Sunday, June 26, 2011


Do you ever feel the need to rejuvenate, that if you could just turn one little switch, make a slight adjustment or wave your magic wand you could go back to a time in your life where you were the most happy, where things seemed easier and a lot more fun, where there was less struggle and it didn't seem that you had to put in so much effort to get the same results and maintain the same relationships?
I am sure we have all felt this at one point or another. I got to thinking the other day that we can't go back, we can't fix something, all we can really do is go from this point forward, we can be thankful for what we have in front of us and look forward to what is before us in the future. We can chose to change with the changes or keep looking back and see how to get what we had at one point, but then we are really wasting time wishing rather than working with what we have now. I am so excited to open up the next page in my book of life and see what it has to offer me, to savor it and enjoy the moment that I am in with the people that are around me. This is what I really am looking forward to.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

What is genuine?

So sometimes no matter what you do it is still not good enough to anyone. Your life can some how seem like it is headed in the right direction, that things are once again on their way to being on track- whether a financial state, relationship or career angle, it is all the same. Ups and downs and sideways tracks, one step forward one step back.
Positivity they say can spread and lift a person up and negativity and doubt can spread like wildfire and set you back twice as fast as positivity builds you up! I think that we spend a little too much time analysing what it is we should do instead of doing it. The things we write down, the things we visualize and the things that we say can all turn out to come true if we put them out there enough, so why the heck are we repeatedly putting out all the negative stuff, all of our fears, our doubts? Is it easier to think that we will fail than to believe we can succeed? I think so. I think that we don't have enough confidence, we don't believe that we deserve the good sometimes. It is easier to just come down hard on our self or to say that it is impossible, rather than to believe, to try- because sometimes we would rather not try and not risk failing rather than try and perhaps succeed. No one WANTS to fail, no one wants to think that they are not good at something or cannot follow through, but you know what, no one becomes successful, no one even fails with out trying, and at least you can say you tried, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and try again. I am repeatedly motivating others to believe in themselves, to try and accomplish their goals, to have confidence and to show others that their hard work and dedication is making a difference. Sometimes a little recognition for our hard work is all we are asking for to keep on doing what we are doing, to know we are making a difference and to positively reinforce that what we do matters to someone, that someone is proud of our accomplishments and wants us to continue to be the person we are and to do the things that we do best, even if we should already know we are good at something, it is nice to be reminded about it from time to time to keep our sanity. How do we know that we are worthy if once and a while we aren't told so? I had a conversation with a co-worker today after listening in on a call he made to a student, his sincerity for the student's success struck me as very honest, genuine and believable, no sales gimmicks, no false sense that all he was looking to do was collect a paycheck. After he hung up I asked him where he learned how to be such a caring genuine person? He attributed this to his parents, especially his mom and the way he was raised. I asked him if he thanked her often, I think he was kind of surprised by my question, but he chuckled and said, probably not enough. Wow, that is powerful. Sometimes we are grateful to others for something that they have done, for something that we were taught, for something that they contributed to our life, but yet they are the last people we thank on a regular basis. Why you ask? Most of the time I think we believe that they ought to know this already and don't feel the urge or the need to repeat our gratefulness. I do believe though that positive reinforcement no matter whether you have been told already 100 times, it is still good to hear the gratitude that someone has toward you, or the ways they believe in you and are really proud of you, or really thankful for something that you have done for them or showed them. Sometimes we are quick to pick out all the things they have done wrong or the way that we wouldn't have done them. But usually the good outweighs the bad in MOST situations, so why are we so quick to emphasize the wrong instead of right? Is it easier? Does it make us feel more adequate if we can pick out someone else's flaw?
I think if we can develop an "attitude of gratitude" as they say, on a more regular basis, the world would be a lot happier place with a little less conflict and a little less guilt. But that is just my opinion. This next week I am going to try harder to thank the people who mean the most to me, to be grateful for the things I have been shown, for the gifts and talents that I have been given.I will easily let go of irritations, the negatives and the wrongs and to concentrate only on the stuff that others are doing right. When someone else says something negative about a person or situation, I am going to try hard to turn it into something more positive. I am going to ask for direction on how to use my talents and strengths to help others and consistently try to make a difference for others and be a better me. I know it takes time and effort and is a constant uphill battle as they say, but I never want to give up hope, and I never want to stop trying! I want be me, to be genuine, to care about everyone and to love UNCONDITIONALLY.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Moving Forward

Today I will not put my doubts in front of my dreams. I will move forward to a place where I chose happiness. I look forward to resolving my issues and frustrations and accomplish the goals I set for myself this day. I will not let my circumstances control my thoughts, ideas or attitude and if they do I will squash them right there and then. I can chose to be a upbeat, hope filled woman. I can chose how to react to my circumstances. I will take this day to control my circumstances and find the best solutions to resolve the current conflicts in my life. I can chose to be the best person that I can be, to set an example for others and that is all I can expect of myself.
Today I take control, it is my control to take, to do with it what God has intended me to do. To guide me in the right direction. Failure is inevitable, but we can try our best to succeed. We cannot always control our circumstances, no matter how hard we try, but we can make the most of them, learn from them. Fear should not be my enemy, fear should not defeat me. I can stand up to fear and obstacles and face them head on. Today I can do this.
I must remember that I am truly blessed to be where I am in my life at this moment and time, make peace with this and do all the things I can to strive for my future, however remain satisfied with NOW.
Whatever you are going through in your life right now, I wish you peace, I wish you joy, I wish you happiness and content with where you are at now and what you are looking forward to changing for your future.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


What is your passion, what drives you to do the things you do? to keep you going every day? I can say that my family is my passion. That I love the time I spend with them, the memories I create. It doesn't matter what we do just that we are together. The more time I have to spend with them the more I appreciate what I do have. I am blessed with many things in my life that I do take for granted.
When I have a passion for something, I think it makes a lot of difference not only in my attitude but in my approach to any given situation. I may not have the ideal dream job that I am wanting, but the minute that I realized that I could find a passion for what I am doing, which in actuality is helping others, I took it and ran with the notion, the buy in that I am in some small way making a difference in other people's lives. Today I had a student tell me that if it wasn't for my encouragement, my belief in her success, she would have probably given up and failed two classes, she thanked me for my kind words and making a difference in her life, from saving her money and the repeat of two courses, and her time. I was genuinely tickled at her reaction and her kind words. When people are appreciative of what I do every day it reminds me that I do make a difference, no matter how small, and that is what drives me to be passionate about what I do every day, whether it is where I want to be at this moment in time or not, it is where I am and I should make the most of it. The buy in, the positive attitude, the confidence no matter how small are driving me to be successful and good at what I do, that may make all the difference in where I go.
In every single moment, we have the choice to be happy or not. No matter what is going on, we can choose to focus on what is right, what is good and whole in ourselves and our lives, and what options we have in any given situation. In other words, we can choose to be happy no matter what.” ~MJ Ryan