Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Is He Calling You?

I went to church with one of my friends on Sunday... great message as a whole, however, the one thing I took a note of and it has been lingering with me this whole week so far is the Pastor saying, "God does not call the qualified, he qualifies the called." There are so many things that popped into my mind then and have continued to this week, about myself and my family and what we are suppose to be doing to spread the message of His Love... especially this Easter Season we are in. How often have I thought that I wasn't qualified to do something? Whether in my home, career, community or church. That isn't possibly something that I could do, I don't have the skills necessary to do that, why would I think I could accomplish this, or learn how to do that, do I have time, is it convenient? Questions swirling around in my inner thoughts as I struggle some task, some burning in my soul, some urge to try something that I think is beyond my measures or skill level... Is this yearning God? Is this gut feeling that I have regarding this or that something I should purse or just my silly mind churning... I am sure lots of you have had this gut feeling, this urge to do something deep in your soul that you didn't expect or have absolutely no idea how to pursue, so you shut it off in that mind of yours and move on to the known... Our fear of the unknown or our limiting beliefs that we are not qualified to do something take over and we shut down. Sometimes I have pursued these feelings but often times I just let it go and move on with my busy everyday life tasks at hand. Sometimes I fight urges and resist callings because of fear or lack of knowledge about what is ahead... I strongly urge you today that if you have something that has been lurking inside of you to move forward, give it to God let Him guide you and let him qualify your calling, you may just not already need to be qualified. Have a Blessed Day! Somehow life will work out. Go and reach your maximum potential...

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