Friday, March 15, 2013

Spring Cleaning- New Life

So I indulged my husband's inner child and gave the okay to get chickens, huh you might say chickens? what are you going to do with chickens? Well, some friends of ours that we visited with a few weeks ago had full grown egg-laying chickens and Paxton and Steve fell in love with them like two little kids.
They lay eggs I suppose so that is a plus, free-range farm fresh eggs! The baby chicks they are pretty cute and they don't cost much. They are small right now and need more care but it is a project the boys can have together since they always seem to be into something new. Last night Paxton informed me " I want to take care of them mom." Cute- I pray that he stays that loving and caring as an adult with a good heart.
I was really against having these things at my home, one more thing in the mix of life to be responsible for but last night watching these adorable little chicks find their way around their new home, looking for water and food, pecking at each other and taking in their environment it reminded me that as humans we too have this feeling of desperation, helplessness and confusion at times.
The guidance, wisdom and direction of others can sometimes make or break us. Our inner voice can sometimes make the difference between going for the goal and falling behind because of our negative self talk. Life is what we make of it, life consists of the steps we take and the choices we make. Use your words to encourage yourself as well as others today. Chose today to start your life new and fresh, spring clean your mind and give yourself the chance to shine, back up your words with actions that are consistant to your goals, dreams and thoughts in your head. Seize any opportunities that come your way.
Live your life while you have it, before it is gone, Life is a splendid gift, There is nothing small about it. - Florence Nightingale.

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