Thursday, May 9, 2013

indirect advice from a friend

Have you ever had a conversation with someone that has helped you make a discovery about something that you need to do in your life that you didn't even realize was an issue? Have you ever decided to make a change for the better from a small conversation that could make a huge impact on your stress levels and perhaps change your future encounters, the way you handle a situation and how it might reflect your life in a very positive way? Maybe something someone said to you made you change your attitude, your outlook or your day to day dealings and you didn't really even realize it. Last week I had coffee with a friend to discuss something not even pertaining to my life, my job or my concerns. I went to find out about their story, why they do what they do, how they got started and where their passion lies. I brought home a whole lot more. As a fellow Christian he advised that he too struggled with some areas of his life but puts his faith in his choices. One little thing that he told me about his passion and his relationship with his wife made me realize that in my efforts to make my relationship with my husband and my family better by chasing things I thought would put us in a better position financially and in turn make our relationship less stressful and more enjoyable was probably the one thing that may be causing additional stress. I have a hard time saying no to people when they need my help. I will volunteer to do a lot of things because I feel the calling to service and help others. I often say God brings me the people to help that sometimes no one else has time for. I have to realize, sometimes I don't either. Even though I am a caring and passionate person about helping others, it can be too much. I need to always remember to put my family first and sometimes that doesn't mean chasing business to help out financially, (which can often cause stress when things don't work out and you feel like you wasted time TRYING to make things better and still didn't succeed.) Sometimes it means saying "NO" and just spending the time with my family that I will never get back chasing things that may not happen. I don't mean following dreams or pursing goals, I literally mean chasing opportunities that can look like they may be worth something but the chances are slim. It is hard to really give examples without pulling other people's personal information into my blog, so I will leave you readers to your imagination. I am sure that you have chased something in your life with 99% knowledge that it wouldn't work out but you tried anyway as to be able to say you tried and the slight chance it will make your situation better. Like I said you have to have your limits. You can't allow something to bring more stress and concern to your family life over a small amount of money or gratitude you may receive if it can potentially cause more harm than good. Short term gains really should not outweigh long term satisfaction.

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