Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Why Cry Over Spilled Milk

 No matter how you say the phrase, "don't cry over spilled milk" or "it's no use crying over spilled milk," the saying means that there is no point to get or remain upset over something that has already happened and cannot be changed. Sometimes it is easy for me to do this and somedays it is hard, I am sure it is for a lot of people. I more so than Steve have always been able to look beyond and move forward rather than dwelling on something out of my control. He was a dweller... and I am trying to teach Paxton by example not to be. Sometimes it isn't worth getting upset over stuff we cannot change, I mean it really isn't because we cannot do anything to rewind and start again and it doesn't change what happened either.  But somedays when a multitude of things happen beyond your control, you better have a good grasp on controlling your attitude and reaction before your overwhelming circumstances control you. 

That for me was yesterday. From the first crazy situation that happened involving my business, to loosing 1for sure but almost 3 deals that I put in Escrow in the last week, all first thing in the morning, all while trying to clean up a whole gallon of spilled milk that Paxton carried in from the garage fridge so we could feed the goats, then tripping and spilling it all over the garage entrance, my laundry room and hall, watching it seep into the concrete and under my washer and dryer which still has a thick layer of edgy thin-set that hasn't  been scraped off yet for my current tile job in my house!!!!! Seriously spilled milk. We all know how that scent can linger... for like EVER.. but it happened and I vowed right then this would not ruin the rest of my day no matter what else happened. 

And happen it did... even after moving a washer and dryer and trying to scrub concrete on my hands and knees- setting me back almost an hour from my schedule, from trying to save the two deals I still had from last week, rearranging schedules due to accommodating clients needs, talking buyers through their concerns and sellers through some pretty harsh feedback and what to do next to get the home sold, dropping prices to reflect the demand and conditions of the market in 2 of my listings area,  researching artificial turf remedies for pee smell so my clients could treat and freshen up for showings, picking up money orders from a client to deliver and then taking it back to them when they decided not to move forward, still arguing with a builder over the replacement tub they were trying to give my client instead of what was ordered, a quick trip to the orthodontist for Paxton due to a nagging poking wire in his mouth, calls and texts regarding issues with the vending machines in the school teacher's lounge that the PTA maintains (cause I still am the PTA president)  and finally at least a dozen phone calls regarding a frozen air conditioner at the building I recently bought downtown which was causing havoc for my tenant in the 90 degree weather! At one point I had 6 missed calls in red on my phone and a bunch of urgent please call me ASAP texts. I had to close my eyes, take a deep breath and say to myself, Dani you can't talk to 6 people at one time, Breath, relax and and do what you can, so just handle them in the order you deem important, and that is exactly what I did. No one died, no one got hurt, and nothing was ruined because I lacked an immediate response to all situations. 

I am sure I could list some other crazy stuff, but this was the bulk of it. I don't know if it was the  devil trying to ruin my mood because I vowed to stay calm despite my circumstances or God testing me to see if I would stay calm despite my circumstances and be a good example for Paxton. I don't know for sure but I was so mentally exhausted by 7:00 PM I was completely done for the day.  I had every intention of making a nice dinner with our newly butchered pig pork chops, but sometimes these things just need to let go and reserved for another day. Paxton threw frozen food in the oven for himself and I didn't even drink a glass of wine to relax, (yes, I am sure you are all shocked.)  I crawled in bed stopped answering my phone and watched a Hallmark Movie... I didn't even brush my teeth and for those of you who know me, I cannot stand the feeling of not brushing my teeth before bed. So I must have been so over my day! LOL. I went to bed at 9PM in hopes that the next day would prove more worthy of my happiness. 

Not every day is good, but you can find something good in every day! What good happened in my day? I was able to calm some nervous people, I was able to be a good example to Paxton by staying as calm as I could despite all my hiccups yesterday I had a good friend to vent to without being too dramatic I hope and I was able to relax at the end of my day, focus on clearing my mind, Giving it to God and going to sleep. Today is a new day, I woke up, the sun is shining and I will go forth and contribute what I can to this day, putting yesterday behind me and maintaining my mantra to live in my present.  Defeat is not an option  

My laundry room may still have a hint of spilled milk smell, which I am sure I will work more diligently on to remove today. But tackling it verses dwelling on it will make all the difference. 

Enjoying the journey, living in the present and letting life happen are sometimes difficult tasks, but so worth the results if you maintain your calm and know that the future will hold many good things to look forward to, even if you don't know quite what they are yet. 

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