is a funny thing. I have lost many loved ones in my life and nothing compares to the loss of a spouse for me. For my in-law the loss of a son probably doesn't compare to any other loss they have experienced, or the loss of an only sibling to my sister-in-law as they were so close in the latter years and talked to each other probably every day. I may have lost my father early, but as I have said before, I was a girl who lost her dad who still had her mom, my loss was definitely not less traumatic than Paxton losing his dad, but different! We are all different and handle things differently. Those of you who have experienced grief I am sure can paint your own picture with your experience that is unique to you. 

We will all change. Life changes, circumstances change. Don't be afraid to change into someone else. Our bodies change, our minds change, we grow, we develop, we gain new interests and let go of old ones. This too is OKAY. It may be scary, it may not be what we thought our lives would look like at a certain point, but unless we embrace the changes at some point, we will all be stuck. I never want to be stuck. I may linger for a little bit, be resistant to what is coming, and hesitate a little longer on the decisions and choices going forward, but I am still here with my 12 year old son and we have plenty of life left to live and I hope that the choices we make going forward make our lives those that we are meant to live, contribute, love and make this world somehow a better place. 

Paxton just woke as I was writing this and he sat down at the kitchen table with tears in his eyes. His dream was so real he said, he dad came back and was completely part of his dream like a normal day on vacation that we shared with one another. He said in the dream he was so excited like his dad was here to stay. But Steve told him that he could not, he could only visit and my heart broke for him, watching the tear stream down his face.  I am glad that these dreams are so real for him, even though they may be heartbreaking when he wakes up, he will forever be reminded of how much he meant to his dad and how proud he is of him from the past and how proud he can make him in his future. He is a good kid and I have faith that he will do great things. 

No, this isn't where I saw my life in July, but this is reality and it is ours as a family, unique to us where we are free to dream, create and develop a life we want to live going forward. A lot of people refer to it as your "New Normal" Sometimes that phrase makes me cringe. I don't want a "new" normal, but then again I can't have the old one so instead we must embrace our lives going forward and make them our own, challenges, obstacles and heartbreaks aside, we definitely will handle this. 

Beautiful Things by Gungor
All this painI wonder if I'll ever find my wayI wonder if my life could really change, at allAll this earthCould all that is lost ever be found?Could a garden come out from this ground, at all?
You make beautiful thingsYou make beautiful things out of the dustYou make beautiful thingsYou make beautiful things out of us
All around,Hope is springing up from this old groundOut of chaos life is being found, in you
You make beautiful thingsYou make beautiful things out of the dustYou make beautiful thingsYou make beautiful things out of usOh, you make beautiful thingsYou make beautiful things out of the dustYou make beautiful thingsYou make beautiful things out of us
You make me new,You are making me newYou make me new,You are making me new(Making me new)
You make beautiful thingsYou make beautiful things out of the dustYou make beautiful thingsYou make beautiful things out of usOh, you make beautiful thingsYou make beautiful things out of the dustYou make beautiful thingsYou make beautiful things out of us
You make me new,You are making me newYou make me new,You are making me new
Source: LyricFind Gungor

Monday, October 25, 2021

When making Guac turns into crying over cookies

 Last week was a ride I shall say. From a very downer Monday... to breezing through Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday with a happy heart and thoughts and minimal sadness. Friday not such a great story... both Paxton and I had our moments. He didn't make it through the school day and I couldn't get myself to the event I was looking forward to for a few weeks. It is almost as if once the sadness sets in you can't shake it sometimes. Grief is such a funny beast. You can be totally fine one moment and cry into your guacamole the next. Sometimes it is hard to pull yourself back up. Yesterday was one of those days. 

The boys had a rough go this weekend with baseball and just couldn't get themselves together. Paxton had some great moments. He caught really well, but his hitting wasn't up to his standards. He still had a double, a walk and a single, but this was accompanied by several strikeouts and groundouts. I will tell you he is the worst combination of Steve and I as far as being hard on ourselves! After Saturday's game when they were having the team discussion he got in the car very upset. Everything he did had an edge on it. We discussed what was going on.. he caught the whole second game, had an amazing throw down to second that got the player out that I actually caught on video... (I posted this on my FB page) and he played pretty solid. The coach actually made an example of him and another player on his team and their great attitudes when pointing out the players whose attitudes needed a little improvement. So why the big shift... Come to find out as they were sitting listening to the coaches at the end, a man walked by with a black chair like the one Steve always brought to the game to sit in and watch when his role shifted from coach to supportive parent and out of the corner of his eye, he saw Steve. My heart seriously sank you guys! That split second of hope and wishing can really change your day. I have been there plenty of times over the years and I know pretty darn well how he was feeling. I just wanted to wrap my arms around him and love on him. With tears in his eyes I told him it was natural and that might happen often, but it reminds him that even though he cannot talk back, he is inside our hearts to stay and so many things will bring us those wonderful memories to reflect on. 

Yesterday morning his attitude was good, they lost and he came home to hang out with friends. He seemed to have a great day! I on the other hand....was making guacamole and my mind shifted to our Sunday's at home with no where to go, or early baseball games that ended and we were home before noon to hang out around the house and I immediately had the thought of ALL the times Steve could persuade me to make cookies even if I had a list of other chores I needed to do... (milk chocolate chip was almost always his choice -light chips   lol- I wanted to dump the whole bag in them but he liked his cookies with just a few, he loved to eat the dough so I always saved some just for him), just because, just because he had a sweet tooth and just because he liked my cookies. This turned into a major 1 hour crying event where I just wished I could wake up and it was the next day! The reality of him never coming back and how much I just needed to feel his touch really shakes my soul. I am not going to just wake up from the 7 week dream and all is right in my world. 

With Paxton it is almost like we need to be on a schedule of good days and bad, rather than switching off and all days are sad... but anyhow this is way beyond our control at this point. Some may say you can always change your attitude, your outlook and find the positive in things... but I didn't lose something, I didn't wreck my car, I wasn't late for something where I could say that I missed getting into an accident by leaving 5 minutes later to try and find the good in my negative. I didn't stub my toe or break a finger I didn't lose the game or miss an event... I freaking lost the love of my life and that is up there at the top in the scale of tragic events that even though I could put on a smiley face, celebrate the time we had together, look for the silver lining and move on with our lives... right now I don't want to and you know what- that is OK. I am OK. I am not weird, or depressed or out of control, I am responding just as I need to to make sense in my brain. I can listen to all the advice of others and take what I need and make it my own, I can read books and see therapists and be told what can help. This isn't a problem to fix... there isn't a magic pill to make it go away, there is a journey I am taking to make the rest of my life here on Earth worthwhile. I am not going to suddenly be cured, I am just going to learn to live with what I have experienced and how to be happy in a different way.  Not everything has to have a silver lining, not everything is meant to teach us a lesson or be removed in order for something better to come along. I don't want something better to come along. Sometimes life sucks and crap happens and we move forward with what we have now, we don't move on and get better we just moved forward and be.

For now this is my take on it. But remember this is a journey that you are taking with me and since I have never experienced losing a spouse  I don't know what happens next and neither do you. I look forward to making my journey unique and also maybe helping a few others cope along the way. Just know whatever you are going through at this stage in your life it is unique to you. Your experience is not going to be the same as someone else. Don't let anyone judge what you are feeling. My mom always said feelings are neither right nor wrong, it is just how you feel. How to react to those feelings, how you let them affect the overall picture of your life or how you treat other people is what you can control. Just remember you can get down, you can have a moment, a day or even a season where you just fall apart... just don't live the rest of your life there. Life is too short and you are going to miss so much if you do.

Here is to Monday morning of a new week. Let's go experience LIFE! 

Life is the most difficult exam, many people fail because they try to copy others, not realizing everyone has a different question paper. 

No one is you, and that is your superpower. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Shoes x 8

 I am sure your significant other has a few idiosyncrasies that have drove you nuts a time or two. And vice versa. Maybe it was a constant struggle of you nagging that person over it, maybe it causes a fight, maybe you joke about it with one another but let them do it, or maybe you just have a tad bit of OCD like me and you straighten shoes and hang the hand towel in the bathroom back up on the towel bar instead of letting it lay bunched up on the sink wet all day... whatever these things about them that bother you do you often think if something happened that person, you would give anything to have to deal with, look at or correct everyday if that person was able to come back into your life? Well, that is where I am right now. 

For those of you who know us well, you know that the pile of shoes in my bedroom by where Steve sat and put his shoes and socks on every morning bugged me continuously but I never got mad at him over it, did he know that it drove me crazy, yes, but I never harped on it because although we have a closet 15-20 steps away, that was where it was convenient to change his shoes. The cleaning lady eventually learned if she put them on the rug she could slide them around the room to wash the floor, without having to pick them all up or put them on the bed or couch or chair to mop. He had work shoes, outside gardening/hobby shoes, everyday shoes and of course the shoes with the tags still on them that become new work shoes and the work shoes are retired to hobby shoes... 

My hubby was all about convenience. He had multiples of stuff in the garage, out in the garden areas, the tack shed, we have hoses in every animal pen, the orchard, citrus grove, pool area, turn out area, we have multiple gates so you could turn around vehicles and trailers and not have to back up if you don't want to, and the list goes on and on. He had most of same tools and smokers and grills in both locations so he didn't have to haul stuff back and forth to our cabin. It was out of convenience more so than laziness. He was well known for doing a project and needing a tool and asking if it was okay to buy something verses rent it because even though in hindsight buying it was a little more expensive, "Dani, you just never know when you may need to use it again, and then it is here and paid for!" Most of the time my answer was "yes, that makes sense go ahead." If Paxton or I ever have to buy a tool again I would be quite surprised. Is this way more convenient? Yes, am I glad that he set me up for success in finding almost anything I want to know about taking care of my property and all the things he has designed and created and set up, heck yes! I am truly grateful that his convenience OCD was part of his personality. 

It does make sense, it makes my life a lot easier than my previous way of life where you make do with what you have and you work around what you don't, as my parents never made a lot of money, but I never remember growing up wanting for much. I was happy with what I have. I am still happy with what I have and extremely grateful for what we built together and his keen sense of pride in his projects and doing things right the first time. We bought stuff when we could afford it and it has collected. In my upbringing you bought what you needed and saved money and saved money for a rainy day or a future need, but not sure where that comes into play, both my parents died relatively young at 54 and 66 and they surely couldn't take any of that money with them. Enjoy what you have while you are alive with the money you have to spend. By no means am I telling you to go rack up credit cards, I am telling you to enjoy what you have and what you can afford. It is okay to want more, strive for more, and working harder toward your goals and long as you are grateful for what you already have. 

Monday after the horrible, emotional day that I had (mind you some of it I created because I just couldn't shake the sadness so my attitude was hard for me to change), I decided that after 75 days since he has stepped foot in our home and almost 7 weeks since he has passed away, I am tired of looking at the pile of shoes everyday and retired them to our closet. I felt a sense of my OCD decide that they just needed to be put away and remove the clutter in my head of looking at them everyday. And that is ok. I was ready and I have a higher sense of peace. 

Now to figure out why he would never hang the hand towel back up on the towel ring in the bathroom and it lay crumbled up on the sink, because seriously it might take 2 seconds to do this I will never know, because I never asked and always just hung it back up. I would give anything to see the crumbled up towel in Steve style just one more time. 

So the next time you are quick to get angry from some small irritation that your significant other might have, stop and think how much you would give anything to experience it again if that person was gone, did it really matter enough to make such a big stink about it?  

I thank God every day that I am not an angry person, easy to forgive and very understanding. Everyone of us has some sort of idiosyncrasy that makes us who we are. We are never all going to agree on everything because we are unique individuals! Celebrate or differences. They make us who we are. 

Ecclesiastes 7:8-9 ESV 

Better is the end of a thing than its beginning, and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit. Be not quick in your spirit to become angry, for anger lodges in the bosom of fools.

Monday, October 18, 2021

Don't Leave Your True Feelings Unspoken


To wake up in a panic of anxiety is never welcoming. My dreams were heavy and I felt like they were so REAL! I watched my husband die over 6 weeks ago, yet I woke up from a dream so real that I felt I was in a Sci-fi movie, and I don't even watch those so I have very limited knowledge of them. He was "hidden" away by someone for months and everyone thought he was dead, I discovered him in an abandon house and he was breathing on his own but not awake, I sat with him for a few days and he woke up, his face was distorted but it was him. Then his face was normal so we made a video to tell everyone that he really wasn't dead and that he survived the last few months and was glad to be back. In the middle of the video he was completely a different person he started dancing and singing (LOL) and then I woke up! Wow! Talk about racing heart upon waking. My sleep was not good for the rest of the night/morning! 

I didn't know that the Friday he chose to be put on the ventilator that would be the last time we spoke to one another, he was scared but he wanted a fighting chance to survive, the pain from the blood clots in his lungs was more than I can even imagine it would be. When he told me he had excruciating pain, in 23 years I had never known him to even have that word be a part of his vocabulary so I know he was in a lot of pain! His breathing worsened instead of getting better and he just wanted to try to allow the machine to breath for him so his body could relax and heal, at that time I had no idea that would be the last time we spoke to one another, that the lasts words I would speak to him or him me would have been "I love you" but they were and I am glad for that. How often have we left a conversation in haste, harsh words exchanged or something open ended? It amazes me in looking back the arguments that evolved at times that were never resolved until later. No apologies exchanged or forgiveness given at the time it all went down. All of us think we have time to make up later, simmer down or fester over our anger and hurt. We take for granted that we can share our true feelings, talk it out or make up later. Sometimes there is not a later. Don't rely on one. Talk through and resolve your issues when you have the chance. Make your feelings known and make sure to allow that person to express their true feelings as well, and truly listen.  If there is an opportunity for you to change for the better, make note of it. 

There are so many things that were left unsaid, so many opportunities that I had to thank him more for the things that he had done for Paxton and I, so many more chances to share praise, goals, dreams and memories that I will never be able to create now, but he left this world knowing that I loved him, and him I, and that is what truly will carry me through the rest of my life without him. I am so grateful for all the things he had accomplished and took notes on so that I am set up for success for Paxton and I's future. Life is short and you may regret the last conversation, argument or aura that you left with someone. Don't wait until it is to late to reach out, re-connect or forgive. I am not sure how unsettling it would have been if our last conversation didn't end the way that it did. 

Ephesians 4:32 NCV

Be kind and loving to each other, and forgive each other just as God forgave you in Christ.

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Voice Texting to My Rescue

 Today didn't really start out as a very eventful day! Someone offered to come mow my lawn ( I forgot to turn the water off so the yard was drenched!), my orchard furniture was being delivered, I had to go get feed for the outside animals since we will be gone at a wedding and I wanted our house sitter not to run out of food. I called to follow up on a deferred comp from Steve's work that was suppose to take 5-7 business days to get in the mail and it has been 12, only to find out the 30 minutes I spent on the phone with Marcus on Sept 29th for a claim was never made, and no record found I ever talked to them per Shakira. UGH! Also the funeral expense money reimbursement through FEMA that several people recommended I apply for came back and said I needed proof that I didn't receive any burial insurance. I didn't but how do I prove that, how do you prove you don't have something you don't have! hahaha. I had to ask the funeral home to write me a letter stating I didn't have burial insurance. Hoops... yep hoops, it isn't enough that I am grieving I also have to deal with all the paperwork and people not doing their jobs! 

Today was an early release day at school, my loving child drove me nutty from the time I picked him and his friend up at school. Maybe it was him, maybe it was me, I felt anxious and irritable. He seemed a little mouthy and irritable. I had a long list of things to do to get ready for our trip. We have to leave our house at 3:30 AM to get to the airport on time! We had errands to run and things to accomplish before we left. Oh and did I mention the listing consultation at 7:30?  Crock pot taco soup for the win, thanks Tracy. 

As we were driving the boys asked our friend if they could ride in his arena tonight, he said yes and of course Paxton wanted Hope to be equip with the right gear to ride. We have more bits and bridles and all kinds of gear but obviously none of it was right for her! His father taught him this, always be equipped for the task at hand with the right equipment for the job, my motto was always make due with what you have. But hey if I learned anything at all from him it is much easier, less stressful and usually turns out better when it is the right tool for the job! We went to Tractor supply for food and a bit/headstall and of course they were out of everything... so Paxton sends the neighbor a text via voice. When Pax realizes what Siri heard him say and showed it to me I laughed hysterically that I snorted several times and couldn't stop laughing and it seriously knocked me out of my bad mood and into joy. He even text it to me so we could play it through my car radio, cause it WAS that funny! Why because oh my goodness things like this have to happen in order for you to realize that you can have fun with anything and why be irritable, it really isn't  making anything better. Sometimes laughing at the dumbest things as hard as you can is the best medicine. Voice texting to my rescue. 

Since I was more relaxed, less tense and off edge, instead of going home and using the 2 hours I had before going to my listing consultation to prepare for our trip in the morning. I decided to ride with the kids. I got my horse back now that Paxton has his own and love that we don't have to take turns with Gus.  There is definitely something therapeutic sitting on top with the view you receive rather than standing on the ground looking around. The motion, the freedom and the wind in your hair, the gorgeous sunset and the laughter and squeals of the kids enjoying their ride. It grounds me and refreshes my soul. 

Do the things you like. Even if it is in the middle of your day, take a break, escape from your monotony, do what you do or you think you can't fit it in. Because it might just be what you need to get through all the other things you need to deal with and accomplish and you may actually do them better or at least in a better mood.  It is ok not to be in love with your life every minute of every day, but you can't maintain sanity if you don't pick yourself up when you fall down. 

Thank you Lord by Chris Tomlin

Blessings, on blessings, on blessings, on blessings
If I still got breath in these lungs
And that's all I need to get down on my knees
And be thankful for all that He's done

Thank You Lord for the hard times
For lighting the way in the dark times
For pulling me in, forgiving again
The times that I took it too far, I

Gotta thank You for keeping me humble
For picking me up when I stumble
And although I change, You stay the same
And I don't say thank You enough
Praise up
Eyes closed
One thing I know
I just wanna thank You Lord, thank You Lord (thank You Lord)

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Change will become normal


So, I’m not gonna lie yesterday was awful. From the time I woke up until I went to bed, I cried at least 12 times. Paxton was supposed to go back to school yesterday as well and he went to bed crying and woke up crying and we just had to have a day or we didn’t necessarily accomplish much, we gave ourselves the time to be sad, and just allow ourselves not to have any expectations of each other or ourselves. I’m not exactly sure what makes sadness overcome you in an instant. It can creep in unexpectedly. I think we had two good days in a row, to pop into that so harshly.

To be completely transparent, I’ve always thought myself as an independent woman. Not that I didn’t think I needed a man but I’m strong and smart and I know that I can take care of myself and get through this, once I can figure out a new normal for us.

I had to laugh yesterday when I thought of myself being an independent woman because I’ve been with the same man since I was 19 years old. I’m not sure how independent that possibly makes me. I’ve always had someone to consult with, share my day, bounce ideas off of and more, and maintain that intimacy that you experience with someone that you love. I suppose I never really stopped to think about how important intimacy is especially after 23 years of it. You can ask any of our close friends it was something Steve and I shared often enough that people were often shocked by it. So, to go from an almost every day human touch and connection to absolutely nothing is quite a change. Someone told me the other day that Grief is just love with nowhere to go. Apparently, I have a lot of that bottled up because I’m full of love.  I have always been a loving person with so much to give and I love to do things for others, especially Steve, loosing that connection even in the simple task of making his lunch for work in the morning is sad.  I feel like I had every right to take yesterday and just make it what it was. Oh, I talk to one of my friends for about an hour and a half and at the end of our conversation he said to me that he wanted to tell me to have a good rest of the day but decided to just say have the day you’re going to have. I liked that wrap up of our conversation, no expectation on either of our part that my day would somehow have to go in a different direction if I just wanted to wallow in sad for a little while longer. Crying is really cleansing.

Paxton had strength and agility training last night and I so badly wanted to just stay home but he promised me two weeks ago when he didn’t go that he would go today. (Last week was break) and I don’t know what kind of parenting skills I would be starting to slack on if I didn’t make him stick to it.  I put on my tennis shoes I was determined to walk while he was at this practice, fresh air and exercise are good for stress, anxiety and/or sadness.

While I walked on this dirt country road next to where he practices God led me to a grief plan on my Bible app about an NFL player whose wife died in 2012 from a brain aneurysm. Listening to his struggles and the Bible verses that stood out to him through his pain were very enlightening and the walk was invigorating. I was re-inspired before I even went to bed, And Paxton left S&A telling me how awesome the workout was and the best one yet! I thank those of you who reached out to me yesterday maybe to you randomly, but God used you at exactly the right time and met whatever need I had at that time. It’s funny how God does that when your heart is in the right place, and you are focused on receiving his blessings.  I woke up this morning ready to focus on whatever God needs me to accomplish while serving him today with a smile on my face and warmth in my heart. 

Psalms 90:17 And May the Lord our God show us his approval and make our efforts successful. Yes, make our efforts successful! 

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Priorities - YOU


Remember I am writing as my therapy. To perhaps reach out to someone who needs to feel ok with what they are going through based off my raw, uncensored experiences. I am not writing for validation from anyone that what I am doing is ok, because what is ok for me may not be for someone else. I am just sharing my journey. 

This week I dropped Paxton off at Steve's friend Stacy's ranch in Prescott to work, experience ranch life, rope, ride and have some fun guy time! I was a tad bit apprehensive taking him because he has never really liked to stay away from home ever since he was little. He will stay a a couple friend's houses and his aunts, but I remember a year or two ago Steve and  I having to pick him up at 11:00 at night from his grandparents house. This time he would be 2.5 hours away from home. Something in the back of my mind told me he would be fine but I still had that little bit of doubt and prepared myself that if I got home and had to turn around to go back it would be ok. I stayed for dinner before I drove back and he called me at 9:30 to tell me he was going to bed. 

Coming home to an empty house (besides the animals) for the first time since Steve went into the hospital at the beginning of August was a little overwhelming. My monitor in my master closet wasn't working for our security cameras since Tuesday when it just went black. When I walked in the house I felt a peace and had no problem falling asleep. I actually slept really good and woke up refreshed and ready to start my day. 

Friday I worked most of the day. Friday was 5 weeks since Steve passed away. I looked forward all week to going out to dinner and a few drinks with a friend for her birthday, not having to worry about where Paxton was.  Our 5:00 birthday departure got pushed to 6:30 and then it was 7:00 by the time we were heading out. When I was getting ready and then waiting I had a very weird feeling about going out. It wasn't anxiety per se at first or even guilt, but just a feeling of being inappropriate maybe, I mean my husband just died and I am going out with a bunch of girls for a fun time. I actually checked in with a couple of my widow friends, both who encouraged me to do me and don't feel obligated to do anything but it was ok to go. My birthday friend's son drove us and in the car on the way there I feel like I almost had an anxiety attack, I almost cried twice, I got hot and sweaty and I couldn't help but think I should have drove myself or not went at all. I wanted to go and celebrate my friend and have a good time but I felt like my stomach was upside down.  I felted trapped but seriously didn't want to talk about it, I was already feeling like I shouldn't be "partying" in my situation anyway. 

I text a friend on the ride to have an out and ride home if I couldn't handle it. I am sure I could have taken an Uber or Lyft, but I never have and not sure I would have felt comfortable with that either.  I made up my mind to at least do dinner and maybe excuse myself right after.

The Rabbit Hole in Gilbert, a speakeasy, password required underground place mimicked after the secret bars of the 1920's during prohibition  was super cute inside, but also dark and very loud, they placed us in a true to era little section of chairs and couches with a coffee table in between, it was super hard to visit with everyone, and they were playing rap music. (later I asked the waitress this out of curiosity, she said that is what the weekend crowds like, otherwise they play more jazzy music- weird rap just didn't match the atmosphere) They had appetizer like food that wasn't anything I would give 5 stars to.

We had some drinks and I felt a little more relaxed and at ease, this wasn't so hard. A little food, drinks and conversations among girls. Stuff I would be doing if Steve was alive anyway. Why wouldn't he want me to celebrate one of my best friends who has been there for me through this whole experience! We were off to Whiskey Row with a few of the girls and they had a live band, we hung out and watched ASU football and we danced and laughed and acted silly.  The pain will never go away but the way I cope with it will get easier. As we were standing listening to the music I heard it, the beat... she started singing I Love Rock and Roll by Joan Jett- Steve's favorite song. I got out my phone and videoed it. Why? Because he was letting me know it was ok. Okay to take care of myself, okay to have fun and okay to move forward in his memory but not apprehensive about how, when and what I am doing to move forward in my journey, it is MY journey and no one can know what I am experiencing no matter how similar our circumstances.

Saturday again waking up with a list in my head of all these things to accomplish. I don't think we have mowed our front lawn in 3 weeks. Steve used to mow every 3 days. Is it embarrassing yes, it has never looked so bad. This lawn is not my passion it was his and I need to be ok with doing something else that is right for me and not a sense of obligation to maintain his expectations, I am not nor will I ever be him, and you know what that is okay. A lot of his hobbies were true to him. I love fruit and I will do everything in my power to maintain the orchard. He loved to garden, I love to reap the benefits of what he grew but I am not the meticulous gardener, not a green thumb. Do I have space to plant things to harvest if I choose to? He set me up for that. Do I have an obligation to continue to grow stuff, not at all. I have hobbies of my own that I want to pursue and I shouldn't expect to pursue mine and maintain all of his at the same time while working full time and raising a son who has a lot of hobbies himself.

I went to a former clients garage sale, they are moving to TN, then off to check on flooring for the orchard I want to finish for him, then to order the orchard furniture we discussed putting in the orchard- I want to be done by Thanksgiving to be able to celebrate his finished product that he has been working on for the past few years. Someplace to go and escape and be at peace with nature, the comfy couch he envisioned where I could escape my day and read a book, a table to gather with family and friends.  I ended up at his best friend's house to drop off a fishing hook urn necklace I ordered for him and 9.5 hours later I was on my way home. I hung out with his family and felt loved.  Do I have a list of stuff that still needs accomplished, you betcha, did I do what I needed to do for me this weekend, you betcha... the rest will get done in due time and nothing was more important than taking care of myself, and being exactly where I needed to be to accomplish that. 

Remember that sometimes our to do lists do not match our needs and most of the things we think we need to do with in a certain amount of time match expectations that we think others have for us based off of a need to please or maintain a social status of what is expected of us based on what we have previously displayed as a responsible life or a status quo. 

I am me, it is okay to be me, I have a child who I am responsible for and we will make decisions based off of what is right for us now and going forward. I love all of our friends and family and everyone means well, but I made a promise to myself during all of this that the journey we are on is unique to us and I am happy to take the wise words, suggestions and advise from others around us, but I will only make decisions based on Paxton and I's needs, experiences and circumstances. And there is nothing I have to apologize about for that.

33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Friday, October 8, 2021


In no way are my circumstances above and beyond anything anyone else has or is going through at the moment. What may seem overwhelming to one may not be to someone else. Whatever feelings and stresses that one experiences are unique to their situation. There is no rule book or guidance map to navigate grief. It comes in all forms and sizes. People experience and handle grief in different ways. I know there are steps to grieving that experts developed 50 + years ago from a pattern of study through people who are grieving, however, I am a firm believer that you can't label them and not everyone experiences them all or in the same order and no one can expect to treat each person the same way. Remember from my earlier blogs, the Golden Rule, it may be to treat people as you want to be treated, but I believe it should say "treat people as they want to be treated" Why you ask? Because we all experience and react to situations differently. There is no blanket treatment given to those who are grieving. We are all unique individuals. I have went through the grieving process plenty of times in my life and not every time has it been the same. Lots of factors play into account, your age, home life, friends at the time, support system, environment, financial situation, fears and courage and much more. 

I am over here grieving the loss of a husband with one child in tow. My process is no more important than the person grieving a loss with no children or the one with 6 kids they are responsible for. With the thought of having 3 or 6 kids to comfort while navigating through this process is overwhelming to me and more than I feel that I would be able to handle at this time, but someone is and I pray to God that they feel His LOVE and are able to feel their load lesson as He is there to guide them through this "new" life they have to live without the help of their significant other. 

My advise to anyone who has a loved one, family member or friend who has recently experienced a loss and wants to know what to do. Just offer your help, but only out of the kindness of your heart, don't offer help because it is what you are suppose to do or you somehow feel obligated. The worst thing the grieving person can experience is someone's resistance to help or an offer given that is never followed through with. Just don't offer. There are other ways to comfort them, through prayer and we can use that too! Also check in randomly, you never know when there could be a day that someone checks in with the grieving person and 10 people have that day or NO ONE has! Your check in could be so important on that day! Checking in can put a smile on someone's face. There is no right way to check in. It can be a quick... thinking about you text, a quote or meme, a quick call just to say hi! As I said before I do love flowers especially random anonymous ones, but never feel obligated to spend money. Saying hi is just as important. Send something funny you saw on  you tube or facebook, or a cute picture of something you know they like. With technology today it is as easy as a simple text that may take you 30 seconds but remain with that person throughout the whole and often is imbedded in their mind as highly significant in their journey.  It could make all the difference to the grieving persons moment and beyond! And seriously, so far every moment of every day can take me to unexpected places, both good, bad, sad, hard, and all the emotions in between. 


Philippians 2:4 Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

From Relate by King and Country

I don't know what it's like to be you
You don't know what it's like to be me
What if we're all the same in different kinds of ways?
Can you, can you relate?
We both know what it's like to be hurt
We both know what it's like to feel pain
But I think it's safe to say we're on to better days
Can you, can you relate?
Can you relate?
Have you ever been left when you should've been loved?
Has there ever been a time when you stayed but you should've run?
'Cause I've been real, I've been fake
Been a sinner, been a saint
I've been right, I've been so, so wrong
Yeah, I've made my mistakes

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Praise You in This Storm

 I woke up to some thunder when it was still dark this morning, to go look at my bedroom monitor of security cameras to see if it was lightning and raining. The screen was black, the power was still on and I thought to myself... WTF. I wanted to scream out loud, “YOU know this is NOT my area of expertise-STEVEN TY! Why in the hell did you have to leave me with all this stuff I have to learn and struggle through!” I played around with the monitor and the remote for a little while trying to get a picture, finally I gave up and I went back to sleep only to wake up to a phone call at 7:00 AM ( I rarely sleep that late) I had scheduled with a health insurance broker to discuss options. Our health insurance expired through Steve's work 9/30/21. So grateful for the extra time to try and figure it out- insert eye roll here. I signed up to COBRA-for now which by the way is more than my house payment a month! UGH! The rep confused me all to hell and then I think I actually tuned him out for most of the rest of the conversation...promising to look over the plans and he could follow up next week.  I kind of wish that I didn’t have to adult right now. So many decisions on my own and honestly, I am sick of making them!

Anyway, when we hung up, I got online to try to see what other bills came in from our health insurance from Steve's hospital stay, only to find out I had been locked out of his account. I called the insurance company and was passed around to 5 people in only 2 different departments for over an hour with no significant answer. One department claimed I was authorized to access the account and the other said due to him being a government employee they couldn't give me access without his written permission... “um ya ok hang on let me go get that for you.” Actually one lady asked if I could put him on the phone to give permission- I seriously wanted to crawl through the phone and choke her- at the beginning of our conversation I told her he was deceased and she actually offered her condolences. She sure backtracked right then, but still couldn't help me. I distinctly remember at some point during this ping pong match with these departments breaking into tears and telling one lady that after everything I had been through the last month you would think something could be easy. There have been so many decisions, so much paperwork, so much sitting on hold over the past month I just want it to go away. My new normal can’t start until I get through all of this crap, and honestly there is no better word for it than that. The stuff that must get done, but it isn’t easy, simple, or convenient. My husband just died, I am stressed out enough and then all this extra crap you have to figure out on top of it just really sucks.

Finally at some point today I gave it all to God and I just said you know what this is all going to work out. I am not in a hurry to pay these bills anyway and if they aren’t going to work with me then they can wait on my money. Why create more stress for me trying to help them? He is the responsible party and until they sue his “estate” I have time to figure it out.

I took Paxton to meet some baseball buddies at Elevate and sat around and talked with some of the parents for awhile, something I would consider normal and what I needed at the time. Should I be working on or taking care of stuff, probably, but there was always later or tomorrow.

 Steve’s co-worker met me to exchange his personal items they had for his work items I had. The site of his big red tool bag he had taken in and out of my truck when I would pick him up or drop him off at work when he needed to leave the company vehicle downtown gave me an instant stomachache, the red cooler he kept for his trips to Costco on his way home, or to pick up meat from Killians or MidWestern to smoke, and all the other things that his coworker placed in my car brought chills to my bone. So many things he will never do or say again. We stood around and talked for a little while. So many things that his coworker said that reassured me that Steve was definitely a family man and proud to be, he was the love of my life and the perfect father for Paxton. Sitting here writing this the tears are coming down. We were so loved by him. And our love for him remains.

Paxton went to a friend’s, I ran some errands and met one of my BFF’s for coffee in the afternoon, which turned into dinner.  It was nice to just sit and chat about normal things work and life and all of that. I told her that I was going to try to remain as calm as I can as things are thrown my way, because getting upset wasn’t getting me anywhere and only making me more well, upset!

The night was quickly broken up when Paxton called for me to come get him. He thought he broke his finger playing football. I just calmly said I was on my way to him. Because honestly as the morning proved getting upset at the security monitor, being frustrated to no end with the insurance company and just plain emotionally drained from my conversation with his co-worker and seeing his things, getting upset was not going to change much. Things happen, life happens, and I have always been the one to tell everyone else that we can’t always control our circumstances, but we can control our reactions, our approach and our attitude.

If it is broke it will heal, if it is hard it will get easier, if it is sad today, tomorrow is always a new day. Will my pain ever go away? NO, will I eventually learn how to manage it better I truly believe I will. And I want to live in the HOPE for that.

Good night all, may you reflect on the positive from your day and forget the rest. Tomorrow is a new day in which to begin your life. 

 “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. “ – Romans 8:18

Casting Crowns:
I was sure by now
God, You would have reached down
And wiped our tears away
Stepped in and saved the day
And once again
I say, "A-men" and it's still rainin'

But as the thunder rolls
I barely hear Your whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
And as Your mercy falls
I'll raise my hands and praise the God who gives
And takes away
And I'll praise You in this storm
And I will lift my hands
For You are who You are
No matter where I am
And every tear I've cried
You hold in Your hand
You never left my side
And though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm

Monday, October 4, 2021

Flowers, Flowers and more Flowers

I love flowers, I always have. My dad bought me daisies every year on my birthday, until he passed and then my mom carried on that tradition until she passed and then Steve and Paxton took over then to make sure I got my flowers from my dad on my birthday. I am not sure if it is because of my dad or why I have such a love for flowers. Something about them is serene and cheerful and just pretty.  I like the look, the smell and the pure joy of having them in my kitchen.When Steve and I first lived together until Paxton came along, I bought flowers for our house (for myself! LOL) almost every week religiously unless they lasted longer. 
I loved picking out the expensive stems, at this wholesale florist on Baseline in Phoenix or at AJs Fine Foods where you could buy them by the stem. I liked the unique ones and loved putting together an arrangement on my own. Bird of Paradise goes good with Ginger stems, bright colorful Gerber Daisies are another favorite, A bunch of solid colored Gladiolous were another favorite, sometimes purple and sometimes bright red, I love Hydrengas as well. I didn't often combine a bouqet I like the simplicity of one type of flower and maybe some fun greens. In the fall it is fun to do yellows/reds and rust colored arrangements with some harvest like filler, tulips or daffodils in the spring! There was really never an occassion I just loved to have them. When we fell on some hard times financially in 2008 and beyond and when Paxton came along I didn't buy them very often anymore. I needed to focus my earnings on more essential things. In 2014 we moved to Florence and there is a local Safeway closeby. They have great prices of flowers from $3.99 - $9.99 for a bunch of mums or tulips or daises, or glads, or sunflowers during different seasons. These were a lot cheaper than the ones I paid that and beyond for each stem! I decided that my flower fetish could continue and would often buy something when I got groceries to brighten up my kitchen and my attitude! There is just something about looking at and enjoying them that could turn any attitude into a positive thought. 
Fast forward to the last month. After Steve's hospitalization, death and funeral, the flowers and plants poured in. I wished I would have taken a photo of the overall look of my kitchen and living room. I really felt like a florist shop inside my house, NO to be honest, it reminded me of a funeral home. There was a point a few weeks ago that I just had the burning feeling that I wanted to pick up everyone of the beautiful arrangements and throw them at a wall and watch them shatter into pieces. Obviously that is ridiculous and I would never actually do it but I sure thought about it, I don't know that it would have really made me feel better. Thinking about it most people's first thought is to send flowers to brighten someone's day. But if you actually think about how ironic it is that you send someone something that dies to sooth them because of a death... it just seems like a bizarre twist of irony that is hard to comprehend. Maybe that is why we don't often ask why about the traditions of things that people just do and we don't even know or understand the origin.  With this said I threw away my last arrangement of flowers  yesterday because it had finally looked pitiful enough to toss.( I still have the plants- wish me luck on keeping those alive, I am not the green thumb Steve was) I caught myself pondering this morning about getting flowers when I went grocery shopping next- a complete 360 from a few weeks ago when the site of flowers made me angry and I just wanted them all gone from my home. I didn;t make it to the store today - I vowed not to leave my house until every thank you card was finally written so I could move onto my next project-  but this afternoon at my door showed up the Arizona Flower Girl- Megan Wright with a vase full of beautiful flowers from an anynomous friend. So I take this as my anynomous friend's intuition that Steve was urging them to send me flowers to brighten my day and put a huge smile on my face. There are signs everywhere that he is near, no matter how far and I appreciate the people he will reach out to even when they don't know it. 

Isaiah 41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

When We Fall Apart


One month ago today I woke up to a phone call at 3 o’clock in the morning that said you are approved to come and if I was going to come I better come now. He could live for two more hours or two more days but they weren’t certain. 

I called his sister and met her and their mom at the hospital.  Seeing his mom touch his face and tell him how much she enjoyed having him as a son was so hard. No one wants their child to die before them and no one expects to lose a spouse at such an early age. 

Did my mom go through this when I was a teenager, yes, I have a good example of what it is like but being in her shoes is a whole different level of hard, I was teenage girl who lost her father and still had her mom, Paxton is a pre-teen boy who lost his hero, his mentor and his best friend. 

Loosing a spouse is so much different than loosing a parent and having to deal with grieving yourself and being responsible for a child who is grieving at the same time but maybe in a different way or different times is also challenging. 

Not many people know what to say but “you will get through this” seems to be the most common response. This is ok because people in general want to be comforting but from the personal experience of currently going through this I want to yell back “yes I know I am strong and yes I know I’ll get through this, I’ve been through a ton of heartbreak in my young 42 years but widow isn’t one that I wanted to add to the list and just because I will get through this doesn’t mean I want to have to.” 

Yesterday started as a good day, baseball on the west side, friends to share it with… and then sadness and anger crept in for Paxton on our ride home… I have to give myself the grace that anything can change at any moment and be ok with things not going along as planned. At least for a little while. I can probably tell you that I am more often than not one of the most positive people who can find the silver lining in almost everything. I just have to let myself the time to know that that isn’t always necessary in every situation, sometimes I’ll just need to give us the time to grief without judging myself or having ridiculous expectations. It is okay to get down as long as we don’t take up residence there. 

After he fell asleep in the car this song came on… I have heard it numerous times since Steve was in the hospital and although the artist wrote it about his mom who died in her 40’s the chorus rings true. 

This is the begging of my journey and I look forward to sharing it with you. 

For Paxton:

Lyrics by Ryan Stevenson When We Fall Apart

All the hopes and dreams we used to talk about

They're still alive in me and I just hope I make you proud

Now I'm your legacy

And it's your love still holding me together

It's okay to cry

It's okay to fall apart

You don't have to try

To be strong when you are not

And it may take sometime to make sense of all your thoughts

But don't ever fight your tears

'Cause there is freedom in every drop

Sometimes the only way to heal a broken heart is when we fall apart

Sometimes the only way to heal a broken heart

Is when we fall apart

And you've got the gift of mercy

Don't ever think it's strange

Not a curse, but it is a blessing to feel other people's pain

And always love without condition

And trust with all your heart

There's healing in the story of your scars