Monday, January 3, 2011

resolutions? beginnings?

So I was thinking a few weeks ago and was reminded today about a topic that I thought was pretty interesting. At my work meeting today we discussed New Years Resolutions, went around to say if you made them or not and what they were.
Often times I catch myself making promises, goals, new years resolutions and what have you at various times throughout the year, various milestones, etc. Why is it that we make them at the beginning of a week, a month a year? Why not on a Thursday start or the 13th of the month or in March.... What is it that dictates to us that it has to be at the beginning, what are we gaining from this? Do we think it will buy us more time, do we think we will be looked at as weird if we started a diet on a Friday rather than a Monday morning? I am really not sure.
I guess the beginning of anything signifies a new start, so the start of a new week, month or year just naturally falls into place for goals and resolutions.
What is it that you want to accomplish this year? What are your reasons? Is it attainable? Can you hold yourself accountable to getting the right results for you? Are you looking to lose weight, find a significant other, treat your family or friends better, get a better paying job, start or finish school, be more patient with your kids, your spouse?
I have decided one of my goals is to keep my seat belt on until I pull in the parking space, my driveway or where my end destination is, I have gotten in the bad habit of taking it off around the corner from home, when I pull into a parking lot instead of my space and so on, this may be small, but it sure is attainable, and safer.
I also want to be a more active listener both professionally and personally, I am not a rude person, and often peole ask my opinion on things or come to me for advice, but I so often want to fix the person's issue or problem right away, not giving them ample time to vent or finish their story, perhaps they don't want it fixed, they just want someone to listen. I want to pause more in conversation and ask more questions when engaged in a conversation. I want to stop and not be rushing anyone, to pay more attention to what they are saying and not just what I am hearing, to give them ample time to say what they are aiming at, to better respond to their needs. Not all people are created equal and not all needs are the same, just because someones situation is the same we need to listen to what each person needs from us, to make their experience is better.
Oh and loosing weight that is on there as well... but when isn't it. LOL!
“A good listener tries to understand what the other person is saying. In the end he may disagree sharply, but because he disagrees, he wants to know exactly what it is he is disagreeing with.” Kenneth A Wells.

1 comment:

  1. i had this same thought - why make resolutions on new years day and not some other random day? i make mine on my birthday. i call them goals instead of resolutions, but it's the same concept. i think it makes it easy to remember when we set the goal, and maybe even makes a good reminder that there are goals we need to set. my goals for this next year will include watching movies starring vincent d'onofrio and starting up a shop on etsy. i like to keep them goals varied so i stay interested. ;)
