Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Let Go, Let God; and GET SOME SLEEP

So not such a good nights sleep I have concluded this morning. Apparently I was able to fall asleep quickly but I didn't stay there. It may have been the groggy feeling that I was able to fall asleep but the abundance of coffee and green tea I drank throughout the day to stay on top of my tasks, that just may have been the culprit that kept me awake. I spent most of my day figuring out some more of my branding, and hopefully soon I can reveal what I chose. I think my session really helped me decide what I wanted for me. The things from my real estate past that worked and new things to help simplify my advertising. I had a couple disappointing moments in real estate yesterday, one that involved properties and one that involved people. The one involving properties consumed a lot of my time, energy and a fight to save, one of two properties was recovered and the other is hanging by a thread where all I can do is sit and wait, after an hour and 45 minutes on the phone and having to disappoint a few people today, still not sure what to say but allowing prayer time for the right thing to say. I think being unable to sleep for a good portion of the night that many of us mom's, wife's, and working women experience from time to time is our minds racing. "what could we have done differently? what did we do wrong? if we would have only ______ would it have worked out differently?" Time and time again we beat ourselves up over the what ifs. The ones that will never happen, the ones that we strain our energy and time consuming thoughts about things and worrying as much as we sometimes... OFTEN do. It is often hard to find out that something you worked so hard for can fall apart before your eyes. Sometimes it isn't even something we did wrong or didn't do. I pride myself on being a helpful person, I help others because it gives me satisfaction knowing that I am participating in making someone happy, their dreams come true. I feel truly blessed that God has called me to interact in other's lives and to help them succeed. I know that I cannot always control my circumstances or those of other people around me, and I shouldn't feel responsible when things don't turn out the way someone expected, especially when I am giving my 100% to help, but it is still disappointing. The other disappointment involved people. Those who seem extremely concerned about your well being, but don't follow through, they don't do the things that they promise and don't follow up. I know that we are all busy people, I know that sometimes I forget things because I have so much that I am committed to or that I want to do to help others. I hate the feeling that I have when this occurs and I am extremely sorry. I like to give others the benefit of the doubt too. However, when you have someone in a position where their job is to help you and they overpromise and under deliver, that is when I feel my most disappointment when they do not. Maybe this is my cue to under promise and over deliver in what I do. I don't know. I am constantly telling others to find the good in every situation. I am reminded that life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity or registering wrong. (Charlotte Bronte) Sometimes it is hard when someone is unkind to you to not want to be unkind back, to be rude or to get emotionally negative toward that person. Going over and over in your head what you may want to say or do to get even. I am really not a grudge holder or a revenge taker, but in my mind I do beat myself up sometimes about what occurred and how I feel or have been under delivered to. I am reminded that God says See that no one renders evil for evil to anyone, but always pursue what is good both for yourselves and for all. 1 Thessalonians 5:15 NKJV This brings me to another one of my daily affirmations on my bathroom mirror, Somehow everything works out. We cannot control another person's attitude, words, actions, reactions, or thoughts, we can only control our own. We are responsible for our self and what we are putting out there into the world for others to conjure our image. Think before you speak, is it kind? is it necessary? is it good? will you follow through? If you can't answer yes to these questions you may consider keeping it to yourself, because until you verbalize it, no one expects it of you. I am told that I need to be the example to others, I need to be patient, kind and giving. You should be an example to the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12

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