Monday, February 25, 2019

Morning Motivation!

So I read a lot for motivation. I love to listen to other people's stories and experiences and the things they do to keep themselves at the top of their game! I am self motivating but I have to stay on top of myself every day. I am work in progress... that will never be perfected. Every day is a new start, yesterday whether good or bad should not determine how my today will go. Years ago I placed motivational quotes on both my master bath and above my desk in my office. I got in the habit of reciting them every day.. until I stopped. LOL. Why because I already knew what I was saying. 
 I think sometimes when we do something repeatedly, it becomes habit and sometimes habits are good and bad and sometimes they become so routine we don't really process them.
Have you ever been driving and wonder how you got to where you were going? Your brain goes on auto pilot and you aren't really even paying attention. I think a lot of things in life are like that. Sometimes change is good. Sometimes you need to shake it up. If you keep doing what you have always done you will always get what you have always gotten they say! That is kind of like a tongue twister but true. 
Sometimes when we repeat the same thing over an over again it really loses its meaning. Like the sayings, quotes and advise I have had on my mirror and wall for a few years. I say them but am I listening to it in my head, or am I off somewhere else like when I am driving and can't remember how I got there. I grew up Catholic and there was a lot of memorizing prayers and songs. Stuff you say over and over again. You know it but are you feeling it when you say it or are you doing it out of obligation? 
A client of mine posted on her wall this morning, " Wherever you are, be all there!" That has a lot of meaning. I have written before about how hard it is to wear my mom hat, change to my Realtor hat, my wife hat, my volunteer hat and so on. Sometimes we need to just step back and concentrate on what we are doing at the present moment, whether it is listening to our kid talk about something they saw on You Tube that we are genuinely not interested in so we are looking at our phone at the same time, or we are multitasking to save time yet we skip a step in our dinner making,or we are reading our morning motivation hoping to inspire our self to be better.
All I know is that I need to keep striving to be in my moment and not fast forwarding so much I miss living it now. I am going to change up my mirror motivation every week this hopefully will help me stay focused, not allow the routine to mute my motivation and give me something to constantly do better at! Maybe with this change I can also increase my time in the moment- stay motivated on a regular basis and not let the monotony of the routine that is suppose to motivate me allow me to get bored that I stop listening or trying. 

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