Monday, October 4, 2010

Day 54 of 365

"When you find yourself stressed, ask yourself one question: Will this matter five years from now? If yes, then do something about the situation. If no, then let it go."
Catherine Pulsifer

So this was my thought of the day... and after I reflected on some news I heard today... I thought wow how ironic it is sometimes that I can relate a thought of the day to a particular situation for that day.

and then my bible verse of the day was this.
We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance.

~ Romans 5:3, NLT

And it all brings me back to being grateful for what I have. Life is a precious commodity and it can be with us one day and gone the next, in expected and unexpected ways. We need to really treasure those that we have in our lives in the moment in which we are and we cannot take it for granted that they will be here in the next moment, the next day, the next year.
It is important to be kind to all those we encounter, because we never know when it may make a difference to that person. For we never truly know what another person is feeling or thinking. And taking the time may just mean something to that person we could have never imagined.
Just as I think and feel things that I would never disclose to anyone, so do most if not all people out there. So I will take the advice of Author Max Lucado who says we must make a difference, if we don't make a difference in the lives of others.... who will?
I will challenge myself to hold my tongue when I want to speak badly of another person,(you just never know what they may be going through- that makes them that way), to take the time to have a conversation with someone new in the break room, to smile at the person walking toward me down the hall that I don't even know, to wave to the stranger outside in their yard as I drive by in my car, to be pleasant to all the clerks who help me in a store, to compliment my co-workers for a job well done, to thank my husband and mother for the simple things that they do to make my job as a mother and wife and daughter easier that I may already take for granted or expect them to do, to kiss my son and thank him for being such an intricate part of my life.
I will make a difference to that one person who may need me in the moment, because the moment is what truly matters, and how we relate to the moment we have makes all the difference, because once that moment has passed we will never have that same chance again.

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